Chapter 4 Bellamy

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I’m f*****g fuming. That f*****g little cunt has some nerve talking s**t about my mother. Say what you want about me, but I’ll cut a b***h for saying anything about my mom. She had a life a good one before he f****d it up and she had to go back to the family. As she tells it she doesn’t regret it for a moment, but I know. That her soul is stained like the rest of ours becoming who she became after my father through her away from that b***h Beverly. But either way, as I told them I’m here for a job and I’m going to do it. I don’t like it especially now, but I made a promise. And I never ever brake my promises. That’s one thing I learned as a child and something my mama instilled in me among other very helpful skills. As I’m making my way down the hall towards the common room I hear who I’m assuming is Vex coming up behind me. “Hey, wait up Sis” he catches up in step next to me. I can tell he’s nothing like his brother or sister. He looks happier much more chill. Even though I can see in his eyes he too has seen some s**t and experienced the nit so pleasant parts of our world. I look up slowly into Vex smiling eyes, walking in stride beside me. I slow my steps down just a touch. I kinda want to hear what he has to say, I’m not one to hold onto a grudge or place it on someone that doesn’t deserve it. Regardless of my father, Princess or Bulls actions. I’m not going to put it on Vex. “So, your my big sister huh?” He puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me into him. This kid is a nut, I can tell we are going to get along just fine. He stops me looking pensive I can tell he wants to say something and isn’t sure how to say it I give him a big smile “Yep, I guess I am” I smiled up at my little brother and his handsome face. Good lord he’s tall at least 6’6, what the heck do they feed these boys. I mean Blaze is tall to but good grief. I could see so much of Blaze in him. Still standing at the mouth of the hall entry. “I.. . I know my sister can be a bit much, she’s kind off.. . “ he takes his arm from around me and take a small step back looking very serious but clearly struggling with what he wants to say. “.. . I know that this is going to be hard and all I’m asking is that you give us a chance dispute her. She may never come around, but I’m hoping that maybe you can look past her bullshit and give me, Bull the club and Dad a chance” He swears and looks down at his feet. I know vulnerability is not something g he shows often and I can appreciate that. I look up to him and keep my eyes on his. I want him to hear me and believe everything I say, because it’s true. “She is not you or them. I’m not nor will I ever hold you accountable for her actions or words. I know me showing up her was a shock but it was a necessity believe me. I want to get to know this side of my family. Ok. So don’t ever doubt that I want to know you and will never turn my back on you for something someone else has done or said. I may be repeating myself but I need him to know I’m being honest. He steps up to me puts his arm around and and bears me away from my original destination, the door towards the bar. “Well, since your here I’d love to get to know you. I get all the heavy between our parents. And all that went down wasn’t that great. But, I want to know you despite all the bullshit.” He looks over to a Prospect with a chin lift waving two fingers he sits down with me at the bar. And so the questions begin. Where did I grow up? What’s our brother Blaze like? What brings me here? How come I didn’t reach out sooner? How long am I staying? And I answer him all but why I’m here. I don’t think they are ready for that answer yet. There are still a lot of moving pieces and people to find to get a handle on the situation at hand. As fierce as LSMC is I promised to try and prevent a war from happening and come up with a solution that will prevent that and any future wars from occurring due to the f****d yo traditions of the Italian Mob, which should have no bearing on the way the MC lives or does business. But, because of Beverly and the ties created between the Club and the mob. I’ve got my work cut out for me and the organization does as well. But, we’ll make it happen my mama and my team will make sure of it. We sit for a while talking getting to know one another and all of our similarities and quarks that come from the Church bloodline. I’m surprised to know that Vex is smart like MIT smart which is crazy because he actually went there when Blaze did but apparently they ran in different circles being that Blaze and I are a few years older. But, all the same it’s interesting that my