The Three Prince

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                 The Emerald Kingdom, one of the largest and wealthiest kingdom, found in Fiona. They are known for having the strongest swordmen, mages and their king, the hero of the Dooms War, King Allison Winter. He is the best known swordman across the land of Fiona, together with her queen, the greatest mage, Queen Nerissa.                “ Hey, Allison wants to compete. How many can we kill this time?” Nerissa asks, grinning in front of Allison.                  Allison scratches the back of his head and sighs. “ What can I get from it?”                  “ Hm… Anything, anything you wish. How about it? “Nerissa said.                  “ You are the one asking for this, don’t blame me and throw tantrums if you lose” Allison said and smirked at her.                  “ Who said I would lose?” Nerissa replied and they started the war with the demons of the underworld.    After defeating the demons and winning the war, they were peaceful, until that day, the day when Queen Nerissa will give birth. A demon that was sealed off visits her and puts a curse on the queen. No one knows what happened that day. The birth of the prince was not talked about nor celebrated by the kingdom, because that day was also the death of the greatest mage.                Years passed, it had been ten years since the death of the queen, the king that was idolized by his people became a tyrant. He didn’t visit or glance at the child that was given life by the queen, he was  stuck in his room looking for another kingdom to claim. He keeps on expanding his land as if he is trying to look at something in each corner of the land. As if he is planning something. Though his actions are questionable, he still has this mercy for those who didn’t fight. For ten years he just kept doing that, taking land and doing his work inside his office. His golden hair now became dull and a gray color mixed with it; his bright blue eyes now became lifeless.                                  “ King Allison, we found the prince. It seems he has become a mercenary. He is now safe, He… Prince Trev is now resting”. Jules said                  “ Prince Trev, huh… give him the Onyx Palace, take care of them. I have to do something.” King Allison said, and made Jules get out of his office. Jules is the one managing the main palace, he is in his thirties. Dark green short hair, hazelnut-colored eyes, and a kind butler.                   Until six years more passed, Prince Noah knocked and announced his presence in King Allison’s office. The butler opened the door, “Greetings to the brightest sun of Emerald. Father, it's Noah. Tomorrow is my mother's death. You should have come to commemorate it with the citizens. I heard that you rarely show yourself and only get out of this room when you decide to take control of another land. You should’ve forgotten your duties, even Vince is whining like a kid to the head guard, Trev has been throwing tantrums since yesterday and the maids are getting frightened.”                Prince Noah looked like the king when he was young, except for the pinkish hair that came from his mother. He brushed up his shoulder-length hair and ponytailed it. He also has a mole under his right eye. He looks matured, levelheaded, wise and has a calm posture like a gentleman.                  “ Are you teaching me? A hero of this land? The king? And soon the person that will become the emperor, half of the Fiona, will be mine, so talk to them, to stop doing unacceptable actions, especially Trev. We almost lost that land just because of his whines”, King Allison said in a cold tone.                  “ Father, we are no children anymore. It’s hard to celebrate mothers’ death anniversary. We all suffer and are still heartbroken about what happened. Father, I can only hear reports about my brothers and nothing more. I haven’t seen them. You didn’t allow us to, but we are already this old. We three wanted to remember mother together.” Prince Noah keeps on insisting                  “ Jules, get this brat away from my office. I don’t want any disturbances “,King Allison said, and Jules, his secretary, escorted Prince Noah out of the room.                  “ Jules, my brothers will be disappointed, “ Prince Noah said.                  “ You can still remember the queen; I know that this was too hard for you. Please bear with it, his majesty… no, your father loves your mother more than anything, he also loves what the queen left. He just, he doesn’t know what to do about the loss and the other things. He is trying his best”, Jules replied.                  “ That’s right, its Vince's turn to join the parade, right? Tell him to send my regards to mother. Trev might also have one. He should write it and make Vince deliver it. Jules, can you please guide them again this year?” Prince Noah said with a bitter smile.                  “ It's my pleasure to serve you, you don’t have to worry,” Jules said and left Prince Noah,                  The next day, the commemorative for Queen Nerissa is starting. Prince Vince was the one attending this year. Holding the letters of his brothers to deliver them to the Queen's tomb. Prince Vince has the same look as Prince Noah, except that he braids his hair, wears bright colors clothes like pastel pink, green, blue or yellow. Prince Noah always white clothes with black or dark blue combination.                  “ Prince, “ Jules greets him and escorts him inside the temple where his mother’s items are kept.                  “ It seems Brother Noah can’t convince father; I really want to meet my brothers and play with them. Sir Ivan is always teaching me swords. It's boring” Prince Vince said with a smile. He always smiles in front of other people, but he has a child's heart. He also can easily deal with it, because he doesn’t think about complicated things.                  