Outbound day

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(Jreng-jreng-jreng) Bima’s been playing with his guitar to collaborate with an unknown person’s chiming triangle from the back-side area of the seat. In this bus, we’re blending in together, hiding our distrust to each other for once. He’s performing Avenged sevenfold’s “Dear God” song for us to sing at the same time. Hobart and Gardna gather-round to mimic a drummer as the chorus slowly entering the scene of Bima’s string. ~Dear God, the only thing I ask of you~ It’s the first chorus and the second that they learned on the music. We students have listened to this song for hours lately, yet we haven’t memorize the rest of other within its lyrics. Most of the choirs, girls and boys of 7F that could be considered as the most popular among the crowd of the class, just humming themselves down to the un-speakable paragraphs that they supposed to sing along. And for me? Sitting in calm, side-by-side to Tifanny, searching for “Alpha-made man” on her laptop. “See? It’s on the top list! My research on were-hog got paid off.” She said, being excited while scrolling on the ‘were-wolf’ category. Tifanny even does the rolling twice in a row for tilting her pride. “Were-hog? A man who turned into a hog for courting girls, you say?” “Yeah!” She blinked towards me. Of course I’ll questioned her on the pickings, Hogs are gross, full of pointy-made teeth, and also the runny nose as a spear of its formation. Of the wee-wee part, is not on my role to blurt something so fishy. “So, I’ll be trying to sleep on the trip. Have fun and-“ (kriek) Whoa, she’s just sinking her head on my shoulder. Her laptop is safe on my lap, anyway, but my heart is in danger right now. (beat-beat-beat) ~dear god, the only thing I ask of you~ Ah, the second rewind of the song, and my heart is on the same beat to the false drum of Hobart. I wiped off my dripping-sweat to dismiss Tifanny’s gorgeous looks over my disgusting fluids of the body. (wipe) The next rub off the forehead. (wipe) Close to my left hand. I’m identical to car’s wiper blade now, thanks to the overflowing guts of mine. Oh no, she’s just clutching my right arms. What if she noticed? ‘I’ll plug off the pores for you, don’t worry.’ Catch-up accepted, God-pretender. Much appreciated for the assist! ---- The thrilling highways has approaching its end. A few still conscious, but most are asleep along the road. Bima has bagged his guitar after a short-hour to make on the play. After doing so, he returns to the trend and resting his head to the back. It’s hills and valleys out the window. The tires are propping us to drive up and down across the flattened terrain of the slopes, with its engine revving to keep us intact on the surface. For me? I’m happily enjoy the jiggle-giggle of my arms. Good lord for that. ---- It’s 18 degrees out of the room. Rainy in the most evening, and a tidbit of sun in the morning as I have read from many stories of the city on the internet.The chilling blow of Puncak pass has eaten my will to get up from my bed. We’re arrived at just a short-call to sunset, and the teachers have given us an hour to rest and bath before going for a night ride of activities to the zero. Are you sure? pouring water to our skin at a time like this? I’ll better put on my flower bloom fragrance if you ask me to- (crackling noise) The horde of critters are out there, yapping on who’s the suitable one to marry at the moment. Those crickets are too damn aroused to the bone, I guess. I have known on several of the insects who put their wings as the horny-sound generator, called in scientific as Elytra. Yep, it sounds similar to the name of certain happy-go-lucky vibration of a brand that I remembered in my previous life. ‘What is it, Yuda? I do wanted to learn much from you.’ No, it’s too explicit for a pure soul, so just a fragment of it, okay? (knock-knock) who’s there? (Krieek) “Time for dinner, Yuda.” (Bam!) It’s Mr. Bagus, one of the host teacher of the outbound activity for seventh-graders. He’s taking charge for 7F and handling most of the prayers in prior to every single plan we have for the time being. He’s the lead for dinner and breakfast period, too, so having him in our day is quite common experience to have. I wonder if he’s as religious as I am, considering... ‘No, you’re not, Yuda. You’re dead, and I’m-‘ He’s triggered. I’m apologize, God-pretender. (Knock-knock) “Hey, Yuda. Everyone’s inside the refectory. Why are you still in your room?” Damn, it’s not even 2 minutes yet. This man is so persistent. “I’ll be right there before you know it, Mr. Bagus. I'm still wearing my underwear.” (krrsskk-krsssk) (Plop!) Okay, it's all tucked on.  (Klack!) Time to go! Shoot, this man is actually waiting for me. What’s wrong with this guy, really? --- The fresh-squeeze of milk is the main dish for our first-served dinner of a week. If it’s me of the past, this very moment is my reason on working off the invention to supply the world with artificial-designed chocolate dairy product. I have a knack on drinking milk, you see, so having those ideas is quite consuming my future projection in the troubling senior high days. And yes, I’m still on my way to save money for those bitcoins, so wait me up for the top, Bill. (swoosh) After the short-sighted dinner, we're having a freedom to walk around and looking at the view of our inn. While most of the students choose to go back to their room, a bit of them has another way to spend a night.  