fathers twin boys are so similar. But the girls ie me and that spoiled b***h are nothing and I mean absolutely nothing alike. You can take that to the grave. How we are family, I don’t know and I don’t like it, not one bit. If she were less of a f*****g brat I could reconcile my team putting our lives on the line for her but at this moment and not for the first time I don’t know why the organization is so vested in saving her. That’s a lie. It’s all my mother and her need to protect anything to do with my sperm donor and his brood. She has spent years protecting him and he doesn’t even know it. I only do because of my part in the organization and I’m sure I don’t even know the half of it. One of the Prospects puts another beer in front of me and Vex once he notices we are both empty. And as I’m about to say something I hear the shrill voice of Princess. f**k me this b***h is annoying. “Oh look everybody” Princess slurred her words. I could tell this was going to be a s**t show. I just now it, from her display in our fathers office I know she’s pissed and I get it. To find out you have siblings and your parents marriage started out via manipulation and lies not love. I get it it’s a lot to take in. But, I am not here to play games I’m not here to take the spoiled Princesses crown. Oh no… I’m here to ensure the little bitches crown stays securely in place regardless of wanting to knock her spoiled ass out. For all the research I’ve done before making my presence known I known to the MC. I know from people around town she can be a handful, shocker. I do everything in my power to tune her out. I get it. It was a shock to her fragile ego. But, f**k me. I am in no mood to deal with her s**t. I’m not here for a pissing contest. I’m not here to take anything from her. Regardless of what she thinks I truly am here to protect her and her family, the club. “… Daddy’s little lost bastard has apparently returned and she thinks she has a right to be here…” My brother Vex sitting next to me stiffens at her words. I can feel how tense he’s became at the bullshit she’s spewing. I know he doesn’t know what to do. I get the feeling he’s the peace maker of the two. But, I also get that in this situation he doesn’t want to have to choose between his sister he’s known his whole life and the sister he met only hours ago. I myself don’t want him to choose, because that’s not fair to him. I doubt little Princess even gives a f**k, she seems like the self obsessed type, not giving a crap about how her actions affect others in her life. I put my hand on his arm that’s resting on the bar top look at him shake my head and smile. Giving him a reassuring him with my eyes giving him the ‘I got this little brother’ look. He just looks at me as if to say he’s sorry and he doesn’t know what to do or say. I’m the sister he only just learned about me. I don’t expect him to defend me. I don’t want him to. He shouldn’t have to especially from family. “… why don’t you run along bastard child. Daddy didn’t want you then and he sure as f**k doesn’t want you now” I catch the end of her rant continuing to do my damndest to ignore all the little barbs she’s throwing my way. I make eye contact with Pain, Rocket and Sin knowing they want to jump in and defend me from her onslaught of insults. I know this little show she’s putting on is simply to discredit and demean me in the eyes of the club. I doubt it will work. Especially how she is going about it, she’s going drunk off her ass slurring and swaying as she try’s to gain as much attention as she can. I keep my eye on her through the mirror hanging up that spans across the back bar area. I have a feeling in the end this little show isn’t going to play out how the way she thinks it is. As I look over agin at my team my family, I miss her stepping closer to me. At that moment I fell cold liquid run down my back of my top I look up to the mirror and sure as s**t I see her holding her glass up shacking it to get ever last drop out of it to further soak my top. I stiffen and begin praying and taking deep breathing. Lawd, please don’t tell me this i***t didn’t just... Deep breaths girl take deep calming breaths. I really truly did not come here to make a scene I just wanted to get eyes inside the club and then go back to watching from afar. I wanted to wait until I was ready to introduce myself and also gain a little more knowledge about the threat. With that plan in the crapper now, I adjust and just want to get to know my family and go from there. I take another deep breath. I have a choice to make. The place goes quit all the snickering and hollering stops. That saying ‘could here a pin drop’ is very much true in this moment. People