Chapter 2

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It had been three days already since the last time Leila and Drew fought. Since that day Drew left, he hadn’t come home yet, and Leila was now very worried. She tried calling his phone number many times but couldn’t reach him. She had also called his friends with whom she had numbers, but they didn’t know his whereabouts. She had even chatted with people she knew were friends with Drew, but still no information. After that fight with Drew, she found it hard to sleep because not only was she hurt, but she also hurt her brother’s feelings. Maybe he wouldn’t have to leave if she didn’t raise her voice while talking with him. If she had spoken with him calmly, perhaps they wouldn’t have reached this point. Maybe she had known the real reason why he didn’t want to go to school anymore. She had a feeling that he was hiding something from her. He just needed to be understood. And now, Leila had decided to go to the police station to report her missing brother. She was about to go inside when her friend in college called her from behind. “Leila!” She turned to face the person calling her name. “Marie!” Marie flashed a smile. “How are you now? It’s been two months since we last saw each other.” “I’m doing fine. How about you? Do you work here?” she asked when she noticed her friend was wearing corporate attire and holding folders. “I’m doing well, and no, I don’t work here. I just came here to give these folders to my cousin who works here, but I work at my uncle’s company as an administrative officer.” “Oh, I see,” Leila said, nodding. “How about you? Where do you work now?” “I’m still applying for a job, actually.” She put on a half-smile. “Will you apply here at the police station?” Leila waved her hands and replied, “No, no. I just want to report something here.” “Why? What happened?” Her friend seemed to be curious and wanted to help. “My brother hasn’t come home for three days already. I asked those people I know and those who know him, but they all had the same answer. I had no idea where he is right now.” Leila kept her tears from welling up in her eyes. “Oh, my God! Come on. Come with me, Lei. Let’s ask for help from my cousin. I know he’ll do his best to help you because he has a crush on you.” Marie held her hand. “What did you say?” She must have misheard her friend. Marie’s eyes widened when she realized what she had said. “Huh? I said, let’s hurry up!” Leila couldn’t say it anymore since Marie had already pulled her to go inside the police station. When Marie saw her cousin, she quickly went to him with Leila. “Frank! We need your help!” The tall, dark, and handsome guy in his mid-twenties wearing a police officer’s uniform shifted his eyes from the computer screen to them. “Oh, you’re here! Where are my folders—” He trailed off when he saw who was with Marie. “Lei…” His eyes sparkled as his lips curved into a smile. Leila bowed a little as she smiled back at him. “Here are your folders.” Marie handed the folders to him, which he accepted. “And yes, you see what you see. This is my friend Leila. Leila, he’s the cousin I mentioned earlier. His name is Frank,” she introduced the two to each other. Leila waved her hands at Frank, who waved first at her, smiling. “You said you needed my help. How can I help you?” Frank went back to the first thing Marie said. “Please take a seat first.” Leila and Marie sat on the chairs in front of Frank. Leila saw Marie nod at her, so she explained all the details of why she had come. “What is your brother’s name again?” Frank asked once again. “Drew. Drew Alston,” Leila replied. “Drew Alston…” he repeated, and his forehead slightly creased, trying to recall something on his head. “The name’s very familiar. I think I heard this name before.” He called the officer on his left side. “Hey, dude! Have you heard of someone named Drew Alston? I think the name’s familiar.” The co-officer put his elbow on the desk and rubbed his chin, thinking, “Drew Alston… Isn’t that the owner of the wallet?” “You’re right!” Frank snapped his fingers in the air. “I remember it now. Thanks, dude.” He patted the other officer’s shoulder. Leila saw hope from their words. Frank opened his drawer, and from there, he took the wallet. He unfolded it to see the owner’s name from one of the valid IDs. “Drew Alston. This is him, right?” Leila took the wallet from Frank when he showed it to her, and her almond eyes widened upon seeing the name and the photo. “Yes, it’s him! This is his! How did you get this?” “We had an investigation somewhere in the Ozirus Center. Someone dropped this wallet on the bus. We tried to stop it, but it had driven away already. They couldn’t hear us anymore. I called the phone number but couldn’t reach him. I didn’t know you were siblings. If I had known it, I should’ve told Marie right away to call you.” “Oh, I see.” Leila showed a sad smile. “But where do you think the bus was going?” “It was heading to Ozirus South.” When Leila heard that place, a memory of the flash report she’d watched on the bus’ television screen flashed in her head. Nervousness and fear kicked her. “Did you just say South, as in Ozirus South?” She wanted to make sure she had heard it right. “Yeah.” Frank nodded. “Why did he go there? Do you have relatives from the South?” Marie butted in. “We don’t have any relatives there.” Leila heaved a sigh. “He must’ve left me because of that fight. It’s my fault. I wish I hadn’t raised my voice at him. He must be hurt.” Tears fell down her cheeks. “Shh, don’t blame yourself, Lei. You didn’t mean it. I know you’ll be together again.” Marie patted her back, comforting her. “Don’t worry, Lei. I’ll help you find your brother,” Frank spoke. Leila wiped her tears. “No, no, no. It’s okay, Frank. Knowing where he is now is enough. I know how busy you are. Thank you for helping me.” At least it was as if some thorns in her chest had been pulled out now that she knew where her brother had gone to. “Are you sure about that?” Frank wanted to help her, but she didn’t want to bother him as he was so busy. She’d find her brother herself now that she knew he was in a dangerous place he wasn’t aware of. She gave Frank a nod and a smile of assurance. “Well, don’t hesitate to tell me when you need help. I hope you and your brother reunite soon,” Frank told her. When she and Marie bid goodbye to Frank, Marie accompanied her out of the police station. “Thanks, Marie.” “It’s nothing.” Marie smiled. “Take care of yourself, Lei. I know you can find Drew. See you when I see you.” After they detached from hugging each other, they parted ways. Leila immediately went home to pack a few things she’d brought to the South as she thought it would take more than a day to find him. *** “What should we do now? Should we really kill him?” Brett asked Triston while they were looking at Austin’s body. Austin was still breathing and awake, but he couldn’t move his body because of several wounds that caused him to feel so much pain. “Let’s finish him already.” Triston’s voice was stern. But before they could even do anything to Austin, they felt a strong presence going to where they were. “F*ck it! Molly’s coming!” Triston cursed when they felt Molly’s presence around the woods. They knew Molly had a strong sense of smell, especially since she knew Austin well. She would know what they did to him if they stayed any longer. Panicking, they kept cursing and didn’t know what to do. Brett gritted his teeth. “That b*tch! This is bad timing! Let’s go! Let’s leave him like that!” In an instant, they shifted into their wolf form and strode off away from the place. Austin coughed again, his right hand reaching his side with a big cut from Brett’s pocket knife. As he was weakening, he could feel the blood oozing from his body, falling drop by drop. In his mind, it was an effort to think that his two pack members defeated a soon-to-be Alpha like him. Never did it come to his mind that his strength wouldn’t be As shards of pain stabbed through him, he winced for the last time. Then his sight started to blur until his eyes shut close.
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