35. Training

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Valentin    I came across Daisy in the hall of my palace. We were bound to meet often since she worked there and she was a member of the Fae Court, a valuable one. Besides that, we work together. Meeting her isn’t something I can avoid, neither is it something I should avoid. “Daisy, how are you?” I asked as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. I’ve talked to her after we both took the Truth Serum in King Avalon’s Realm and she reacted again as if she was fine with it, with me being with my mate.  But she seemed odd as if she was hiding something. As if she couldn’t express herself properly and sincerely.  After it, she started to behave normally, as she did before we became lovers when we were only friends, and I was happy with that. I didn’t want to lose her friendship. The only issue is that she was being quite touchy, hugging me and trying to touch me as much as she could, on such a level that was almost uncomfortable. Besides that, she tried to be near to me as often as possible. It isn’t healthy, but I’m giving her some time, maybe that’s only her strange way to cope with the situation. I was being as patient and kind with her as I could, it was an unexpected break up for her. Even though I suspect that Lea could be my mate before I met her a bit more than a month ago, it was only something remotely possible. So, my breakup with Daisy was indeed sudden.  “I’m fine. I’ve missed you.” She smiled and ran her hands up and down my arms. She was very close to me.  “Daisy…we’ve met yesterday for the Zoological Management Meeting.” She was still very engaged in the political matters of our Realm and was actually very helpful.  “I know. But I missed you anyway.” She closed the little distance between us, her breasts could almost touch my chest.  I sighed deeply, putting some distance between us, “I’ve to go. I have a lot of work to do.” I said as I started to walk away. “Valentin, please wait.” I turned back and looked at her. “It’s so sad, what happened between us, it wasn’t supposed to be like this.” She lowered her gaze to the floor. I walked closer to her. I really hated to see her suffering.  “Yes, it was sad,” I replied. “But hopefully soon you will find your mate….” I started. “No, you don’t know about that. It isn’t even likely. Don’t humour me, we used to be totally honest with each other. Why have you started to lie to me, my dear?” she cut me off and closed the distance between us, and cupped my face as she gazed at me with a look of tenderness. Her eyes were moistened with tears. I took her hands off my face and hold them, squeezing them in trying to soothe her. “You are right, I don’t know. But what are you talking about…”  “You lied to Lea… to yourself. To us. I know you still love me, and you are only with the girl because of duty, your duty with the Goddess, and the mate she chose to you. Stop trying to convince yourself that it’s what you want. I know that you are a too generous and kind male and that you would sacrifice your happiness to fulfil the Goddess's wishes, to don’t break that poor and delicate young girl’s heart. But you don’t have to… you should think about yourself as well…” she said between sobs. “Daisy, I’m so sorry for the way it happened. But I didn’t lie to you, to Lea, or to myself. She is the one I want.”  I was falling in love with her, every day more and more, my sweet female was taking my heart in her hands. “You know I couldn’t possibly lie; I said those words when I was under the effect of the Truth Serum.”  “It didn’t work… the Serum didn’t work, they did something wrong in the preparation of the potion, they are young and unexperienced witches.” She added as she moved her hands away from mine and started to run her fingers through my hair.  Daisy was in deep denial, sinking on it. She wasn’t well.  “Daisy please, you are the one in denial, you know that what you are saying doesn’t make sense. Please, understand that Lea is my mate, she is the one in my heart, in my thoughts, in my dreams…” the last words left my mouth unintentionally. I didn’t want to hurt Daisy, but I have to make her understand it once and for all.  “Valentin… it won’t work… not even you will be able to share a mate. To share her with a possessive and overbearing Alpha. Besides the vampire, he will come back one day, and nothing guarantees that Lea won’t take him back. You are just signing up for your own misery….”  As she was saying these words, Conrad, my second in command, was passing by. I sighed in relief, I can’t leave Daisy alone in her state, but I also can continue this conversation, it’s not good for her or for me. She will only go in circles and feel even worse, sink even more in her denial.  I gazed at him with a pleading look and he already knew what I meant.  “Daisy, I have to leave. But please calm yourself down and take care of yourself. I will always be your friend and be there for you. But feeding these ideas and thoughts is no good for you. Try to think about, focus on something else.” I said as started to walk away.  