54. When hate and love collide

2073 Words
Alexus    I thrust slowly into the warmth of her mouth. She felt too good to be true.  Her eyes were closed, I wouldn’t look at me if I were her either. But I would win her back, make up for my stupidity, my lack of a better judgement.  Richard was ravaging her like the animal he is. I complained about it and he and the fairy answered me. When I was about to retort, my female swirled her warm moistened tongue around my shaft. The only sound that left my mouth was a cry of pleasure. I didn’t say anything to don’t upset her.  I caressed her mouth with my length slowly and rhythmically as she started bobbing her head slightly. I hope she was enjoying it. Did I even care? No, I didn’t care about her, I care about having her and that is the way I can achieve it. I answered myself immediately before my imagination could feed insane thoughts.  Soon I could feel my balls sack tightening and I knew I could come at any moment, I gazed at Valentin and the mutt. They looked on the verge of exploding as well.  After a couple of minutes, I heard the mutt’s gruff voice, “I’m about to finish.” “Me too. Alexus?” Valentin asked. His voice was bitter.  “Yes,” I replied shortly.  I looked at my female’s face. It wasn’t contorted with pain anymore, all I could see was pleasure.  She is pretty as a painting. Nevertheless, her beauty goes far beyond the static allure imprinted in a silent canvas. She’s strong, resilient, have a curious and intriguing mind. She’s all the beauty that no paintbrush can capture. She’s my beauty. My body was overpowered by the pleasure of having her mouth, and soon I released my seed into her throat as I caressed her dark silky hair gently.    ~ * ~     Lea     After his movements became slower and all the pain subsided, Richard’s manhood felt so good inside me, filling me completely, stretching my insides to their limits in such a pleasurable way that almost ached. Being this close to him, feeling him deep inside me, was deliriously good. I just focused on the feeling of my Richard sliding in and out of my walls for few minutes, caressing my sensitive wet channel with his rough strokes, making my core pulsate like a second heart around him.  “Grab my c**k with your p*ssy, Luna.” His guttural voice commanded and pleaded. I automatically obliged, clenching around him, feeling so tight and so squeezed within him, that I didn’t know where my body ended and his started anymore. We were one.  After some time, Richard’s thrusts became even faster, but his hand reached down to caress the pearl of pleasure within my folds. The pleasure was overpowering the pain, with each movement of his skilled fingers. I also felt fingers teasing my n****e, slowly. Teasingly slowly, but this was my undoing, when the combination of all these sensations became too much, I felt the knot in my womb clench tightly, as a hot wave went down my core.  My chest raised and fell as the dizzying pleasure seized through my body. I wanted to moan, to gasp, but my mouth was full. My insides exploded in a blazing and wet pleasure, as I felt my s*x contracting around Richard’s big manhood. He was right, it fit. A bit painfully, but it did fit.  And I felt much more pleasure than pain. Not even HIS presence could take away the amazing feeling of having the men I love, my Valentin and my Richard inside me.  I heard them speak, but my hazy mind couldn’t register any word, only pleasure. I was lost to this world. Soon, I felt rougher thrusts into both of my channels, as the incredible and tingling sensation of my Valentin and my Richard filling me with their liquid pleasure for the first time made me even more giddy.  “MINE” My wolf and my Sun spoke almost in unison. Richard’s voice was more guttural than ever, and Valentin’s carried a raw and breathy desire that I haven’t heard from him before.  But it wasn’t all, I felt the Vampire King’s release going down my throat, as he caressed my hair. I didn’t want to open my eyes and look at him. I was still trying to picture Liv’s banana. Soon, he left my mouth, and I could finally relax against Valentin’s chest.  “Are you alright, Sunflower?” he asked, as he showered my face with soft kisses. I only hummed in response, opening my eyes tentatively and looking at Richard.  “You should mark him, then the leech will leave, and we can start enjoying it,” Richard muttered, as he took his manhood from my insides. My Sun also lifted me and withdrew his shaft from me, after he pressed a sweet kiss on my shoulder.  Wait, Richard hasn’t enjoyed it until now? He hasn’t enjoyed mating me? He has just taken my virginity. I held back the tears that were prickling in my eyes and gulped hard. Starting to cry now wouldn’t help this whole bizarre situation at all.  Richard moved away and King Alexus took my hand, sat on the edge of the bed and I sat beside him. “Mark me, Lea, while I take you.” I gulped hard at his words.  What was he thinking? How he could even expect me to even consider letting him be close to me a second more than necessary? Maybe he was indeed insane.  “You won’t touch her any further!” Richard growled before I even had the time to oppose myself. My wolf was getting very edgy very fast. The air in the room was so thick with tension, that it was hard to breathe. A cold rage was also radiating from King Alexus’ body.  “King Alexus, wait until tomorrow as we’ve agreed.” I tried to placate them, to avoid a conflict and even bloodshed. In theory, they couldn’t hurt each other because of the promise, but I was sure that If the situation escalated even further, they would find a way.  King Alexus exhaled deeply, “Fine.” He looked at me, his eyes holding intensity, not their normal dryness. “Mark me then, remember that you have to swallow my blood. I will tell you when it’s enough.” He added, before baring his neck to me.  I nodded and did as he said. Thinking about drinking blood, his blood, made my stomach churn. But it was what I had to do. I also didn’t know how my teeth would be piercing enough to break through his skin. However, as my teeth touched the cool skin of his neck, they elongated a bit, the Goddess had it all figured out. I just hope my teeth never stretch like this again after today. Liv didn’t tell me about this part.  I swallowed his blood as I heard him groaning in pleasure. He wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing my naked body flush against his. ‘Breath Lea’, I told myself.  His blood had a very unexpected taste, rich, velvet, and sweet-tangy. Not as anything I’ve ever tasted before, but not bad. “You can stop, baby.” He said between groans, tightening his hold on me. I stop immediately and in some kind of reflex, I licked my bloody lips, making his lips coil up slightly.  I moved away from him immediately, folding my arms over my chest to cover my exposed body from his traveling eyes.  “Now leave!” Richard commanded. King Alexus stared at him with an icy hatred look, as if he could freeze him to death.  “Please… I will see you tomorrow.” I tried to placate the Vampire King again.  To my utter surprise, it worked once more, maybe it was a mating aftershock effect. He huffed, but collected his clothes, put his pants on, and left the room, gazing a look at me before. His violet eyes so full of intensity and empty of emotions, gazing at me contradictions.   Richard got close to me and glared me a hard look, his lips twisting with distaste.  “You have to take his smell, his reek off of you. Shower, brush your teeth.” Richard said as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bathroom.  He looked at me with such a sickened face, that made me feel tainted, dirty. And I didn’t like those feelings. I knew that he hates King Alexus, and he had many reasons for that, but... he wasn’t hurting Alexus, he was hurting me.  Does he hate Alexus more than he loves me? After I brushed my teeth twice, he took me to the shower and started washing me. “I have to scrub all his reek off of your skin before I can touch you again.” Richard did as he said, scrubbing every inch of my skin more than once.  He was about to do it again, but I stopped him, “Love, it’s enough.”  “No, Luna. You are still not clean.” I sighed at his words and gazed at him with a tired look. “Just once more.” He compromised, and I nodded resigned.  After he finished his over-reactive washing, he lifted me by my waist and claimed my mouth, as my legs wrapped around his torso by their own accord.  His lips roamed down to my jaw, the curve of my neck, and his mark. His kisses felt so hot, passionate, and rough. I didn’t know I could enjoy so much such chastising kisses. When his teeth gritted on the tender skin of his fresh mark, I almost jumped.  Pleasure. Pain. A piercing sensation in between. He pressed me against the shower wall and lifted me further up. Richard captured one of my n*pples in his mouth, and twitched it between his teeth, making me whimper at the strong sensation.  He devoured my other n****e in a ravishing way, before adjusting me down, after a couple of seconds I understood what he was about to do. He wanted to enter me again.  “No, Richard. It’s Valentin’s turn.” I said, as I opened my hazy eyes and looked intently at him. At my mate who made me feel so raw and tender with his rough but yet pleasurable caresses.  He let out a low growl of frustration but stopped it; seizing my mouth again before he put me down to my feet.  We went out of the walking-in shower and when I was drying myself, my Valentin flashed back there.  “You should take it, my Angel. It’s water from the Nivem Source in Aureum. Nothing hydrates more.” He said with a smile, as he gave me a glass of water.  I drunk it in a gulp, I didn’t know how thirsty I was. He was right, it was made me feel as like I was surrounded by the freshest and lightest of the waters, so hydrated. He wrapped me with a fluffy bathrobe and helped me to dry my hair before he scooped me up in his arms gently and took me to the bed.  “I’m dying to be inside your flower, my Angel. To feel all of you.” He whispered in my ear. His words made my body quiver with anticipation and desire. “I love you so much! I’m so happy to be with you, to have our souls united. To be your male and be able to finally make love with you.” Valentin added, before kissing the sweet spot bellow my ear. I closed my eyes in delight.  How I wanted to make love with my Sun! 
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