Chapter Two: Let the Foreplay Begin

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The next day, Nina was at home on the phone with her lawyer and her brothers. The other family still wanted the money because they felt that they were entitled to the money that their father had left them. Nina still didn’t care about the money, as she had enough of her own. After hanging up with them, she opted for a quick workout in some intense yoga in the living room to ease her nerves. As she posed in a standing split against the wall, all she could think about were the words that he had told her and the way her body felt against his. As she thought about him going down on her, she lost her concentration on her pose and fell. She hit her shoulder and elbow against the hardwood floor as she tried to stop herself from falling. Landing, she waited a few minutes to make sure that she hadn’t broken anything. Moving to a sitting position, she rested her back against the wall, “Shit.” She showered, careful to groom in the appropriate places. Getting out, she moisturized her skin, and blow dried her hair in a soft blow out. Securing her bangs in a silver clip, she then did her makeup subtlety. Pulling on a pair of pink lacy boy cut panties, and a matching strapless bra, Nina dressed in the perfect pink dress to wear tonight. It was a simple cotton strapless dress that flared from her waist to mid-thigh. She opted for a pair of brown close toed flats that had crossed and buckled around her ankle. After checking her insulin pump, she attached the box to a hidden pocket in the skirt of her dress, and applied her perfume, she was ready. Pressing her hand to her fluttering stomach, she grabbed a small purse that held her necessities. Looking at the time, she would get there a few minutes early in her rental Jeep Wrangler. Parking in the garage, she turned off the engine, and sat for a few minutes. Reaching for her cell phone, she called her best friend, Misty. She answered on the second ring, “Hey, what’s up mamas?” “I’m at the restaurant for my date. I am nervous as hell.” She could hear Misty smile over the phone, “Well, at least you aren’t nervous as fuck.” That got a laugh out of Nina, “I haven’t had a date in two years, and I haven’t had s*x in three.” “Honey, it’s like riding a bike. From what you told me earlier, f**k, I’d do him and let him put it wherever he wanted to put it.” “Misty!” “Hey, I would. So go. Have fun. Be safe. Call me in the morning.” “Alright.” “Love you, mamas.” “Love you,” and ended the phone call. With one last check in the mirror, she fluffed her hair and got out of the Jeep securing it. As she walked towards the restaurant and pressed her hand to her fluttering stomach. He was waiting dressed in a pair of khaki slacks with a pink button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and he was talking on his cell phone. When he saw her, he ended his call and smiled at her. She approached him with a hand still pressed to her stomach, “Hi,” she breathed. He looked her up and down, “You look good enough to eat right now,” taking pleasure in watching her blush. “Before we eat dinner, let’s do a little dancing. I moved your reservation from six to seven.” He took her hand and led her to a nearby underground dance club that was known for Swing dancing. He paid a cover charge for them and handed her purse to the coat check. They could hear the Devil’s Daughters playing, “Pass That Bottle”. Draven held onto Nina’s hand and once on the dance floor, he pulled her onto the floor immediately and they began to swing a combination of East and West Coast swing. On tricks, his strength both surprised and shocked Nina. He lifted her easily and tossed her around as if she weighed nothing. She was surprised that he could dance as well as he could for being such a muscular and big guy. Nina thought that most of the time when he was doing tricks with her was so he could touch her. She smiled a few times when his hand would brush her her thigh or breast or her ass below her dress. One of the last songs they danced to was Lee Brice “Rumor”. It was slow and seductive. He pulled Nina close as the music played. As they danced, he placed her hand on his chest, as her other rested on his bicep, as his strong arm around her slender waist. “Where’d you learn to swing?” he asked close to her ear. His warm breath sent shivers up her spine, “College,” she said to his, “You?” “My mom. She wanted all of us kids to learn to ballroom dance. Mostly to ensure that I treat a lady right,” his hand slipping towards her lower back and urging her closer to his heat. She let him draw her closer until they were cheek to cheek as he ducked down to her height and let a knee slip between hers. She slipped closer to him, her arm going around his back as he leaned down a little towards her. Eventually Nina closed her eyes and inhaled his clean scent, and just felt where their bodies were touching. His hand opened fully against her lower back, “You look beautiful tonight,” he said close to her ear. She smiled, “Thank