Chapter 7 ✓

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They allow a member of their family to become a slave? The thought of it enraged me, however, on the outside, I was probably glaring at the floor while clenching my fists. "Don't you have enough of them?" Asked Phoveous in an annoyed tone. "You can never have enough. I mean, look how many you have!" His eyes sparkled deviously as he grinned once again. "I'm sorry. I didn't get your name," he said to me, holding out his hand for me to shake. I hesitated for a few seconds before putting my hand in his, "Hera Vy." "Full name." he kept his grip on my hand and I couldn't pull away. He had insane strength and barely looked like he was exerting any energy. Phoveous leaned in to whisper. "Whenever someone here asks for your name, you give them your full name." "Hera Vy Rosalina DeWynters." He nodded in approval, released my hand, and carried on his conversation with Phoveous. I went over to a shop ahead of us that sold clothing and shoes and looked through the window. A pair of cool-looking Creepers caught my eye as I leaned in closer at the glass. I could just picture myself in them... if I had the money. I shook the thought out of my head. I couldn't be thinking about buying new shoes. They wouldn't help me cope with my loss at all. "You know if you want them. Just ask," Phoveous said casually, sounding as if he was right behind me. I slunk away from him. He felt way too close for comfort. "I can't ask you to buy me stuff. I barely know you!" I stated. Still staring at the shoes. I did want them. But I didn't just want the prince to buy me them if that was his way of trying to bond with me or get me to ignore the fact he'd kidnapped me, or that my friend was still dead. "Then let's get to know each other some more." He said, dragging me away from the shop. He took us to a cafe, ordered us some iced teas, somehow knowing I loved them, and asked me a bunch of questions. I was vague with him, of course. I didn't know him, or what his plan really was- it couldn't be marriage. I was going to get away from here, and the less he knew about me, the better. But where would I go? Would I return home, back to my neglective arents? They probably wouldn't have noticed I was gone yet and so far... this 'PRINCE' or anyone aside from Hanz. Had not tried to do me harm in this place. They were all nice. Maybe I was just sceptical because of what happened. But Celine was before me on the list. She should've been here instead of me. "Can I buy you those shoes now?" "Why do you want to buy me them so bad?" I queried suspiciously. "I want to show you I'm not a bad guy. I know you're annoyed with me, Hera Vy. It's pretty obvious." I didn't care, to be honest. I was glad he knew, and I had every right to be even more than annoyed. It was his fault Celine was dead. "Buy them if you want..."I shrugged, turning my head to take in the bustling street just past the window. Everyone looked so carefree going about their daily business. I was jealous, wishing my life could go back to how it was. "Come on, let's look around some more. I know you're gonna want more than a pair of shoes." He attempted to grab my hand but when he saw me stiffen up, he retracted his and just nodded his head in the direction we'd walk towards a shopping centre. The shopping centre had weird and wonderful things I had never seen before. It was like a fantasy world here. This had to have been a dream or maybe someone spiked my drink and this was all a hallucination. Most of the time I probably looked like a child who was on their first visit to the zoo. I was amazed by even the smallest things. One thing I was most amazed at was the 'Dwarf Dragon' They grew to the size of an adult cat, and they were the cutest things I had ever seen. "Are you still mad at me now?" I sighed. "You can't buy my happiness when my best friend is dead." He sighed. "Well, what do you want? I'm trying my hardest here! I didn't kill her, so liven up a little-" Upon realising his outburst, he squeezed his temples in frustration. "I... nevermind. Let's just go home." That word rang in my ears like an annoying mosquito flying around my head. Home. My new home. A new life. A new family. A new me. I could only hope it was that simple. 9 minute left.... When we got back to the castle, Phoveous left me at the doorway and went to take care of his own business. All I said was buying me stuff wasn't helping me and he was sulking about it. There was no need to flip out or anything irrational like that. It should've been me flipping out. "So how did it go?" Charlotte gasped when she saw the amount of bags there were at my feet, "oh my gosh! Look how much he bought you! He must obviously like you." "Or he feels sorry for me..." I murmured so she couldn't hear me. I don't think she took any notice. "Where is he?" Asked Lemiela curiously, her dark eyes waiting expectantly for my answer. "Why did he leave you at the doorway?" I shrugged. "He just walked off, it doesn't matter." "I'll call him," Lemiela offered. "No!" I blurted out a little too quickly. "I-It's fine. He's probably just tired." "Nonsense!" Lemiela laughed and did the hissing signal and Phoveous appeared not