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Dear Readers, I know this isn't a post you are expecting, and I am certain some of you are going to get mad about this. But there's nothing I can do anymore. Sometimes, one just has to put oneself first. That being said, this book won't be updated on Dreame. I had wanted so bad to finish the Lycan's Heart series on this app, but I can't do that as my goal is to have the series on a*****n and if I keep them here, I can't do that. So I am moving to this ink!tt, and this book moves there as well. It will join the subscription program alongside three other books I am working on there. I apologize for any inconveniences this decision may have caused you. Know that if I could, I'd definitely have written the book here. If you aren't in the F.B group, do join to keep up with updates on when full updates will resume and when the subscription is up. Murjaanah's Moonbeams. Do follow me on ink!tt too. Jannah DeeDee. Books that would be available there; A Dragon's Heart Becoming The Beastly Alpha's Mate Lycan's King Jaded Mate (is available here and other as well.). Mafia's Twisted Obsession. And a separate book that would have bonus chapters from all over the Lycan's Heart Universe. Including but not limited to main characters as well as bonus chapters from my other books. Love and Light; Jannah.
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