you. You look good too.” The song ended, and everyone stepped away from their partners and clapped. It didn’t escape his attention that she rubbed the back of her neck as if she was flustered. Smirking, he was relieved to know that he wasn’t the only one effected by their dancing close. “Come on, let’s eat,” placing his hand at the small of her back and lead her out of the club and into the restaurant next door. The hostess sat them in the corner in a booth, seat combination. He helped her sit in the chair, while he took the booth, “I hope you don’t mind, I can’t sit with my back to the door.” “No. No problem.” She experienced the same thing with her brothers. He smiled, “Good,” and their waiter approached. Draven took it upon himself to order drinks for them, along with one appetizer and a meal for them both. She waited for the waiter to leave, “You didn’t have to do that. I am a big girl.” “I told you earlier. I am showing you how a man treats a woman. My mom is from Tennessee and every ounce of a Southern Belle. She made sure I was raised as a Southern Gentleman even if I was raised here.” She felt flustered and pressed her hand to her fluttering stomach, and all she could do was nod. “So tell me, what is your pseudo-name on these novels you write? I’d like to pick one up.” Nina eyed him, not sure if she wanted to tell him, “Are you sure you want to read my books?” “Why wouldn’t I? What kind of genre do you write?” he asked. “Sci-fi Romance.” “Really? What kind of sci-fi romance?” “Witches, wizards, elves, warlocks, them falling in love. That kind of thing.” “Nice. What’s the pseudo-name?” he asked again. The waiter brought their drinks and appetizer, “Here you go.” Nina waited for him to leave, “I don’t think you would believe me.” “Why not?” She leaned forward, “Because since I have written under this name, several of my novels have been turned into movies in Hollywood. I don’t think you would believe the amount of attention I would get if everyone knew who I really was.” She could hear Brett Young singing “In Case You Didn’t Know” above them over the sound system. “Nina, I have seen s**t you probably couldn’t even fathom. I can keep secrets. Try me.” She leaned back in her chair, “Okay, I’ll give you that. How about this? You get three clues, for three guesses,” flirting with him. “And if I guess correctly, what do I get”, taking a swig of his beer. “What do you want?” “If I guess correctly, I want the panties that you are wearing that I felt and saw with the pink lace earlier.” She felt herself blush from head to toe, which did not go unnoticed by Draven. “And if you don’t guess correctly, what do I get?” “What do you want?” he asked flirting right back with her. She smirked, “A kiss.” He smirked right back at her, “Deal. Clue one.” She lifted her wine glass, “First clue, for the first name. When people pass, it is believed that they pass on to something greater, but it is not the heavens,” and sipped her wine. He looked at her lips as they closed around the lip of her glass and sipped, “Air.” She smirked and shook her head, “Nope. Second clue, for the second name. Men are amongst the strongest, but only the strongest survive during conflict.” He watched as she leaned back and crossed her legs under the table, his eyes lingering on the smoothness of her legs. What he didn’t know was that she could barely hear as her heart thudding in her chest. She also crossed her legs in hoping that he couldn’t feel the heat coming out of her hottest place. He mirrored her and leaned back, thinking carefully before he answered, “Guerilla.” She smiled, “Nope. Last clue sexy man,” the comment made him raise an eyebrow and smirk, as she leaned in closer to the table and used her finger to trace the rim of the glass, and lowered her voice, “Amongst the stars and the heavens, you will find the warriors guarding all that is sacred.” He leaned backwards first thoughtfully, and then leaning forward until he was just inches from her, “Be prepared, gorgeous,” his eyes dropping to her lips, “one of us is about to collect,” he said seductively. She leaned closer and lowered her voice and licked her bottom lip slowly. Draven stifled a moan when she did that. “What’s your guess handsome?” she almost whispered. He acted like he was going to kiss her, as if she had won, and instead almost whispered, “Sky Hawkings. I win,” eyeing her lips, “Now. Pay. Up,” he said softly and precisely. “How’d you figure it out?” she said. “You said in your first clue, ‘When people pass, it is believed that they pass on to something greater, but it is not the heavens’, I answered air, but then in your third clue, you said amongst the stars and the heavens. One can deduce that it is the sky. Your second name of Hawk. Your second clue was ‘Men are amongst the strongest, but only the strongest survive during conflict’, I said guerilla. Then your third clue said you will find the warriors guarding all that is sacred, a warrior. A war like person, is a Hawk,” leaning back and taking a swig of his beer with a smug look