Chapter Eleven: Put On Notice

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Going to answer it, she was faced with her brothers including Hunter. They were all dressed in white board shorts and white t-shirts. They would also later cover up with a white Billabong swim rash shirt as well. Blaine looked at his turmoiled sister, “What can we do to help?” She let them in, and they helped her finish getting her things in order. Then they grabbed the urns and were out the door for their services that were going to be held out by Sherwood Forest. Nina and her brothers were joined by several of the Rangers in Wesley’s squad and others that had known him. In total, including Nina and her brothers, there was about thirty people. They all assisted each other quietly in getting paddleboards, surfboards, and canoes in the water. Quietly, they all paddled out into the water, while the priest was in a canoe with two of her brothers as they held their dad and Wes’s ashes. Once they were out at the marker, the priest began his service. Nina wasn’t paying attention, as her mind and prayers were on Draven, while the priest prayed for her brother and father as she knelt on her paddleboard. When it was time, Nina stood up as the priest handed the urns of her father to her, and the ashes of Wes to Blaine. Standing next to each other on their paddleboards, they let their ashes out and into the water. Nina felt her heart breaking at so many things and let her tears of mixed emotions leave her eyes. She prayed that she wouldn’t be doing this again with Draven’s ashes any time soon. Handing the urn back to her brother, they all placed their lei’s in the water and then started splashing the water as custom. Later on that night, Nina and her brothers had a barbecue in the backyard to celebrate Wesley. As she was nursing a Stella Artois, Hunter said with a smirk, “So, when should he be back? Our soon to be brother-in-law?” with a little venom in his voice. Nina shot a look to him, feeling proud of the bruise she left on his cheek and said, “He just got called up yesterday.” He continued to smirk and leaned forward, “Are you sure you can handle being a military wife? Constantly moving? Constantly worrying about him? If he will return home or not?” Deacon elbowed him, “Dude, shut the f**k up.” Christopher even chimed in, “Did you seriously not learn anything yesterday, bro?” Even the other brothers also said something along those lines. Nina looked at them all and then looked directly at Hunter, “Let’s get something straight right f*****g now, Omega. Draven is a working man like you. He knows the dangers, he knows what is at risk and he knows what he has to do to get home, just like you do. Being a military wife is no different then being a military daughter or a military sister. And because we are supposed to be celebrating Wesley tonight, I am going to let your condescending tone and assholery go. This is your last f*****g warning. One more f*****g outburst or snide ass remark and I will not hesitate to label your notice with the rest of the pack. Are we clear?” Without a word, he growled and got up from his position at the table outside with the brother’s remarks following him. Nina indulged in a few more Stella’s that night to mourn both Wesley passing and Draven leaving not even forty-eight hours after they got engaged. The next morning, Nina woke up in their bed holding his pillow and truly did wonder if she could be a military wife. Her brothers had all stayed with her last night and shared another bedroom that served as Draven’s office, and different places on the floor and couch in the living room. She got up, brushed her teeth, and dressed for a workout on the beach. As she started her morning stretching routine, she felt the presence of her brothers behind her. Turning slightly, she could see them stretching with her. Together they did a workout and as they were finishing with a jog, Nina heard Hunter say, “Why does she even care about this douchebag? He’s gotta be considering who his teammates are.” She heard Evan reply, “Not necessarily. He seems like a real great guy.” Hunter made a noise, “Sure he is,” he said sarcastically, “Don’t you think he is using her? He’s gotta be.” Nina stopped jogging and stopped to look at him, “What the f**k is that supposed to mean?” Everyone stopped running with some words under breaths being said, “s**t,” or “f**k,” or something along those lines. Nina’s limit had been reached, “You don’t know when to shut the f**k up do you? Did it ever occur to you to ask me how I feel about him? Did it ever occur to you to ask him how he feels about me? Yes, we haven’t known each other that long, but he is my world. Is that too much for your fragile little ego to take?” He stepped towards her and growled. She stared right back at him anger radiating off of her small stature and squared off with him unafraid, “Draven and I have shared so much in such a small time that we have already been together