49. Two conditions

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Lea   I have to call King Alexus; I will use a phone number that Elric got before they held the Peace Treaty negotiations. Liv and Ainhoa said that they could do it for me, but I know that is something I must do myself. I can’t rely on people for everything as I used to do. I must have my own strength, that is what I’ve learned when I was abducted by King Alexus and could only count on myself to unlock my powers and be able to communicate with my dad and get help.  Just listening to the phone ring and waiting for his answer made a knot form in my stomach. Oh, dear Goddess! But I must do it, I couldn’t let the darkness and death in Richard grow. It wasn’t even an option. I didn’t even take one minute to realize that what he said about Titan being overreacting, was just his way to try to give me time and don’t pressure me into solidifying our mate bond soon.  My Richard was suffering from death and darkness clawing his soul, but he still thought about me first. He was so selfless, I’m so lucky to be his mate, to be his. I also had to be selfless for him and face my fear, face King Alexus.  I gulped hard and clenched my eyes, trying to gather all my courage, but I still could feel my lips trembling slightly.  “Hello.” I heard his voice from the other side of the line.  “King Alexus, it’s Lea,” I said without stammering.  “Lea.” He replied sounding surprised. “What do you want?” his voice carried certain awe, and it was my turn to be surprised.  I breathed deeply, King Alexus wouldn’t ever agree with it, with the mating. Why would he? He doesn’t want a mate. Worse than that, he doesn’t want someone that he finds pathetic and weak as his mate. He doesn’t want me.  But I have to try for Richard. For Valentin. For our love. For us. “I want to ask if you would like to consolidate our mate bond,” I answered, trying to keep my composure.  “Interesting! You see, my sweet little Lea. I’ll give you your answer, but not by phone. I’ll do it personally. When can we meet?”  I gulped hard. Oh, Goddess! Was it some kind of game or he wanted to meet me to drink my blood? I scrubbed my face nervously; I just wanted it to be over.  “It could be tomorrow, at Avalon’s Realm. I’ll let him know.” I answered.  “See you tomorrow.” He replied casually and hung up.  My heart was still beating like a crazed drum. I looked to the side, Valentin was there, I think he arrived some time ago, but I was too distracted trying to hold myself together to notice it. “Are you sure that is what you want, Sunflower? We can wait more, as long as you need. We can wait until we find another solution, a way to consolidate our bond without you having to meet Alexus.” he asked, as he took me in his embrace and kissed the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his embrace.  Waiting to find another solution wasn’t an option, as Elric said most likely even the Goddess herself could only disentangle the 3 mate bonds and break my bond with Alexus after the 3 bonds are consolidated, after we mate and mark each other.  “There isn’t another solution, my Sun” I muttered.  He sighed deeply. “I know Angel, we could try to find a way, something. There isn’t another solution now, but maybe in some decades, in a century.”  “I don’t think we have that much time to wait.” I sighed. I knew we don’t.  He held me tightly, but gently in his arms. “I hate that you have to go through it.” “I know, but after it, I will be one with you. And it is worth anything.” I said smiling at him, he cupped my face and kissed me gently, pouring so much affection into the kiss. “You are so brave, my Sunflower. You are worth anything and everything, I love you.” He replied, caressing my face. Oh, goddess, his words made my heart melt and my eyes water. “I love you too my Sun, and soon it all will be over and all that matters is that I’ll be yours and you will be mine,” I added.  His smile was bright, vivid, and warm like the sun, my own Sun. He placed his forehead against mine and we enjoyed this moment of tenderness, love, of us.    ~ * ~   Alexus   As I entered the room, she was there. I could smell her sweet scent of British rose and melted chocolate for the first time. I inhaled it deeply, filling my lungs with her sweet, comforting, fresh, and mouth-watering fragrance.  I could imagine how it would feel to touch her, to taste her blood now that she is at age and the mate pull, the tingles and sparks would be there.  Valentin, Richard, Maximus, and Avalon were in front of her forming a protective barrier. Lea was trying to look at me from behind the four big men. I saw a glimpse of her eyes and something stirred inside me, my cold insides were overtaken by a wave of warmness that I couldn’t recall having ever felt before. The word escaped my mouth in a guttural and primal sound “MINE”  The mutt started to growl insanely; his eyes were glowing too. “You have no claim of her, you monster,” her father said, his voice full of venom.  