Conrad took Daisy in a hug and I could hear her sobs. “He loves me, he doesn’t know it, but he does. I’m sure, my Fae 7th Senses are telling me that… he loves me, Conrad.”  “Hush…I know, I know…. Don’t cry Day, everything will work out.” He cooed her.  I could avoid wonder if what she said is true, if it isn’t possible to share a mate, especially with an Alpha wolf. It will for sure be difficult, but we’ll be able to do it. We have to. I can’t be without Lea anymore; I can’t see my life without her.  She is my first and last thought every day. She is the stuff of my dreams. ~ * ~     Liv   We went to the wolf Realm, which was quite nice! It has been a long time since we were here. By we, I mean Avalon and I, he didn’t want me to come alone.  This way I can visit aunt Astoria, see how she is doing in her new mated life and give Lea some moral support. Richard asked her to come here and brought her directly to the training field. It’s much bigger than the training field they have at Avalon’s Realm. Wolves fight mainly using their physical strength in ‘human’ and wolf form, while we wizards and witches fight mostly using our magic.  “Wolves spare every day; we start at 4:30 in the morning and finish at 8. We should start our day in shape and be always prepared for any attacks.” Richard explained to us, Lea was curiously looking around at the sparing wolves. There were many groups engaging in the fight, in their wolf and ‘human’ form, even teen wolves were full-blow training.  Starting at 4:30 in the morning, that is insane! at that time I’m just starting a new dream. It’s too early to fight, even for my life.  “Why do you have to train so much? There haven’t been any battle or war in the last 10 years.” Lea asked.  “We always have to be prepared, we never stopped having minor conflicts with Vampires, what happened more often around the border between their Realm and ours. Some of them even managed to break in and kidnaped a couple of Omega wolves to use as their blood bags.” Richard explained with anger and venom, and an unsuppressed growl.  He DOES hate the vamps. But well, he also does have a reason to do that. I just hope that his hatred doesn’t consume him.  I looked at Lea’s face filled with uneasiness. My poor baby sis. “That is horrible.” She muttered.  “Besides that, there is no war among the species anymore, but werewolves, especially unmated young males tend to be quite temperamental and aggressive. So, we have to be ready to contain their fights and outburst. If we aren’t, it would be an infinite civil war not only between the different packs but also among each pack. That is why we always need strong, dominant, and commanding alphas to keep the order and control their wolves. Wolves without a clear hierarchy, command, and their Alpha’s guidance are very unpredictable, dangerous, and even feral. That is why we don’t tolerate rogues. They need their alpha to keep their inner beasts under control.” Richard added.  “For that, they also need their mates.” Sarah chimed in with a smile.  The cunning she-wolf came without making any noise like a skilled huntress. You go, girl! She jumped to hug Lea and in the next second, she was bear hugging me and stroking my bump. She is always so uh-hu. “And Richard as the Alpha of the Alphas have to keep all those temperamental wolves in check. It’s a hard job, that is why he needs his Luna’s support.” Sarah said patting Lea’s shoulder. No pressure at all baby sis. Lea flashed her a small nervous smile.  “She has time to learn and adjust to it, don’t overwhelm her, Sarah!” Richard scolded the she-wolf. Good that Richard doesn’t put pressure on her.  “True, but only her presence here already brings us a lot. Reassures all the wolves and gives us hope. We’ve waited so long for you.” Sarah uttered cupping Lea’s face. Lea smiled, “I’m very glad to help.”  I totally lost track of their conversation when I heard some unexpected words that made me turn around and chuckle.  “Come on, cupcake!” Aunt Astoria was sparing with her wolf mate, Luke. He launched towards her and she dodged by jumping quite high. She got the best moves, but he is also great, they are an awesome match.  “Cupcake, seriously? I knew you would be big in cheesy pet names!” I taunted my aunt and she just stared me a dirty look in response. Luke laughed and after some moments she started laughing too. It’s so good to see her like this, chilled and happy.  I walked back towards my sister, Sarah, and Richard, and of course, Avalon followed me. He and Elric were following me around like shadows. They are super protective lately and worried-mad that I would feel bad because of mate withdrawal and whatnot. But I’m okay, at least trying to do my best for the mate withdrawal to not affect my baby. I cast myself a Binding Spell. This way all the symptoms and issues that I may have, because of mate withdrawal and even because of heartbreak, will affect only me and not do anything to the baby. All the pain is bound to me. I didn’t tell Elric and Avalon about it, because the spell might have a side effect, it can make my emotional suffering even worse. So, my mates can’t know about it, otherwise, they will get even more worried.  