a lifetime. We have connected on a level that I have never connected with any other person, including you.” “We are siblings. We have always been connected,” he gritted. “Yes, Omega, we are siblings. Draven is the love of my life. Why? Does that bother you because it’s not you that comes first anymore? Or does it bother you more that his teammate stole your cheap flavor of the week?” she asked him with a tone of anger present. Their brothers pounced the minute they saw him raise his hand to Nina. Just like a flip of a switch, all of the brothers immediately tackled him for daring to even try to harm their sister or their Alpha. Blaine grabbed Nina’s arm gently and pulled her away from the pile of grunts, legs, arms, and flying fists. Blaine let them go at it for a few more minutes when he whistled and the brother’s stood up leaving Hunter laying in the sand. From where Nina was standing, she could see that he was hurting, and he was going to hurt for a while. She knew bruises would form within hours of this altercation. Nina went over to him and squatted down to him. Her turquoise eyes flaming with anger, even with the dark circles under her eyes, her wine colored hair in a messy bun with a few strands flying in the wind, she still executed a demanding and anger filled presence. “Now you are on f*****g notice, Omega. You dared to raise your hand to your Alpha,” said Blaine. Nina watched as he wiped at blood coming from his busted lip. She said, “Is this why she left you? You raised your hand to her?” her eyebrows drawn together. He looked away. She grabbed his jaw with her hand and made him look at her, “Look at me!” He raised his green eyes to hers wincing when she squeezed his jaw. She said with utter disgust, “If you ever raise your hand to me or another female again, I will f*****g end you,” she said with dominance and in a tone that was to not be ignored, “We did not raise you to be violent to women asshole. Do you even realize the consequences of your actions should she decide to report you to your CO? Do you realize what you could have brought onto Wolf Pack, Incorporated if she found out who you are?” When he tried to look away, she made him look at her. Her eyes bore into him, “I will have eyes on you. You had better get your s**t together and I mean right f*****g now.” “I didn’t raise my hand to her,” he said through clenched teeth, “I hit the wall by her head with my f*****g fist.” “But you raised your hand to her and to me. I am you f*****g Alpha. Try that s**t again and you will f*****g live to regret it. Do not forget who I am and what I am capable of. Or do you need another reminder?” she asked. He looked angrily at her, “No.” “I want you back at your post today. Get on the horn and make a reservation for the first flight out of here. I do not want to see you until I call upon you. Do you understand?” He rolled away from her and stood up. Nina slowly stood up with the brothers standing behind her. He spat blood on the sand and looked at her and his brothers. “f**k you all,” and turned and walked away. Zeke was flexing his hand that had bruises forming on his knuckles, “f*****g Omega.” “That is why he is at the bottom of the totem pole, bro,” said Liam rubbing his shoulder. “I just want to know whose f*****g foot kicked my knee,” said Jackson as he rubbed it. Deacon raised his hand, “Sorry, bro, I was trying to get Omega. Come on, I’ll get you some ice. I need some for my own face,” flexing his jaw as he rubbed it gingerly. Nina watched her brothers limp towards her and Draven’s house, each of them hurting for protecting her. Blaine watched them with her and then turned to her, “Are you okay?” She shook her head, “No, but just like with you guys, I have to remind myself that he is a highly skilled and trained operative. And that he will make his way back to me.” He nodded and hugged his sister and kissed the crown of her head. “Come on, let’s get some coffee,” and put his arm around her shoulders and lead her back inside. A few hours later, after seeing her brothers off to the airport, she went back home and allowed herself one day to self-wallow. The very next morning, Nina got up and did her workout alone. When she returned to the house, she saw that her brothers were checking on her in the group chat sans Hunter. She made sure to message them that she was okay and continued to go through the motions of doing things. She even went grocery shopping and did some shopping to liven up the house with rugs and colorful curtains since Draven was bachelor living, before she came along. Later on that evening after she ate a dinner for one, she sat on the couch with the television on as she started on her next book. As she was typing the opening, she heard a key in the lock. With her heart racing, she jumped over the sofa and went to the door and opened it expecting to find Draven. Instead, she was looking at five women ranging in height and age. The oldest one said, “Oh, hi. Uh, I think we have the