Chapter Seven: A Small History

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The next morning, Nina woke to the same treatment she had given to Draven the previous morning. When she came, he entered her body and prolonged the ripples. A few moments later they came together again. He laid on her sweet body, “Nina, would you be completely offended if I stay inside of you all day instead of doing what you want to do?” She giggled and he moaned, “God that feels so good,” and closed his eyes, “Do it again.” She giggled and he moaned and pressed his forehead to her chest before raising his eyes to look at her. “Come on, Nina. What do you think? Stay in bed with me today?” raising his head to look at her. She smiled, “What do I get out of it?” He smirked, “You got my hard c**k,” kissing her neck, “All day. Along with my tongue,” and kissed her with his tongue, “and as many orgasms as you can handle. I will feed you. I will also bathe you in that amazing garden tub and then have some explosive s*x in there too,” kissing her nose, “What do you think, baby?” She laughed, “On one condition,” running her hands over his rib cage. He nipped at her lip, “Name it.” “You and me doing a redo of our dirty dance when you came back. God I wanted to do you on the dance floor so bad that day,” moving her hands to his buttocks as he rolled them to their sides. He moaned, “I would have done you there on the floor if it hadn’t been for common decency,” which earned him a giggle. Smiling at Nina, she smiled up at him, “Jay tried to talk me into taking you into the lady’s room to f**k you on the counter.” His smile turned into a smirk, “I would have in a heartbeat.” Then her face got serious. “Hey, where’d you go?” he asked losing his own smile. “I just – I’m sorry for running from you. To be honest, your intensity scared the s**t out of me. And that doesn’t happen to me.” He kissed her chin, “I just know what I want. And like I told you back in San Antonio, I want you, Nina.” “Good, because I want you too.” “You know, I wanted to be mad at you for being gone, but then I realized that you came to see me right after you got back,” her hand enjoying his smooth skin of his back. “How’d you know that? I didn’t tell you until the next day?” “You hadn’t shaved or gotten a haircut. My brothers would do the same thing. They were just excited to be home and relax. Especially if they were gone longer than two weeks.” “How did that happen?” “What happen?” she asked. “That all you brothers became Rangers? That is one of the toughest programs out there,” letting his fingers touch the softness of her shoulder and move over her collarbone. “They wanted to become better than our father.” He looked confused, “Because of the other family?” “It wasn’t just that. He left us after Wesley was born. The very next day, after our mother died, he brought Wes home, packed a bag and left.” “Wait . . .” his brain functioning to the reality, “He left you guys with a newborn baby and abandoned you all?” getting angry. Nina nodded, “He did,” soothing his angry lines, “But because of what he did, I am very close to all my brothers. I know where they are at all times, they call and text me constantly in a group text. I know who their flavors of the week are. I know when they are happy, I know when they are sad. They call me when they get called up on missions and call me the minute they get back. We make it a point to do a family vacation once a year to decompress,” she shrugged, “I am who I am because of them.” He kissed her lips gently. She smiled small at him, “Tell me about your sisters.” He looked up and then looked at her, “They are all older. My mom and dad wanted a boy, gave it a try and got me,” seeing her smile fully, causing him to smile back, “Jenna, a high school English teacher, is the oldest. She married Thomas, a store director for IKEA, about ten years ago. They have two girls, Paisley, eight and Penelope, six. They live in Virginia Beach. Then there is Marjorie, Marg for short, she’s a Bank Manager, and married to Carl, a police officer. They have three girls, triplets,” smiling at her shocked face, “Becky, Betina, and Bebe. They are six and live in Salem, Mass. Jackie a stay at home mom married Jake, a CEO for a Fortune 500 company, have four girls, Diana, seven, Danielle, seven, Diamond, six, and Daisy, five and they live in New Hampshire. And last, is Christina, who works for a university in Delaware as an Admin Assistant, married to Austin, a mechanic, and they have one daughter, Leslie, that is four.” “And they read my books. How do they hold a book club living in different states?” Nina asked. He smiled, “They Zoom conference. They do it once a month. The guys get the kiddos for the night and they lock themselves in their rooms with dinner, a bottle of wine, and talk about your books.” “I feel honored that they come together to discuss and read my books.” He soothed back her hair from