37. A chosen mate?

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Lea   This place is a dream! The high and imposing golden pillars forming many arches in the beautiful and huge hall and small vines with flowers adorned the ceiling. The view from the window is even better: a waterfall cascaded through massive golden gates from the clouds! I was filled with wonder and awe. Valentin took my hand and we walked to the Throne Room. It was also very ample and full of light; two golden thrones were placed in the middle.  Did Daisy sit beside him as his ‘Provisional Queen?’ the thought of it left a bitter taste in my mouth. The taste of jealousy. I didn’t want to be the jealous type, but I guess that’s not something I can control completely.  A beautiful smiling couple walked towards us; they were both very tall and had a light tan. The woman had lavender-colored hair and walked with so much grace as if she was floating. The male had his arm enlaced with hers, he was blond and looked a bit like Valentin.  “Lea, Ainhoa, Fred, these are my uncle Elrond and his mate Seraphine.” Valentin introduced them.   “Very nice to meet you. These are my friends Ainhoa and Fred.” I said with a shy smile, I felt my face getting warmer, for sure I was blushing. I was so glad to finally meet Valentin’s family. As far as I know, his uncle is his only living family.  “We are very pleased to meet you Lea, and your friends,” Elrond uttered, as he kissed the back of my hand.  “I’m honoured to meet you, my dear Lea. How are you enjoying Aureum?” Seraphine asked.  “I love it, it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen,” I replied. Seraphine turned to Ainhoa and Fred and smiled. “It’s very beautiful and impressive. I’m looking forward to seeing everything around.” Ainhoa added.  “We are very proud of our Realm and its beauty.” Seraphine smiled politely. “And now we are beyond glad to finally have a real queen.” She added, looking at me. Did anything happen between her and Daisy?   “You don’t like Daisy?” Ainhoa asked bluntly. Oh, Goddess, I hope she didn’t make Seraphine feel uncomfortable.  “It’s not that. Many didn’t want to have as a queen, a female that isn’t the King’s true mate, a queen who wasn’t chosen by the Goddess.” Saraphine spoke patiently without showing any sign of discomfort or aggravation.  “When the Goddess chooses someone to be the mate of a king, it’s not only because this female was made to be said king’s lover and partner, but also because this female was made to be a queen. The rightful queen. And we should always wait for our mates, doesn’t matter how long it takes.” Valentin’s uncle uttered, as he gazed lovingly at his mate. She smiled in response. The Goddess chose me to be a queen and not only of one Realm, but I don’t feel ready or even able to be a queen. I’m not a natural like Liv.  We went to a beautiful balcony to have some Fairy Wine with Valentin’s uncle and Seraphine as we continued our conversation. They were very gentle and polite, more than once I caught Seraphine looking at me with a smile. She seemed indeed happy to have a ‘real queen’. “That’s also why a King should never take a chosen mate.” Valentin’s uncle said, his expression and even his voice went serious as he looked intently at his nephew.  Not many people chose a mate by themselves and marked this person, they mainly had lovers while waiting to meet their fated pair.  “Let’s not talk about it!” Valentin cut him off in a crude way, surprising me. Even Ainhoa was wide-eyed.  Was he even considering taking Daisy as his chosen mate? The thought of that made my breath hitch for a moment. That is a lot! If he had done so, before meeting me, he would have severed our mate bond, creating an artificial one with her.  I’ve learned at school that people rarely take chosen mates; because their bond is very weak in comparison to the one people share with their fated mate and it cannot decrease one’s inner darkness. My teacher used to say that ‘taking a chosen mate was like gluing two puzzle pieces that don’t fit together, doesn’t matter how much glue you put, it won’t ever work.’  Besides that, taking a chosen mate would mean giving up the chance of ever having their fated pair or even children, since people only can reproduce with their destined mates.  “Lea darling, have Valentin ever told you my story?” Elrond asked, bringing me back from my thoughts. I was glad the tension in the room decreased; I couldn’t ever imagine Valentin would talk like this to anyone. I guess there is always more to people than what meets the eyes. “No, he hasn’t,” I replied.  “I’ve met my Seraphine recently, less than a century ago. She saved me, she saved my life and by doing so she became my life,” he said as he took his mate’s hand on his and she gazed him a look of sheer love. My heart melted at his words. They were so cute together.  “I was almost consumed by darkness before I met my beloved. In my case darkness manifested itself as a very deep depression. I couldn’t see any light in the world, darkens became my eyes and all my senses. Until Seraphina’s light illuminated my world.” He added. “I didn’t know that the inner darkness could show itself in such a way. I just knew about people growing aggressive and mad because of it.” I said.  I only knew about Avalon’s case and what almost happened to him. He would have gone totally mad if he hadn’t mated and finally embraced his bond with my sister. And I’m pretty sure that if something like this would have happened to him, Liv herself would sink in desperation. She loved him, even when she denied so for a long time. She is one stubborn female. “Darkness manifests itself in different ways, depending on the being. It can be madness, aggressiveness, apathy, sorrow, and even coldness. And normally, it kills slowly. It’s something very sad to watch. My uncle is very lucky he found Seraphine.”  Valentin explained. I wonder if King Alexus is being devoured by darkness and that is why he acted the way he did. I also wondered if their inner darkness was growing fast in Richard and Valentin. They are very old and powerful males. I heard that the darkness and Death grow as fast, as old and powerful the being is. Liv also told me that it’s worse in males.  I couldn’t make them wait. We couldn’t take too long to mate and consolidate our bond. My birthday is in less than one week and after it, I would be able to mate with my fated males. My Valentin, my Richard and… King Alexus.  This thought sent an icy shiver down my spine.  “We are very lucky we found each other,” Seraphine replied, snapping me out of my reverie.  always get lost in my thoughts, that is why Liv and even Ainhoa used to calm me ‘Lea in the clouds.’ “Are you both recently mated?” she asked looking at my friends. “Yes, we’ve mated one month ago, on Fred’s birthday,” Ainhoa answered.  “That’s lovely, you should be overjoyed!” The Fairy exclaimed. Ainhoa chuckled. “Yeah, we are doing alright. We were very close friends before it, so it’s like we’ve been always together.” Seraphine smiled in response.  I think I’ve never heard about a mated pair that fought so often like these two. Ainhoa was the one fighting, most of the time. I love my best friend, but sometimes I feel bad for Fred. But I know that they love each other.  We had a very pleasant talk for the next hour. They told me a lot about Aureum and their lifestyle. How the Fae people loved flowers, music, and dance. Like Elves, they really enjoy nature and outdoor activities. But their outdoors was even more beautiful and colourful than in the Elf Realm, Emeraldia. “Do all Fae people have healing powers?” I asked. I knew Sienna has some healing powers and Valentin as well. They are pretty much the only Fae people I really know well.  “No, my dear. We are the only species with healing powers, but not all among us are healers. However, some Fae are not healers, but they have certain healing powers.” Valentin’s uncle explained.  “Like Sienna, my sister,” Conrad added.  “Actually, Lea is a healer herself,” Valentin said with a smile making my face burn with a blush. Oh, Goddess! I’m not a healer.  “How come?” Seraphina asked sweetly, with a raised brow and a soft beam.  “She creates balms and elixirs with flowers, which soothe people, reduce some sorts of discomfort and pain and make them feel better in general.” My mate added. “No, no! I… I just like to play around with my flowers. It’s just my hobby and not a big deal.” I muttered. “She is not giving herself enough credit! Her balms were the only thing that helped me with my period cramps. They are great!” Ainhoa added with a lopsided grin. “That sounds like a healer. The Goddess gave us a perfect Fae Queen.” Seraphine added, making my shyness, and for sure the red in my face, grow further. I wish I could control my blush and don’t react like this.  Maybe one day.  “You don’t have to be shy, Angel. You should be proud of your balms.” Valentin added. “Cause we are proud of you,” Fred said and Ainhoa nodded in agreement. I sighed softly but smiled.  “I have Sienna’s help and now Valentin’s.” I smiled at my mate and he enlaced his fingers with mine. In a few days, our touch would make tingles and sparks arise. I was looking forward and a bit anxious about it too.  I looked at Conrad and Valentin, their faces were kind of frozen and Ainhoa had a weird expression in her face. When I looked around, following the direction of their fixed gazes, I saw her, Daisy.  “Good to see you all together.” She muttered, before leaving awkwardly. Conrad stood up and followed her.  “Is she doing better?” I asked with a sigh. “Some days yes, others not. But I think the days she is better are becoming more frequent.” Valentin answered. I really hope he was right and that she could move on soon. I really don’t like hurting people, doesn’t matter if intentionally or not. After it, we all had dinner together. Ainhoa overflowed Conrad with many questions about Aureum’s geography, while Fred enjoyed the purple potatoes and honey and cheese pie, two specialties of Aureum. I think I’ve never seen him eating so much. I was so happy they were having a good time. I was having a great time myself, in this wonderful place with my Valentin and it was great finally meeting his family.  After dinner, Valentin pulled me a bit away from our group. “Angel, I would love it if you could stay for the night. I could show you around the Realm tomorrow.”  “I would like it too,” I said, as I felt warmness creeping up my face.  “You are so adorable when you blush, my Angel.” He leaned down and said in my ear, “I hope to always be able to make you blush.” He added, making a hot wave of I-don’t-know-what run down my spine. I shivered and gasped very softly.  He looked at me, close, very close. He had a big grin. His smile is so beautiful, it almost radiates light and I’m not exaggerating, it does. He brushed his lips against mine, our breaths were mingling. His, a warm and gentle breeze and mine heavy, almost erratic. Trembling. He finally kissed me, a soft, warm but passionate kiss.  “Your uncle…” I said as we parted the kiss. “No one is looking. Besides, they won’t be shocked if I kiss MY mate and future Queen.” He chuckled, but that was a hint of possessiveness in his voice. Surprisingly, his possessiveness only made a burning wet sensation arose between my tights.  He fisted my hair and pressed his lips against mine in a very fervent and seizing kiss. When we ended it, I was panting; my lungs were searching for air as my mind was looking for the fragment of my sanity that got lost in the throes of his passion.    ~ * ~     Valentin   After dinner, I went to use the restroom attached to the dining hall, Daisy was in front of the toilet door.  She looked intently into my eyes, “Valentin.” She murmured.  “Daisy, what are you doing here?” That was a very weird place to stay unless one has diarrhea.  “I was... waiting for you!” she replied after few seconds.   “How are you?” I asked as I walked closer to her. I was worried about her since she saw Lea and me this afternoon.   “I’m trying... but it’s not easy. I just don’t want this odd situation to put too much distance between us! I’m your friend too...” “I know you are. I don’t want that either.”  I said as I hugged her.  She’s important to me and it’s not because I’ve found my mate that she, we, didn’t exist. Among all the females I’ve been with, Daisy was the one I’ve even considered taking as my chosen mate, but it was only an idea. An idea that my uncle opposed firmly. We’ve never argued that way before.  But probably if it wasn’t for him, I would have marked Daisy by impulse and severed my bond with Lea even before our souls had the opportunity to recognize each other, to connect. I would be more grateful towards my uncle if he didn’t have to bring it back much more often than he is supposed to.  “We will find a way.” She replied softly, her green eyes full of tenderness.  “Yes, we will.” I smiled at her. Lea is very important to me, she is my mate, the one I want to spend eternity with. But I couldn’t erase or ignore my past, that won’t be fair to the people in my life or myself. I went back to my mate and asked her to spend the night with me. Our first night together in Aureum, in our castle.   
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