Chapter 74

1334 Words

Juliana’s POV— The stranger took me into his embrace and my body brushed with his warmth. First I was taken aback and got tensed being pulled by a stranger, however the familiar feelings and smell that always gives me goosebumps made me relax in his arms and a smile involuntarily graced my face. “Thank you! And you are looking quite the handsome too!” I compliment him. Neil is wearing a white three piece with a white shoe. His hair is back brushed and styled with gel. He looks like a real prince out of the Cinderella fairy tale. And what an irony that today I also have to return soon. I have maximum four hours before I have to return because Alan will be back. “Come on let me get you a drink.” Neil says as he takes me by interlocking my arm with his and leads me to the drinks counter.

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