her smooth shoulder, “You should. They love your books.” “How did you get into reading my books?” Smiling, “I walked in on a book club meeting they were having one Christmas. They yelled at me to leave. After, since they were meeting in the room I was sleeping in, one of them left the book behind. I couldn’t sleep and so I read it. I am not ashamed to say that I have read every book you have. I have also secretly seen all of the adapted movies. And whoever does your movie scripts really does your books justice.” “Why thank you for your contribution, sir. My bank account sure does thank you.” “So is that all I’m good for, huh?” teasing her, “Putting money in your bank account?” She laughed, “That, and promising me with as many orgasms as I can handle.” He looked at her thoughtfully, “I did promise that, didn’t I?” “You sure did.” As a man of his word he gave her as many orgasms as she could handle, and in between taking breaks, he had food delivered to them and he made sure to order it all at the same time so that they weren’t interrupted. After he fed her lunch which consisted of pizza with all of the trimmings, more talking, and showering together and taking a nap. Around dinner time, she dressed in a black shift much like her first one and put her hair up in a ponytail. Putting on some cargo shorts sans his underwear, he put on a fresh t-shirt and then pressed play on his phone. As she was putting chapstick on her lips she heard the starting tunes of Chris Stapleton “Tennessee Whiskey”. He turned her around grabbing her around the waist and push her backwards in a sexy backwards dip with his large hand on her chest. He pressed the small of her back with his large capable hand until she was hip to hip with him. She placed a hand on his bicep where she could feel his hard muscle. He placed a knee between hers and danced with her in a very hot and seductive slow dance. He put his hands on her ass and his lips on her neck and twisted them low in a dirty dancing move as he removed her hair tie to let her clean smelling hair loose. The move caused her shift to come up and bare some of her ass cheek. Burying his face in her neck, he had one arm holding her flush against him, as his other hand delved into her hair. He leaned her back, she looked into his wanton eyes and let him guide her low. She closed her eyes as he leaned her backwards over his arm and slowly swayed her side to side. She held onto his forearms trusting him fully. When he brought her up, he kissed the tip of her nose, and grabbed her thigh and pulled it up against his hip so she could feel his hardon, and dipped them low in an erotic move. When he brought her up, she grabbed onto him around his broad shoulders and this time her lips went to his. She would never get enough of him. He grabbed her buttocks in both his hands and grinded against her as they kissed. Then he moved her backwards to the wall where he helped her to wrap her legs around him. She opened her eyes to look at him and reached down between their bodies to free him from his shorts and as their eyes met, she saw him clenching and unclenching his teeth. Then ever so slowly she guided him to enter her body. Both of them moaning at the contact. He thrust against her slowly. She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him, gently kissing his lips as they looked into each other eyes. Ever so slowly she felt her orgasm building and held onto him as he continued to move against her. She pressed her head against the wall and cried out his name. He pumped against her a few more times and came inside of her. He held them there against the wall for a few moments, trying to catch his breath. Nina kissed his neck, “Oh, my, god, this is what I wanted to do that day.” He laughed, “Oh, god, me too,” and moved to look at her and kiss her. After they got cleaned up to eat dinner. He watched her as she unloaded their food of Chinese food and asked him, “My love, do you want chopsticks or a fork?” He stopped breathing if only for a moment. She stopped and looked up at him, “Honey?” He couldn’t help how he felt about her, “You are amazing. Do you know that?” She smiled, “Thank you. You are not so bad yourself.” He wanted to say more but instead settled for, “I’ll take a fork.” It was at that moment, he wanted to say, “I love you,” to her. But instead, he stayed quiet. They sat down on the bed and enjoyed their Chinese and watched a movie. After dinner, they laid in each other’s arms,falling asleep watching the television. In the morning, Draven woke to the familiar sensation, “Sorry, I couldn’t wait.” He laughed and they made love. Once they were dressed, they finally went to Jackson Square and found a tarot card reader. Draven looked at Nina, “I’m gonna go check out a shop over there and wait while you finish your reading,” kissed her lips and left her. She slapped his bottom, “Hurry back.” He waved at her over his shoulder. She sat