Chapter Seventeen: Nights to Remember

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As they walked in, the maître d, looked them up and down and cleared his throat, “Welcome to the Outlander Steakhouse. How can I help you?” Nina smiled, “We have a reservation.” “I see. And what would the name be under?” “Nina. For a party of ten.” “I’m sorry, I do not see a reservation under that name. I’ll have to ask you to leave.” Blaine said almost as if he didn’t believe what he had just heard, “Excuse me?” The tall skinny man with brown hair looked smugly at them, “I said, you will need to leave.” Nina could feel their anger rising behind her. She held up her hand against Blaine’s chest when he took a step forward, “Forgive me, what is your name, sir?” she asked politely. He looked down at Nina, “Walter.” Nina smiled sweetly, but her brother’s knowing that smile, smiled smugly right back at him. They watched as she said, “Well, Walter, I called and did my reservation for tonight over six months ago. I spoke with a very nice woman over the phone by the name of June and she even sent me a confirmation email with reservation number, five, nine, three, two, ex, zero, one. Additionally, I called last week to confirm with Trinity and ironically, enough, I called this afternoon to confirm yet again, with you. So, I tell you again. Reservation for seven o’clock, for Nina, party of ten.” He made another smug face at Nina, “Ma’am, I have told you repeatedly that your name is not here in my ledger. I am going to ask you one last time politely to leave before I call the police.” Nina smiled, “I would like to speak with your manager. Now.” He almost rolled his eyes, “Certainly,” and got on the phone. A few moments later an older man in a black suit and white hair walked towards the front. He reminded Nina of a robust Al Pacino. When he saw Nina, he smiled and opened his arms to her, “Nina! You made it!” and gently cupped the back of her elbows and air kissed her cheeks as she did the same with her hands resting on his biceps. “Reginald. It is so good to see you! You haven’t changed a bit!” “Oh, stuff the nonsense, you know what June says I look thirty pounds heavier than last year.” “Well, your beautiful wife is just looking out for you. Call her selfish, but she wants to keep you around for a little bit.” He smiled, and then looked behind her and released her, “Ah, Gentlemen! As always, it is so good to see you all!” and shook each of their hands. “Wait, where is Hunter?” Blaine smiled, “He is on notice.” He winced, “Again?” They all slightly laughed. Turning to Nina, “So, what is the problem?” “Well, Walter here said that he couldn’t locate our reservation and even as I confirmed it with June and Trinity, and even Walter here myself this afternoon. He has told us to leave, or he would call the police.” Reginald turned to Walter with a curious face, “Really? Did you lose their reservation? I confirmed them myself with Trinity and June. I knew she was coming with her brothers. What is the problem, Walter?” “Uh, sorry, sir, I just assumed that they uh, their uh-” Gabriel stepped forward, “His snooty ass assumed and thought we can’t afford a fine establishment such as this.” Reginald looked at Gabriel and then back at Walter, “Is this true?” They all watched as he turned fifty shades of red from anger and embarrassment. “I see,” Reginald said as he turned back to flustered Walter, “Then let me explain something to you Walter. Nina is Rowen Moreno who is the sole private investor to this establishment. She met my wife June when she was a professor at UT Austin in Texas. After talking to Nina here one day, she decided to open this restaurant here in Salem and retire from teaching. Since she didn’t have the startup for this, Nina was kind enough to become our sole and only investor. You will treat her and her brothers with the utmost respect. You will cater to their every need while they dine with us. So, help your pompous ass, if you say or do anything else that upsets them, I will have you blacklisted from ever serving another fine dining establishment here in Massachusetts or anywhere else in this fine country of ours. You will find yourself working at a less than desirable location if you do not walk the fine line that you have just drawn. Am I clear, Walter?” He swallowed with difficulty and squeaked, “Yes, sir. Right this way.” Reginald offered Nina his arm and escorted her to their table. Christopher whispered to his brother’s, “Remind me to never piss off Alpha.” They laughed as they walked behind Nina and Reginald. They sat down in the private dining area and soon as the Head Chef realized that Nina was in, he