Chapter Twenty-Five: s*x with a Stranger

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Throughout the night, Nina enjoyed all the bands that went on before Nickelback at the underground club. She was careful with slamming back the Jameson shots that her friends bought her. She wanted to have fun but wanted to make sure to stay sober enough to watch for her stalker. Besides, waking up with hangover sucked and was getting old. In the meantime, she had fun dancing with them and guys that asked her to dance. Nickelback finally went on around midnight. She danced with her friends, not caring who was watching her and got into the music. On one song that had a strong beat to it, “Next Contestant”, they were all dancing seductively and provocatively. Before Nina knew it, someone had put her up on the bar with her friends and they were dancing there on the bar for the people and with each other. People surrounded the bar to cheer them on, dividing their attention between Nickelback and them. Nina used some of her new dance techniques that she learned in her pole dancing class. As she was rolling her hips while biting her lip seductively with her hands behind her head, her eyes caught a man that was built like Draven in the shadows. He was wearing a long sleeve black t-shirt with a white Skull on the front, loose jeans, a black baseball hat shadowing his face and all black Chucks with a drink in one of his hands, while the other held a cigarette with a skull ring on his middle finger. A friend of his was talking in his ear as they stood watching Nina and her friends. She had a feeling she had seen the friend before. Knowing he was watching her, she then stood up bent at the waist with her knees straight and her ass in the air, her face one of seduction. By that point Nina was buzzing pretty good and didn’t care about anything but living in the moment. When the song was over, she had to pee by that point. A guy helped her down with his hands on her waist and tried to get her name and number. She kissed his cheek and moved away with a smile. She went to get in line for the women’s restroom but saw how long it was. The line for the men’s room was shorter. The lights were almost non-existent and a few flickered above her head. Misty took her hand, and they went into the men’s room as she yelled, “Chicks on the floor!” Some shied away, while some smirked and smiled making comments. After, as they were finishing up at the sink, a guy that had spoken to the guy that was watching Nina, went to Misty and started talking to her. Misty said to Nina, “I’ll be right behind you.” Nina winked, “I’m gonna come looking for you if you don’t.” Misty winked and turned her attention back the guy that was flirting with her. Nickelback started playing “Burn It To The Ground”. She ran to her friends and went to dance and get into the music with them. She was put up on the bar again and got into the dance. As the lyrics began, she rolled down with her knees together with her hands on her body and then she parted her knees and brought them back together with a wink, earning catcalls and whistles from those that were watching. She let her hands touch over her breasts, down her ribs, and one hand led to just between her legs, but she dipped her knees and undulated her hips. She bent at her waist looking through her legs, and then went to her knees on the bar as she moved her hips, head, and arms to the music. Standing up with a jump, Nina winked at Misty and went to a pole by the bar and twisted around it doing a few tricks and twisted until she was upside down. One hand touched her body, while one hand held the front of her skirt up, and slowly lowered herself with just her legs. When her shoulders reached the bar, she rested her legs against the pole and then somersaulted backwards over her shoulder, revealing her lacy panties to everyone and came up with a seductive smile which earned her hoots and hollers from viewers. A few guys were throwing cash at her feet. Nina smiled as people were egging her on, even her friends stopped to watch her. When her feet hit the bar, she parted them for balance. She watched as the guy that was watching her earlier, had moved in front of her, grabbed her around her thighs and lifted her over his shoulders. He walked with her as people shouted, cat called, and whistled, his face hidden from the turned down lights and the shadow his cap was creating. She could smell the smoke on him as her hands found his shirt to hang on to prevent herself from falling. Though she was certain he had a good hold of her, he wouldn’t have let her fall. Her friends hooted and hollered after her but staying on the bar. Her attention focused on the fact that he was carrying her at almost a run. She could feel the exertion of his muscles against her belly and hands as he held her. He found an empty storage room and went inside closing and locking the door behind him. He set Nina down gently, his arms bracing on both sides of her, his chest heaving in deep breaths from arousal. She could feel his heat and smell his scent of smoke, whiskey, sweat, soap, and an expensive cologne. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest as a wet heat built between her legs. She hadn’t had that happen in a long time. The light in the storage room was off, except for a red light for an Exit light. From the darkness she could not get a good look at his face. His face was hidden mostly by his hat and the shadows from the dark. She could see he had a goatee and a small scar on his cheek and nose. But something about his commanding appearance didn’t scare her. She could see that she had the same effect on him as he had a raging hardon behind his worn jeans. She could hear herself breathing heavily as he was, almost drowned out by the song playing hard. Her anticipation built as she could taste the liquor on his breath. She still couldn’t see his face. Finally, when his lips slammed down to hers, she whimpered against his lips. His hands went to the back of her thighs and lifted her against the wall as he stepped between her legs. Her legs went around him automatically, her thighs squeezing his hips as did her arms around his broad and muscular shoulders. As his mouth devoured hers, his facial hair scratching her delicate skin, his hands went under her skirt to her lacy black boy cut panties and pushed them aside as a steely thumb found her clit and his middle finger with a silver skull ring on it, slipped into the wetness of her velvet heat. She moaned into his mouth moving her hips against his hand needing to find that perfect friction. He responded by biting her bottom lip, upping the power of his fingers inside of her, and she responded by biting him back. As his mouth did wonderous things to hers, her hands went to his zipper to free his large hardon. Using his weight to hold her against the wall, his hand left her heat for a brief moment to get his wallet on a chain and pulled out a condom from the folds. He continued to kiss her as he slipped the condom on over his well-endowed member. Then roughly grabbing Nina’s thigh with his hand and held it in the crook of his elbow so he could brace himself, he used his other hand to push aside the lace of her panties and brought her down onto his c**k in one punishing thrust. She cried out, tearing her mouth away from him, pressing her head against the coldness of the wall and squeezed her eyes shut from the ecstasy she was feeling. He was large and she could feel him fill and stretch her, almost painfully since it has been a very long time since she had had s*x. He could see the pleasure on her face from the red light as he pumped his hips against her hard, not waiting for her to get accustomed to his large c**k. His lips and teeth then went to her smooth neck to her spot and sucked on her delicate skin, as his other hand went to her hip to hold her hard. She knew she would have bruising, and scratches from his facial hair on her skin where he had touched, kissed, and bit her. He continued to thrust against her hard, which earned gasps from her as she accepted them, her legs getting tighter around him. She got wetter from the fact that he wasn’t treating her like she was porcelain. A few hard and unforgiving thrusts later, she came crying out and biting the area between his neck and shoulder as she quaked with an explosive orgasm. A few thrusts later from him and he came, grunting and biting the area between her shoulder and neck. He stayed that way for a few moments, his hot breath on her neck coming out hard from his lips. The weight of his body pinning her against the wall. She was breathing just as hard. Eventually, he let his teeth go from her skin and slowly released her and withdrew from her body, holding the condom even though he was still hard. Nina didn’t stick around to watch him gather himself. She instead gathered herself together and fixed her panties and her skirt and went for the door without so much of a backward look or glance. Misty ran up behind her, “Mamas!!” making Nina miss him say, “Wait!” Nina smiled at her friend, “Misty!” “Oh, come here, let me fix your lipstick,” and tried to fix her smeared lips only to realize that it was whisker burn on her skin and then saw the bruises and whisker burn on her neck, her eyes going wide, “Nina!” “What?” She smiled, “Oh. My. God!” and then hugged her tightly. “We need to go,” Nina said as her eyes went to see the guy, she had just had stranger s*x with in the storage room, with his head down as he was adjusting his belt as he started stalking towards her, “Now.” It was still slightly off putting that she couldn’t see his face because it was dark and the shadow from his hat hid his face. Misty grabbed her hand and called for the other girls. They all followed and ran out before anyone could grab any of them. The guy that she had just had s*x with was trying to get