20. What I want to see, what I don't

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Lea   We were in the garden at Avalon’s Realm; I was organizing the last details of a surprise Cali, Laius, and I are preparing for Liv. All my mates were with me; I was quite happy that Alexus wasn’t too busy with work today and could join us.  Alexus… he always feels a bit distant, as if there is a layer of ice between us. He feels like a cold morning; but there is also some beauty in the cold mornings, in the naked trees and the snow falling. All he needs is a blanket and a mug of hot chocolate.  “We still have almost two hours before Liv and her mates arrive and we are outdoors,” I said looking at Richard and curling the corner of my lips up in a coy smile.  Liv thinks we are meeting today only to have some cake together, but we have other plans. Big plans. Laius went overboard to surprise my sister.  Richard smiled at me, and I saw that he couldn’t hold back a happy howl. I think his wolf knew what I mean.  “Fine,” Richard replied with a sigh, but he was still smiling. “He is as excited as you are.” He added pulling me into his strong arms. I let out a little celebratory squeal. Finally!  Richard pecked my lips, and I could hear Alexus hissing at that. It’s so hard to be with the two of them at the same time. But there isn’t another way, they are both my mates and I belong with both of them. I just hope this situation gets better with time, maybe we should all sit down and talk sooner than later. But now it is even hard to have any time with Alexus, he is always overloaded with work.  I was very excited to finally see the other part of Richard and connect with his wolf. I’m Titan’s as well, and it is high time for us to actually meet. It’s not as if I had four mates instead of three, he is still part of Richard. They are the same, like two faces of the same coin, that was what Sarah explained to me.  Sarah also told me that the human and the wolf can communicate as if two different levels of consciousness were communicating. But the wolf isn’t a rational being, so its language and communication style are quite simple. Many times, the two parts communicate without an exchange of words, but by sharing instincts, visions, sensations, in a very primal way.  This simplicity of having a part of them that lives and understands life through instinct instead of using the filter of rationality gives them a sense of untameable freedom and unity with nature. It’s fascinating! Sarah taught me many things about wolves, thanks to the Goddess! Because before it, I had no idea about anything wolf-related.  “Lea keep in mind that Titan is an ancient and dominant Alpha wolf. He has a natural aggressivity and ferocity. He won’t hurt you on purpose, you are our mate, OURS. But it might happen that due to his size and strength he ends up hurting you. Neither he nor I am used to delicate things like you.” Richard said, as he pulled me tightly to his embrace, cupped my face in a bit too firm way, and looked intently into my eyes.  His eyes were shining, I knew his wolf was on the surface, probably jumping with anticipation. I was feeling like jumping with anticipation too. I understood what he means, even in his human form, Richard’s touch and hold can be a bit too tight, heavy, and firm. He hasn’t developed, and probably never had to, a way to hold back his strength, to watch for the force he puts when he handles things and people , or to have a softer touch. Probably his way was okay for other Werewolves. They are much stronger and resistant than witches and a bear hug or a too-firm grip wouldn’t hurt them at all.  “Valentin, stay close to her.” He turned to Valentin, who nodded in response. “My wolf and I won’t ever forgive ourselves if he happens to even scratch you.” He added looking back at me. “He won’t hurt me. I’m quite sure. Please, don’t make me wait longer. I’m anxious to see Titan!” I said. He smiled and took my hand, leading the way.   My mates and I went to the outskirts of the woods, just after the end of the garden grounds.  Richard went behind a large tree to take off his clothes and shift to his wolf. I am very thankful since it would have been awkward to see him naked in all his 6´7 feet glory, as Nema would say.  He came back towards us, already in his wolf form. He is as huge as in his human frame. I didn’t imagine that a wolf could be that massive. He’s much bigger than a normal wild wolf and I know it well after watching a lot of Animal Planet.  He is magnificent, everything in him exhales power, dominance, and grandness.  But his eyes looked at me softly. I went close to him, trying to free myself from Valentin’s protective grasp. I know he is huge, but he is my mate, my Richard. Even after what he said, I knew he wouldn’t ever harm me. Valentin should know that too, but probably his protective instincts fogged his better judgement.  “Baby, it’s Richard, he wouldn’t ever hurt me,” I said smiling. He let me go, but Alexus scoffed lowly.  I walked closer to the huge grey wolf and he looked intently at me, his gaze was warm, maybe even loving. Titan’s eyes have the same colour as Richard’s, forest green, but with an intense gleam.  His fur was thick and seemed quite soft, it wasn’t that different from Morgana’s (Cali’s chinchilla) fluffy pelt. I was itching to run my fingers through it. I stroked the fur of his huge head and he nuzzled his snort against my hand before I heard him rumble a purr, like an overexcited cat. That made a wide smile shine across my face.  I kept patting his fluffy fur, reaching the back part of his ear, which made him purr even more. That was so cute. I couldn’t imagine that the Big Bad Alpha Wolf would ever behave like this.  He rubbed his side against me, and tilted his head to the side, motioning to the interior of the forest. I got his clue; he wanted to wander around. I walked by his side, he wasn’t running, but due to his massive size and big paws he walked quite fast and I had to speed up to be able to match his pace. Valentin and Alexus were following right behind us.  ~ * ~   Richard   “You will be delicate towards her as if she was a new-born pup,” I told my wolf, Titan.  Titan normally didn’t reply, or ever said anything. He was one of few words and usually just used them when commanding the Pack and the Realm.  He only spoke as their Alpha King.  But he surprised me by his reply, “I won’t hurt Lea. I love Luna Mine.” His gruff voice filled my mind and made a small smile cross my face.  All parts of me are crazy about this sweet female.  Her voice was some sort of balm that made my wolf more grounded and calmer than ever. He was more like a house dog than the most dominant Alpha wolf. I was a tad ashamed for him; but according to the instincts that I could sense in our shared mind, he was actually proud of being her mate and being so excited that behaving like a dog was no concern of his. He wanted to play with her, run with her, lay on her lap, and have her rubbing his fur, while he nuzzled her affectionately.   I didn’t let her see my wolf form earlier because I was afraid that my wild wolf would lose control and be too rough or too horny towards her, due to his overwhelming excitement of truly seeing his mate and being seen by her for the first time; and he would end up hurting her. I was also afraid that he couldn’t wait and would mark her at the first sight, he is an animal, and a part of me. He only understands instincts and the absolute urge to claim our long-awaited mate, have our scent mixed with hers. Have her. Our sweet and kind Lea.  But he was much more delicate than I thought he was capable of, even though still a bit jumpy. Her voice, her smile, HER had a soothing effect on him like nothing else. She is all the peace, gentleness, and softness we need. We walked to the depth of the woods. Noticing that Lea was panting a bit, we stopped, and my wolf guided her to beneath a tree. She sat under it and Titan placed his head on our mate’s lap. Lea rubbed his fur gently, making him purr shamefully once again, which earned us a melodious giggle from our female.  “How could they say that you would hurt me. You are a fluffy wolf-bear.” She uttered caressing the sweet spot behind the ears, making the idiotic wolf purr even more.  I am feeling utterly humiliated, but that is the best and most joyful kind of humiliation I have or will ever face. I could live with that.  Titan nuzzled her hands once again and licked her forearm, making Lea gaze us a loving look. She feels like serenity, like happiness, my wolf could sense it in the most basic level and connect with her even more.  Valentin and the Monster were still relatively close to us. I was glad that the Fae King would keep a close look at Titan; I won’t take any chances when it’s about my mate’s safety.  The tamed Alpha wolf let out a yawn, her presence was lulling him and engulfing him in so much peace. Lea giggled in response. The wolf shook his big head quite abruptly and nibbled Lea’s hand motioning for her to stand up. She didn’t flinch or showed any signs of pain, but I was concerned and about to shift back to my human form.  “Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt me, Titan. It was only a playful nibble.” She smiled, patting his furry head.  My wolf played with her, circling and chasing her a bit until we noticed that she was getting tired, panting more and her heartbeat was faster. He (we) were very happy to spend this time with her and strengthen our connection. I was also glad that she accepted and embraced my wolf so fully and naturally. She is all I, wolf and man, need in a mate.  We walked back to the place I left my clothes.   ~ * ~   Lea   We walked back to the garden. I would have liked to stay more time with Richard’s wolf, my Wolf, but we had very important plans. We wanted to meet my sister and surprise her, and we were supposed to be on time. Titan is amazing and seeing him, enjoying this time with him made me feel closer to Richard.  