quickly changed his chef coat to a fresh one and went out to greet Nina in the same manner that Reginald had. His name was Tanner with light brown hair and sparking grey eyes. Nina smiled at him as he always reminded her of the chef from Ratatouille. “I have the perfect meal ready for you and you brothers tonight. I went to get the top-of-the-line meat myself this morning from my butcher and hand picked all of the vegetables from my produce s***h farmer. So, please sit and enjoy the first appetizer for bacon wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese and on the side caprese salad with the best balsamic vinegar from Italy.” They all sat down and watched in delight as Walter zoomed around their dining area to make sure they had everything they needed from their drinks to their silverware and everything in between. For dessert, the chef made lemon crème brulee’s for them, and special sugar free one just for Nina, with the best roasted Columbia beans in their best coffee. Once they were all satisfied and full, Walter then brought them their bill. Reginald then came out and said, “How was dinner?” and then saw the bill in the bill fold. Then angrily looked at him, “Did you just give them the bill for this meal?” Walter stammered, “I, uh, yes, sir.” Reginald looked at him, “What part of Nina is our sole private investor did you not understand?” “Sir, I-” Reginald held up his hand and put his hand out for the bill fold. Nina handed it to him with a smug smile on her face as she looked at a shocked Walter. Reginald looked at Nina, “I will handle this for you all tonight,” then looked at Walter, “And if you want to dine here for the remainder of stay while you are in Salem, you call me direct, and I will have it set up in a heartbeat. And Walter? ” “ Sir? ” “ You are fired.” Nina touched Reginald’s arm gently, “Don’t do that just yet. Perhaps this is a learning moment for our dear Walter.” He looked down at Nina, “What do you have in mind?” “Do you remember the civil learning opportunities that June use to offer when she was a professor?” He smiled, “I do.” Nodding, “Eighty hours.” He smiled up at Walter, “Sounds perfect.” Nina stood up, “Pack. Shall we?” They each then took a turn and shook Reginald’s hand as they walked out thanking him for a great meal and to be sure to thank the Chef Tanner for his impeccable work, and smiled at Walter. Nina was last and received her air kisses from Reginald and smiled, “You take care of June. I’ll stop in before I leave. Tell her I’ll be here. I’d like to see her and see how she is doing.” He smiled at her as he drew her close, “She would love that.” “Great! See you then,” and kissed his cheek. Then she walked out after smiling smugly at Walter. When she joined her brother’s outside, they were smiling and then burst out laughing when she told them what the civil learning was. He would be doing dishes without pay in the kitchen for the next two weeks, along with any frivolous task that was assigned to him, up to an including toilets. They all walked back to the B&B with smiles and talked about the things that had transpired that day. Across the globe, Draven woke up at five-thirty, and did a quick shower before slowing making his way over to his area in the physical therapy room. As he entered at five-forty-five that morning, Gita smiled as he walked in, “Are you ready for the hard part to begin?” He smiled back at her, “Who, yeah. Bring it on.” “Come on over, let the games begin.” That day she put him through the ringer to get his stamina and his strength up from where it should be. She gave him a mid-morning break and sent him to have a therapeutic massage. After, he went to get something for breakfast and when he saw Carlota sitting in the corner eating a yogurt and reading a romance novel. Slowing making his way over to her with his tray in hand and his other busy with a cane, “Good morning, Carly. Do you mind if I sit with you?” She smiled up at him, “Not at all,” and set her book down. He set his tray down and then gingerly sat down. “Is Gita running you ragged these days?” He nodded, “But in all fairness, I asked her to.” She nodded, “Good. Your hard work will pay off. I promise.” He bit into his toast, “I hope so.” “It will.” Chewing, “So, you like to read romance novels?” she nodded in affirmative, “Do you like the supernatural, sci-fi? Like witches and elves and stuff?” “I do.” “Have you ever read Sky Hawkings?” She looked at him, “I know of her, I just never picked one of her books up.” He bit into his eggs, “Can I asked you to do something for me?” She nodded, “Within reason.” “Pick up the first book. After you read it, let me know what