The Groan of the Deadies

2152 Words

It was already night that same day; Lucky and his men were searching the building to get to those men who locked them up. The men were not aware that Lucky and his men are immune to the bite of the deadies. After a long search, Lucky sent a few of his men to go get their weapons from their van, as he and the rest continue the search. As Lucky moves along with the lobby, he noticed a swift move from the other end of the lobby, without delay he ran to that end to check it out. In Atlas Lab, everyone was already exhausted and need rest; Jackson escorted Julie to her quarters when they stumbled on Dr. McQueen; “Hey Doc! You lied to me that Julie was looking for me,” Jackson said. “Yes I lied son,” Dr. McQueen replied as he wants to walk pass Jackson and Julie, Jackson said “You too old for th

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