Chapter One

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Eunice Mariano "Where do you think you're going?" I asked and grabbed the man who stole a bag and pulled him to the ground. "Let go of me!" He shouted and struggled out of my grip. "You don't know who you are messing with, young girl!" He said and pushed me away and ran. I smirked and chased after him and got on his way to stop him. "Let me go on my way girl, and I will let you live in peace." He said and ran in a different direction. "No." Whispered and ran to him and kicked him on his back. He fell on the ground face down. "You are the one messing with the wrong girl." I said and grabbed his hand to turn him over. His nose and mouth were bleeding. "Do you want to know what the hell looked like?" I asked. He didn't answer. I sat down on him and started punching his face multiple times. "Stop!" A woman shouted. I stopped and looked from behind me. She was standing beside her car, holding a gun and glaring at me. "Tsk!" I said, looking at her. She started walking towards me, and I heard a laugh, so I looked back at the man beneath me. And saw his scornful grin even with all the blood in his face. "You have just earned a ticket to the underworld." I said and punched him again in his face. "Eunice Mariano!" She shouted and grabbed me in my arms, and pulled me away from the man. "Stop it!" "I was just getting started, mom." I said and looked up to her. She was looking down on me, giving me a disappointed look on her face. "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't kill criminals?!" She shouted at me, furrowing her brows and gripping my arms hard. She pulled me towards her car. Her people started going for the criminal to attend to him. While mom shoved me inside the car. I tried getting out, but it was locked from the outside. "What he did was wrong, he stole a bag, I just gave him the consequence of his actions." I said and crossed my arms the moment mother got in the car. "No. You. This. This is the last time you will do this. I have had enough of you, of your actions, and all the consequences of them on me. You are a disgrace to my reputation, you embarrass me." Mom said, looking at me. I looked at her and smirked. "Nothing will change, no matter how many times you locked me up. This world needs changing and I will do it even if it means I alone will kill all the people who are bad." "You are never going to change, are you?" She asked. I shook my head. "You leave me no choice. I can't handle you anymore." "What do you mean?" I asked. "He's been pestering me about you these past years. And I have no other choice but to give you to him." She said and drove off. I immediately knew who she was talking about. "No." I said and was about to grab the wheel, but mother hit me on my neck and I lost consciousness. Alice Mariano Eunice lost consciousness. I put her in her seat and strapped her down with a seatbelt. Then I drove us to the airport. Before going in, I injected something into Eunice to make her sleep all throughout the trip. Then I carried her to the plane. Hours of travel passed and we landed in the Philippines. I carried Eunice out and her father greeted us with a shock on his face. "Woah. You really are full of surprises." He said, looking at Eunice on my shoulder and a shock on his face. "It's not my fault you got to know you had a daughter with me." I said and put Eunice down on a bench. "Well. You should have at least told me about it, at least give me something to hold on to." He said. I looked at him with a dead face. "I forgot." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "You woman never forget anything." He said and walked closer to Eunice and stared at her face. "That kid is a pain. I hope you can extend your long patience with her." "Well. If she was just like you, I could handle her." He said and smiled at me. "No. That's the problem, she is much worse than me." "Okay." He said and laughed. "I'm serious." "Of course you are. That's why I'm here. Helping you out." "No, you were just pestering me, both of you, I can't focus on my job because of your disturbances." I said, shaking my head and leaning down to Eunice. "She's my daughter. I want to get to know her better." "And you will." I said and sighed. He held my hand. "I have to go. I will leave her to you. So, please take good care of her." "I will." He said, nodding, and pulled me to hug me. "I love my daughter. I hope she can change here, because it hurts me to see her becoming someone she will hate in the future." I whispered to him and leaned on his shoulder while tears were falling down. Eunice Mariano I woke up in bed, feeling hot, sweats on my body, and a hand holding my hand. I got up and saw a man sitting next to my bed. He looked at me with widened eyes. "Why is it hot? Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, and started looking around the room. "You are in your room, in my house," he answered, smiling at me. I looked at him, trying to figure him out. "And?" I asked. "Are you not going to tell me who you are?" "Hey. Manners." A younger man said, entering the room, carrying a tray of foods in his hand. "Is that how you talk to your father?" He asked, furrowing his brow. "Father?" I asked and looked at the man in front of me. I didn't know what to say. "And who are you supposed to be?" I asked while looking at the young man putting the tray down on my bed. "This is Ryan Clemente, my youngest." "I'm sorry," I said, and turned to the man claiming to be my father. "You must have mistaken me for someone else. I don't have a father. He died long ago." I said in a calm voice, trying to convince them of my lies. "What?" Ryan asked and looked at father. "Then why is she here? Who is her dad?" "Enough," Father said to Ryan. Ryan looked at me confused. "Eunice, you are your mother's daughter," he said. I sighed. "Hey. I will give you this offer. Give me some money, and I will get out of this hell hole." I said and smiled at them. "Your daughter has a mouth, dad," Ryan whispered. "Your mother left you in my care. That's why you will live here, with us and my family." Father said and stood up. "Its not too late for everyone to change, right?" He asked. I just looked at him furrowing my brow. "Eat your breakfast, and we will talk later about your new school." He said and put the tray in front of me. "I will not eat this." I said, looking at the vegetables on the tray. "Well, you should," Ryan said. "Stop making me angry." I threatened them. "You should learn soon how to live here, because you are never coming back to America," Father said to me, and they both walked out of the room. I clenched my fist and looked out of the window, where the sun was shining, fresh air blowing from the outside and I could hear birds chirping. "So, this is the Philippines," I whispered and got out of bed. I walked near the window and looked outside. I saw houses and trees, roads, and cars. "I need to get out of here," I said, then walked out of my room. I walked in the halls, trying to look for my father, but a woman saw me and looked at me. "Are you the maid?" I asked, smirking down at her. "Excuse me?" She asked. I walked closer to her. "Do you know where he is?" "I'm sorry, who are you talking about?" "Are you stupid?" I asked her. She smirked and looked at me from head to toe. "Eunice Mariano, is that how your mother raised you? Or is it just that you took after your useless mother?" Scornfully she asked me. I looked at her from head to toe for a second and knew who she was. "Oh. I can't believe it. Did your mother raise you like this too?" I asked and smiled at her. "Mind your tongue, young lady, I am still your father's wife." "And that made you the step-monster? Step-moths? Step-crawler? I'm sorry I can't even say the word." I said, laughing at her face. "And I was not raised. I am born to be this way." I said, stressing every word, walking closer to her and grabbing her by the neck. "Were you taught to steal somebody else's man?" I whispered to her ear. "Eunice!" Father screamed and grabbed my hand to pull it away from his wife. "She wants to kill me!" Stella screamed at the top of her lungs. "Yes. Scream, ask for help, and I tell you this, not to go to sleep, because I will always watch you in the dark, waiting for a chance to kill you in your sleep." I threatened her and started laughing. "No!" Father shouted at me. "You are not doing that." "Oh? You think I can't?" I asked father. "If this is your way of saying that you don't want to live here with us, I am not buying it. Your mother gave you to me, and I know what I am getting myself into." "I will kill you all." "No." "You left us! You started a family without us!" I screamed at him. "You left my mother with a broken heart and a baby growing inside her belly!" I cried. He sighed and let go of my arm. "I am truly sorry-" "Your apology will not change anything! You are not my father, and I will leave!" I shouted, stressing every word to his face, and took his wallet in his pocket, and walked out of there. I opened the wallet the moment I got out of the house. And I was immediately disappointed after I saw a single paper of 1000 pesos inside. There were credit and debit cards inside, and I also saw a family picture. "Psh!" I said and put it back inside the wallet and walked away. "Eldon Clemente is his name. Eunice Clemente would have been my name if he married my mother," I said, and put the wallet into my pocket. But then, I just realized my clothes. "am I wearing this all this time?" I asked and searched for a mirror. I found a car parked on the sidewalk. I walked closer and looked at myself. "She didn't even bother to change my clothes before dragging me here?" I asked, looking disgusted at myself. "And then what?" I asked when I noticed my eyes. "She took my lens? What the!" I shouted and looked down, mourned at my loss, and felt defeated by my own mother. I don't know what to do with my life. I don't want to die. "Eunice?" A woman called to me. I turned to her and looked at her. "Who?" I asked. She stared at me for a second, then a shock got to her. "O M G! You got blind?" She asked, shocked as the world can see. I sighed, rolled my eyes at the stupidity. "I'm Mollie, Mollie Mariano, we're cousins!" She introduced her with a loud voice. "Yeah. Okay. I'm not deaf." "Oh. Sorry. Your father called me to search for you. But he left out the information about your condition. How did you even get this far?" Mollie continually said and wrapped her arms around mine to pull me somewhere. "You are not taking me back there, are you?" "Nope. I am taking you to my house." _____________________________
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