Anyways, everything is worth it, when it comes to protecting the child or children that I’m expecting.  “Why are we here? I’m very happy to watch the wolves, and especially aunt Astoria and Beta Luke training, but do you have anything else in mind?” Lea asked.  Richard exhaled sharply. “You were attacked, my Luna. It won’t ever happen again, because I won’t ever let you out of my sight. However, you should learn how to defend yourself anyway. We will have self-defense classes.” Richard pretty much announced and my sister nodded.   I think it’s quite a good idea for Lea to train and feel that she can fight back. I mean, of course, she can, what she did unlocking her elf powers was full-blow incredible. But I’m not sure that she is totally aware of it. “I’ll join!” I exclaimed excitedly. Wolves are famous for their fight technics even in their ‘human form’, I have so much to learn. Soon I will be like that Kill Bill chick or one of the Charlie Angels’. Richards looked at my bump and Avalon shook his head. I looked down at the bump as well and stroked it, giving up with a sigh. Although, I am pretty sure nothing could hurt this titanium baby. My little bun had somehow found a way to create a protective barrier around him or herself since the start. That’s why we couldn’t know what the baby’s species or gender is. We don’t even know if am expecting one baby or more. “When I pop this baby out, I’ll train!” I uttered resigned. I knew that even if I train by fighting with a chihuahua puppy my mates would have a cardiac arrest. Men sometimes can be so dramatic. Avalon went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, as he whispered in my ear. “After that, I’ll put another one inside you.” His deep husky voice sent delightful chills down my spine. Wow.  “We should start practicing, take me to the room, mate,” I answered breathlessly. It’s still some kind of training, right?  We portaled to our bedroom to start our new training session. Hopefully, it will be harsh and sweating. Nympho Goddess of the pregnancy hormones, please give me a break! I’m becoming Nema!   ~ * ~ Lea   I know my mate was being quite bossy and overbearing. But I also know that I should go along at least a bit to keep his wolf calm. Besides, I think it’s important to know how to protect myself without needing the help of others. Sometimes all you have is yourself and it must be enough.  “First you have to warm up and increase your stamina. Let’s do some stretching exercises, and then run 10 times around the training field.” He said.  I sighed, oh Goddess! The training field is huge, I’m not sure I can do it. But I’ll try. “Richard, don’t push her too hard, don’t forget that she isn’t a wolf.” Sarah chimed in. “Six times around the field.” He replied with a sharp exhale. I flashed Sarah a thankful look and she chuckled. After the very exhausting running, we sat a bit and drank some water. I was sweating and panting like never before. “Now the training will actually start,” Richard said and I looked at him a bit shocked.  “I think it’s too much,” I replied. “It’s important for you to feel confident and overcome your trauma. To make yourself understood in a deeper level that you are strong enough.” He said as he held my hand gently. “When a wolf is not at his best or has to overcome an issue, they train, they fight, they become stronger. They become the best fighter and it helps them to know that they are strong enough and can overpower any problem.”   Being strong doesn’t necessarily mean being able to run a lot or even being able to fight. In the physical fighting way, I don’t think I’ll ever be strong enough, not that I even want to be. I don’t really see myself engaging in physical combat. It’s just not me. I’m not a wolf. Maybe I’ve my own kind of strength.  But I know Richard was trying to help me, and I really appreciated it, so I could try a bit for him. Learning a few defence moves would be good, but not more than that.  “Let’s start now, my Luna.” He stood up and reached his hand to me, I took it and stood up as well.  Richard showed me a series of self-defense and even fighting moves, and I did my best to reproduce every move, afterwards, I was beyond exhausted.  “Luna, you have to push more. To fight for yourself, defend yourself.” “Love, I defend myself using magic, not with my fists and knees,” I replied. “What if your magic falters? Training is not only for defence purposes. It’s for you to feel stronger.” He added.  “I understand, and I really appreciate your help. But I had enough for today. We can continue another day.” Richard nodded and engulfed me in his embrace, “Now, let’s relax a bit. Go to the river and swim.”  “That’s a good idea.” I smiled. I really need to refresh myself a bit.   
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