wrong house. We are looking for Draven McGarrett. We thought this was his house.” Nina smiled, “No, it is. You are correct.” “Oh, good,” she sighed, “And are you a friend watching his house for him?” her Tennessee Southern accent more prominent as she spoke. Nina looked at her, “You must be his mom.” She smiled, she looked like an older Meryl Streep with green eyes, “I am. I’m Helen,” and held her hand out. Nina took it, “Nina Moreno.” The sisters were whispering to each other and looked at her and the house. One of them asked, “Are you his girlfriend?” “Uh, I know this might be a shock, but I am actually his fiancé,” and held up her hand with her ring shyly. Nina thought for sure that they would look at her with discontent or contempt or something negative. Instead, they all squealed and rushed inside to hug her. Thrown off balance, she put her arms around two of them so they wouldn’t go tumbling to the floor. When they released her, they all had tears in their eyes and wanted to see her ring. “He never told us,” Helen said wiping at her tears daintily, “I am so glad to hear that.” The last one to release her from the hug said, “I’m sorry, is it okay that we did that?” Nina smiled, “It’s fine. I’m glad to meet you all. He’s talked about you all.” “Do I detect a slight Texan accent?” Helen said. “Yes, ma’am.” Helen then hugged her and then pulled away to hold her at arm’s length to get a look at her, “My god, you are stunning. You may not be from Tennessee, but a fellow Southerner will do just fine.” The girls laughed behind her, “Mama!” She shushed them with a hand, “Don’t mind his sisters, they were all born here.” Nina laughed for the first time in days. “God, you even have a pretty laugh,” said one of the sisters. Nina blushed, “Thanks.” “Sorry, we are such knuckleheads. We need to introduce ourselves. I am the oldest, Jenna,” and held her hand out. Nina took it and then met Marjorie, Jackie and Christina. Seeing them stand together, she could see the family resemblance with the green eyes. Except Draven’s were depths of color she could get lost in. “Where is that brother of ours,” asked Christina and looked around to see if he was going to pop out somewhere. They all looked to her with smiles. “Oh, did he not contact you ladies?” Nina asked. They shook their heads. “I’m sorry. He uh, he was called up on a mission.” They lost their smiles. Helen said somberly, “How long has he been gone?” She fidgeted with her hands, “Four days today.” Helen waved her hand, “Grey area.” “I know. We met just before this last one.” They looked at each other. Then Jackie said in recognition, “You’re Rowena.” Nina looked at her shocked, “He told you about me?” Helen smiled, “Of course he did. He called me the day he got back from Philadelphia and told me that he had met the love of his life and that her name was Rowena.” Nina felt the tears come on. She was shocked that Draven had spoken about her so early on to his family. Helen then pulled her into a hug, “Oh, honey. It’s okay.” When they finally pulled away, Nina let them fully in and they sat down on the couch and love seat while she made some tea. As she handed them each a glass, Jenna said, “We came to surprise him. He said he was on leave for two weeks, but I know this is the what, second-third week he would be back at work. It was just the same time we could all get off.” “Where is his dad?” Nina asked, “I apologize. He just never really talked about him.” Helen looked at her, “He passed.” “Oh, I am so sorry. I didn’t know.” She smiled, “It’s okay. He passed about three years ago. I always told that man that his hard work would catch up to him and it did. One day at the grocery store, bam, heart attack.” Marjorie said, “They store manager did say that he landed on a pallet of toilet paper.” “Yeah, what a way to go, Dad. You had the doctor smack your ass on the way in and had the world wipe it for you on your way out,” said Jenna. They all burst out laughing. Helen wiped at her tears with a smile, “He did have a sense of humor, didn’t he?” They all spoke more, until Jackie yawned. “Ugh, I’m so sorry. It’s two a.m. for my body clock.” “Oh, of course. I’m sorry for keeping you guys up. Did you want to stay here, or would you guys be more comfortable at a hotel? I know a guy.” “Oh, we have a room at the Hilton Hawaii,” said Helen. “I can arrange transportation if you need it?” Nina said. “We have a rental but thank you so much. Let’s meet for breakfast,” Helen said. “Just name the time and place.” “How bout the hotel? They have a great brunch,” said Marjorie. “Sounds good.” “How about ten-thirty, eleven?” said Jenna. “Sounds even better,” she said with a smile. Nina then walked them out and waved them off as they pulled out of the driveway. Getting on her phone, she called the Hilton and spoke to her contact there and upgraded their simple rooms to the penthouse with the Ocean View. Then locking up, she took a quick shower and got in bed. She felt a little better as