through the crowd to follow her. The crowd was too thick at that point that he couldn’t get through. They all got in their cars and went to an IHOP by Misty’s place. Nina sat in the booth, with her legs crossed, a hand in her lap over her sore v****a and her other against her neck that still stung. The waitress came and got their order and left. Misty turned to Nina in the booth, “Spill. What happened after that guy picked you up from the bar?” Nina looked at her, then at Colleen and Tanya. She finally let out a smile, “I f****d him in the storage room at the concert.” They screamed, Misty hugging her, “My mamas!” then released her. Nina nodded and smiled, “I needed it. I needed something to remind me that I am still alive.” Colleen took her hand, as did Tanya. “I know he’s gone. I finally accept that. And I accept that I need to move on. He will always be the love of my life.” Misty put her hand over theirs, “Did you find out f**k boys name?” She shook her head, “Nope. And I want to keep it that way. We didn’t even speak to each other.” “Well, was it good?” Tanya asked. Nina smirked, “Holy s**t it was so f*****g hot! Literally, a woman’s wet dream come to life,” seeing them smile and laugh, “And f**k me I didn’t realize how much I missed that human contact. You know?” They nodded in agreement. “Feeling that warmth of someone else, even though our clothes never came off, but s**t, it was still f*****g hot.” Misty wagged her eyebrows, “Did he see your ‘O’ face? Cause he sure as hell left his mark on you,” moving her shirt strap aside to see a bruise where he bit her, the small hickey he had left on the crest of her left breast, and all of the whisker burns. She blushed, “Yes.” The girls cheered again, and their food arrived. The waitress smiled as she placed the plates down, “Celebrating tonight?” Misty put her arm around Nina, “Yes. My best friend here just had s*x with a random stranger in a storage closet at the Nickelback concert.” The waitress nodded and smiled, “Well, congratulations. I think.” That had them all laughing as she walked away. Misty took a bite of her pancakes and said with her mouth full, “I got my own digits you guys!” Colleen smiled, “Tell! Tell!” Misty told them his name was Conner and what he looked like. They spoke more until they finally left to get home. Misty took Nina to her place instead of to her condo. As they walked in, Nina inhaled her lavender scented apartment. “How’s the who-ha?” Misty asked closing and securing the door. Nina sat down to take her boots off, “f**k . . . sore!” with a smile. Misty sat down herself and smiled. Nina was mid-lace, “He was big, Miss, like Draven. Everything about him was like Draven. Except he tasted like whiskey and smoke and smelled like Creed. All of which Draven never did and never wore,” then stopped herself, “f**k, here I go again, talking about him,” finishing unlacing her boots. Misty put her hand on her best friends’ knee, “Mamas, it’s okay to talk about him. It’s okay to compare him. You always will. Just don’t shut yourself off to the other possibilities of finding that thing with someone else.” The next morning after Misty dropped her off at her condo, she went into her condo with a smile and feeling good. As she entered her condo, she inhaled the familiar scent of citrus and sat down on her couch. Looking around her condo, seeing nothing was out of sorts, she let herself break down into tears and cried for Draven one last time. Later that same morning at a coffee shop on the beach somewhere in Long Beach, Draven was sitting with Blaine, Freak, Radar, Jinx and one of Blaine’s teammates, Conner. They were sitting at a table outside sipping coffee still dressed in the clothes they wore to the concert and still smelling of cigarette smoke and cheap booze. Conner said, “Did she know it was you?” Draven ran a hand through his hair holding his baseball hat as he did so, “No,” and leaned back against his chair with an elbow on the elbow rest. Blaine nodded, “Are you okay?” He nodded, “I’m just not use to seeing her that way,” his free hand touching his coffee mug. “In what way?” asked Jinx. Draven played with his coffee mug, “f*****g hot man. Seeing her n*****s bead under her tank top, seeing her ass cheeks,” motioning with his hands, “peek out from under that short f*****g skirt. f**k, I mean I knew she was sexy, but goddamn, that girl tonight, dancing with those f*****g stripper moves on that bar, was f*****g hot. She was not the girl I knew. f**k, woman! That woman last night was not the woman you take home to mom,” then saw Blaine’s face, “Sorry, brah. I know she’s your sister.” Blaine smirked and sipped his coffee. Conner smirked, “She most definitely was not. Neither was her friend.” “Thanks for distracting her, I needed to get Nina alone. I was prepared for her to kick me in the nuts, punch me in throat or something. She’s caught on that someone is checking on her, but still, she doesn’t know it’s