42. Powerful and delicate

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Valentin    That psychopath Alexus joined through something Elric called Zoom. Elric is so attuned with technology, even human-made technology. His Realm is the most modern one, unlike the pristine Fae Realm.  Alexus wouldn’t dare to show up here before all of us, so she was on the other side of a computer video call. Just looking at him unsettled me and of course, with Richard, it was tenfold worse. Being a shifter and sharing his soul with a wolf makes him intense, especially when is about Alexus due to their century-old hate. Since Richard killed Elisa, Alexus’ beloved, and in retribution Alexus killed Richard’s brother and former beta. King Laius didn’t come, his second in command, Prince Lucius, and his main general, a demon general called Scarlet came instead.  The Pixie Queen, Ariel, also didn’t come. She said she would discuss the Treaty with Livia later. Apparently, Livia is the only one among us she can trust, better said that she doesn’t distrust completely.  So, Lucius, Scarlet, King Avalon, Elric, Richard, me, Liv, and our seconds in command were here. Except for Mel, she didn’t join us once again.  Lucius is Laius’ second in command, and he came to this kind of meeting quite often. He is a tall male with auburn spiked hair, olive skin, and pitch-black eyes. He normally has a serious demeanor, at least during meetings and negotiations.  But I’ve only seen Scarlet a couple of times. She is one of Laius’ main generals, a very strict and strong one. She is a tall demon, has long wavy scarlet-red hair, caramel skin, and purple eyes.  I looked at Liv, she was seated between her two mates, and her eyes ran to Scarlet and Lucius.  “Livia, how are you?” Lucius asked as he got very close to Liv, took her hand in his, and kissed its back. I would expect her to say something or make a smart remark as she often does, but Liv was only paralyzed and a bit pale. Somehow seen those two affected her.  Avalon narrowed his eyes at the Demon and took Liv’s hand in his.  Scarlet pulled Lucius away a bit abruptly. “She was better before you started overcrowding her personal space.” She turned to Liv, “I apologize for his lack of manners, my Queen. As you know, he isn’t a bright one.” She added with a wicked smile, which made Lucius narrow his eyes at her. Liv only nodded at Scarlet. “I’ve to go for some air,” Liv muttered looking at Elric and Avalon. She turned to Scarlet. “Do you want to come with me?” Elric and the 2 females stood up and left the room. Soon Elric was back.  Avalon eyed him with a concerned look and asked, “How is she? Did you leave her alone? I’m going…” “She is fine. You don’t have to worry. I wanted to stay with her, but she insisted that I should come back to the meeting. She knows how important this meeting is. She is with Cali and Mel now.”   Avalon exhaled deeply but nodded.  “We are here to discuss the terms of the new Peace Treaty, hereinafter referred to as ‘Peace Treaty II’. Different from the previous treaty, this one will be sealed by the Goddess and her Olympian magic. Thus, whoever acts in breach of any of the Treaty terms, will face Her wrath and punishment.  “Why would I agree with such terms? Why would I agree with any of your ridiculous terms?” Alexus asked in a bored tone, his face emotionless on the other side of his computer.  “Because you have something to gain with it. As I’ve told you when I invited you to the present meeting, if you sign the Treaty, we will withdraw all our agents and soldiers from your Realm and not punish you for your previous crimes…” Elric started. Alexus let out a humorless laugh. “Isn’t it very generous of Your Majesties?” he mocked.  “We are four, maybe even five against one. We will keep chasing you and find you soon or later. So, if you value your freedom and your ability to live somewhere else than a Dungeon, you should collaborate and sign the Treaty. It’s the best thing that could ever happen to you, it’s the only way for you to make sure you won’t be chased, punished, tortured, or even more, after what you did. After you successfully attracted the wrath of as much as the 6 Realms towards you.” Avalon added. His voice laced with intensity and authority, in a contrast with Elric’s calm and diplomatic undertone.  I believe that Avalon’s more aggressive discourse will work better with Alexus.  “I’m listening,” Alexus replied.   “As the first aspect to be discussed, we should address the different disputed lands. These lands have been the cause of many of our past conflicts.” Elric said.  