Chapter 187: Awkward Predicament

1211 Words

Nightfall came swiftly. The survivors on the beach would not see the smoke from where they were even if I built a fire now. Convinced by that notion, I started roasting the prey I had caught. I had strayed far from the beach, and the dense woods meant no one could see the flickering orange of the fire, either. Before long, I was happily munching on roasted meat. The fish and the snakes had a sweet flavor to them, and the tortoise had a satisfyingly chewy texture. I devoured half of the food I caught and wrapped up the rest in a piece of cloth, then shoved the bundle into my backpack. It was only after I had put out the fire and cleared all evidence of my tracks there that I returned to camp. The tropical forest was much more dangerous at night than it was during the day. Nocturn

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