me,” putting his hat back on as he scratched his scarred cheek. “Dude, other people would say that it’s stalking,” Freak said sipping his coffee. Draven sipped his coffee, “f**k, I wasn’t planning on doing that.” “What? Taking her off the bar to f**k her in the storage closet?” Radar said with a laugh and then seeing the look from Blaine, stopped, “Sorry, sir.” Draven looked at them all, shaking his head, “I had to have her. I had to man,” shaking his head, “I had to have her f*****g sweet p***y. I’m just glad she was all for it. f**k,” breathing out, “She was so wet and tight when I f****d her.” Blaine finally protested, “Dude! Come on! That’s my sister! I get she’s not a virgin, but I don’t need to hear about her latest escapade!” Draven tried to look ashamed but just smirked. “Did you brand her?” asked Radar. He nodded, “I did,” scratching his goatee. “That’s all we get?” asked Freak. “You won’t tell us where?” asked Jinx. Draven smirked and shook his head, “Nope. Some things are private.” “You were just talking about her puss, er, her va-jay-jay,” said Conner and then seeing he was in the clear when Blaine nodded in approval. “Besides, how do you know if you marked her or not? It was dark in that room,” said Radar. He played with a sugar pack flipping it between his knuckles like a coin, “I saw her this morning when Misty dropped her off at home.” “Did she brand you?” He nodded and pulled the collar of his shirt aside to show a blue and purple bruise in the shape of teeth marks in the area just between his neck and where his shoulder began. “Dayum, dude. You two where f*****g hot for each other huh?” asked Jinx. He nodded, “I needed her. I still need her.” Conner leaned back in his chair, “Do you know if she needs you?” He shook his head, “I don’t know,” leaning back in his chair playing with the sugar pack. Later on that morning, since Draven didn’t have time to shower, he headed straight for the airport with the men to get back to base so he wasn’t arrested as a deserter. The whole plane ride home, he smelled Nina’s scent on him. It drove him crazy. He missed it. He missed her. He was going to swallow it now and do what he needed to get back to her. With or without the Navy’s permission. The next morning, Nina woke up and stretched and winced when she felt some protest from her muscles. Getting dressed in her leggings and tank top, she went for a run and some yoga on the beach. After, she sat on the beach, feeling her sore muscles and she smiled to feel the soreness in her v****a. Last night, she did one of the most reckless things she had ever done in her life, but she was glad she did it. As she walked back to her condo for her coffee and breakfast before she showered, a small part of her wished that she had gotten the guy’s name last night. He was exactly her type, and she liked the strength and dominance he had with her. But alas, it was not meant to be. After her small breakfast of Greek yogurt with fruit, she took her mug with her to take a shower and get to work on her novel. After that underground concert and her s****l encounter in that storage closet, Nina almost forgot about her brothers sending a babysitter after her and the glove she found in her house. She felt alive at that concert and wanted to keep a tight hold on it. In the year that Draven had been gone, she could finally see what everyone had been trying to tell her. She wasn’t living and now she was going to. She continued to do the group activities that she had been doing including the surfing, paddleboarding, yoga, running, and she started the process to get certified to skydive so she could parachute by herself. Her brothers did not like that fact considering the first time that she went skydiving. She merely let them have their words and she continued to do it. One night, she was feeling a little lonely and went to the nearby coffee shop and wanted to drink her coffee and work on her novel. You know, just be around other people. As luck would have it, a thunderstorm was moving into the area. Unaffected by it, she continued to sip her coffee and work on her novel. As the lightning started, she felt a comfort in it, but knew she should probably get home. Getting up, she packed up her things and decided to head to the restroom before she left just in case, she hit any high waters and had to drive around. After she was done, she stood in the single toilet restroom and looked at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands. The whisker burns had already faded but the bruise she had on her skin between her neck and shoulder was still there but was fading fast. She then fixed her comfortable navy blue and white stripped t-shirt dress that she wore with a light grey sweater and white tennis. Just after she dried her hands and picked up her bag, the lights to the coffee shop went out as a large crash of thunder and lightning sounded very nearby. Knowing her phone was deep in her bag, and