you think. I think it will change your outlook on some things.” “I can do that,” she said with a smile. He sipped his juice, “Can I asked you one more thing? And please don't bust my balls for this. I am asking on behalf of a curious party.” She nodded as she ate her yogurt. “Do you bat for the same team or opposing teams?” She laughed tossing her long wavy blonde hair back and then looked at him, “Who wants to know?” He moved closer to her and lowered his voice, “Gita. She really likes you.” She sat back with an amused look on her face, “Really? I tried talking to her one day when she was at lunch and she kind of blew me off.” “She was nervous. She hasn’t had a girlfriend in a really long time.” She smiled, “Well, Dray, she is most definitely my type.” He smiled and dug into his breakfast. After he finished, he cleaned his spot and went back to the physical therapy room to begin his mid-morning session. By lunch time, he was exhausted, but he never complained and instead took a break for lunch and went back to doing what he was supposed to do according to Gita. That afternoon he had his therapeutic massage and headed back to his room for a shower and a nap. Later on that night, he sat down and had dinner with Carlota and basically interviewed her on her likes and dislikes, favorite things and the like. When he returned to his room, he laid down and for the first time in a long while, he felt lighthearted. The next morning, Nina woke and did the same routine before her brothers woke up. When she went down for coffee, Blaine was already waiting for her with two cups of coffee. Smiling, she kissed his cheek and sat down, “Good morning.” He smiled, “Good morning,” and watched as she took a seat, “What is on the itinerary for today?” “A Salem Witch Trials Historical walking tour. And the house of the Seven Gables. Then tonight, we have a private wine tasting with a private sushi chef.” “Sounds awesome.” She nodded and sipped her coffee. He looked at her, “How are you doing sissy?” She cupped her hands around her mug and looked at the dark liquid and then at him, “I’m doing as good as I can. I mean, I have done things to show that I am moving on, but mentally, psychology, I am not sure if I can.” He nodded, “I understand. I just want you to be happy.” “What would make me happy is to wake up one day and realize that this was all a dream. That I will wake up back in Hawaii in Draven’s arms,” wiping at a tear as it fell from her eye, “But, I know that is not going to happen. But, I get up every morning get dressed and go about my day and try to ignore the pain in my heart and in my head. I am dating but none of them last past one date and I have no desire to be with any of them.” He nodded, “Because they aren’t Draven.” She let out a deep breath and wiped at her tears, “No. They aren’t.” He covered her hand with his, his large hand warm and almost swallowed her small one, “I can promise you that things will get better. And I can promise you that when the time is right, you will love again.” She nodded and held onto his hand tightly. He then used both his hands to hold her one and made sure she was looking at him, “I know this is hard for you, Sissy. You found and lost the love of your life in the same year. But don’t stop living. You need to continue to live for yourself and for him. I know he wouldn’t want you to put your life completely on hold just for him.” She raised her tear-filled eyes to her brothers one blue eye and one green eye, “What if I can’t? What if I can’t move on from him?” “No one said you had to get over him right now. But it would be nice to see you living. Be the Nina we know is in there somewhere. I know you are hurting and when you are ready, you will know.” At that moment Evan walked into the dining room, “Why is Alpha crying? What did you say to her Wolf? If you upset her, I will kick your ass,” immediately coming to her defense and stepping towards their brother. Wolf put his hands up in surrender, while Nina smiled and wiped at her face with a napkin, “I’m fine. Just a pep talk. Come on. Your coffee is getting cold.” Still leery, he looked at Blaine, “Bro, just because you are the alpha male doesn’t mean I won’t get the rest of the Pack to kick your ass with me if you ever hurt Alpha.” “I know. That is why I know if anything would ever happen to me, you all would have her back.” “Damn straight,” kissed Nina’s cheek and then sat down. The rest of the brothers joined them, and they had breakfast that consisted of oatmeal, bacon, toast, fruit, milk, juice, and coffee. They then pulled on their coats, scarves, and beanies for their walking tour and enjoyed taking photos and candid