Richard’s wolf went to get his clothes and to shift back to his human form.  Then, I heard a grunt from behind the tree. Soon, Richard came back in his human form, looking very edgy and very … naked. Oh, sweet Goddess! “My clothes are gone!” he growled.  Oh no, someone must have taken his clothes away. Probably someone who works at the Palace found them and could not even slightly imagine that a werewolf has just taken off his clothes there to shift to his wolf; it for sure doesn’t happen often in this Realm, it’s an honest mistake.  I tried to don’t look at Richard’s member. But it wasn’t easy to ignore something that big and scary. My breath caught in my throat and I swallowed hard, as I felt my blood rushing up to my face and neck.  “Are you afraid of c***s, little Lea? You know you need to take it anyway.” Alexus whispered in my ear, a cold smile in his voice, made me flush even more. I seriously don’t understand his sense of humour.  “You got rid of my clothes to piss me off, you repulsive bloodsucker!” Richard hissed at Alexus, and my vampire moved towards him.  “I didn’t! You are insane, paranoid mutt! You were the one to hide your clothes. You just want to show off your prick to MY female!” Alexus hissed back.  Seeing that my other two mates were arguing again, Valentin pulled me to his chest protectively.  “She is not yours, you scum!” Richard replied with a loud growl.  His eyes were glowing intensely. I know that his wolf is fighting the man for control. I would have tried to go to him and comfort him if he wouldn’t have been so naked and … “Please stop!!” I asked, pulling out of Valentin’s embrace, my eyes going back automatically to that giant manhood.  I didn’t know that a man’s part could be so big, but I don’t have any references anyway. I just knew that Nema said, the average for supernatural males was 8 inches. She proudly said it thousand times that her Elf has more than that, making me blush. I think THIS is much more than 8 inches! Oh, Goddess, I can’t look at it! I just returned to Valentin’s arms and pressed my flustered face against his strong chest.  Then, the situation got worse. I heard Nema calling me. Why was she even here? Oh, no!! We were all supposed to have this surprise party for Liv and give her some baby treats. Having this… situation here, made me forget it for a minute! Cali said it was like a human tradition, but that Liv would love the surprise. It shall start soon! Goddess!!  “Hi Lea, I... Wow!! Holy Chocking! Such a blessed male! It’s more than 11 inches of were-c**k, am I right? Imagine it hard…” she asked in an amused tone.  I looked at her and saw a smile so big that it must have hurt her facial muscles. Richard growled lowly at her.  “Nema, don’t look at his man parts!” I plead, shooting her a pointed look, without moving from Valentin’s chest.  “c**k, Lea, c**k. Repeat with me, C-O-C-K!” Nema said, what earned her another low growl from Richard. “If I didn’t have my amazing Elf, I would definitely get myself a wolf, Howl!” she muttered to herself.  I felt my face getting even redder. By then, I probably appeared just like a ripe apple. I just prayed for the earth to swallow me whole. Why Valentin didn’t take pity on me and flashed us away?! I bet he was amused by my mortification. I have to portal myself away. But thinking again about it, I couldn’t just leave Richard in the garden naked, doesn’t matter how awkward his huge … his nakedness made me feel.  “Lea.” I heard Liv’s voice calling me.  No! We had even more audience! Liv, my dad, and Avalon apparently decided to come to call me as well. I hope we haven’t ruined Liv’s surprise. Dang, it!  “What the heck? What did you do to get him naked, Nema?” Liv asked confusedly.  Nema shook her head in response, “It’s not always the Nympho’s fault”, I could hear her murmuring.  Avalon covered his mate’s eyes. “Don’t look at his d**k, Livia!” he said in an edgy voice.  “It’s not even like I don’t have enough of those at home,” Liv muttered.  Avalon took her hand, tugging her away not in an ungentle manner.  Goddess, how could I be more embarrassed? I wondered. I guess Liv is right, the Goddess does have a strange sense of humour, which is not funny at all! “Are you just staying there still and exhibiting your junk to who wants to see it and many who don’t? Don’t you see that Lea is afraid of c***s?” Alexus said it out loud this time.  Okay, I could be more embarrassed! I buried my face even deeper in Valentin’s chest.  My dad flashed away and came back with a pair of shorts for Richard, handing him the piece of clothes without getting too close to my Wolf. I could see the discomfort in my poor dad’s face. Richard covered his parts, making Nema grumble. I was so grateful to my dad.   
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