Only then I noticed that her sister and her elf mate were also behind the men's wall. He was embracing her from behind and wrapping his arms protectively around her bump. I wouldn’t do anything to her, I may be reckless sometimes, but I wasn’t damn insane to try anything against Laius’ mate. Especially not after he sent me so many threats after I abducted Lea.  “Give your answer leech,” the Wizard King said commanding. “I’ll mate her and complete the bond. But only if two conditions are fulfilled.” The answer was very clear to me,mate that beautiful female that every cell of my body urges for, is hypnotized by. But I wanted and needed more than that.  “You are in no position to make demands” Valentin uttered in his ever-mellow way, but firmly.  “Let’s listen to his demands” I heard Elric’s voice saying.  Valentin huffed, that was a first time. Richard growled in a feral way and Maximus clenched his fists into balls. “First you won’t put me in a damn dungeon or keep me under any kind of arrest. You don’t need to worry. I won’t harm Lea.” “Don’t dare to say her name!” Richard said in a growl. I ignored him, obviously. “I want to take a blood oath on my 2 conditions. The second one is: I want to spend a night alone with my mate after the mating....” They all went mad. Richards claws and fangs were exposed. The elves started to glow. Valentin’s eyes went darker and the wizard clenched his jaw. All these dominant males growled like animals. Lea wrapped her delicate hand around Richard’s arm trying to prevent that beast to shift to his wolf.  “It’s fine. I accept it.” She said firmly, but her voice still flew sweetly.  A fuming Alpha turned to her. “Mate, NO!” He stated huskily.  “It’s the only way for us to complete our bond.” “It must be another way” Laius’ mate said outraged.  “We can force him, tie him” Richard uttered. Lea’s eyes grew wide.  “It doesn’t work like this,” Lea said raising her brows.  “We can cast a spell and make him oblige to undergo the mark and mating completion,” Avalon suggested, looking at Lea.  “No” Lea stated firmly. “We can’t compel him to mate, that’s just wrong.” “But, he...” her sister tried to say.  “No. We won’t do it and that’s final.” Lea cut her sister off.  “Sunflower, you can’t accept that, it’s too much.” The cheesy fairy said, cupping her face.  “I can and I already did, it’s the only way.” She retorted.  She’s so hot when she stands her ground. “Lea is actually right, a forced mate mark could vanish after a few days, which could interfere with the bonds and even severed all three of them,” Elric explained. As the Goddess’ pet, he was the one among all of us, who knew more about mate bonds. Richard let out an animalistic growl, that savage had no self-control at all.  “I also have two conditions. First one, you won’t drink my blood. Second, after it, you will disappear from our lives. You won’t show up ever again.” Lea added.  Of course, she was feeling this way, after what I did. But I would do anything to win her back, I would treat her the way I should have since the beginning, like the precious gem she is. “Lea” Richard called in his mutt voice. She wrapped her arms around him, taking him and his wolf off the edge.  “I accept your conditions, Lea,” I told her. No one seemed satisfied at all with Lea’s decision, but they didn’t question her. I, on the other hand, was absolutely pleased. “You can leave the room!” Avalon commanded. I ignored him.  “The blood oath needs to be taken regarding my conditions. I could take it with my mate and...” “No!” Valentin yelled, taking a protective stance in front of Lea. “She won’t take any blood oath. I can do it, I’ll take it” Lea sighed, but she didn’t say anything. “Fine” I agreed. “When will the marking and mating happen?” I asked.  They turned to Lea and gazed at her, which gave me a better vision of my beautiful mate. She looked gorgeous in a blue dress that almost went to her knees, her long dark hair was tied in a loose ponytail and few strands of hair fell on her pretty face.   “Tomorrow?” She half asked and half-stated.  Valentin sighed. Richard snarled. I could say that I have never seen any males so unwilling to take their mate and seal their bond. They really want to protect her from me.  “As you want, Angel,” Valentin said sighing in resignation and Richard nodded. He is better with growls than words, that is a fact.  “Now, leave!”  Livia commanded.  I left, I had nothing else to do there anymore. Tomorrow I’ll be back and mate with my Lea.    ~ * ~*~ * ~       Lea   I was pacing around my room. I was quite nervous and insecure about marking and mating with my 3 males. My two males and King Alexus.   “Honey Bunny stop pacing around like a chicken, you are making me dizzy. Everything will be okay. Also, after it, you don’t ever need to see the horrible bloodsucker again.” Liv said.  I nodded at her, but I wasn’t calmer, not at all.   “Mating with 3 males is so much… I am anxious.” I muttered. Mom gazed at me with a look of sympathy. The kind of look that only moms could give, calming me down a bit.  “I mean, it is emotionally, mentally, and physically too much,” I said, rubbing my face with my hands a bit frantically.  “About the physical part, your body was made for your mates, so everything will fit. As Nema in her immense wisdom said: ‘your body was made to take 3 cocks.’ So, don’t panic, it will click like a puzzle, you can do it, girl!”  I could feel my neck and face getting warm and I knew I was blushing furiously. I just wanted the earth to swallow me whole.  “It’s not all bad, come on! I’ve been doing it every day for all these years and I’m here alive, whole and knocked up.” Liv tried to appease me, as she stroked her big bump.  My eyes widen. “E-every day? As in every single day with the 3 of them?” I almost felt the necessity of collecting my jaw, as I was sure it has fallen down to the floor. I was that shocked! How did she even have time for all of this?  “I will be back soon. This conversation is going too far for me. There are some things that a mother shouldn’t know about her daughter’s life” Mom said shaking her head. We both girls nodded at her before she left the room. She didn’t need to listen to it.  “Yes, every day as in every day. Dominant males have the need to claim their females as much as possible, let alone those over-dominant Kings. And my body also aches for them. It wants my mates’ touch. All our bodies crave for being one with our mates’. It’s the bond mojo. Trust me, it’s also the love mojo. Love can be stronger than the bond.” Liv said with a naughty smile.   I also smiled at that. I knew it, even before the bond or the pull show any signs of their existence, I already could feel my heart swell for Richard for some time now. And Valentin, he is a dream. Now, with the pull growing, I also started to have deeper feelings for my mates, feelings that I know go beyond the mate pull.  “In the first times, you will fall down.” Liv uttered. “What?” I asked confused, Liv's words brough me back from my little reverie.  “It is… a lot…too much pleasure, you know? You will feel quite sore and your legs will be too mushy to support your body weight… there is the hazy dizziness as well, but it is amazing! You will…” she said, taking her time to find the right words to express such an overwhelming feeling. She was only overwhelming me further.  “You know that you are not calming me down, right? If it was ever your intention…” I mumbled. She was actually making me even more nervous and I didn’t even know it was possible.  Liv burst into laughter. “I tried to, apparently that is not one of my many gifts. No one can have everything.” She shrugged. “And when the bonds will be complete, don’t make the same mistake that I did and open the bonds at first. It can be a lot, a literal knockout! Just let the 3 bonds almost fully close in the first day and start to open them slightly, one by one.”  I nodded at her. I already knew that after marking and mating my soul would be intertwined with the souls of each of my 3 mates. Even Alexus’. I also knew that because of that, I will be able to feel their presence in my mind, feel what they felt and mind-link them, at least if I open the bond.  “To close the bond, you need to imagine a firm barrier between you and your mates. A physical barrier, like a mountain. To open it back, you just need to imagine this mountain disappearing, fading into thin air. It sounds easy but it isn’t, in the first times you need to concentrate a lot to do it and it can give you a headache. By headache, I mean a terrible migraine.”  Liv completed.  “I am feeling much calmer now.” I remarked with a hint of sarcasm and sighed.   “I could sugar coat it to you, but then you wouldn’t be ready to deal with it and would have an unpleasant surprise. It is always good to have the right expectations.” Liv reasoned.  It was better to know what will happen, being kept in the dark never helps. Or at least it didn’t help me before in this whole situation with Alexus. “You are right. I like that you didn't sugar coat it, Liv. Thanks.” I flashed her a small smile. I was too worried about my mating, especially about mating with Alexus, to be able to flash her the full version of a smile.  “You can do it, baby sis,” Liv reassured me, patting my shoulder. “Liv, I… I have a question, how can I…do…?” I stammered tapping my bottom lip slightly with my forefinger, and it was apparently enough for my sister to understand. She burst into laughter, bending a bit and holding to her big bump. I am happy that I can give her some entertainment and a good laugh. Uff, not so happy actually, why does she need to react like this? It makes it even harder for me. I pouted.  “You mean how to do a blow job?” she asked when her outburst subsided a bit.  “Yes.”  “I’ll be back with some bananas, don’t move.” She told me, as she stood up to leave the room. Oh, Goddess! Asking her was definitely a bad idea.   
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