too far from Charlotte. He sauntered over, his eyes lingering in my direction before he turned his attention back to Charlotte and Lemiela. "What is it?" "Why did you leave Hera Vy here at the doorway?" "Did something go wrong while you were out?" She asked continuously. "No. It was fine," he answered flatly. "So why did you leave her?" I just wanted Lemiela to be quiet. I didn't care that he left. I preferred it that way, we just needed time to figure each other out. Or he needed time to work out that I'm not OK with Celine's murder, or anything about this situation. He shrugged, "I was tired. All that walking around. This one's hard to please." He said gesturing towards me. Charlotte shook her head in disbelief. "Just help her carry her bags to her room. You guys need all the bonding time you can get." The prince rolled his eyes and muttered. "I don't understand why you're being so serious about some lousy bags. I'm the prince, I shouldn't even have to go out shopping." He picked up all the bags and headed in the direction of my room. I quickly followed on after him. The bags were dropped in front of my wardrobe once we reached my room. "Thanks." He nodded just before he was about to leave. "I'm sorry about today... I know you were trying your best. I appreciate it. Must be some tough stuff to be a prince and having to go shopping with some girl you just met." He chuckled. "Nothing I'm not used to." He was walking out and just as he got outside of the doorway, he took a double-take. "Two weeks today, meet me in my room. I'll have someone escort you. Dress...casually, something you bought today." He winked before leaving and closing the door. My heart began to race. What did he want? What were we going to do? What should I wear? Maybe that was why he was desperate to take me shopping. Maybe I'd find out why I was really here. I still didn't believe I was going to marry him, even if he was a prince. That just made it even more unbelievable. Maybe this was all a joke. I got goosebumps all over my arms thinking about it. So I stopped and busied myself with other things to take my mind off of him and what was going to happen until the time came a couple of weeks later. I was neatly setting out shoes and clothes that I could wear on the bed. It was never usually so hard to choose what to wear out because I had never had so many new clothes to wear. It became an arduous task. In the end, I chose to wear a black a-line skirt I pulled out of one of the bags, black went with everything, I put on a white shirt with some intricate rose designs on the forearms, my new Creepers, fishnet tights and my silver oversized bomber jacket. The time came to 7:27. There was a knock on the door. The same maid who dressed me the day I got here stood there smiling. "Hi, miss. Are you ready?" I nodded. "Good. You look very nice." "Thanks." As I was walking, I got to thinking: what was this maid's name? She had been so nice to me and I didn't even get her name. "What's your name?" "Oh, my name doesn't matter. You may just call me maid, slave, or whatever you want," she answered, once again smiling. How was she happy with that addressing? I'm not her, yet it angered me. "I'd rather not. It's degrading." "But it's true." She cleared her throat. "l-I'm sorry. I must speak clearly and never mutter my words." "I'm Hera Vy." I said. She hesitated slightly before answering. "I'm Louise." "Well, Louis I'd like to say thanks for all of your help so far." I smiled. "Just doing what I've been told to do." She smiled. She knocked on a large black glossy door with a bat symbol on. I presumed that it was Phoveous's room. He opened the door and stared at me before nodding to Louise to be dismissed. He opened the door wider and let me in. "You look awesome." I nodded in acknowledgement. "Come on we're sneaking outback, it's the night of the party." I released a silent sigh of relief, completely forgetting that the party was a thing that had been arranged. Phoveous took my hand and started to sneaked around the castle, looking.around each corner cautiously, a pulling me into small rooms every now and again to avoid the guards marching around the place. What would happen if we got caught? Why were there guards in this part of the castle but nowhere else? When we got outside of the castle gates, there was a car with blacked-out windows waiting. The windows came down and there sat Lanz. In the car was also Hanz, Charlotte and Lemiela. All dressed for the party. Parties weren't exactly my thing, they were OK, but I preferred to avoid them if I could. Especially if I hardly knew anyone there. However, the host of the party was the friend of a Prince, so nothing unacceptable could happen. I hoped. There was something strange when we arrived at the party. Seeing all the guests having luminous eyes and fangs made me uncomfortable and come to a realising that all these people really were vampires. No longer did I feel in the mood to dance or let loose. I wanted to leave. It wasn't safe for me there. I was a human, and they were all vampires. Vampires drank human's blood. "Why would you bring me here? They're all vampires. What if they?"
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