on his face, “I know the books well. My sisters read them and hold book clubs about them.” “Well, then, I guess I should thank your sisters for their loyalty to my books.” “Maybe I should thank them myself. Your books are impressive.” “Thanks.” “Where do you get your ideas from?” She smiled, “My brother’s and their flavors of the week. My oldest brother is thirty-four and has yet to find the one. With him leading the pack of wolves, how can I ever hope to have any sisters-in-law?” “And you?” “What about me?” she asked. “How come you’re not married?” She took one last sip of her wine before moving to stand up. “Where are you going?” he asked. She stopped and held onto the back of her chair, “To get your prize.” He pointed back to the chair and shook his head, “Sit. You will get them to me now,” he said politely. “Draven, there are people around us,” she protested. He leaned towards her, “Sit. Down. Please,” he said gently in precise tones. She slowly sat down. “Now. I want my prize. We agreed it was to be your panties,” he said with a seduction behind his smoking eyes. She seductively eyed him, looking at him through her eyelashes, “As you wish.” He watched as she slowly moved to the end of her chair and with one leg straight and one leg bent, she reached under the skirt of her dress. Unless someone was watching closely, they could not tell she was removing her panties, just adjusting herself in the chair. He watched as her hands slowly pulled down her lacy pink panties. Hiding a moan, and feeling his c**k growing in his pants, he watched as the fabric and her hands slowly touched her silky legs. Slowly she leaned over and picked them up, gathering them in her hand. Sitting up straight, she bundled them up and handed them to him over the table. She watched as he gently grabbed him, and then took them close to his face and inhaled her scent, before placing them in the pocket of his shirt and then bit into an eggroll. It was her turn to stifle a moan when she watched his lips close around the eggroll. She reached for her wine and nearly guzzled the rest of it down from what he had just done. She never had foreplay before, but this was some of the best foreplay she ever had. The game was on. Crossing her legs again, she put her wine down and took a small bite of her eggroll, licking some of the sauce off her lip. All he could do was say softly, “Fuck.” The waiter could feel the tension as he placed their food down, “Enjoy.” Nina smiled, “Thank you.” Draven served them each a portion and watched as Nina picked up the chopsticks and began to eat slowly. It took every ounce of control he had to not throw the table aside and take her right there in front of everyone. Instead he tried to focus on his meal. They continued to make small talk, trying to outdo each other in the heated foreplay that continued. Draven watched as Nina slowly pulled her chopsticks out of her mouth, and Nina watched Draven lick the sauce to dip eggrolls in off his fingertip. Nina rubbed her foot gently against his calf and he reached down under the table and grabbed her foot massaging her ankle, his long arm nearly reaching just between her legs. He touched his pocket where her panties were, and she gently touched the slope of her breasts that peaked out from her dress. He reached to unbutton one of his shirt buttons to reveal hard muscles on his chest, and she slowly crossed her legs causing the hem of her dress to ride up along her thigh. When the check came, Draven paid and left a good tip. Standing up slowly, he offered a hand to Nina, and she took it and let him pull her up to him as their bodies grazed each other. She said softly, “Thank you.” He let her hand go, “You’re welcome,” and placed his hand at the small of her back and lead her out of the restaurant. Once outside, Nina took in a deep breath of fresh Hawaiian air trying to get her hormones in check and relieve the intense arousal her body had been under for the last few hours. Draven loved the look of peace as she tilted her head up towards the Hawaiian sky. Not being able to help himself, he placed his hands on either side of her face and kissed her. She was taken by surprise and a small gasp escaped her lips. He felt her surprise and instead kissed her with want. When her hands went to his muscular biceps, he moaned, and tilted his head to gain better access to her mouth. When he ran his tongue over them, she opened her sweet lips to him. His tongue explored her mouth and her own tongue, reveling in the silkiness of her mouth and tasting the wine she had sipped. When he lifted his lips from hers, they both were breathing heavily. Nina could feel the heat building between her legs, and she could feel her body shaking from his kiss. Draven gently pressed his forehead to hers, and breathed, “My god woman, where have you been my entire life?” She breathed, “Waiting for you.” He moaned and pressed another kiss to her lips before taking her hand and leading her to the parking garage. She thought the date was over, “I’m over there,” pressing the button