65. Aurora

1852 Words
Liv   I woke up in my hottie’s arms. He was still asleep but had a peaceful, drool-worthy smile on his handsome face. I looked around. My poor Avalon was sleeping crooked on the couch and Elric was in the spare bed. I reached my hand to my forehead; it was drenched with sweat.  Suddenly, I felt a weird pain in my lower abdomen as a wave of dizziness crushed me. After few minutes, the pain became a very strong cramp, like very nasty period cramps but ten times worse.  Elric jumped off of the bed and was by my side in the next moment. Maybe he felt my distress through our bond, and it woke him up. “What are you feeling, my love?” He asked as he caressed my hair tenderly. His voice was thick with concern.  “I...” I felt a jolt of power traveling through my body, almost making me faint. I clenched my eyes in pain and when I opened them again, Laius was looking at me, his face contorted with worry.  “Sugar, I think you are in labour.”  “But…It’s too early, it is supposed to be in two weeks.” My voice sounded weak.  “Seems like the baby doesn’t want to wait, Liv.” Avalon was also by my side, holding my hand. His eyes were oscillating between hazel and grey. He was half tenderness and half uneasiness.  “I’ve just mind-linked Lysander and asked him to tell Sienna and Alba to prepare everything. We have to flash to Emeraldia now. We have no time to waste.” Elric let us know, looking also super agitated. In the next second, another jolt of energy zapped me. Contractions didn’t look that bad in the movies. I guess not all the mom’s in the Human Movies were hybrid witches expecting a maybe tri-hybrid baby, or babies…probably none of them was.  We flashed to the infirmary at Emeraldia, where I went through very intense hours.  I was so glad I had my hottie by my side now. Goddess, it would be so horrible and heart-breaking to do it without him.  ~ * ~   Some horror stories start with ‘once upon a time’, others with ‘I know what you did last summer’. But mine started when I made the smart choice of having a natural birth, no anaesthesia-spell, only some fairy balms. I regret it deeply. I regretted it every minute of the last 26 hours.   Yes, 26 beautiful hours of labour.  I am quite sure this will be my only child or children.  “Hey, don’t look there. You all promised you would be above the equator line. And By equator, I mean my belly bottom, just to be clear. No one needs to see me popping a whole baby out there.” I complained, during one of the gaps between contractions as I saw Elric going beyond the line.  He flashed me a look of surrender and came back to his place by my side.  “Push again, Liv.” Alba, our nice fairy doc, said.  “I am trying,” I answered as I pushed with all my might or at least all I had left after the last hours.  “You are doing very well, breathe and push again. We are almost there.” She added. “You are doing great, my love,” Elric uttered as he kissed the back of my hand. Laius was holding my other hand and Avalon was stroking my hair and wiping the sweat off my forehead every once in a while.  After more pushes, some screams, and a sweet piercing cry, Alba started to announce, “It is a girl and…”  as she wrapped my baby, my daughter, in a blanket. I knew that my males would be able to know who the father was by her smell and her aura.  I saw Laius almost jumping beside me, as his face lit up with joy.  “She is mine!” Laius muttered in ecstasy, cutting Alba off. He took large strides towards our fairy-doc and cradled our tiny baby girl in his arms carefully.  He looked at the bundle in his arms with so much tenderness and love. It was quite a scene to watch, that huge man, the infamous King of Hell, going totally soft while he was carrying our small new-born girl. He finally brought her to me. I held her in my arms for the first time, pressed a feather-light kiss on the top of her head, and inhaled her sweet baby scent, how could someone who has never showered smell that good? I looked intently at her tiny face, almost gawking, she was the sweetest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. A couple of the happiest tears I’ve ever cried went down my cheeks.  My heart was filled with an overwhelming amount of love, and it was leaking through my eyes.  She had only a bit of dark hair, bright blue eyes that she could hardly keep open, a tiny nose, and chubby cheeks. Laius was kissing the top of my head and my forehead many times, but I just had eyes for my tiny angel. She was making quiet cooing sounds and opening her little mouth in a ridiculously cute way.  