photos that made them all laugh along with their group. Many of them were surprised to see a group of siblings that large. After their tour, they stopped for a light lunch since Nina had arranged a private wine tasting with sushi at a local winery. Since they had some time to kill, most the brothers decided to hit up a local bar to taste some local ale. Nina decided to lay down for a nap as she had not been sleeping well these last several months without Draven to share her bed with. Once in her room, she removed her coat, her scarf, beanie, and boots and laid down. Taking out her phone, she opened it to look at her home screen of her and Draven. He had taken it of them. They were standing in his backyard on the beach with the sun setting in the background and he was kissing her forehead while her eyes were closed. Letting herself cry, she cried herself to sleep. A few hours later, she was rudely awoken by Evan, Liam, and Christopher jumping on her and the bed to wake her up. Moaning, she felt the weight of Liam and Evan on her and was instantly awake. She hit Liam’s butt with her hand and said in German “Arschlocher! (Asshole)” which had them all laughing. Christopher bounced on the bed as both Liam and Evan laid on her. “Come on, Sissy! Wine is calling my name and so is sushi!” Christopher said as he bounced making the bed squeak under their combined weight and his bouncing which also caused the brothers to laugh at the entire scene. She moaned, “Get off of me!” to Evan and Liam. Evan turned to face her, “Only if I get to have the first taste.” She pushed at their combined weight, “I’ll let you have the first whole bottle! Now, get your asses off of me!” she moaned. As they rolled away, the rest of the brothers invading her space laughed. Christopher laid down next to her with his feet crossed at the ankles as Liam took his time getting off her feigning that he couldn’t move because he was so comfortable and moved squishing her further into the mattress. Eventually, Nina couldn’t breathe, and she reached under his jacket, sweater, and shirt to touch his ribs with her cold hands. He yelped in surprise and rolled away as the rest of them laughed. Sitting up, she pushed her fallen hair out of her face and started rebraiding it. Liam was rubbing his side, “Why are you hands so cold?” which caused the rest of the brothers to laugh. She tied the end of her hair, “What can I say, your guys cut off my circulation,” causing the brothers to laugh. She smiled, “Go on. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” They all left her room and closed the door. Nina pulled her boots back on and put her coat, scarf and beanie back on. Grabbing her phone, she took one last look at their photo on her screen. Swallowing deeply, she wiped at a tear that fell and changed the photo to one of her and her brothers from the walking tour today. Standing for a few moments, she made sure her face wasn’t red from crying and finally went downstairs to join her brothers. Together, they started their walk to the local winery. Along the way, Zeke started singing the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla song, “My mother told me, someday I would buy, galley with good oars, sail to distant shores, stand up on the prow, noble baroque I steer, steady course to the haven, hew many foe-men, hew many foe-men.” Eventually, all of her brothers joined in with him singing the same chorus a few times over. Nina took comfort in their deep voices and smiled as people looked at them as they sang. When they finished, people around them clapped. Gabriel had his arm around Nina, “Your turn, Sissy.” She looked at them, “Oh, guys. Come on. You all sang together.” “Well, we like to hear you solo,” said Jackson. Seeing that they all agreed, she said, “Fine,” and thought of her repertoire of songs. She started singing “The Dawn Will Come” from the Dragon Age Inquisition. “Shadows fall, and hope has fled . . . steel your heart, the dawn will come . . . the night is long, and the path is dark . . . look to the sky, for one day soon . . . the dawn will come,” seeing people stop to watch her walk and sing surrounded by tall and built men. She continued, “The shepherd’s lost, and his home is far . . . keep to the stars, the dawn will come . . . the night is long, and the path is dark . . . look to the sky, for one day soon . . . the dawn will come.” When she started the last chorus, her brothers joined her, “Bare your blade, and raise it high . . . stand your ground, the dawn will come . . . the night is long, and the path is dark . . . look to the sky, for one day soon . . .” and Nina finished by herself, “The dawn will come.” Gabriel