for the Jeep. He took the keys from her, and relocked it, “You won’t be needing these the rest of the night,” pocketing her keys, and took her to his own Jeep. When they got to his black four door Jeep Wrangler, he pressed her against the side of the door on the passenger side and with his body pressed against her, he kissed her again. Claiming her mouth as his. She whimpered under him, dropping her purse to put her arms around him. He put an arm around her back, and the other around her waist. She felt his strong hand slowly move from her waist to her buttocks, where he proceeded to grab and hold still as he pressed his hardness against her. Her hips wiggled against him suggestively, her arms around him, needing him to devour her. He moaned into her mouth as he trapped her between his Jeep and his hard body. He lifted his head slightly to look into her eyes, “If you don’t,” grabbing her hand and leading it to the front of his body to feel his hardness, “Want this, tell me now.” His eyes went dark as she massaged him, “It’s not nice to tease the animals,” she said seductively. He growled and smashed his lips to hers as he fumbled with his keys to get his Jeep open. Opening the door without breaking off the kiss, he then lifted her into the passenger side and buckled her in. After closing the door, he handed her her purse through the open window and jogged around to get in. He backed out of the garage and sped down the street to the highway. Speeding along with an open top, Nina felt so free. She watched as Draven gripped the steering wheel in a death grip, his knuckles white. With her hand she grabbed his, he glanced at her and as she looked at him, she guided his hand to her thigh. Once his hand felt the heat of her skin, he groaned, trying to keep his eyes on the road. Then Nina guided his hand closer to her heat. He said out loud, “f**k me,” but made no attempt to stop her. She closed her eyes as she guided his fingers to play with her silky folds of her wet s*x. The music on the radio blared Ellie Goulding “Love Me Like You Do”. Draven got a look at her in the moonlight and saw the look of pleasure on her face as he stroked her velvet lips. She held onto his arm with one hand as she kept her eyes closed. When they pulled up to his place on the other side of the island, he quickly cut the engine, unbuckled his seat belt and reached for her across the seat. He kissed her deeply while unbuckling her seat belt. With little strength, he lifted Nina until she was straddling his legs there in the Jeep. His hands went into her hair, holding her head to him as he devoured her mouth. With one hand he slid it down her neck, to her chest and then down to her breasts. He lowered her top with his hand until her beautiful breasts were on display for his eyes. He broke off the kiss to touch them and watched as her n*****s were already beaded. He moaned and leaned down taking one of her n*****s into his mouth where he sucked on her gently at first, and then more roughly when he felt her hands go into his hair. She didn’t push him away and arched against him letting her head fall back. She held him tighter and closer to her, encouraging him on. Draven paid homage to her breasts before kissing her again. His hand going to her neck to bring her down to him. She held onto his arm with one hand and kissed him like a starved woman. She broke off the kiss reaching for his shirt and unbuttoned each button, never breaking eye contact with him. When his muscled chest was bare for her to see, she scooted closer to him and pressed her breasts to his chest. He moaned, slamming his mouth down to hers. Nina could feel his hardness everywhere, especially the hardness pressing her between her legs. Not being able to help himself, he then grabbed his keys and her purse without breaking contact and then quietly said, “Wrap your legs around me baby.” She did as she was told, wrapping her arms around him as well as he got out of the Jeep with her in his arms. Continuing to kiss her, he carried her into his dark cottage on the beach and opened the door. As she kissed his neck, he turned off the alarm, dropped his keys, her purse, and locked the door. With his full attention back on her, he walked them back to his room where he moved to the bed and laid her down but did not follow. Sitting up she watched him removed his shirt, and he watched her kick off her shoes. “God you’re beautiful, Nina,” he said as he looked at her. Cupping her under her knees, she pulled her to the edge of the bed and went to his knees in front of her. “Now, I am going to eat you out. And when I allow you to come, I want you to say my name.” He pushed up the hem of her dress, touching the silkiness of her thighs to reveal her bare wet s*x and he moaned, “Beautiful,” before putting her legs over his shoulders and burying his face between her legs. She gasped softly at the first touches of his tongue, and lips, and fell back onto his bed. When he began to swirl his tongue against her sensitive bud, she gripped the quilt beneath her and