f**k You

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[Sky's P.O.V]                                  I couldn't help but enjoy the laugh in the car while Tyson got on James or like Tyson loves to call him, Jamie boy's nerve. Rafael really has to give it to James for keeping his composure together, Tyson really does know how to get on someone's nerve.      "Is he always this serious?"  I whispered to Rafael's ear so that James wouldn't hear me, but I think he did cause he shot me look through the rear view mirror.              "Hahaha Loosen up Jamie, You're scaring the poor girl!" Tyson joked massaging  James shoulder.              "Unhand me." James responded while keeping his eyes on the road.         "Tyson let him go." Demanded Rafael.  After everything that has gone on so far today I really didn't take the time to actually notice that Rafael was still holding my hand oh so gently. He doesn't give you that kind of vibe of a softy, but for some reason he didn't mind showing that side of him to me here and there when he's not demanding.     I can tell that he was some sort of Dominate person who everyone respected and never dared to go against his words .I kind of liked being controlled in the way he controlled me. No one has ever gotten me to be silence or stop me in my tracks the way he did today and it says a lot.  Yeah he's a hunk of man and it's not like I haven't gotten with other good looking man before but something about HIM was not like any other man. Something about him attracted me to him in a way I really couldn't describe. I wanted to be with him, be in his arms, be in his life and him in mine.     "You trust me?" Asked Rafael snapping me out of my thoughts again. "Trust you? Rafael I'm already in your car doesn't that tell you anything?" I said with a side smirk. "Do you trust me?" Rafael gazed at me as in he wasn't taking that as an answer.     "Yes, I trust you Rafael Romano." I responded with upmost confidence.  Rafael took in a deep breath when I called him by his full name. Did I upset him? Was I over stepping my boundaries. He took in another deep breath leaned into me and said.     "Say my name again women." He placed his hand under my chin making me face him.      "Rafael Roma-" His lips pressed against mine and sparks started flying.  A wave of energy felt like it ran through our bodies, making the kiss even more passionate. His lips were so soft, full and juicy. The taste of his lips had me hypnotized.   Was I really getting kissed by my boss!? Who I just met a few hours ago in which we also almost f****d in his personal bathroom and office!? Was I wrong for wanting more!?         "Raf we made- Oh my bad guys. " Tyson slapped his hand over his face to covered his eyes when he turned around and saw that Rafael had his lips pressed against mine.  "But we have arrived." Peeking one eye out through his fingers. Rafael inhaled and exhaled deeply right before opening his eyes and turning towards Tyson.         "Thank you once again Tyson." with a growl to his voice. I really wondered how is it that he can make that growl. He had done it a few times in his office earlier and I noticed that his chest would rumble at times when he got very aggravated.     "Anything else you would like to say?"  His glare towards Tyson was a possessive one, like if he had interrupted what was his.     "No Mr. Romano"- He shot back. "Is that a f*****g castle!?" I cursed out not noticing my foul language that made Rafael grab me by my face again in a aggressive way. He faced me towards him and his eyes were full of rage.          "Watch your language women! I am not going to tell you again! Language like that shouldn't be spilling out that mouth of yours."- He said while pressing the side of my mouth together while having a firm hold of my face.                 "If I catch you saying those words again I promise I will punish you and show no mercy. Do you understand me!?" His rage grew stronger and stronger the longer I took to answer. For some reason nothing came out my mouth, I just nodded my head keeping eye contact with him and that alone confirmed to him I was sorry and wouldn't do it again. He moved my face side to side examining where he had grabbed me from forcefully. Was he actually checking to see if he had marked me? Did he feel bad for grabbing my face the way he did?     "Sorry, I just don't like hearing that kind of language come out of my mates mouth." While placing a soft kiss on the side of my face. See there it is again, his soft side. I smiled at him letting him know I was okay, not to worry about it. "Remember what I told you, do not leave my side or Tyson's side at all times. If anyone tries to question you let me do all the talking. You hear me?" He said to me with a serious face waiting for confirmation.     "Yes, loud and clear." while nodding my head. Tyson came around to open my door while Rafael opened his own. He brushed his shirt down to look presentable as if he wasn't already.          "Miss Sky, may I take your hand?" Tyson held his hand out but then noticed that I was a bit uncomfortable stretching my leg out. "My bad, here would this help?"- Turning around  blocking my view so that no one would see me flash my goods by stepping out the vehicle.  His hand was extended back words for me to grab on as I exited while pulling my dress down.     "Here let me help you with that." Rafael reached behind me and pulled the back of my dress down to cover my ass that was half way out. His hands made me quiver when it glided down my body, as if he wanted to feel my curves. He gave me a firm grip analyzing how much of my ass can fit in his massive hand.  Looking at me up and down he shot me a sexy smirk and took my hand from Tyson's hand, thanking him for doing what he did. Tyson shot back a smile at both of us and extended his hand towards James in which James slapped his hand away.  I couldn't help but laugh with Rafael.         "What did I say about embarrassing me Jamie boy? Why can't we be like every other couple?"- Giving James the puppy dog eyes.     "And what would that be?"-Said James. "A happy loving couple." Placing his hand on his hip and pointing at our direction.     "Come on love birds, we need to get to business." Rafael shouted while we went up the stairs to this gigantic castle, keeping his fingers interlock with mine.  "Hey, can I hold one of your hands!?" Shouted Tyson while running up the stairs leaving James behind.   I stopped and reached out my hand, which made him stop in his tracks surprised to see me actually giving him permission to hold my other hand.         "I um.. was just joking." He let out a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his head since Rafael was starring at him.      "I think I'll wait for my lovely husband with the slow knees." Jokingly added while pointing back to James who was slowly but surely making his way up the stairs.  By the look of James face he was hoping for him not to wait up on him.         "I don't bite Tyson.... Unless you want me to?" - I winked at him.     His face turned really red, as if he was embarrassed of hearing what was his own words to James earlier. Which I got to give myself a pat on the back cause as I glanced at James he shot me back quick smile with a wink.     "Did he just smile at me?"- I excitedly asked Rafael which also saw the same thing I did. Placing his hand on my lower back and whispered in my ear.          "I think he likes your personality. He hardly ever show any expressions." I looked back again to James and smiled at him.                 "RAFAEL ROMANO!"-  A deep voice said as we walked down the hall of the castles entrance.              "What a pleasure to see you finally show up. Tyson, James." The man said while shaking their hands.     "And who do I have the lovely pleasure of meeting here young lady?"                      Giving me a dashing smile with a wink.             Extending his hand with all due respect towards me. As I placed mine in his ever so lightly, he placed a kiss on the top of my hand and looked directly into my eyes.         I couldn't help but blush at his manners.              "Skylard"- I said softly tucking my hair behind my ear.  His eye color were just like Rafael, matter a fact he looked just like Rafael but much older, the more I studied his face.         "Skylard you say?" raising a brow. "Yes, You can call me Sky for short if you would like?" I answered him while he still held my hand in his palm.     "Sky.. Yes I think I like that. So Rafael did you care to let us know that we were going to have extra guest?" His eyes shifted toward Rafael as he let go of my hand.     "Father you know I like to keep my personal life personal."- raising his brow at his father. So it is his father! "Now father if you don't mind, I would like to get Sky situated first. You and I have some things to go over."        "That indeed we do Son, That indeed we -." Patting his sons back. "And what might be your name?"- I interrupted. Rafael and Tyson shot me a look.          "Sky!" Rafael called out with a disapproved face. "What? I haven't gotten his name. It's only right since he knows mine." shrugging my shoulders and squinting my eyes towards Rafael.         Boy when I say Rafael did not look happy after my response, He was not happy! "Seems like we have a snappy one? My apologies darling. My name is Paolo, Paolo Mario Romano."- His father said taking great pride of his name.         "Did you just call me snappy?" "You just met me! just cause I wanted to know your name, I'm snappy??" I said disgusted with his remarks about me.      "My, my, aren't you a bold one? Isn't she Rafael?" Paolo said while studying my body.         Rafael grabbed me tight by my arm.     "What did I say!? Keep your mouth shut." Gazing in anger.                 "You and I will be fixing this later."      Rafael began walking down the hall yanking me by my arm to keep up. I looked back at Tyson and James who were not so far behind, Tyson just held his finger against his lips trying to warn me.     I tried moving my arm from his grip. "Keep it moving women."     "Excuse me?" Was he being serious!?            "I said WALK!"  Rafael growled yanking at my arm again.         My heart felt like it sunk deep.  Where was his soft side?  Did he forget that HE held my hand and had just kissed me not so long ago in the car!?     My mind kept overthinking every scenario there could be. So bad that my eyes began to water. Rafael didn't seem to care as he just looked at me huffed and kept doing what he needed to do. We reached a room in which Rafael told me to sit in a chair that was sitting right outside the door.              "Sit and stay there till I am finished." He demanded "What other choice do I have?"  rolling my eyes at him.         "That's it!" Rafael grabbed me by my shoulders and brought me up to his eye level.   "Put her down man." Tyson said stepping in trying to have him put me down. "Tyson back the f**k up." Rafael shot back while keeping eye contact with me. My shoulders were starting to hurt for how strong his grip was.          "Please.. you're hurting me." I began to cry out. In a quick second I felt him put me down gently. Letting out a growl he walked in the room and slammed the door shut. I couldn't help but break down crying in Tyson's arms while he comfort me. James brought me some water while I sat there just silently crying. Why was he like this? Why me? ---------------------------- (2Hours Later)               After two hours of pure boredom waiting and anger building up, I just about had it. What was the point of this job? What was the point of dragging me all the way here? To treat me like s**t? Mess around with my feelings? Like what was up with this guy!?     "Tyson, I would like to go home."  Tyson looked up at me from his phone and said nothing.         "I know you heard me Tyson" I sat starring at him with my arms crossed.         "Sorry doll face, but we need to wait." He responded then proceeded back on his phone. "We have been waiting here for hours. I just want to go home already, so Please can you take me home?" I begged him.         Looking back at me he just shook his head no. I can tell that wasn't his decision, and he seemed like he wanted to, but he still refused.             "Fine then, I'll call an Uber." I pulled my phone out just to be reminded, how was I going to make a phone call? or get an Uber with a shattered phone screen.             "f**k me."- I mumbled.      "Sky please, You shouldn't be talking like that. Rafael isn't going to be happy hearing you." said Tyson with a worried look in his face.         "f**k off Tyson, How about that?"        "Sky please."     "f**k,f**k,f**k"          "Sky you need to stop." Placing his finger against his lips. "Please don't be childish."     "How about you f**k me Tyson, f**k the s**t out of me! What? Scared of big bad Mr. ROMANO!"  "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Shouted Tyson while rising from his seat. He looked disgusted with me but also disappointed as in he expected better from me. The look he gave me made me feel ashamed to what had just came out my mouth.         "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON OUT HERE!" Rafael yanked open the door. He looked down at me and saw me put my head down from being ashamed for over stepping Tyson. Rafael walked up to Tyson ready to attack.                 "Tell me what the HELL is going on?" Rafael said while invading Tysons face.         "Your mate here has a dirty mouth that needs to be taken care of." He shot back in disgust.                     "You dare demand me boy!?" Rafael growled back.               "I'm not demanding you Raf, With all due respect she is a ticking time bomb and if I am correct on why you have her here, then I am not sure you're making the right choice."          "Tyson shut your mouth, I am not to be questioned! You do know who you're talking to? Or must I remind you?"             "Yes and No... Mr. Romano" Bowing his head in respect. "That's more like it. Now you can be dismissed, we will see you in the car."         "Yes Mr. Romano." Tyson turned his heel and proceeded to walk back down the hall and out the front door. I felt horrible that Rafael had yelled at him for calling me out on my actions. Rafael was still filled with rage as I lifted my head to him hovering over me.     " You shouldn't have yelled at him, It was my fault that he had to raise his voice at me-"         "I heard what you said to him! Are you seriously f****d up in the head women?"  His tone raised louder and louder with every word that came out his mouth.         "Do you even respect yourself!? I should have known by how easy you were in my office. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying such disgusting, pathetic things to Tyson out of all the people you will soon be introduced to. But with how things are sounding, you're definitely going to be a hand full." His eyes beaming at me in rage. I can see the veins in his hands begin to rise, as he  pace back and forth.     I can truly say I was out of words. Why am I staying shut to this guy? Why can't I be as big of a b***h to him as I am to everyone else?     All these questions scattered all through my brain as I watched him. A part of me wanted to yell back and fight back but when he looks at all that anger just goes away, not sure why.         "Rafael... Can you take me home." Looking him with sorrow in my eyes.     "No."         "Please Rafael."     "I said NO. Have you forgotten when I mentioned that we have a long day ahead of us."     "I'm not in the mood Rafael, Take me home please." He looked down at his Rolex and let out a sigh as he went back into the office. After just a few minutes he came back out and grabbed me by my arm while walking down the hall. I began to stumble from how fast he was walking, I was basically being dragged out the castle like a misbehaved child.     James met us at the door but did not look at me not once. As if he didn't see Rafael man handling me.     "My dress Rafael"- I said while trying to pull it down. "Rafael! My dress is going up can you please slow it down the steps."  I whined.     Rafael stopped, picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder while slapping his hand on my ass hard and leaving it there to hold my dress and cover up most my goods. My ass is big but his massive manly hands did a good job not exposing me.         "You have noting underneath?" He quietly growled while placing me in the car. "I was in a rush this morning, I didn't get time to grab everything. Reasons why I'm wearing this dress Rafael."     He exhaled deeply then closed the car door and got in on the other side. For some reason I didn't see Tyson at the door or even in the car. Where did he go? James got in the driver seat and just did what he did best, Ignore me and kept his eyes on the road in complete silence unless Rafael would speak to him.         "Where's Tyson?" "Don't worry about it." He said while answering emails on his phone.     "Is he in trouble? Did you fire him?" "Come on Rafael answer me."     "You shouldn't be questioning me, Now let me finish what you rudely interrupted earlier with you foul mouth." He said while getting back to work.    What can I say? I felt like complete s**t for treating Tyson who has been nothing but a welcoming, hilarious, generous person who actually stood up for me when Rafael  almost just about had it with my shenanigans'.         But my upmost disgusting behavior that haunts my past year got to the best of me. Once again ruining what could have been a lovely friendship. I hate to admit that some of the things my mom would say about me is true. My behavior has been a big part of this secret I have been holding in and it always eats me up inside when I do things that triggers those memories.     I looked at Rafael and he just gave me the side eye. He looked hot focusing on what ever he had to take care of. He made a few phone calls which didn't make sense to me since it was sort of in code. I was getting turned on by the tone in his voice. The same tone he would have when he would demand someone. Made me wonder what kind of business man was he.     "You should get some rest, it's going to be a four hour ride." Not once looking at my direction. "It doesn't take four hours to get to my house Rafael." I tilted my head.         "I'm not taking you home once again. You will be coming and staying with me at one of my  vacation home." "No, I just want to go home, I can't do this no more, You can fire me and hire someone else who is up for this job." It was the truth, I didn't deserve whatever this job really was. Rafael shot me a serious look and put his phone down. His hand went under my chin and pulled my face towards his. Our lips met and sparks began to fly! He pressed his lips against mine with so much passion. I opened my mouth slightly and I felt his tongue go in and attack mine. The way he kissed me and played with his tongue in my mouth aroused me.         I felt myself losing control of MY self-control. Next thing I knew he pulled me right on top of him straddling him not caring that my dress basically rolled up and my whole ass is out. Not only my ass was out but my p***y was all out bare. Thank god for waxing!     Rafael looked down and saw what I also saw and his breathing began to race faster. He started to grab and rub my thighs a little aggressively. Kissing all around my neck taking small bites here and there. Sending amazing euphoric feeling shooting through my body. Chills up and down my back as his hands began to wonder. My body wanted him so bad, I began rolling my hips dry humping him. I can tell he's enjoying it by the poking feeling of his hard friend down there.      "Rafael" I moan "Oh... Rafael"  The feeling of wanting him inside me was growing stronger and stronger. Why did I want him this bad!? Why did my body want him this bad!?         His hands made its way to the back of my hair where he pulled my hair and move my neck to the side. " You're going to be mine." His voice rumbled in a possessive tone. I felt him lick my neck and slowly put his teeth over my neck as if he was going to bite me. They felt very sharp to the touch but I was so aroused to even care. As I began to feel him bite down slowly one of his teeth felt like it almost punctured my skin but we got interrupted with the sound of his phone ringing. He let go and reached for his phone while still holding me on top of him.         "For f**k sake." He cursed under his breath.       "Everything okay?" I asked while kissing his neck still aroused.      "Sky Give me a second, I need to take this.... ugh.. Sky...." I didn't stop, I refused to stop. My hands wrapped around his neck and I smiled at him. Giving him a s****l look as in try and stop me. My body began moving back and forth rubbing over his joystick.          "This is not helping me Sky, I need to take this call.... Fuck... Sky..." Rafael rubbed his face with one hand and cleared his throat right before answering.         "Romano speaking, What's going on?." "What do you mean disgusted?" His expression changed.     "It's not his decision to-" He paused and looked at me.  By the look he gave me, I was sure that his conversation had to do with me.         "I don't care what they say, I know what is mine.... No, I will be there in a few hours."     "Yes I'm sure its the same-...No not yet...Why not?" "Like I said I'll be there in a few hours." Rafael lifted me off of his lap and pulled my dress down to cover me. He even went as far to cover up my lower half with his jacket. I was confused with the fact he didn't want me anymore. What was said during that conversation that made his whole expression just switched. 
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