39. Steal me away

2389 Words
Lea   In few minutes it was my birthday, and I would finally feel the mating signs. I would be able to smell Richard’s and Valentin’s special scent and feel the amazing sparks and tingles Liv always talks about.  I went to bed earlier trying to sleep for the time to pass faster. But I was too excited to fall asleep. I turned on my bed once again, before I heard a powerful howl, that pierced through my soul. It’s time. I could already start to feel it in my bones, our connection, and my long for them growing tenfold. I’m sure Richard’s wolf felt it too, that’s why he was howling by my door.  Everything in me was calling to be closer to Titan and so I did; I jumped to my feet and even before I could reach the door, a musky and earthy smell of forest, like sandalwood, overtook all my senses, made my heart flutter and my mouth water.  I finally opened the door and an over-excited Titan jumped on me, making me fall to the floor. I couldn’t stop giggling and smiling like crazy, the contact between my skin and his fur provoked the magical tingles and I felt as little stars raised and exploded all over my skin, expanding my universe. Now I get why Liv talks so much about these tingles, they feel amazing. I didn’t know I could feel it when Richard was in his wolf form too.  The big wolf hovered over me and licked my cheek as gently as a huge Alpha wolf could before he sank his muzzle in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his large head and let the magic feeling of his proximity and his scent overtake me, make me feel a love haze in the corners of my soul. After taking his time, Titan went off of me and flashed me a sheepishly, better saying, a wolffish smile; before he walked away. In a couple of minutes, Richard was back, wearing only a pair of shorts. I’m so relieved he was not naked.  A guttural noise broke through his throat, so deep and raw, wolf, man, instinct and soul claimed me in a single word, “MINE”. My soul answered through my mouth, as a lone tear and an uncontrollable smile found their way to my face, “Yours, as you are mine.”  Richard also had a huge smile across his rugged-too-handsome face, a smile that I knew came from his depths. He helped me to stand up to my feet and pressed me flush against his chest and those abs. So much skin contact made the blessed sparks and tingles blossom all over my body, making me feel almost high.  “I’m sorry for Titan, my Luna. Very sorry. The beast took control at midnight, he had to see you, smell you, feel you. Did he hurt you?” Richard pulled away only enough to be able to look into my eyes, as he cupped my face. His green forest eyes looking with deep longing, care, and worry.  Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to say if I’m hurt or even in pain, I’m just so high and absorbed in drinking his presence in and feel the connection of our souls, that my body wouldn’t be able to recognize or even register pain.  “I’m fine. I was so happy to see him, to see you. To feel like this.” I muttered. “Are you tired? I want to steal you away.”  I laughed at that. I don’t think I could sleep tonight, I’m too in love for that. Oh, Goddess! My thoughts weren’t making sense anymore. “Steal me away,” I muttered back boldly. He looked at me with a lopsided smirk, before his lips took mine in a desperate kiss, that sent a jolt of electricity straight to the junction between my thighs. I didn’t know my physical reaction to his touch, to his intense and rough kisses could be even stronger. How wrong I was.  “Flash us to the Pack Castle, Luna.” He told me and I did it in the next second. Goddess, I have even forgotten that I was only wearing a thigh-long nightie. But it didn’t matter, nothing mattered at that moment, just this sweet and intoxicating feeling.  After we arrived at the Pack Castle, he led me to a room I’ve never been to before. It was a large hall, in which many portraits were hanging; all of them, apart from one, had a couple and a pair of wolves. A single portrait in the middle only displayed a quite handsome man, who had the same eyes as Richard, and a black huge wolf.  “Those are all the Alphas and Lunas that ruled over this Realm, in their wolf and human form.” He explained to me.  Wait, does he want to turn me into a wolf? Is that even possible?  Do I even want to be a wolf? I think it would be only fair to give Titan a mate that is his equal, the poor big furry one is stuck with a mate that has no wolf part. He should feel so unlucky.  “Do you want to turn me into a wolf?” I asked, looking up at Richard. He let out a heartily laugh, driving me confused. “No. That isn’t what I’ve in mind.” He answered pulling me to his arms. “But the poor Titan doesn’t have a mate like him to play around in the forest with,” I answered concerned. Richard laughed, even more, was I being funny?  “Titan doesn’t need a wolf mate. He is more than satisfied with you. We both are! You are perfect for us the way you are Luna.”  My heart clenched at his words. “But… having a mate that is both, person and wolf, would be how it is supposed to be… not having someone incomplete for him.” “Lea!” his voice was almost a scold, which made me gulp hard and open my eyes widely in surprise. “You are as it is supposed to be, you are not incomplete, my love. Don’t ever say that again. If Titan would love you more, if it was even possible, he would become a full-time house dog, a poodle following you around.” His words were accompanied by a low growl, making me know that Titan supported what he said.  I giggled a bit imagining the huge alpha wolf as a poodle. I don’t understand why everyone says Richard is too brood and never funny, he does have some sense of humour in him. “I wanted to ask you something else.” He said looking intently into my eyes. “Lea, my love, I want you to become my Luna and Queen as soon as possible. We don’t have to wait until after our bond is consolidated. Our pack, my wolf and I, we need our Luna, our Queen now.”  