15. Daisy

2872 Words
Lea   I really enjoyed the Royal Pack. Even though it’s quite different than Avalon’s Realm and Emeraldia, I could see myself there with Richard. I don’t know how we will manage it, how I’ll do with my 3 mates, where we will live.  I like the arrangement Liv has with her mates. They decided to share a house in the unclaimed turf, because after some conflicts and a big mess, they finally understood that she had to be with the 3 of them, be around the 3 of them.  The day after I went to Helcadia, the Werewolf Realm, I decided to have some girl’s time with Ainhoa. We were watching Animal Planet in my room, when we heard a knock on the door. “Lea, it’s Liv. Can I come in?”  “Of course,” I replied. She entered the room and walked towards us.  “Hey, Ainhoa! Hey, baby sis. How are you doing?” she asked before she hugged me and Ainhoa. She was looking more serious than she normally does. Something is wrong.  “I’m fine. How about you? Is everything fine with the baby?” I asked worriedly.  “Yes, don’t worry. I just want to tell you something.” Liv sighed, before she took a seat on the sofa, next to me. “It’s about your fairy mate.”  “Liv, Fae, not fairy. That is not the correct term.” I corrected her, chuckling a bit.  “I know, I know, but that is not the point. Elric told me that Valentin used to have a girlfriend, and it seemed serious enough, she was even having some queenly duties. So, I decided to ask Sienna about it, before coming here and worry you. Si said that they aren’t together anymore. But I still think you should know about it. I mean, maybe he was supposed to be the one to tell you, but since he didn’t, well, I just thought I should.” She said a bit tense.  “Thank you, Liv,” I replied, as I took her hand in mine.  “It’s better to know the truth sooner than later.” She muttered and I nodded in agreement.  “I don’t think it is a big of a deal, of course, he had a life before he met you, he is a centuries-old King and a very gorgeous one,” Ainhoa added in her straightforward way.  “Yes,” I answered a bit absently, many thoughts were bubbling in my mind.  Who is this female? His former girlfriend? She must be so sad now. It is not fair to those who can’t find their mates for a long time, that after they decide to have a relationship with someone that isn’t their destined person, this relationship is broken when their partner finds his or her mate.  “Lea, what is in your mind? Don’t overthink it! He broke up with her, it’s all good now.” Ainhoa said, she knows me well and she knew for sure my overthinking engines were working at full speed.  “What is her name, Liv?” I asked before I gave Ainhoa a hopeless look, it’s not something I can avoid.  “Ainhoa is right, Honey Bunny. It’s good for you to know, but don’t give it too much thought. It’s in the past.” Liv answered, caressing my hand and trying to soothe me.  “Please Liv, I want to know.”  “Fine.” She sighed. “It’s Daisy, she is a fairy,” Liv answered.  ~ * ~ After Liv left, I turned to Ainhoa.  “I want to talk to her, to Daisy. To say I’m sorry about what happened to her. She should be so sad right now.” I sighed, as I looked down. “I have to tell her that I’m sorry that somehow I ‘stole’ her boyfriend,” I said thoughtfully.  “Lea, seriously, let it be! You owe this Daisy nothing. She knew King Valentin wasn’t her mate and that it might eventually happen. She is an adult and made her choice to be with him knowing the possible consequences.” Ainhoa tells me in her super reasonable way. She is very mature for our age and I know she is right.  But I can’t let it be, that wouldn’t be me. I have to make sure Daisy is okay, to say that I am sorry. I feel that I owe her that.  “I can’t Ainhoa. I have to talk to her.”  “If you don’t, you will feel guilty, won’t you?” she asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded in response.   “I’m joining you; you are too easy to trick, it’s not even fair.” She added.  “Okay.” I agreed, it would be good to have my friend’s support.  I asked Sienna to contact Daisy and ask her to come and meet me at Avalon’s Castle. To my surprise, less than half an hour later she was already here.  Daisy is a very beautiful female. She is quite tall for a Fae, probably around 5’7, she has gorgeous and long pink wavy hair and teal green eyes.  “Thank you for coming,” I told her. Goddess, I sounded so awkward. This whole situation is so awkward.  