Chapter 2

1159 Words
                                                                            Zuko           I escaped my simple Cabin as my dad has invaded it going on and on about the new school Shadow High where werewolves and vampires were to go to learn to get along, as well as how I should be an example to other wolves. Blah, blah, blah. Just because he is high up in the ‘mythical’ world does not mean he has to drag me into it all the time. This is why I moved out in the first place. Yes, I’m in High School and I moved out that is how troublesome my dad can be.           “Hey Z! What’s up man?” My head snapped up. “Oh hey Ezio” I replied stopping to allow him to catch up then continuing onward. “Did your dad invade your house again?” He asked. I let out an exasperated sigh “Yep,” I answered. Ezio scoffed "Your dad really has to learn to just leave you alone," He said. "Thank you! No one ever says that," I said relieved to have a friend that is not afraid of my father. Reaching the top of my favorite hill Ezio and I sat down facing the town we just left. I looked out at the spires of the Church, the log cabins, the woods. Then I looked further at the elaborate castles of the vampires in the distance but with my eyes it looked within walking distance. "I wonder what it is like over there?" I pondered aloud to no one in particular. Ezio looked at me and I could see he was curious as well. "Well we may find out at least what the people are like," He answered. "Ya," I said "at least that." Looking to the right I saw the new school. It looked like a medieval castle with a little Victorian flair. We sat there in sweet silence for what seemed like forever, but we had to head down sooner than later. We hardly made it into town when screams of girls flooded us. "Well hello ladies!" Ezio exclaimed being the ladies’ man that tended to get other men jealous. Ezio is the definition of tall dark and handsome. He has entrancing hazel eyes, a winning smile, shaggy brown hair, and lots of hard earned muscle. “Well my friend here and I could use a little cheering up,” Ezio said putting his hand on my shoulder, “Any volunteers?” There were instant overwhelming screams of “pick me” and “over here” and “I volunteer”. Ezio gave one of his dazzling smiles much to the enjoyment of the girls. He turned to me and asked “Well which one do you want to take out on a date?” Looking around I saw a young women at the back who obviously thought that Ezio or I would not choose her. I, being the gentleman that I am, chose her. She squealed with delight as I pointed to her then came over to stand next to me. “Well now it is my turn,” Ezio announced. He of course picked the prettiest one.           We took the girls to a movie and after we went to eat at one of my favorite restaurants ‘The Wolf Buffet’ where you wolf down food, as the slogan says that is. Heading back outside we walked the girls home and Ezio pretended to take the girls number only to toss it away after we left them. Ezio soon left for his house and I went to mine. Hopefully my dad has left it by now after all it is a starry, pitch black night. Pitch black that is to humans, my wolf eyes navigated the darkness perfectly.           I Looked up at my Cabin and saw that the lights were still on so either my Dad left them on or he is still there. I sighed which immediately brought my Dad to the door. Stupid Werewolf hearing I thought to myself. “I wasn’t finished son” he said obviously annoyed. “My apologies o’ great and mighty high alpha do continue” I said with a mocking tone. He gave me an irritated look. “Get inside” he said with the alpha tone. Begrudgingly I walked inside and plopped down on my favorite dark green chair in my living room. My father sat in the matching couch across from me. “All I was saying son is that not all wolves and not all vampires like the idea of going to the same school. Just make the vampires feel welcome and if any wolf/vampire brawls break out please do your best to stop the fight.” My father continued. “Ya I get it, now can I get some sleep before school.” I asked, He nodded and proceeded to leave “I love you Zuko” “love you too dad”. With that he closed the door and headed out.   The next day           I woke up to my alarm rudely yanking me out of my slumber. I groaned and got out of bed to get ready for the day. I decided to go with the biker look for today. Putting on my clothes I headed downstairs and cooked me up lots of bacon with hash browns, eggs, and a cinnamon coffee cake. I wolfed it down like the wolf I was. I grabbed my favorite leather jacket and my back pack and went to my garage hopped on my 2005 Yamaha Bulldog Motorcycle and Drove to school.           I looked up at the school, it kind of looked like a Victorian style building but I wouldn’t know Victorian style that well. I was so distracted by the school that I almost missed Ezio sneaking up behind me. “Hey Ezio” I said “aw come on how do you do it” He said wining like a pup, “Werewolf hearing man, deal with it” other members of the pack joined us and started chatting with us           It was then we heard the roar of an engine. “No freaking way” Ezio said as we saw the car responsible it was a 2015 Chevrolet corvette. All us wolves whistled at that beauty. I for one couldn’t take my eyes off the beauty in the car. Mate!! Zero, my wolf cried out with joy. “look at that beauty in the car rrrrraaaarrrr” Ezio said, I growled loudly “Mine” I said the growl still in my voice. Ezio’s eyes widened, “Dude she’s your mate?” “yes” I said calming down now that Ezio seemed to back off. “Go get her dude” He said. “That was exactly what I was planning on doing” I said.
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