gasped louder, “Oh, yes!” One of his hands went to cup her ass cheek and raised her to his mouth, as his other grabbed her thigh to hold her closer to him. He made her so wet as he set out to make her moan beneath him. Nina felt her orgasm building, and he could feel it building. He lifted his lips from her and used his thumb to swirl around her sensitive bud, “Come for me, baby,” and then replaced his lips as his finger and middle finger gently entered her swollen s*x, as his thumb continued to massage her clit with his tongue. When he felt her g-spot, he gently massaged it with his fingers and a few moments later, Nina cried out, “Draven!” He felt her insides contract around his fingers as he continued to massage her, making her orgasm last. She pulled at the quilt beneath her as her legs drew Draven’s face against her. He licked at her juices that she released to him. He then stood as her body shook with aftershocks from her orgasm and watched her watch him as he stepped out of his shoes and socks and then undid his pants and pulled them down along with his boxer briefs and let his hardened c**k out. He smiled seductively as she softly bit her lip looking at his big c**k and then reached for Nina and lifted her to a siting position. “Lift your arms, baby.” She did so in a haze, and he removed her bra and dress, and watched as she removed her insulin pump and handed it to him. He then lifted her to stand as he put his arms around her and gently kissed her. She could taste herself on his lips. He dipped to his knees and then when he stood his hard c**k rubbed her silky wetness throbbing between her legs. He loved the soft gasp she gave as her arms went around him. He turned around and sat on the bed, bringing her to straddle his legs. He had one arm around her waist, and another hand was in her hair. He lifted his lips from hers, “You taste so good.” She put her arms around him and rocked against his hardness to feel him rub against her wet folds, “Will you let me taste you?” she asked looking at his lips and then in his eyes. She shocked him for a minute, “Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded, “Yes, please.” She lowered herself to her knees in between his and then slowly he watched as she placed her sweet lips around his hard c**k. He hissed, placing his hands in her hair but did not force her to continue. She placed a hand on his hip, and placed her other around his c**k, and began to suck so softly on his large p***s that he nearly came from the sweetness of it. He let her continue for a few minutes, and when he couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled her up by her arms and then pulled her over his body. Rolling her to her back, he knelt between her raised knees and reached for a new box of condoms in his nightstand. She watched him as he covered his well-endowed member with a condom. He then grabbed himself and guided himself to her velvet folds. “Look at me baby, I want to see your gorgeous eyes as I fill you.” He then slowly inched into her. She moaned, feeling every inch of him as he filled her tightness. He gripped her thigh, “Baby, you are so tight.” She tried to reach for him, but instead he moved her hands behind her head to grasp the slats of his metal headboard. He braced himself over her, his weight on both of his hands, and withdrew, then entered her again, deeper. He did that each time until he was inside of her fully. She moaned his name and arched closer to him, closing her eyes, her legs going around his waist. “Open your eyes, baby, look at me.” She did as he requested, and gasped when he began to move inside of her. Their eyes never left each other as he continued to move inside of her. Nina could feel another orgasm building and came crying out his name again and her legs tightening around him. He pounded into her a few more times and just as she was coming down from that orgasm, she hit another one. After her third orgasm, “f**k, baby, you are so f*****g tight. I don’t think I can hold on much longer.” She watched him pump into her, “Then come baby,” she responded. He pumped inside of her three more times before he came. He closed his eyes, moaning, before collapsing onto Nina’s softness. They lay that way for a few more minutes before Draven held onto the end of the condom and slowly exited her. She watched as he reached for a tissue on his beside table and removed the condom and disposed of it in his waste bin next to his table. He then returned to her, lifted her and moved the quilt and the sheet. Laying down on his back, he drew her to his chest and covered them both up. Draven could see her eyelids heavy with satisfaction. He kissed the top of her sweet-smelling hair, “Sleep baby.” He put his other arm under his head and looked out at the moonlight covered beach. The glass doors leading into his bedroom, made for a perfect end to a perfect evening. Nina closed her eyes and was asleep in minutes. Draven listened to her breathe, before he soon followed her.
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