Chapter 35

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The room was silent as the two seemed to be waiting upon my response. I sighed. “I will do it but I have one request.” “What is that?” Lionel asked his hand resting on his face. “I would like to talk to the other two that are here with the Dwarf?” “To see if they are safe.” “No, I don’t think that you would do that I will need them and I want to make sure that my brother has the thing needed for my father.” “Sure that’s fine. Will you be accompanying him as well?” Luna nodded and the man smiling.  “I didn’t mean to get off on a bad start with you.” The man got up and stretched his arm. “It’s just that I believe that you’re the only person that could help me.” I said nothing in return as he led us outside and a carriage picked us up to carry us there. It was almost like he read my mind or my intentions. We all boarded into carriages as Luna and I were alone in a separate one. Lionel waved us off as it took off. “Are you mad with me for what I did?” Luna asked as her eyes rested upon me. “Should I be after I trusted you, you led me into an ambush release all my information to another and deliberately lied to me. Trust was something I should not have again,” I whispered under breath, “it seemed I didn’t learn a thing from my mistakes.” She raised a hand out to me but I shrugged it. “It will only seem so for now, there is a deep reason for my actions and it will all make sense in the end. I can’t ask you to trust me but I can tell you that my intentions will all have good intent.” “Your intentions of more war when we don’t know much about our enemies putting me in danger that I don’t know if I could handle and blind trust in an individual just seems like doom to me but whatever its done.” The carriage came to a halt as I looked through to see a fancy looking inn outside. We all disembarked. “I will solve this in my own way and then. I will see where it goes from here,” I said as I opened the door. “Enter and tell them you’re going to room fifteen,” The man operating the carriage said to me before riding off. I took a deep breath out. We entered the Inn it was not filled with many people judging from the quality of their clothes and the service they were receiving this was a very high end Inn. There was no way that Seth and Caremila would stay here on their own. I went up to the Bar man and said room number fifteen. He nodded and signaled his hand to another man in the room who went up the stairs. “Have a seat your friends will be down soon,” the bar tender said, “Can I get you anything at all for you. All accommodations have been paid for by Lionel.” “How did you know it was us and not someone else?” “The man laughed I seen a bit of everyone here and there is no room number fifteen.” Luna ordered a drink as not to long after the other man returned with Seth, a furious Caremila and a drunken dwarf. They all took seats around the bar. “What are you doing here? Seth asked, “We saw you today but weren’t too sure what was going on and even now we don’t have much of a clue. Just was told that it was on the house from Lionel.” “We will discuss that another time. Did you get the thing for father? Yes but we wouldn’t have find it without this dwarf.” “What exactly was wrong with him?” “He took something they called stupor that does nothing to dwarves but affects humans.” “I see.” The bartender placed Luna’s drink on the table as he looked and Seth for orders. The dwarf placed in his alongside Caremila. “So I am going to need your help, you and Caremila. We are going to have to remain in the city for two days.” Seth got up from his chair placing a hand on my shoulder. “What we can’t we have to return with this to father as soon as possible we still don’t know the mage said he didn’t even know if it might have any lasting effects.” “I know, but we can’t leave, Seth. Do you understand?” He nodded. Luna watched us. I didn’t want to outright tell him what she did but I didn’t want to not say either. I can’t afford to blow things out of the way. “Can you trust that dwarf?” I asked Seth. “He is reliable.” “Then give the medicine to the men here with me and allow them to leave together towards the capital.” “We do have another problem outside?” Seth said. “Whats that?” “Goblins.” “Goblins what about those foul creatures?” There with my men they were leading us around but I don’t trust them.” “How many of them?” “About thirty.” “It would be fine Reno, Caremila interjected. “Goblins can’t be trusted,” Seth and I said at the same time. She laughed. “You two really are brothers. Anyways what exactly are you talking about I heard you said we can’t leave in two days and sending back the medicine.” “Get out our conversation.” “It’s not a personal conversation if I can hear everything in it.” I smile. “We have another battle coming up one I am not sure if we can win.” In two days a monster descends on the city, one that likes to snatch up children. We will face this monster together fight it and then lay claim to this place as well.” The dwarf raised his tankard in the air. “For the ironhelm! For glory!” I scratched my head as Caremila clunked him on his head. “You had far too much to drink you old dwarf.”        

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