down with the card reader and gave her money. The reader asked her to pick a deck and the reading began. Nina looked at the reader. She eyed Nina, “What do you want to know?” “The man I am with, will we last?” Nina asked. She looked at the cards, “There is an event that will take him away from you. It will test your love. It will test his love.” “Love? He loves me?” The card reader looked at Nina, “It is what will keep him alive.” A while later when her reading was over, Draven joined them. Together they walked towards the French Market. Holding her hand, he said, “How did your reading go?” She smiled, “Really well.” He smiled, “Good,” and kissed the top of her hand. A few hours later they sat down for dinner of a crawfish boil. He loved that she wasn’t shy about eating messy food in front of him. The last girl he dated was so dainty that she didn’t like to eat anything with her hands. As he bit into a piece of corn, he said, “Tell me about your brothers.” She wiped at her hands, “There’s not much to tell right now. They are all Rangers, they are literally stationed all over this country of ours. Each of them are on missions multiple times a month. They have girlfriends like revolving doors, which is why I call them flavors of the week. And because of my background in psychology, I decide on whether or not they are allowed to stay.” “Do any of them ever challenge that?” “Of course, they do.” “What do you do?” She smirked, “You don’t want to know.” “Well, I have an idea. You called Hunter, Omega, and I heard your brother Blaine, refer to you as Alpha. What is that about?” biting into a Crawfish tail. She sipped an unsweet tea, “My brothers and I adopted what we call the Wolf Pack mentality. In a wolf pack, there is a hierarchy. The alphas lead the pack, the betas are their next in command, and so on and so forth. The omegas of the pack are the lowest ranking members. Hunter was named Omega because he does not follow the rules. He loves to disobey at every turn, and he has tried to overthrow myself and Blaine a number of times. The rest of the pack do their job and make him pay for his transgressions to remind him who is Alpha. Both, Blaine and I share that title since he is the oldest male, and I am the only female. We call him Wolf. They call me Alpha.” “Who's Beta?” “Well, it’s a tossup between Gabriel and Deacon. Deacon prefers to be called Scout, because he is phenomenal at doing recon without being detected and hacking some of the best security systems. Gabriel is known as Beta, and he has developed some very scary but needed skills as a Sniper for his team,” seeing Draven’s face, “Then there is Jackson, and he prefers Delta. He can pick any lock or crack any safe,” seeing him smirk, “Evan is Gamma, he can hot wire any car and drive any car he can get his hands on. Christopher is called Zeta, and he can charm the knickers off of any female he comes into contact with. Liam is Iota, and he is the grumpy one of the lot and a great mechanic, but knows how to get any job done. Zeke is called Warrior, well because he is. He is the best one at hand to hand,” shaking her head, “Some of the things he has done during fights with our brothers,” laughing, “he is good. Then there is Jaeger, whom we call Healer because he is the medic. He had a knack for it as the boys grew up and showed early in Ranger school that he wasn’t afraid of any of the wounds he saw. Wesley, well, he had just graduated Ranger school, but we called him Tiny. I know, not quite a Wolf Pack hierarchy name, but he was the smallest of the brothers, but not weak by any means. As you saw, the brothers are all six foot one or taller, he was five foot eleven and because he didn’t hit the six-foot mark like they did, they called him Tiny,” smiling sadly, “And then, we have an adopted brother, Elliott Nelson. We call him Jedi. His skill is something that you just have to see for yourself.” “His name sounds familiar.” She waved him off and ate a Crawfish tail. He looked at her, “Why did you guys adopt the Wolf Pack Mentality?” She shrugged, “Because it worked. After our father left, we were left with a guardian but because he wasn’t our parent, the boys rebelled against him, and it was a way to get them under control. As the boys grew, the names got attached. I’d say we adopted it about a year after he left. And yes, we all live up to our names.” “That angers me for you. That man didn’t deserve your tears, Nina. In case you don’t remember, I watched you cry at that hotel bar in Philly and on our flight to Hawaii.” She nodded, “I know you did. He wasn’t a good man. He did abandon me and my brothers for his other family that we found out about after he died. And I did hate that he did what he did to us, to our mother. But he was still my father, and I was mourning his memory. That is all I have of him.” He took her hand, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” She smiled and held his hand