1227 Words

John’s POV— Ms. Lara has called and shared the bad news. 24 candidates have been interviewed but none selected for the position of PA. Although the other positions have been filled up in the operations and marketing department, yet the most important position is still vacant. I have been summoned and so I take the elevator and reach the 25th floor. Even in the centrally air conditioned office, I am sweating. I am afraid that Mr. Luna might actually fire me! As I get out of the elevator I notice a lady sitting in the reception sipping coffee. I am so worried now that I ignore her and head straight to Damien’s Cabin. I knock and enter with his permission. “ Mr. Shawn! You called for me?” Damien asks me to take a sit and I did. “I have just, saved ----- your-------  Ass--- Mr. John!”

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