drew Nina close and kissed the top of her head. They arrived at the winery and were welcomed with smiles and courtesy. As they lined up at the bar, a stool had to be brought for Nina so she could reach. Once she was situated, the two bartenders and the wine expert stood behind the bar walking them through the different wines and even provided suggestions on how to pair the wines with foods. Behind them, their table was being set for dinner, while the sole sushi chef and his assistant prepared their meal on another bar on the other side of the room. The Pack laughed and joked with the bartenders and with each other. The bartenders smiled at the friendly banter they had with each other and how quickly they would make up if someone insulted someone else. Once they decided on a few bottles for dinner, they moved to sit down for dinner. They watched as Blaine helped Nina down from her tall stool and then even escorted her to the table looping her arm through his. Once at the table, the bartenders and the other staff were pleasantly surprised when he even held her chair out for her and scooted her in. “How are your classes going, Sissy?” asked Deacon. She nodded as she put her wine glass down as she adjusted herself in her chair, “Good. It’s never a dull moment.” “Care to elaborate?” asked Evan. “Well, there is this student in my Monday and Wednesday class that just loves to have side conversations as I lecture. Another student that sits in the front of the same class always tells her to shut the f**k up or shut her pie hole and her little valley girl attitude she is like, ‘ew, rude’,” her brothers laughing at her mimicking her student with an eye roll and flip of her hair, “Anyway, one day I got sick of her side conversation while I was lecturing and kicked her out. She had a hissy fit and stormed out. Later on that day, her father calls me to yell at me, how dare I kick his precious daughter out of my class and my dean would be hearing about this. I then proceeded to tell him what she was doing and gave him specific topics she would discuss.” “Oh, yeah? And what was that?” Liam asked. “She talked about her latest mani-pedi, the work that was done on her car, her bikini wax, and even her latest date with a hockey player that plays for the league that feeds into the Ducks.” “And what did he say to that?” asked Jaeger. “He changed his tune real quick. He apologized and said he would talk to her.” “How did you hear all of that?” asked Blaine. “She talked so damn loud, I had to stop lecturing. I usually didn’t have to say anything because this other student would yell at her. But I was having a bad day that day and wasn’t putting up with anyone or anything that day.” They laughed, “Good for you, Sissy!” and cheers’d her. The sushi chef and his assistant then put down several plates of sushi, “Enjoy. Please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to have me make for you. I have everything tonight.” “Thank you,” they all responded, and immediately dove into the amazing looking sushi. The sushi chef continued to make roll after roll, sashimi, nigiri and so many other things that he almost ran out of supplies by the time the brothers declared they were full and it was the best sushi they ever had. The final bill from the winery and the sushi chef came to them. Nina pulled out her wallet and pulled out her metal black American Express unlimited balance card. The winery owner was shocked to see the unlimited limited customer credit card, and took the card to run it and returned in seconds and then handed the card to the sushi chef who did the same. Once Nina signed the receipts, she gave them each a very big tip for the great work they did. After, each party thanked the other for coming and for doing. They all bundled up and headed back outside to make the walk to the B&B. As they were it started snowing. Nina watched as her brothers sang other songs on the walk back. Smiling she watched them and the comradery they had with each other. She wished that Draven could have been there to experience that closeness with them. Swallowing her tears, she smiled as her brothers started doing parkour on the way back to the B&B. She laughed when a few of the little tipsy ones missed and landed on the grass that was now wet with snow. Once back at the B&B, Nina bid them all a goodnight and went to her bedroom. As she changed into her pajamas, she had so many thoughts, but she knew that her brothers were right, and she would need to move on. As she lay down in her bed with the TV on as she usually did, she thought about what could have been and what was.
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