she would probably never find it in the blinding dark, she let out a deep breath and felt around to find the door. Just as she unlocked the door and opened it into the darkness of the coffee shop hall with no window, she felt a strong hand gently lay on her chest and push her back into the restroom. Nina had started to panic when her back came into contact with the cool tile wall, until she smelled his familiar scent of whiskey, cigarette smoke and Creed. Her hands felt familiar muscles and as he stepped forward towards her, she could feel the familiar heat from his body. She could already feel herself growing wet at the remembrance of what they had shared at the concert. He took her bag from her shoulder and placed it gently on the floor. She could feel him stooping to do so and when he stood up, his lips were on hers in an instant. The familiar scrape of his goatee was rough against the smoothness of her skin. She whimpered, her arms going around his broad shoulders as his warm hands and arms wound around her, bringing her to his chest. His kisses that were gentle to start with, soon turned frantic and furious. When he pulled his lips away from hers, both of their breathing was labored. Nina let her hands go into his soft hair that felt a little long to her touch and knocked his hat off his head. He moaned when her fingers had made contact with his hair. She felt that moan down to her wet s*x. She whispered, “Please tell me your name,” his lips went to her neck and to her weak spot which had her gasping as her arms tightened around her as her knees went weak. His hands went from her waist to cup her buttocks and lift her against the cool tile as his lips went back to hers. He moaned in approval when her legs went around him. His tongue invaded her mouth and she let him. She could feel the roughness of his jeans against the insides of her thighs, and it turned her on like nothing had in a very long time. Then she felt his hand leave her buttock to reach between their bodies to her simple cotton boy cut panties and push them to the side as his warm finger found her wet and hot. Moaning his approval, he kissed her exploring her mouth with his tongue, kissing, tasting and sucking on her bottom lip. At the same time, he was driving her crazy as his finger explored her tight wet channel and then had her tearing her mouth from his as he entered in his middle finger to join his finger. She could feel the coolness of his ring on her hot skin. She moaned when his thumb circled her clit and she started moving against his hand feeling that pleasure he had brought her before. His lips went back to her neck and sucked on the exposed skin, loving when she moaned, and her hands went into his hair and her legs tightened around him. She whispered, “f**k me please,” her lips against his ear. He growled in affirmation withdrawing his hand from her. She could hear him fiddle with his belt and unzip his pants, placing a condom on his erection. How he did that in the dark, was beyond Nina. She continued to pepper the side of his face with kisses, and even licked his skin from his chin to his ear where she gently bit it. He moaned, returning his hand to her wet cunt, moving her panties out of the way and entered her in one hard thrust. She felt his large intrusion and held on to him tightly, biting the area between his neck and shoulder as the overwhelming sensation she felt almost squeaking at the intensity of it. Then he started moving inside of her, his lips returning to hers as he moved against her. She held onto him and let him thrust roughly against her, she could feel every thrust from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Nina felt his strong thumb stroke her clit as he moved inside of her. As her orgasm built, the pleasure was almost unbearable. She tore her mouth away from his, his lips going to her neck as he moved, his hands hard on her buttocks as he held her in place so he could move against her. She bit her lip as she felt her orgasm near. A few thrust later, he could feel her tightening around his hard c**k and she started to softly cry out. He covered her lips with his as he felt her clamp down on him like a vice and it triggered his own orgasm. He then moved his lips back to the area he had marked her earlier and bit down as she gasped and moved against him as he elongated her orgasm. As he emptied inside of the condom still nestled inside of her, one of her hands went to touch his face, feeling the stubble of his growing beard, and touching his goatee. She said in a whisper, “Tell me your name. Please,” she pleaded. He instead shook his head so she could feel it, withdrew from her body and set her down on her shaking legs and feet. She adjusted her panties and fixed her dress as she could hear him fixing his pants. Then she could hear the shuffle of his feet and he opened the door and was gone into the darkness.
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