now she really had something to look forward to and getting to know her in-laws. In the morning after her workout, she dressed in a navy blue maxi dress with spaghetti straps and brown sandals that tied around her ankles and then made her way to the Hilton Hawaii Resort in Waikiki. When she got there, she made her way to the brunch area, and she spotted them out on the patio closest to the beach and secluded with their own waiter. She had arranged for them to have an exclusive brunch with their own waiter away from the general public on a private deck that faced the water under a canopy. When she approached, Jenna and Christina saw her and about happy screamed, “Nina!” and jumped up. Then the rest noticed she was there and stood up and they all enveloped her in a hug. As she sat down, Helen took her hand, “You did not have to do that.” Marjorie smiled, “We even got massages this morning!” Jackie smiled, “And a facial. I forgot I was a mom for about ten minutes,” that caused them all to laugh. Nina smiled, “It is my pleasure. Please feel free to order room service or use the concierge. Whatever you need.” They sat there unsure of what she was saying. Nina pulled out a folder and handed them each a non-disclosure agreement and a pen. “Please read it over and sign carefully.” They looked at each other and then signed. Once Nina was satisfied that they were good, she took the papers and looked at them, “My name is Nina Moreno, but what you don’t know is that my pen name is Sky Hawkings.” She sat for a few moments and let it sink in. Jenna sat forward, “You mean to tell me that my dummy of a brother, is engaged to the woman that writes one of the best forms of romance in this whole world?” Nina nodded, “That is me.” “Well, I’d say that my son has hit the jackpot,” Helen said. Nina smiled, “No. I did,” which made them all smile. They spend the day together and went shopping. Nina got to know them and find out that Jenna really enjoyed teaching high school kids and they were covering Shakespeare at the current moment and reading “As You Like It”. Marjorie was celebrating that her bank audit went very well. Jackie was enjoying time away from the demands of being a stay-at-home mom. Christina was just appreciative to be away from a bunch of college students. They also liked getting to know Nina and she told them how they met and their first date. “I know you two haven’t really known each other all that long, but how did you know he was the one?” Christina asked. Nina was looking at a figure she had in her hand, “When my brother died,” and looked up at them. They looked at her. She put the figure down to look at them, “Three days after I met Draven. In fact the night of our second date, my brother, Wesley was assaulted, more like, attacked outside of a bar in San Antonio. Draven followed me there to make sure that I was okay and stayed with me even after he died. He honestly did take care of me. I just hope to be able to do the same.” They hugged her then. When Nina finally returned home, she was exhausted from walking around all day with them, but she was glad she had them with her at that moment. After a quick shower, she tried to do a little writing and fell asleep with her laptop in her lap. As she dreamed, she had hoped she would dream about Draven, but alas, she did not dream that night. In the next few days, Nina hung out with his mom and sisters and did the beach visits and site seeing as they revisited memories and told Nina stories about their childhood. They shared stories about how Draven was the extreme dare devil with jumping off the roof their house, or a cliff into the water, or went four-by-fouring in a Jeep that flipped over when he was high school. He had walked away with a sprained wrist and cuts and bruises. They even talked about his inability to commit to any girl he had dated until Nina. The day before they were leaving back to their homes on the mainland, they went to the Swap Meet at Aloha Stadium. As they were looking at some matching family clothing, Marjorie heard, “Is that you Marg?” They all turned to see a striking woman with legs for days, sparkling green eyes and long blonde hair flowing under her beach hat. She wore black flip flops, a henna inspired blue and purple sarong tied around her slender waist, and a black bikini top. Marjorie turned as they all did and smiled, “Hannah! Oh, my gosh,” and went to hug her. Nina being shorter than them all at her five foot five, and them being five foot nine or taller, she felt a little out of place. She watched as they made pleasantries and spoke a few minutes before Marjorie turned to them and said, “Guys, you remember Hannah? Draven’s uh, former girlfriend.” Hannah smiled, “I was little more than that.” Jenna crossed her arms, “Yeah, you said no when he asked you to marry him.” Hannah lost her smile, “Well, being a military wife was not for me.” Christina looked unpleased at her, “Yeah, we know. You said so then.” She smiled uneasily, “Is