Land disputes, besides the ownership of magical sources and even animals like dragons, were the cause of most of the past conflicts between the 6 Realms. Together with the collateral rivalry and hostility that centuries of war arose between the different species. Liv and Elric were working a lot to unite the peoples of the realms and make them overcome such animosity. They organized and fostered many cultural and artistic inter-species events, parties, and even Olympic Games. Liv is a great queen and an asset to the 6 realms. I hope my Lea could be the same one day.  “We want to have the drylands near the border with the pixie kingdom,” Lucius uttered.  The female Demon, Scarlet, slapped his hand lightly. “Shut up Lucius! We are not here for that! Our mandate here is to defend Lea’s interest and make sure she’s safe, not bargain for some land!” Scarlet exclaimed. Laius was trying to make up for his mistakes, by sending those two here with such a mandate. “We can do both!” Lucius said with a frown.  “You can’t even follow orders, you dimwit!” Scarlet replied irritated.  “Scar, you can’t talk to me like that when we are not doing...” he stopped abruptly, looked around, and exhaled deeply.  Those two apparently have a complicated affair. “Give me back the lands on the border South to the Desideratum Sea, you f*****g leech!” Richard growled.  Richard and Alexus were also disputing many pieces of land and most of the conflicts that occurred nowadays were happening in the borders that separated the vampire and the werewolf realms. It wasn’t only military conflicts in breach of the Peace Treaty I, that we signed 10 years ago, it was also civil conflicts. There is great hostility between werewolves and vampires, which somehow reflects their kings' absolute hate towards each other.  “We can’t make a deal, mutt. I’ll give you my lands back in exchange for Lea.” “Are you insane?” Avalon lashed out.  Richard went ballistic and was on the verge of shifting to his wolf. Maximus was enraged to such a point that he smashed the tablet he was holding in many pieces. “We shall discuss the next disputed lands, the Hills between Emeraldia and Avalon’s Realm.” Elric chimed in, looking calm and collected. But I knew he was also quite stressed.  We talked further about the lands’ issues. Elric, Avalon, and Scarlet, and Lucius, representing King Laius, were very cooperative and didn’t dispute any lands. At least not after Scarlet scolded her co-ambassador. Liv had indeed worked her miracle and established peace and agreement among her 3 kings.  “Now we should talk about the prohibition to attack and act in a way that harms or endangers any other king or queen,” Avalon said. “If any of us or the people acting under our command attack, threaten, harm, or compromises any other king, or queen, the culprit should face punishment by the Goddess. What would be whatever She deems appropriate.” I said. This way we could protect Lea further.  “I wonder if the Goddess agreed with this little moot.” Alexus taunted and Richard growled at him.  “She did it already. You don’t have to worry about it. Why don’t you focus on avoiding your imminent capture and imprisonment by agreeing with the Treaty terms?” Elric replied, in an atypical way. He was very angry at the Vampire King. We all were. “How can I not, after hearing such eloquent words?” Alexus replied with an icy smile.  It will work, he will agree with it. He is a cold-hearted monster, but he isn’t stupid.  “We should also talk about royal children, heirs,” Avalon added.     ~ * ~   Liv   Why am I such a mess? Just looking at Lucius and Scarlet made my heart clench painfully and think about my Devilicious Hottie. I can’t stay here anymore. I think a little part of me expected that Laius would come today and take me in his arms. Oh, Goddess! I’m insane!  “I’ve to go for some air,” I told Elric and Avalon before I turned to Scarlet. “Do you want to come with me?”. We stood up and left, Elric followed us but kept some distance. “How are you?” Scarlet asked. “I’m okay. Healthy and the baby is fine.” I sighed deeply. “How is he?” “Missing you like hell.” She replied.  “How about his darkness? Do you think it’s growing back?” I asked. I was worried about him. “No. I don’t think so. He is not in his best shape, but I don’t think he is consumed by darkness and death. Don’t worry about him, think about yourself and the baby. When you feel ready, you will accept him back into your life. But put yourself first, hell, you are pregnant, you and the child matter most. He is a big and old Devil and can take care of himself.” She said. I didn’t expect such a long reply and some kind of ‘pep talk’ from her. I’m relieved that he is not being consumed by darkness. I didn’t think he was, our bond was too consolidated for it to happen, but I had to ask it anyway. I don’t think she is right at some point; how can I not worry about him? I can put the baby first, I must do it, I am doing it. But… I don’t want to leave him to take care of himself. We are supposed to take care of each other too.  