I smiled in response and got kind of lost in my mind, imagining the possibilities that it would bring. Me as a queen, responsible for a whole Realm, Oh Goddess! I’m not ready for it. I don’t even fully understand werewolves.  “You shouldn’t stress yourself about it. You won’t be doing it alone. Sarah can be your beta and she will support you with everything, she has a lot of experience with leadership positions and knows the Royal Pack well.” He tried to calm me down. I nodded absently, still too busy freaking out. Richard tilted my chin up and looked at me. “We can wait more, Lea.” He muttered.  “No, it’s okay. I can do it, but I want to start slowly, taking responsibility gradually. I really want to be a good Luna and a good mate for you and Titan. I just don’t know how.” I replied. “Until now you are doing a good job and I’m sure you will continue like this. We love you, Lea. You are the best, the only, mate we could ever wish for.” He replied.  My breath hitched in my throat and tears flowed down my cheeks.  Richard cupped my face and kissed me again, his tongue invaded my mouth in a seizing and passionate way, dissolving my deep emotions in a passion frenzy, and soon I wasn’t crying anymore, only my liquid desire oozed from between my thighs.  “I love you too,” I muttered between pants after we broke the kiss. He smiled and pressed me against his bare chest, impossibly close.  “I will ask Sarah and Luke to start organizing a ceremony for you to join the Pack and be coronated.” He replied, an undertone of happiness vibrating in his deep voice.  “There is something else.” I looked at him curiously, my eyes two question marks, before he let me go off of his embrace and went to look for something on the shelf behind us. “Happy birthday, my sweet Luna.” He said as he took me in his arms once again.  He gave me a small wooden box and I opened it eagerly, it was a golden necklace with a light pink pendant engraved with tiny moonstones. It’s so pretty and delicate.   “It’s beautiful, I love it. Thank you.” I giggled, as I stood up on my tiptoes and jumped trying to kiss him. He is too tall, more than 6’6 feet tall, it’s not fair!  He took me in his arms and leaned down to devour my mouth before he put the necklace on me; leaving a trail of hungry open-mouth kisses all over the nape of my neck, as his stubble beard scratched my skin in a funny tickling way.  He sucked the tender skin of my neck a bit roughly, it would for sure leave a mark, a hickey. But it didn’t hurt, it just made the warm and tingling sensation in my core get more intense. It felt good. * After talking and cuddling over a cup of hot chocolate for me and coffee with whiskey for him, Richard took me outside, to the back of the castle.  “Ride me.” He said as his eyes glowed slightly, Titan was on the surface.  “What?” I asked confused.  “I’ll shift to my wolf; we want to take you for a run through the forest.” The forest at night, it seemed quite mysterious and enticing. In the next moment, he shifted to his huge wolf, and Titan motioned with his muzzle for me to get on his back. I did as he gestured, his soft fur and the tingles at the contact were quite pleasant, I really enjoy all the new sensations the mature mate bond offers/allows. He ran with me on his back into the night, fast and with precise and even too graceful movement for an animal of his size. I was impressed with the majesty of each of his movements.  The speed, the wind on my hair made a new sense of freedom pump through my veins, it was incredible. Besides that, I loved to connect with Titan, be close to him, and share his ‘wolf activities’ with him. Maybe there is also a secret/hidden wolf part in my soul that craves for this sensation.  I really hope we can run like this often.  Even though he was quite fast, I felt secure and safe on his back, he was from time to time stopping to look back at me, as if to make sure I was comfortable and well-attached to his back. Titan is so loving.  We finally stopped by the river the light of the bright full moon was reflected on its calm waters. I went off of Titan and he went behind a tree. He would shift back to Richard’s form; he had his shorts tied to his paw.  Richard was actually trying not to shock me with his flagrant nudity and his…you know what. He came back and wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissing the sweet spot where my shoulder and neck meet and sending a shiver down my spine, as goosebumps raised across my skin. “I love spending time with Titan. With both of you.” My voice sounded breathy, hazy. “And we love spending time with our sweet Luna.” He replied, tightening his hold around me, he spun me around in his arms and seized my lips in many breath-taking kisses. After some time, I started to yawn, I was getting very sleepy very fast. What made a lot of sense, since the sun was about to rise from above the lake.  “I was planning to swim with you, but you have to sleep, Love.” His gravelly voice snapped me back from my semi-dreamy state, I was actually dosing off against his hard chest. I hummed, making him laugh and the vibration of his chest brought me a funny tickling sensation.  Richard and I flashed back to Avalon’s Realm, and I immediately crashed into my bed for a much-needed sleep. I was about to say good night, when my Wolf surprised me, by laying by my side as he wrapped his strong arms around me, and I snuggled into his embrace.  We slept together, sharing a bed for the very first time.   Please don't vote for this book for the Dreame Anniversary Event, non-signed books such as this one and Intertwined aren't eligible for prices, vote for The Queen of Alphas and She is not my Luna instead. Thank you
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