Dancing in the Dark

1077 Words
     Darius got up and went to the car to turn on his radio, after whispering to Jeremy. On his way, he yell asked Alexxia, " Would you dance with me, please?"     Lexxi chanced a glance at Daemien to see if he would have that look again, before accepting. "Dani, you should ask Jeremy to dance." she whispered before cautiously getting up. To which, Dani laughed half-heartedly, shaking her head no. Lexxi knew Dani had a crush on her brother, so she was trying to push them together.     Just as Lexxi put her hands around Darius' neck he leaned in and asked, "Are you ok with D being here?"     "I kind of have to be Dare, he is Jeremy's best friend. Or at least he used to be. I don't know if they stayed in touch, or not, but I don't wanna hurt Jer's feelings either." Lexxi replied.     "Your brother is right, your love for him could open up heaven." Darius stated dryly. "But you should still be able to protect your feelings too. Now, I'm not saying to kick him out. I just truly hope you are ok with it. You do know, you're still like my little sister, and I would still protect you like one, right?"     "I know that, and I thank you for that. So how long did you and my brother argue this time?" Lexxi inquired knowingly.     "All last weekend." Darius replied laughing. "How could you tell?"     "Easy, something this controversial you would look at from both sides."  *********************** DAEMIEN'S POV     I tried not to watch Alexxia while she has her arms wrapped around my brother's neck. All because I wanted it to be mine. With me failing at being able to turn my glance, I started telling myself I had no right. She isn't mine anymore, and I have no one to blame for that, but me. Hating myself for my thoughts, I got up to get more wood ready for the fire.     Hearing another vehicle pulling in, I turned around to see. It was a car I recognized, although it has been four years since I had seen it. The car used to belong to Darius.     As I am watching, piling out of the car is Jazmin Danes, Twila Burkett, as well as Jacob Heart. I watch Jazmin and Twila run to Lexxi, while Jacob pulls two tents out of the trunk. Slamming the trunk he headed over to the campsite.     "Come on D, Let's go help Jacob." Jeremy hollered, grabbing me and Darius by the arms.     "I suppose we could." I told him, cautiously following them. Prepping for a fight, I was sure was coming.     "When did the cat drag him back? Is he staying here? How does Lex feel about this?" Jacob demanded angrily.     "None of that is your nosey ass business!" I growled out to him.     "It is beings as she's MY fiance!" Jacob declared.      That statement floored me, but just as I was about to punch Jacob, Jeremy stepped in and separated us. "This is not happening, tonight boys. Let's get these tents up, and have a good time. You can schedule a fight later, any day that's not Alexxia's birthday or around her. All this would do is hurt her." He stated knowingly.     With that statement, Darius and I turned and started to put up this tent, while Jeremy dragged Jacob to do the other one. I was ready to call it a night and be alone, so when we were done I started towards the road. For the second time tonight I was stopped, when Dani grabbed my arm, and dragged me back to the fire, "Oh no, you're not running away this time. You need to get over here and sit down. There's no escape tonight, not after I worked so hard to get Lex to accept you being here." She calmly stated. as she pushed me into a seat by the fire.     "I just need some time alone to think, Dani." I whispered.     "Then set at the fire and do it. No one will disturb you, I'll make sure of it." Dani said.     "Gee, thanks." I spoke sarcastically. Thinking she had something up her sleeve. She was never pushy like she is tonight, I thought.      Ignoring my tone she smiled, "Your welcome!"     Once again I find my eyes roaming to Alexxia, at the wrong time. Jacob just walked up and put her in a lip lock that I really thought was more for show than not. All of a sudden I feel like leaving again, Instead I went to grab another drink. I need one in order to help me cope with my swirling emotions.     By the end of the night, we had drank everything that had been brought for the party, and wow were we feeling much better by the looks of it. Some of the group had already headed to bed while others were still going strong dancing and laughing. I was watching the others making fools out of themselves when Twila walked over to me and sat down, "Hey, long time no see."     "Yeah, I guess so." I said just wanting her to leave me alone. My eyes never leaving the others.     "You wanna dance with me?" Twila asked.     "No, I want to chill right here. And anyway, don't you think you should call it a night?" I inquired glancing over at her then, seeing how drunk she was.     "You know I have always liked you right?" she answered, ignoring my question. "Even when you were with Lexxi, I was jealous of her. But if you wanna go dance then to bed, we could share a tent, I won't argue with that."     "No, I don't think that's a good idea for us. Is that what they do now? Males and females together, I mean. " I quarried      "I think the only reason we didn't then was because we were all under the age of acceptability at the time, we're adults now, it should be different, don't you think?" Twila Insisted.     "That's how trouble gets started between friends. So no, I don't think it should." I replied.     "It only causes trouble if the two parties don't agree to it." Twila coaxed.     "Still I don't think it's a good idea, and your drunk, so once again no, I am not going to bed with you." I reiterate calmly.     "Suit yourself, Your loss not mine." Twila whimpered. Stomping off to her tent. 
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