She beamed a tight smile and nodded. What to say to the ex-lover of your mate? “Do you want some tea or coffee?” that was all I could think about.  “I’m fine.” She muttered. I motioned to her to take a seat and she did so. “I’m pleased to meet the future Fae Queen. But I wonder, what do you want to talk about?” she asked. My breath hitched in my throat, I was nervous about it, about this conversation. I turned to Ainhoa and she flashed me a reassuring look. I can do it!  “I want to say that I’m sorry for what happened to you. It must be very hard to be in a relationship with someone and this person finds their mate. I’m sorry that you have been through it.” I said.  “Don’t worry, you don’t owe me any apology. That’s how things work. I was just with him for the 15 years before he found his mate.” She didn’t sound angry; just a bit… distant, as if she wasn’t talking about herself, but everything was actually happening to someone else.  “Anyway, I’m very sorry to cause you pain,” I added.  Ainhoa shook her head.  “I’ll overcome it eventually. He’s your mate, and you are his rightful Queen. He will grow to love you as he loves me.” She said with a sweet smile. How could she change her demeanor that quickly? It was, she was…confusing.  I nodded. I didn’t know what to say. Daisy sighed deeply and I realized she was crying a little.  “Lea, I have to tell you. I didn’t want to, but I have to.” She sighed, I gave her a glass of water and a little tissue, she wiped her tears, before start talking. “Valentin loves me, and I love him. But he is leaving me because of an artificiality, a bond sent by a distant Goddess. I’m the one he chose, Lea. I’m his happiness, but he is sacrificing it because he thinks it’s the right thing to do. Because of duty. And because he doesn’t want to reject and hurt you, he’s too kind and gentle to reject a mate. So, you need to be the one to do it for him. Set him free and let him be happy with the one he chose. I know that you are a good person and you already have a good mate, the Werewolf King. Please let Valentin and me have our chance of happiness as well.” Daisy said, her voice thick with emotion.  I wouldn’t even hesitate before doing this for him. I don’t want Valentin sacrificing his happiness for the bond, to don’t hurt me. But I need to keep in mind what Ainhoa said and make sure that Daisy is being honest, and she has pure intentions.  So, I decided to ask her to take a Truth Serum before doing anything. After Daisy got calmer and stopped crying, she was about to stand up.  “Daisy... please don’t go yet. We still have a lot to talk about. May you wait a bit? I need something.”  She looked a bit surprised but nodded. I went out of the room and Ainhoa followed me.  “Don’t trust that female!” Ainhoa muttered, she looked quite angry.   “But she’s a fairy and she seemed genuine.”  “Not all fairies are Sienna and I’m pretty sure there are plenty of bitchy ones too. And she may even be nice, but she’s a scorned female. No one reacts well to such a thing, not even in the movies.” “Yes, you’re right. I just wanted to avoid an awkward feeling.” I replied.  “Lea, it will be awkward, it can’t be anything else in this situation. But she will heal with time.” I nodded; she is right. But I couldn’t stop thinking about what Daisy said. Why do I have to be such an overthinking mess? Why I can’t let it go? I know the answer. I can’t risk hurting her further and more than that, I can’t risk hurting Valentin. I am aware that I know him for a bit more than a week and our mate bond is not even fully there yet. But I like him, he is kind and sweet and he deserves happiness. I sighed. I knew what to do, that’s why I asked Daisy to wait for me in the sitting room.  “Ainhoa, I can’t just tell myself that what she said is not true and let it go. I don’t work like this.” I said, she sighed but nodded. “But I also shouldn’t believe everything she said fully. As you said, she is a scorned female. She should be so sad and confused, that even without an ill-intention, she couldn’t avoid saying those words. Maybe she is mistaken. So, I thought that we could ask her to take a bit of Truth Serum and then say it again. I want to make sure; I have to know it for sure.”  “That is the right call. I’m so proud of my girl!” she flashed me a small smile and placed a hand on my shoulder.  “Can you do it with me?” I asked.  “Of course. Let’s make her spit the truth out!” I just hope it works, we can find the truth and it’s not heart-breaking. We got some already prepared serum in the Potions Library and went to face Daisy.  Sweet Goddess, I was quite nervous! “Hey, relax Lea. We are doing the right thing. It’s better to know the truth and I’m glad that you are not being naïve and believing everything the fairy said.” Ainhoa reassured me.  I know Ainhoa is right, I rationally understand that, but something in me breaks just to think about not having Valentin in my life. I hope there is some kind of misunderstanding and Daisy is mistaken. Maybe that is selfish of me, but Goddess, I hope so. ~ * ~ We gave the potion to Daisy and she agreed to take it without hesitating. Now the time of the truth will come. If she lied, a purple light would arise around her; if not, nothing would happen.  “I’m sorry for making you take it, Daisy. But I have to be sure. That is too important to risk making any mistakes.” I told her, as I tried to control my nerves at waiting for the potion to start to make its effect; my palms were sweating a little.  A soft blue light shined in her eyes, showing that the serum was already working.  “Lea, I told you the truth. I understand that you want to test me, I would do the same if I were you.” Daisy sighed. “Valentin and I are in love; he has chosen me as his beloved. He wants to solidify this bond with you because he believes that it’s his duty before the Goddess, to honor the mate bond she gave him. He also wouldn’t reject you, to don’t hurt his fated mate, you, Lea. But I’m sure I am his happiness.” The words left her mouth and no purple light appeared. My heart started to race. It’s true. “Wait… you are sure… and you are telling the truth. But the Truth is a God of many faces. It doesn’t mean that Valentin feels this way.” Ainhoa chimed in. She is right, I am too involved in this situation to think straight, I’m glad that she is here with me now. Ainhoa is always very rational, except when it comes to her mate, Fred. Daisy looked at me as if she was expecting a word or a sign. I breathed deeply. “She is right Daisy.”  “That’s all I can do, speak about what I know, and I know Valentin, we have been together for 15 years.” She said and again no purple light.  “You are right. That’s all you can do.” I muttered. “Nah nah, wait. When did you guys have s*x for the last time?” Ainhoa asked. And I am the too curious one, what in the 6 Realms?! She was seriously interrogating the Fairy, like in a police movie. Why do I have the sensation that she always wanted to do it and play cop?  “Ainhoa!” I scolded her; she was going too far. “It’s fine… it was on Saturday, last Saturday,”  Daisy answered. “That is less than a week ago and that was after Valentin found out that Lea is his mate, right?” my friend asked.  “Yes, it was after it,” Daisy replied honestly. I sighed heavily and my hands went automatically to rub my face. Ainhoa came closer to me and squeezed my hand. “Lea… it doesn’t mean that…” she started. “Doesn’t it? What else is necessary for us to believe what she is saying? … she is telling the truth and he was with her after it, Ainhoa. It’s enough.” I muttered sad, frustrated, and angrily. Why am I angry? I have no right to be angry, I’m the one meddling in their love story.  “It doesn’t… you need to talk to Valentin. Listen to his side of the story.” Ainhoa told me, looking intently into my eyes. “That is the rational thing to do, Lea.” She added. I was feeling everything but rational now. Why? Why do I feel like this about him? I met him a bit more than a week ago and our mate pull is not even completely there yet.  How can it feel already so intense? The answer is Valentin. He is like sunlight and he draws me to him, like a moth to a flame. Better said like a moth to a light, a beautiful and shining one.  I am not so good at being rational anyway, my mom always says that I think with my heart. I didn’t answer my friend, only looked into space.  “Hey, stop! Snap back to reality! I will call him!” she said as she shook my shoulders lightly. “Ainhoa…it’s not necessary.” “Oh, it is.” She added. Ainhoa left the room in a rush and I was alone with Daisy. Feeling very awkward and all I wanted, in the beginning, was to avoid an awkward situation. Well done, Lea!   
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