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“Sure! I am glad that you liked it?” I said smiling which apparently looked more like a question. “ Was it a question?” He raised his eyebrows and one corner of his lips tilted up in a smirk. “ If it was, let me give you the answer, of course I liked it.” His words and the way he said made me blush. He continued adding, now looking at the others, “ In fact Mr. Lancer, I was worried that I might not be comfortable with the food, since I am not a fan of fancy food prepared in restaurants by renowned chefs even.” He kept eating his soup and chicken fries while talking, as did the others. “ I usually prefer food cooked at home.” He said. I now poured some more soup in his bowl as I heard Steve add “it is true, Boss never enjoys eating outside, he says that it lacks the important ingredients.” “Important ingredients? What are those? Please share with us, so that we may ask our chefs to add those next time.” Tracy said showing a lot of enthusiasm, while I served some more chicken to Mr. Luna. “Those are love and care, can’t be added by all.” Mr. Luna said now looking deep into my eyes and I felt nervous and blinked a few times. He removed his gaze and now looked at Tracy, “ well, but am happy that I joined for dinner.” The rest of the dinner went well, with small talks among ourselves. Uncle and Aunt asked a few questions about his business and he answered them politely. I admired quietly the way this successful gentleman talked so confidently about his achievements and projects, yet was so humble. Tracy as usual kept leaning in and touching Mr. Luna’s hand or arm now and then, showing extra interest in whatever he was talking, which he carefully ignored and avoided. Emma got the deserts soon. There were custards, muffins, cakes and chocolate mousse. Mr. Luna asked me, “ Did you make all these yourself? You are a great cook!”. “ No Mr. Luna, not all, I only made the chocolate mousse.” I replied shying with happiness and little embarrassment. “It is Neilson.” He paused for a second, “Okay, let me try the mousse then.” Saying this he picked two mousses and savoured them as if he has never had such taste ever in his life. Tracy was not very happy about all this though. After dinner, we all sat down in the living room. Aunt Roselin praised about her daughter to Mr. Luna. “ Tracy is doing her Masters in Business Management from Phoenix International Institute and after completing she will join our family business. You know Tracy is quite intelligent and sincere, she already gives valuable suggestions about the business to my husband” to this Uncle Donald glanced at her and she glared at him in return. “ Ok. That’s really great!” Neilson said. “ So Tracy how is your studies going on ? Do you want to spread the family business or develop it more in the country itself? Any thoughts about how you want to do it differently or would you like to follow the old method?” Mr. Luna asked much interested about her studies and her interest in business. Tracy felt uncomfortable and looked at her mother, Aunt Roselin glared at Uncle Donald who was quiet, since the question was being asked to Tracy and just a moment ago Aunt Roselin has bragged so much about her that now Tracy has to reply herself.    Seeing the awkwardness and the helpless face of my sister, I intervened, “ My sister keeps telling me that she would use new methods and practices along with some conventional ones so that it shall be a good balance towards change without disturbing the current business much.” Tracy was relieved and before Neilson could ask more, I added, “ But I don’t think this is a time to discuss business at all. There should be personal time and space. Let us not discuss business please.” “ Yes. I agree.” Tracy sighed a relief. “ So what do you like Ms. Juliana? What is your plan about your career?” Neilson now asked me. I was about to answer when Tracy spoke drawing attention to herself.   Tracy’s POV—   Although I am relieved that Juli saved me from embarrassment by answering Mr. Luna, but I got a chance to humiliate her when Mr. Luna asked about her career plans. Obviously a successful businessman like him would always like independent women with high ambitions. Before Juliana could reply, I spoke quickly drawing every body’s attention, “Well, our Juliana is special. She is all about home and family. She wants to cook for her loved ones, take care of them and their needs.” I continued chuckling, “She likes to be a good wife, good mother and cook for her husband and wait at home for him to return.” Me and Mom started laughing a little seeing the look of complete annoyance on Juliana’s face but when I looked at Mr. Luna, it had a strange expression, probably a shock ! I didn’t understand the reason quite well, but I thought, maybe he expected her to be smarter and better than what I told about her. Whatever it is, I felt happy and satisfied with the expression. After all I can’t let Mr. Luna like her.   Neilson’s POV— Did I hear it right? Did Tracy just say that Juliana’s likes to be a good wife? Cook for husband and wait for him at home to return? I was silent with astonishment and a growing liking towards this girl. Juliana, a name and a face that will not let me sleep for days. I have to see her again. But how? I will have to come up with a plan. I thought and got up, ready to leave. As much as I wanted to stay back and see her and talk to her but she has now excused herself bidding a good night to all of us. There is now no reason for me to stay longer. “ Good night Mr. and Mrs.Lancer! I shook hand with them individually. “Good night Bella!” I said when she pulled me into a gentle hug. “ Good night Son! Drive safe and come again to visit us.” She said warmly. “Good night Mr. Luna” Tracy hugged me little more tightly than required. “Good night Ms. Tracy!” I smiled at her freeing myself from the unwanted hug. Me and Steve were about to leave when suddenly Tracy said little excited, “ Mr. Luna ! Why don’t you come for evening tea on coming Saturday? I will be glad to prepare some nice snacks for you with the special ingredients.” She winked at me. I kept silent for a while thinking that this might be a good scope to see Juliana again. I hesitated a bit and then agreed. “ Sure I shall be happy to come.” She smiled broadly and we left.  
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