back, “You didn’t. I just think that it is sweet that you hate what he did to me and my siblings.” “Because you deserve every happiness that comes your way.” She blushed and nodded. He kissed the top of her hand. Pulling her hand away, “How do you like your crawfish?” He smiled, “Boiled and in my belly,” which caused her to laugh. After dinner, they headed back to the hotel. As they showered, they also pleasured each other. After they fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning, they checked out and headed to the airport. Eleven hours later they touched down in Honolulu and headed to Draven’s house. There they both showered tiredly and crawled in bed naked together, holding each other as they fell asleep. In the early morning, she woke to hear Draven open the sliding door to his room. It was still dark outside. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and leaning against the door jamb looking at the horizon. The sun was beginning to rise. Nina wrapped a sarong around her body and went to stand behind Draven, wrapping her arms around his middle, resting her head on his bicep. Together they watched the sun rise. Draven turned in her arms and put his around her, and kissed the top of her head, “I could get use to this. Waking up with you here in my home, sharing my bed, and in my arms.” She put her arms around him, “So could I.” “Let’s go back to bed,” he said with a yawn. She yawned right with him and then kissed his lips, “Let’s. Please.” He closed and secured the door, and then drew black out curtains since the sun tended to rise early in Hawaii. Both of them discarded their coverings and got back in bed. Draven gathered her in his arms, as she rested on his chest. Then they drifted off to sleep. When they finally got up, it was just before dusk. Nina saw she had missed a call from her editor. Picking it up, she held the sheet under her arms and Draven got up and pulled on a pair of cargo shorts. Her editor answered on the second ring, “Nina! I was beginning to wonder if I was going to hear from you. How’s it going?” “I’m good, Hannah,” then looked at Draven, “Actually, I’m great. What’s up?” Draven blew a kiss at her, having her smile, and pulled on a shirt going into his kitchen to see what he had to eat. When Nina joined him, she wore a pair of khaki shorts and a turquoise tank top and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. “What’s going on honey buns?” he asked pulling some things out of his fridge. Nina went to his island table and put her items down to check her sugars. She tested her blood first, “My editor had great news. My latest novel is going to be published in six months.” “That’s awesome baby.” “Thank you.” “So how does eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit sound for dinner?” bracing his hands on the counter. She smiled, “Yummy!” “Good. So sit your sweet ass right there so I can look at you as I cook.” “You know just how to treat your woman. You said so.” He went around to her, “I did. You are my woman now, which means you don’t have any worries,” and kissed her nose. She smiled, “You’re so f*****g handsome.” He put a dish towel over his shoulder and gently spanked her butt as he walked back around to start cooking dinner, “I know.” After, they sat eating dinner, they talked about everything. He had her laughing, she had him laughing. After she helped him clean the kitchen. Then they sat down on his couch to watch a movie. Again, they fell asleep on his couch together. In the morning, Nina surprised Draven by getting up with him and joining him on his workout. He was equally surprised when she kept up with him. After their jog on the beach, they sat down to stretch. Draven looked at her dressed in a sports bra and booty workout shorts, he was blown away. “How do you do that?” he asked. She looked at him as she drew her knee to her chest and held her ankle in a deep stretch, “Do what?” “Keep up with me? My own team sometimes has a hard time keeping up with me.” She smiled, “I told you, my brothers. They trained me in every aspect that they could, should they not be here to protect me. That included working on my stamina and my body. I add my own flare to it when needed so that I don’t look too ridiculous with lots of muscles, but more feminine and softer.