he here with you all?” Helen was holding a dress, “Why do you want to know?” She shrugged, “Just to check in on him. You know, see how he is doing.” Jenna looked at her with disdain, “Why do you even care? You didn’t then, why should you now?” Marjorie looked at her sisters, “Guys, she’s curious. I would be too.” Jackie put her arm through Nina’s, “Well, this gorgeous thing next to me is his,” and made sure that Nina’s large engagement ring was in full view to her, “This is Nina Moreno. She is engaged to Draven. So, I’d say he is doing just fine.” She looked at Nina dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a pink razor back loose tank top with a white sugar skull printed on the front with her long hair in a braid over her shoulder and grey low top Chuck’s on her feet. She said almost with disdain, “You’re engaged to Draven?” Nina looked at her with her determination, “I am.” Helen went and put an arm around Nina’s shoulders, “And she knows how to be part of the Navy wives club. Something you will never understand,” seeing her swallow with unease. “I think we’re done here. Goodbye, Hannah.” Marjorie touched her hand and Hannah looked at her and walked away. Marjorie then turned to look at them all, “Did you guys have to be so rude?” Jackie looked at her sister, “Are you serious right now? That gold digging b***h only wanted our brother for his money and then when she realized what kind of life she would have as a SEALs wife, she up and left him. Let’s not forget that she broke his heart when he asked her to marry him in that big ole’ charade of a surprise proposal out on the cliff at Kualoa Ranch and she said no in front of us, her family, and all of their friends.” Jenna chimed in, “Yeah, and let’s not also forget that it also came out that she was cheating on him with that Air Force guy. So, perhaps being a military wife wasn’t for her, but it sure as s**t didn’t stop her from being a uniform chaser.” Nina looked at them, “When did this happen?” Helen looked at her, “About a year after he became a SEAL. He graduated from Annapolis and went to training. A year after he returned, he asked her. They were together all through high school and college and we thought they were a sure thing until it wasn’t.” Christina looked at Nina, “He was so broken. They were together for nine years and that b***h broke his heart.” Jackie looked so sad, “We were so scared for him. He literally threw himself into his missions then. Nothing and no one were ever going to hurt him again. He took so many risks and got into the thick of dangerous missions. He was like a caged animal.” Jenna looked at her, “He was angry all the time. He would just sleep with women as revenge s*x. He drank like a fish. He didn’t care.” Helen looked at Nina, “And then, his Daddy died, and the reality hit him but that didn’t stop his self-destructive behavior.” Jena then smiled, “And then he met you.” Helen squeezed her, “You brought out a side of him we hadn’t seen in a long time. It is so great to finally see my son live.” Nina nodded and Helen hugged her. They finished shopping and Nina saw them off to their hotel with promises that she would visit them and drag Draven with her when he returned. They all hugged her and made promises to call and Zoom about her books and help her to wedding plan when it was time. When she got back home, she returned to an empty house. Just as she took her shoes off, there was a knock on her door. Unsure of who to expect, she went to answer it. Standing in the doorway dressed in a little black dress with black stilettos was Hannah. When she saw Nina, she was taken aback, “Oh, I didn’t know you lived here.” “I do. I am engaged to Draven, where else would I be?” “Not here.” Nina squared up, “What do you want? But from the looks of you,” looking her up and down as she crossed her arms, “You are looking for something that isn’t yours.” She made a face, “He was mine. He was mine for nine years. We have a history. Besides, I have never heard of you before.” “Well, just because you haven’t heard of me before doesn’t mean I didn’t exist before today.” She rolled her eyes, “Look, I just want to talk to Draven. Is he here or not?” “He’s not.” “Well, when will he be back?" Nina smirked, “When he’s back. Now, if there isn’t anything else.” “Actually, there is,” and stepped closer to her, “I want you gone when he comes back. He belongs to me. We were meant to be together. And I am going to make sure that it happens.” Nina started laughing at that moment and put her hand to her stomach as she was laughing so hard. Hannah got angry, “What the f**k are you laughing at?” Nina wiped at her eyes, “You. You really think I’m going to leave him because you said so?” and laughed, “b***h, in your wildest dreams. Now I would appreciate it if you left.” “f**k you, he’s mine. I will make him mine again.” Nina looked at her and smiled, “Good luck,” and slammed the door locking it.
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