I snapped out of my love daze after some time and looked at Laius. I’ve never seen him so happy, he had a silly smile from ear to ear.  He kissed the top of my head again and pecked my lips gently. “I love you my Sugar, she is perfect! Thank you! I love you!” he said, his voice thick with emotion, as he peppered kisses on my face.  I gave our baby to him after he seated beside me on the bed, and I placed my head on his shoulder. My Devilicious rocked her, our daughter, back and forth gently, his eyes fixed on her tiny face and his smile only growing bigger.  I looked at my other two mates’ faces trying to find any sign of disappointment or frustration; Elric seemed genuinely happy and Avalon looked alright. Even if he was unhappy the baby wasn’t his, he wasn’t showing it.  Elric smiled and kissed my hand tenderly, “She is adorable, Love. A little miracle.” “She is beautiful like you, Baby,” Avalon added.  My tiny, beautiful miracle, I haven’t decided what to name her before I went to labour, I thought I would have a couple of weeks more and I was a bit busy missing Laius and having the awful side effects of our bond being stretched and pulled like hair in a beauty salon. But as I was looking at her adorable face, a single name popped up in my mind.  “Aurora…” I muttered. Laius gazed at me with a dazzled and a bit confused look. “For her name, Aurora, what do you think?” I asked him.  He glanced at her cute face and looked back at me, “Aurora.” He repeated as if he was trying the name and its sound. “It’s beautiful and it fits our little sweetie.”    ~ * ~   Laius   “Is she healthy? I’m worried because she was born before the due date.” Sugar muttered, looking at Alba.  I could feel Liv’s deep apprehension flowing through our bond. I looked at my tiny sweetie, her cute little face, and started to get worried myself. I couldn’t bear to have anything bad happening to her. Ever.  The Fae hovered her hand over my little sweetie’s, my Aurora, forehead and smiled. “She is totally fine and healthy,” Alba answered. Sugar and I could breathe normally again. I wrapped an arm around my mate’s shoulder and kissed her face.  “She is perfect Sugar. You don’t have to worry.” I reassured my female before she let out a deep exhale.  I looked at my baby, “I promise you that I will be much better than my father, my parents, were. I will always love you, care for you and be by your side. I won’t ever leave you, my little sweetie.” I muttered before I pressed a light kiss on the top of her head. Sugar gazed at me tenderly and wrapped her hand around mine. “You will be a great father, honey. I’m sure about it. What happened to your parents?”  I exhaled sharply. “They never wanted a child, only an heir. My so-called father wanted someone to succeed him in the throne of Hell, so that he wouldn’t need to be apart from his woman, my mother, for half of the year. They never truly cared about me. When I was 14, they left me in Hell and moved to the Olympus, where they could always be together; like they dreamed to do for centuries.” I muttered. I never talk about them. It’s a bitter memory, a sore topic.  “I’m so sorry Honey. They were s**t parents” Liv kissed my cheek and sent me love through our bond. “Wait…Did you say Olympus? Does that mean that they are Gods? What makes you…? So, in these 10 years, you never thought about saying anything? Like, by the way, ‘I’m a God’ or whatnot?” my female asked raising a brow at me.  “I never talk about them or want anything that comes from them. I don’t even think about them and their legacy. They weren’t parents, only sires. So, no. I’m not their son and I don’t consider myself a God.” “It’s okay, Honey. You have me…” Liv looked at our baby and smiled sweetly, “Us, now. They don’t matter a bit. We are your family, that’s all that counts.” She pecked my lips, her sapphire-blue eyes were deep and moistened with emotion and tenderness. My sweet queen.  Liv took Aurora from my arms, bared her breast and our baby caught the n****e in her tiny mouth. She opened her eyes slowly and looked intently at Sugar. They were lost in each other’s gaze, completely in love with one another; and I am totally in love with both of them.  I couldn’t be happier; I couldn’t be more blessed. I have not only my female back, but I have a family, a family with my Sugar. Our family is complete. Sugar, our Aurora, Lelea, Mel, and me. The two dorks somehow too, as something secondary. 
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