1047 Words
"No way! I'll be staying with her. I can't just abandon her in this state "I carefully closed Celine's eyes with my two fingers and covered as much of her upper body as I could with my jacket. If I had to go, I wouldn't just leave her body exposed on the outskirts of a forest. "Why is this so? The cops will only accuse you with her death." "I don't mind. Allow them to arrest me." If we had gone at 9 p.m. when she stated we wouldn't be in this scenario, it was my fault she died. We'd be at her place, watching a movie, drinking hot chocolate, and sleeping in a cozy bed. I'm still alive. "We're leaving now!" He demanded, grabbing my arm. I yanked away from his clutches, spitting angrily at him, "no!" And, despite the fact that my heart was pounding in my chest and I could hear my pulse as clear as day, my voice didn't waver, and I didn't back down. I had no idea what he intended or what he and the other person planned to do to me after they had just murdered my closest buddy in front of me. I had no idea what they were and didn't care. I was not going to follow them. But I couldn't run if I didn't want to wind up like Celine He sighed and shook his head, "you're both as stubborn as each other." "You can't kill her, Hanz. She's the very last person on the list.” “Hanz, we must bring her back. With no scratch." The second guy came over to us and put his hand on Hanz's chest to stop him from moving forward. "You know Phoveous wanted him to be alive when we brought her back." Hanz had a frown on his face and was staring at me. He clinched his hands as he stepped behind the green-eyed man; that was the last thing I saw before everything went dark... "Shhhh! Are you trying to awaken the poor girl?" A feminine voice hissed near me. "Obviously you all are," I whispered, not quite willing to open my eyes and show whoever it was that I was awake. "We sincerely apologize!" They all whispered at the same time. "It's pointless apologizing now..." I sat up slowly and opened my eyes to see the two females on either side of the large bed I was on. The first was black, while the second was white and blonde. My left temple began to ache instantly. It was a mistake to stand up so quickly. I was also in a different set of clothes. I didn't recognise any of them or my surroundings. Maybe I was in some kind of private hospital. That would explain why I was in such a cozy-looking room. With its high ceiling and soft teal wallpaper. I didn't I felt I still had enough strength to look around some more after using all my energy to sit up, so all I could see was the door across the room. I couldn't remember why I was there or how long I had been there. But something didn't feel right. I had a peculiar feeling of dread in my stomach. "We changed your clothing because you were drenched in blood, so we took it upon ourselves to assist you," they said cordially. "What do you mean, blood?" My mind flashed back to the terrifying occurrences of the previous night. The gruesome images of Celine's body. Those two evil eyes watching us in the park. Where were the two men who were there? Where exactly I was? The blonde girl sighed, "Hanz killed your friend." My eyes began to well up and tears began to flood. One of the girls tried to reach out for me, but I shrugged them away, opting to hug myself and shield myself from the outside world. It couldn't have been real. There had to have been some kind explanation for what was happening. But my heart was hollow, whatever was left of Celine in it was gone. All I can see is their pale skin like me and their green, blue, and hazel nut eyes. As much as Celine would've been moaning at me crying for her, I couldn't help myself. I'd known her all my life. We did everything together, shared everything. And she was taken right from me. While trying to make sense of my circumstances, I saw that none of the two females appeared to be linked to the other or to the two killers. Perhaps they won't try to murder me. Despite this, my tears continued to fall. They remained silent, ignoring my cries for them to let me go. It wasn't long until my body was weak with tiredness again, and I reluctantly rested my head back, unable to do anything else. My entire body felt numb. A knock came on the door "Lemiela, Charlotte. Prince Phoveous Alex Demostrous would like to meet you "Lanz was the one. Our gazes locked for a split second before he returned his gaze to the females "Right now. He stated. "He was the one who prevented me from reaching Celine in time. Under the cover, I clasped and unclenched my hands, staring at him. He was one of the reasons I'd lost her! His sweet look made it appear as if butter wouldn't melt, but I was well aware of what he and his brother were capable of. "Oh yeah, that's Lemiela, and I'm Charlotte," said the blonde girl, pointing at Lemiela, then herself, "This is green-eyed Lanz, and his blue-eyed twin brother is Hanz." I didn't say anything, instead watching as the females waited around the doorway, waiting for me to say anything. I didn't even notice them stroll over there. These females were as quiet as if nothing had occurred. They didn't appeal to me. They had no right to act as if everything was OK when it clearly wasn't. It was the worst I'd ever experienced, and I had no idea what to do or where I was. This wasn't a hospital, nor was it a house. I was in a house with strangers who pretended I belonged there and that nothing had occurred.
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