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, “You are certainly feminine and soft.” She smirked and shook her head, “You are something else.” He pulled at his tank top collar, “I know.” “You SpecOps guys are all the same.” “How’s that?” “Cocky as shit.” “Oh, I’m cocky huh?” She lowered her knee, “You sure as s**t are.” “Does it turn you on?” Laughing, “With you?” Nodding. She pretended to think and then responded, “Nope. Not a flutter.” He then dove for her, “Why you!” and started the tickle war. They laughed together as he tickled her, she pleaded for him to stop as she tried to stop him. Then he was pleasantly surprised when she used some sort of move and he found he was on his back. She straddled his chest, her hands holding down his hands above his head. He looked up at her, “Where on earth did you learn that move?” She chuckled, “I told you, my brothers trained me well.” He then did his own move and had her on her back and suggestively found himself settled between her legs. Their laughter stopped when she felt him ready against her heat. He used one hand to hold her hands above her head as his free hand trailed from her collarbone to her breast, down her abdomen, and when he got to the waistband of her shorts, she thought he’d reach inside to touch her. Instead, he did a quick look around to see if anyone was around. Finding none, he instead lowered the front of his shorts to release his already erect p***s, then used his free hand to move her shorts aside and with one slow hard deep thrust, he was inside of her. She moaned, arching her back up to him and bending her knees almost to her chest. Holding her hands above her head, Draven began to move inside of her slow and hard. She gasped, wrapping her legs around him since he wouldn’t release her hands. Their eyes looked into each other’s as he moved inside of her. Nina had never felt such a deep connection with any man before, and here she was, having public s*x with a man she connected with on another planet. It terrified her. A few thrusts later, Nina looked at Draven helplessly and said, “Oh, god, I’m coming.” He used his free hand to massage her clit, “Come for me baby.” She cried out as she arched against him, squeezing her legs and hands around him. He squeezed her hands back with his and with a grunt, he came inside of her. Releasing her hands, he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck as he breathed her in. Nina wrapped her arms around him, her hand in his hair, and breathed deeply with her eyes closed. They stayed that way until they could hear people begin their day. Getting up together, they fixed their clothing and went inside to shower, where Draven had her again against the shower walls. They then had a quick breakfast of toaster waffles and fruit with juice. Then they cuddled on the couch and read. Draven laid his head in her lap and had her read her first book to him. When they got to a stopping point, he asked her, “How did this first story come about?” She was running her hands through his hair and smiled, “It came about because Wolf had just graduated from the Point, and the girl he was dating was sweet but was really clingy and reminded me of a witch from fairy tales when you looked at her,” feeling him chuckle, “She had a long nose and frizzy hair. I asked Wolf how on earth he winded up dating her, and he said he had gotten drunk one night and woke up in her bed. So that he didn’t come across as a complete d**k, he decided to give her a few dates. He came home to Austin to visit, and she followed him thinking he was cheating on her. That was my cue to kick her ass out of our house and life.” “The girl you have him wind up with, who is she?” “A figment of my imagination. Sort of.” “Is she modeled after anyone you know?” “As a matter of fact, my best friend, Misty.” “How did you two meet?” Draven asked. Smiling, “We met at UT. We were in Intro to psych and winded up being partners. She has been thru a lot but, she has come out stronger than she was before. We winded up being roommates after that at an apartment off campus.” “I thought you had custody of your brothers?” “Wolf and I did. But our guardian wanted me to make sure I focused on my studies. During the week, I was at the apartment and on the weekends, I went home to be with them.” “Why would you want to be your brother’s guardians?” “After our mom died, we knew that if the state found out, we would be sent to foster homes. We knew that the younger ones would probably be adopted and so we did what we did to make sure that we stayed together.” “Didn’t your teachers notice?” “We home schooled until high school. By then, we had it down. Our dad was only allowed around when we wanted him or needed him around. Usually when child protective services would start sniffing around. And then by the time the younger ones were in high school, Wolf and I were old enough to be their guardians. Our dad didn’t fight us on it because we didn’t let him. He tried to resist at first, but we put an end to his s**t really quick. After that, he stopped coming around permanently.” “I’m sorry that you and your brother had to endure that alone without guidance.” “Our guardian provided some assistance when needed, but we learned. It wasn’t always perfect, but we made do and did some unorthodox things to make sure that everyone fell into place and into line.” He looked at her, “Do you regret taking on your brothers? I mean you were basically their mom.” She ruffled his hair, “I don’t. Not for a second.”
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