don’t know what to think and those that weren’t outside don’t know exactly how I respond. But, know I’m a bit crazy. But, I’m trying not to go there again I’m trying lawd how I am trying to keep a lid on it. I really really am. My first introduction wasn’t to best so putting hands on another one of my siblings isn’t ideal. I will if I must, but I’m really trying to avoid it. I looked to my right and see the anger rolling off my cousins and sister. I see the rage in their eyes. They know me, disrespect is not something I allow. In our family, in our organization nothing was handed to us, to any of us we’ve had to work damn hard for each and every position we hold. And have had to prove ourselves working our way from the bottom up from the minute we were inducted. Disrespect is something we never EVER put up with, like I said we work hard to earn respect from everyone we come across. In this life respect is power. It’s easy to garner fear, but respect. Respect opens doors and makes life just a bit easier. That’s why death comes to those that dare disrespect us, with no exceptions. But, I have a choice to make. I stand up slowly turning to face the spoiled little princess. Allowing her to see the deadly cool and calm that comes over me. My eyes are trained on her waiting her next barb her next move. I say nothing but c**k my head to the side and raise a brow. I’ll wait. I have a choice to make. I speak not to her but to Pain calmly asking “Cuz can you go grab my bag out of the car, I need to change my top.. .” I sigh yank my top up and off leaving my self in my black lace braw. Turning back placing my shirt on the bar top. I turn around back to the little b***h that had the audacity to poor her drink on me giving her a deadly look. She has no idea how close I am to saying f**k it. This tantrum of hers is going to land her closer to the grave then she ever thought she’d come. She rolls her eyes at me trying to stare me down like she could. She makes some hand gesture in a ‘What are you gonna do’ kind a way, that apparently makes a few stupid idiots snicker. A few of the members, hang arounds and club girls must follow this idiots every move and desire treating her like the Queen of the castle. But, they will soon learn. I have a choice to make. “Sure thing little one” Pain is off making his way to the door with precise steps. I know he’s pissed the Prince brothers are family to me they are my brothers from another mother so disrespect shown towards me is disrespect towards them. I can see out of my peripheral that Rocket and Sin are on there feet awaiting any action that might occur. My family has my back they always have and always will no matter what as I have there’s in the same way. Even if the cost is my other family they rock with me and are my ride or dies. But, we all have our limit and if we reach ours, even though we were sent here to protect these people especially the spoiled Princess. We will walk away. We all know we will still do our jobs. But at the end of the day we will walk away if it puts us at odds with those we are sent to protect. Another team would reluctantly be sent in to ensure nothing goes wrong and the job gets done. Which very rarely happens with my team. We are the best and most levelheaded of the bunch. I have a choice to make. “You don’t need your bag little bastard daughter.. .” she steps up closer to me. Me. f**k me if this girl only new what I could do to her. She sneers “.. .You need to get the f**k out of my club, your not welcome here” she steps around me I’m assuming to grab the beer from the bar then she step back looking at me as though she is going to poor it on me. Oh this girl is really and truly asking to get her ass beat. “Princess. Don’t” I hear Vex next to me. I know he doesn’t want this s**t to go down like this. But, it’s clear his sister is full of piss and vinegar at the moment. Ain’t nothing going to stop this brat from making a show of it. “Princess, I’m f*****g warning you. That’s e f*****g nough you made whatever point your trying to make. Walk the f**k away” this comes from Taz the clubs VP. I say nothing just stare at her earring her to do what everyone think she is. I can see Taz making his way from the corner table where he was sitting before watching this bullshit all go down. I grab her arm before she makes the stupid decision to do what she thinks is a good idea. I twist it so the bottle falls to the floor and she cries out. And I stare down at her with all the anger I’ve held in my entire life. “You stupid little cunt, you think I want to be here. You think I want to have to deal with a useless spoiled little MC Princess who’s only accolades are graduating high school barely and spreading her legs for brothers?” I don’t take my eyes off of her, but I can feel that I’ve got everyone’s attention know, even those who were working hard to enjoy the party and ignore this stupid f*****g scene she’s trying to make. “Bellamy.. . Come on. She’s upset. We are all a little shocked. Some of us know how to be adults about it.” Vex gives his sister a scathing look as he stands at my side. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off. Ignoring him. I bend her arm more and she falls to her knees. “No, little Princess. I’m here because my job is to save your worthless ass because YOUR MOTHER SOLD YOU, you dumb b***h” surprise, fear and emotion I could read fluttered through her inebriated eyes. “Yeah, that’s right Pretty pretty Princess, mommy dearest sold you to further her hold in the family. Because she broke a contract made long before you were a swimmer in your daddy’s pants.. .” I push her down while she catches her self as she falls back on her ass. I continue on telling her about the real reason I’m here. “.. . And while your little display here furthers my need to want to say f**k this job and move on. I have people who for some odd reason want you to live a happy, spoiled and carefree life.” I step closer to her as she tries to get up and push her back onto the ground and she stare up to see the entire MC staring at me and her. I can tell she’s looking for someone to come and save her dumb ass. Vex comes over to us and I let him helping her up as she whimpers in his arms. I know she’s faking it trying to get as much sympathy as she can. f*****g Pussy I can feel someone standing next to me and I look up to see it’s Taz. God Lordy that ma is sexy AF. Get it together girl not the right time. I take a deep breath looking back at Vex and Princess. I can see the weariness in Vexs eyes I don’t like it. But, she just had to f*****g poke the bear. At some point my cousin and brother walked into the clubhouse jaws tight in anger for me. I know while out there Pain filled Blaze in on what he knows thus far. “Hey little brother I thought you’d never show” He scoffs taking in the scene. Walking over to me with my bag looking over at Princess with cold eyes. “This her?” “Yep” He goes over to where Princess and Vex are standing he holds his hand out to introduce himself. Vex stiffens a bit and she just looks at him in disgust. And my brother just gives her his trademark smirk. He lowers his hand and I know some s**t is about to come out of his mouth. My brother you’ll learn is fiercely protective of me and will and has killed to protect me. To be honest I’m the same, not as crazy but damn close. “Hi, Princess. I’m Blaze your big brother and unlike my sister here I don’t take to kindly to disrespect. I’ll cancel this job and slit your throat myself if you ever disrespect her again. Got me” saying it all with a smile on his face. “Blaze, enough. Let it go” he stands there a moment longer eyes conveying a promise. Everyone around him looks in shock, their is a mixture of protective angry looks and aww shown on the faces of those within earshot. “f**k you and that b***h” at that moment Sin comes barreling over from where she was standing in and nails Princess in the face. Rocket and Pain get ahold of her before she destroys the little b***h. My little sister is no one to be f****d she is like me my mothers protege. With the hard life age had before coming into the family. She’s became fiercely loyal and protective. And I love her more for it. “Listen here you little b***h” Sin yells while still struggling to get out of our cousins grasp. “If you ever.. . and I mean f*****g ever disrespect my family again I’ll do Blaze one better and pack your ass up and hand deliver you my f*****g self to Dominique. You worthless cunt” she shoves out of out of Pain and Rockets arms and makes her way to the door. I sigh turning to my brother giving him a nod. He knows that this has to be done and why. “Pain go with her and try to calm her down” he looks at me for a moment gaging where my heads at and nods “On it” he to makes his way to the exit. Blaze on the other hand is not letting it go “No, Bell f**k her and her f*****g family” I cut him of with a stare “” “f**k, fine.” He also makes way to the exit he turns back to the bar with on last parting shot. “I’m not trying to be a b***h Bell I’ll follow your lead, but you and I both know that b***h ain’t worth saving. I don’t know why mama put us on this job” and honestly this need to protect him doesn’t seem worth it, if this is how they treat you. I look down sigh and look back to my brother “Just go take a breather. Ok” he nods and leaves.
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