
435 Words
   Before I start my story I should tell you about vampires. First off vampires can walk in the sunlight. The brightness of the sun is a little annoying though. We can be killed just like humans. Yes, we do drink blood but only animal’s blood and we don’t kill. Though there are some vampires that do kill and drink human blood; we call them Blood Killers. The Blood Killers have red eyes, extremely pale skin and have constant fangs so they can’t really fit in a human society. We on the other hand have odd colored eyes such as violet, and silver, skin paler than humans; and our fangs can retract. Both we and the Blood Killers are extremely gorgeous and our skin temp is slightly cooler than humans and we are not affected by extreme heat or cold, we can still feel it we just won’t get sweat or chills.  I should also tell you about werewolves, since they are in the story too. Werewolves do not have to change during a full moon though most people see them during that time because the full moon does make them stronger. Yes, silver hurts them, a ton, but only when it is under the skin. Like for instance if a werewolf gets shot with a silver bullet and the bullet stays in the werewolf. There are bad werewolves we call them insane the werewolves call them animals for that is what they became. In human form werewolves have normal colored eyes, though they can change it to their wolf color which is gold or silver. In their wolf form their eyes are always their wolf color; their fur varies from plain colors to multi colors such as rustic brown marbled with black; and they walk on four legs like a normal wolf almost as tall as a horse. They are resistant to extreme cold and heat. Now for the Witches and Sorcerers. First off Witches don’t fly on brooms Hollywood made that up for fun I suppose. They are not green, nor do they look nasty and evil. They can however have an evil aura or sent. Not all witches are evil same goes for sorcerers Yes there is animal and human sacrifice for spells though only the evil ones do either of those. Witches and sorcerers do not currently have a leader over all of them like vamps and wolves do. Now to my story “Don’t you mean our story” “Zuko again with the interrupting!” “Sorry”
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