Chapter 51 - Fierce Battle in the Valley

1114 Words

These people caught a wild chicken today. While barbecuing, they chatted and laughed. The sound echoed far in the silent valley. "Sean, when can we finally be rid of Christopher? This guy just won't kick the bucket, and it's getting on my nerves! This jerk doesn't die, and it makes me uncomfortable!" Harold tore off a piece of chicken, oil dripping from his mouth, as he began to speak nonsense. "Just wait patiently. Christopher and his girls will be done sooner or later. I can't stand that bastard either. Obviously, we're all from rural, but he always flaunts himself in my presence, acting as if he's superior. He claims to be helping me, but in reality, it's like he's a beggar seeking alms. I've been fed up with him for quite a while. Does he think he's capable by showing off in front of

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