After the event, Prince Vince goes back and rests. That night, a loud noise coming from Prince Trev’s room wakes up all the servants. Jules also comes running and as he opens the prince's room, Prince Trev has already made a mess inside his room, cutting the curtains, bed sheets and pillows, he also throws vases and is now in a rage.                “ I want to see my brother! Right now!” Prince Trev shouts.                “ All of you are useless. I will find that f***** old man and talk to him”                “ Hate this life” he keeps on rambling.   The three princes look exactly the same except Prince Noah is always calm, though sometimes he also retaliates. He never does it physically, Prince Vince though a little mischievous, playful and throws tantrums like a kid he can easily deal with. Prince Trevor, who always wore black and dark colored clothes, you can always see him with his hair let down, he doesn’t use formal words and uses foul words at others. He  is the hardest to deal with. He always uses violence in everything. The maid said that it was because of what happened to him when he was six years old. He went missing and found that he was with a mercenary group. He communicates with his brothers through letters and only listens to Prince Noah.   “ Prince, you have to calm down” Jules said, trying to get near to him.                  He is like a beast, “ Don’t come near me you f***** old man! I want to see my brothers!”                  Jules stops walking near him, it was dangerous, “Prince Trev, I have Prince Noah’s letter. He tried to talk to his father. You should calm down; you are scaring others.”                  “ I don’t want another letter; I am going to see him and so is the king. What is he thinking about making us separate from one another? He is a tyrant, “Prince Trev said and crumpled the letter. He walked out of the room and went to his brother's separate palace, the Diamond Palace.                  “ Brother! Brother! Its me Trev!” Prince Trev keeps on shouting and calling for his brother.                  “ Prince Trev, its already midnight. Your brother is sleeping, he has a headache this afternoon. Please, be considerate” a female butler said. She is Butler Gina, the one in charge at Diamond Palace. She has a strict demeanor, she is the same as Butler Jules, brown hair, green eyes and always received from bachelors because of her beauty. Though she keeps on rejecting it.                  “ No, my brother will want to see me” Prince Trev kept on insisting.                   “like I said, Prince Noah is sleeping due to medicine. If you really want to make trouble for your brother, I will wake him up “Butler Gina said, looking straightly at the eyes of Prince Trev.                  “ I will stop this commotion; can I look at him even outside of his door?” Prince Trev asks.                  “ Alright, just keep your voice down low. He keeps saying how his head hurts “,Butler Gina said.                  Prince Trev follows calmly, and Butler Gina opens the door. The room was dark, but he could see the silhouette of his brother sleeping. Prince Trev closed the door and went back to his palace without uttering a single word.                  Jules comes back at Gina, who is frowning. Jules started opening his mouth. “I am sorry, it seems Hans hasn’t come back. You don’t have to worry. I am trying to keep him calm”                  “ Make sure of that, it is that we manage to avoid this. He is the handful among the three”, Gina said, and went back inside the mansion.                  The next morning, Prince Trev is walking in the garden. He wore dark green clothes and was sitting on the bench.                “ Should I go see my brother? “ she thought to himself     “ Prince Trev, “ a man with short red hair, black eyes and who has a good body-built calls him as he is staring at the sky.   “ Hans, you’re back. I want to meet my brothers to arrange it.” He ordered him   “ Prince, your father knows what you have done and now forbids you to get out of Onyx Place without his consent   “ He only sees us if we do something that he doesn’t want to. He treats us with some pets, calls us if needed and locks us up if we try to retaliate even a little. You must have come back as fast as you could when you heard what I’ve done, no?” Prince Trev said and stood up. “ You think you can stop me?” he added.   “ Prince, I have become your butler because I can stop you” Butler Hans replied.   “ I have been training. What if we make a bet? The one that will lose will follow whatever  the winner wants?” Prince Trev said, asking for a duel.   “ You’ll regret it. But if I can put you on a leash , then it will be my pleasure” Butler Hans said and smirked.   Both went to the training ground, grabbing their weapons. Hans uses dual blades and, Prince Trev, who uses a spear as his weapon.   “ Don’t take back your words, once you lose,” Butler Hans said.   “ You should be the one who gets you’re a** be beaten by me. I will defeat you”, the Prince said with overflowing confidence. Hans only smirks at him.   At signal, both change their stance. The two of them are waiting for each movement, guards are up and waiting for the right timing.   Prince Trev holds his weapon firmly and starts dashing towards Hans. His spear is going straight at Hans, “ Ahhh”   Hans backs a little and blocks the attack. “ That’s it?”   Prince Trev didn’t stop attacking, he kept on thrusting the spear, using it very gracefully and skillfully, but Hans could easily block the attack and could counter. CHACKING!!! CLANG!!! Weapons sounds ring all over the training ground, the exchange of heavy blows during attacks and the blocks that they do. No one wants to lose, they both exert effort, sweats are falling on their faces and their shirt is already soaked and covered with dirt and sweat.   “ Just drop dead!” Prince Trev shouts as he gives another heavy blow   “ Why not accept defeat, you brat,” Butler Hans answered. He is the type of butler that, when he holds a weapon, his personality has changed from a calm, strict butler to a ruthless and foul-mouthed person.  The fight and exchanging of insults with one another continues, but no matter how skillful, Prince Trev, his butler and teacher Hans, is more powerful and skillful, and in the end, he loses.   “ S*** !!!” the Prince exclaimed as he was defeated by his butler.   “ Still having that foul mouth, I was absent for two weeks and still nothing changed to that temper of yours,” Butler Hans said.   “ Sigh, I am going to kick you a** one day” he said, glaring at him.   “ I am sure you can, you have improved. Maybe,… ten more years… Ahahaha.” Hans was teasing the prince. Prince Trev stands and walks away, but Hans calls him, “ You haven’t heard my wish. Don’t run to the bet”   “ I am not. Every time we do this, you always ask me to listen to you until I can’t defeat you; I can’t defy you. I already know it, so don’t remind me. I will rest” Prince Tre said and walked away with a frown on his face.   “ Hans, I am glad you are back” Butler Jules said. He appeared after Prince Trev went inside.   “ He is a handful, but he knows who to follow. Since he grows up as a mercenary, he obeys those who are stronger than him. Well, except Prince Noah, who tamed him with letters and their mother's pictures,” Hans replied.   “ Well, even if I try your methods he will still not listen to me. Knowing I followed his father, he also hated me. I am really glad you are back. First, I thought you would not accept this job. You are one of the best knights, following Queen Nerissa.” Jules said.   “ I respect that late queen and our family owes her a lot. This is nothing, but sooner he will surpass me.” Hans replied “ Imagining his smug face when he wins… makes me speechless and want to vanish” he added.   “ I have to tell you something,” Jules said in a serious tone.   “ Don’t tell me King Winter is planning another war? What kingdom?” Hans asked.   “ The holy land, Michaelis Kingdom. He is planning to go there with Prince Noah, the witch says that the person that the King is looking for is there and that kingdom will be a great ally”, Jules said.   “ What will he do? March there and tell the king to follow him? They may not be that powerful, but the Goddess of life is protecting that city. Why would he still believe in that witch? I know that she is the queen’s sister, but she is using dark magic”, Hans said, with a worried look. “ You are not here to talk to the king, right? “he added.   “ Its already decided, he will not stop. You know him, he may be lost now, he still knows what he is doing”, Jules said.   “ Then what? I have to come?” Hans said.   “ He is ordering you to take a battalion”. Jules said   Hans is pissed, “ I accepted this butler's work. I have already left my past work. If I commanded a battalion with my status, what do you think the knights, especially the heads of each squad, would say?”   “ King Winter has already arranged it; you will have a separate squad. Your unit will only mobilize under certain circumstances and the other head knights already know” Jules said, calming Hans.   “ Ha! So, you are here, because I have to meet the knights under me. This is fascinating” Hans said in a hysteric voice. “ Fine, fine. This is ridiculous,” he added.                    Arrangements for going to Michaelis are done, Prince Noah is there, and he is joining Hans made squad.   “ Its nice meeting you Sir Hans, how is Trev?” Prince Noah asks.   “ He still causes troubles from time to time, but he is doing great these days” Hans replied awkwardly.    Then they marched early towards Michaelis and at the end of the day, they reached Michaelis Kingdom. King Simeon Archangel meets them and they let them enter his kingdom. Everyone was surprised, but they just followed their king. King Simeon took them to a large hall to eat, then he talked to King Allison alone in his private room.   “ King Allison Winter, it’s been too long since we both met. You know you don’t have to bring all these soldiers here. You will only scare people. Tell me what it is you want?” King Simeon asks   “ I want your kingdom to become a city under my rule. I will rule Fiona.” King Allison said.   “ What makes you do this?” he asked with a worried look at his friend. “ I understand, we will become a city under your rule. My only wish is that you will not hurt anyone, and please tell me what is happening. I am your friend, even if it's not now, I trust you”, King Simeon said with a lonely smile.   “ I also want one of your daughters, the second one”, King Allison said.   “ Why Vivian? Will she be the hostage if I ever betray you? You know that I will not do it”, King Simeon asks   “ I want her to marry the prince, it is still not official. I would like her to stay at Emerald. I will explain it to you, but not now. I am being incomprehensible, but I will tell you everything after I make Garoth under my rule”, King Allison said.   “ I understand, but why Vivian? My first daughter is much better”, King Simeon suggests. “ It's not that, I don’t want to… to tell you the truth, I will be grateful. She is quite a handful and unpedictable”he added   “ She has both the blessing of the Goddess Angela and God Michaelis, I need her” he said.   “ May I know why? She is my daughter” King Simeon asked.   “ I understand” he answered.

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