However, I can’t let his betrayal slide easily again, as I already did many times. If I do so, he will just do it again and next time, his behavior can put my baby at risk. That I can’t have.  I sighed deeply.  “Just don’t tell anyone that I’ve asked. And please, keep an eye on him for me, make sure he is fine. Please.” I told her. “I hope one day I find someone who cares about me, love me the way you love Laius. That asshole is lucky!” Scarlet smiled. “And do as I said, take your time. We females put too much pressure on ourselves. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulder and a child in your womb at the same time. It’s too much.” She added before she went back to the meeting room. It was odd to see the very serious and badass Demon General smiling and having this kind of talk. Maybe we are becoming hell-friends. Elric walked towards me and wrapped me in his comforting embrace.  “You should go rest, Love.” He said. “No, I have to join the meeting. It’s very important. It’s our Peace project, our dream together, my love. Besides that, it’s very important for Lea, to ensure her safety.” I replied. “Maximus and Avalon will defend Lea’s interest. Maximus will work on our strategy and concretize the Peace project. You should take care of yourself, my Queen. Let’s go to the room, you should sleep in my arms to feel better.” “No, you must go back. The 6 Realms and Lea need you; they need us.” I knew how important it is for him. He couldn’t miss it to cuddle with his sad mate. “Let’s do like this, I go rest and you go back to the meeting. That is our compromise.”  “You did develop many tactful skills, my little diplomat.” He said chuckling before he kissed the top of my head.  ~ * ~     Lea   I went to my father’s Villa, at the Elf Realm, Emeraldia to start working on my elf powers. I was waiting for dad by the veranda, as we had agreed. “Hello, princess. I’m sorry for being late.” He said as he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. “How is Melinda? Do you know if she got my letters?” Dad looked quite sad and even a bit lost.  For starters, he was never late before. I felt bad for him, but I knew it has been quite hard for my mom as well, and she was still not ready to talk to him.  “It’s okay, don’t worry. Mom is okay, I don’t know anything about the letters.”  He nodded, before beaming a small smile, that didn’t reach his eyes. “First, we have to know what your elf powers are, sweetheart.” “I was able to send some kind of pulses of energy and to create a force field, that’s all I know.”  “That’s quite impressive.” He had a very proud smile; his tense and gloomy expression was not there anymore. “As a royal, you probably have two powers. Let’s first try to find what is your second one.”  I nodded. I was really looking forward to knowing what my second power is. I love being an elf and after I unlocked my power, I fell much more like an elf.  It’s great! I like everything about elves. This place, Emeraldia, is beautiful, almost as breath-taking as the Fae Realm. I really like to spend the afternoons there enjoying nature, the gardens, sitting by the lake with Liv or even swimming with her. Sometimes even Ainhoa and Fred joined me there. I hope Liv can unlock her elves powers soon, and feel this light, this completion. “Close your eyes, breathe in and relax. Try to connect with your essence, with the essence of your magic.” He told me as he wrapped his hands on my shoulders. I closed my eyes and tried to find this magic essence once again, this time I didn’t see the elf little girl version of me, but a green light.  I felt this green light start to build in my stomach and wave up to the place between my eyes as if it was a thin and even aromatic smoke. It left a trail of warmness and serenity in its way and soon my whole body was overtaken by this feeling, I opened my palms and felt as if life was blossoming from inside my skin. It was a very tender but powerful feeling. Something broke through my skin, without cutting or even piercing it, as if my skin had become energy only and I felt it grow, bloom from inside out.  “Open your eyes, princess.” My father muttered. I did as he said and looked at my palms, a small and delicate vine containing a single green leaf sprang from my skin. I made it; I made a plant grow somehow. That was insane.  “You have the same ability as I do, to summon the earth's power and energy. The plants, the earth itself listens to your call and come to you, connect with you. If you really concentrate on this energy you can even create life as you just did. But it’s dainty and quite energy consuming, you should rather summon plants, instead of creating any. At least at this point. How did it feel?”  “It felt…” I was speechless and even panting, it was really tiring. “It was beautiful. Powerful but somehow delicate. Just incredible.”  Dad smiled heartily. “You just can create with what you have in yourself, your inner beauty and power. Your magic carries a lot of potential, sweetheart. I’m sure one day, sooner than later, you’ll be able to do great things with it.”  I hugged my dad. He is so supportive and amazing!  “Are you too tired, do you need a break?” he asked as he handed me a bottle of water and I drank its whole content fast, I was a bit drained. “No, I’m fine. I’m too excited to figure it out, to feel it again to take a break now.” I giggled and he chuckled in response. “Alright. Let’s sit down for our next exercise. Now focus all your attention and your energy in your center of gravity, it’s just under your belly bottom. That’s where your solar plexus is, the earth's energy flows from your root chakra and radiates to your solar plexus, where it can reach its full potential.  Thus, to call to this energy you should focus on this area of your body. If you use a great extent of your power, as you always do to create instead of summoning the earth's energy, you will feel pressure on your forehead as well. But you should try to keep the energy flow down, on your belly and try to summon, to call for the earth energy.”  I did as he said, focusing hard on my solar plexus, until I saw a little vine coming towards me, clumsily, slowly but continuously. It answered my call and soon it entangled itself around my arm as if it was trying to reach for me.  My dad smiled proudly again, “Very good, if you are not too tired just try to do it again.”  I tried once more to call for another plant and this time another shy vine came towards me, but it was a bit thicker and less clumsy. I didn’t know a vine could be that clumsy before. ‘Oh Lea, you are a vine!’ I thought laughing a bit to myself. I’m a silly vine.  “Don’t exert yourself, Lea. Let’s take another break.”  Is dad being too soft on me? Why so many breaks? I’m not that fragile, I won’t burn out after calling 2 shy plants. “What is your second power, dad? Besides summoning the earth energy?” I asked.  “I can slow people’s movements down, make them move in slow-motion or at least much slower than they normally would, just as I did with that…” he stopped short in his track and looked worried at me. I knew what he meant, who he meant. When he fought King Alexus.  “Now let’s practice your other gift,” Dad said changing the subject before he focused for half a minute and called a big and sturdy tree that came fast and graciously towards us. He’s quite skilled, I hope to be like this one day.  “Try to send a pulse of energy towards the trunk.” My eyes opened widely at his words.  “But I don’t want to harm this plant.” Poor plant I couldn’t harm it.  My father chuckled. “You can’t harm the plant by using your elf magic. They are all connected, the plant, nature, and the elf magic. They are one. As we are one with nature, our inner and outer nature, sweetie. The key of elf magic is to embrace unity, the confluence of all the things.” he explained  Elf magic is indeed fascinating, his words reached my heart and somehow even my magic. In the next second a pulse found its way out of my palm and reached the gracious trunk; it absorbed the pulse of energy as if it was a ray of light. Is that how plants do photosynthesis in the elf realm? It’s amazing.  The plant looked greener and stronger now. I could feel its energy rolling off of its frame, I could feel the plant’s appreciation?  What?  “It’s amazing. Elf magic is fascinating!” I told dad with a huge smile. He smiled back.  “It is sweetheart. And you are doing a good job in starting to connect with nature and your elf essence. I couldn’t be prouder of my little girl.” Dad said as he approached me and kissed the top of my head tenderly. “You’ve used a great amount of energy for your first day of training. Let’s go inside * and have some food. Tina made your favorite, pasta with pesto sauce.” he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and we walked inside.  “Thanks, so much dad! You’re the best!”  “It’s my pleasure, Princess.”          
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