As of me, it's precisely the time for a date with Tifanny! No, unfortunately she's only friend for now. For later.... The mountain’s rain of lights are awesome if you observe them from the edge of the valley. The daily life of mountain-side people seemed like dots to our eyes on this height. There’s a deck for sightseeing on the western areas of this mansion-like-inn, stacked up on the peak of the Puncak hill-side areas for the guests to see the peasant's life down the top. The wooden platform crackle when we tapped on some places by foot, it makes quite a jump-scare to numerous students like us who dared to challenge the place at the time. Most of them failed to stand here after five minutes passed, and nobody else but us two to be so comfy at the corner. “Hey, Yuda. It’s so cold out here, huh?” Tifanny’s so pretty this evening. She’s using no make-up, plain on her considerably round cheeks that sparkles every time she looked at me. We’re hanging out at exactly 1000 meters in altitude, as mentioned by the owners of the residence beforehand, quite tall for an outbound resort of my knowledge at this region. (swoosh) I zipped my jackets after another chilling blow of wind from below us, while Tifanny’s putting a smug on her face after seeing my move, “ Brr.... quitting the dare, Tif? I’ll win, you know.” “If my lunch money is not for betting, I’ll tap out.” She’s gritting her teeth,” But I have to thumbs up, Yuda. This is totally thrilling.” Yup, Kevin’s influence has me on the loop. I’m putting a stake for many trials I have with her. Mid-exam, cycling, 100 meters sprint, we have done so much that I forgot to count on my victory afterwards. Ah yeah, I won everything, and that’s the main reason. (Yawn) “How’s the psychosis book? Still stalling?” I put a topic to the on-the-run challenge we have. She’s on the middle of working on depressing chapters, and it made her a wee bit down alongside the characters she put inside the paper. She replied, now with a hint of upset in her curling-down lips,”Yeah, kinda hard on dealing with psychosis when you’re having one, you know, so this character has slipped numerous times within my work.” “You have psychosis, Tif? Is that-“ She drowns her spine to bend down, then springs it up slightly. Seems like an warm-up time for her after listening to my doubt,” Duh, I said it’s on me character, not mineself, ya dungus.” Tifanny’s still feeling exhausted. I can perceive quite hazy shadows around her eyelids, despite her safe-and-sound hours sleeping on the bus. She’s clutching my arms for the entire time of the trip. I can’t move an inch, only resting my eyes for five minutes due to the rapid beatdown of my heart and soul. The wood has also been awaken for quite numerous times, but I could hamper it down by pressing my knuckles real tight. (Grip!) Whoa! she’s nearly down after the third blow of the wind. It’s lucky I got her on my arms. “It’s nine, you don’t want to sleep, Tif?” I asked as I lift Tifanny up to stand. She’s surely need it for once, this mad-girl. “Nah, I can stay for....” (drop) Ergh, She’s heavy! Come on, don’t toy me around here, sweetie. (pat-pat) I can feel warmth on her left cheek as I clapped those for a few times.  “Come on, I’ll prop you to bed. Put your hand over my shoulder, please.” She nods. Needless to say, I have to help her on making her way to rest. Pronto! --- (kukukukukk!) The melody of a rooster has a world of meaning to my ear. It’s either too early to get up or it’s actually pretty late to go to school. It’s so freezing out the blanket, and nobody out the room for having a warm-up session with Mr. Bagus anyway. No blame on us, pops, since it’s on the bad weather to point on the mistake.  (Dum-dum-dum-dum) What the heck is that? A drum set, who’s playing games with us by those sorts of device? “Wake up! Wake up! Or you’ll be awaken by the thunder on my hand.” That voice...... Mr. Bagus is a sure-prankster, for God’s sake. He’s the only teacher of the five available ones to think of many chances of playing games with his own student. (whack-whack-whack) “Wakey-wakey, Yuda! Time to school!” He shouts from outside, dripping blood to my ear instantly. (dum-dum-dum-dum) The drums are louder by the time he getting closer to my room, yet slowly ceased out as he runs to the other rooms beside mine. However, it’s not the time for us to party then, since he would never yield until everyone’s getting up for the warm-up at any rate whatsoever. (dum-dum-dum-dum) Alright, better go downstairs, then. --- “One-two-three-four....” Three rounds of squats, one row of side-stepping, four times twenty of crunches..... Yeah, we’re in hell this time around. Mr. Bagus was formerly a military graduate, turned historian, and now he’s the host teacher after more than 20 years of tenure as a staff. To speak of the matter, every single one of the methods for him to train us in this hour is army-grade stuff, so we’re not truly warmed-up at this point. We’re close to death. “Get up and brush your teeth, ladies!” He commanded us with a yell, shouting down to each one of the students who’s been unlucky to be in his front,” Twenty minutes and you all return to this spot after one puff from me.” (Pritt!) Mr. Bagus blows the whistle above his chest to commence the start. We have no other choice but to yield over his dominance. In a rumour, one of his students has severely beaten up after attempting to excuse, and we’re not gonna try for a second. (Pritt) Nineteen-minutes later, we’re all ready and set for the outbound session we have. It’s more into character building if Mr. Bagus settled up this way, you know, but nobody goes to protest on his pressure. On the other way around, the other teachers has just awaken other class’ students from their bed. It’s one hour later and we’re all been here already before them. For us? we have to wait for one other hour, now with three times running around the field before the other class formed a line to the speech.  “Now, as the principal had stated, we’re having a 10-person outbound. There are paintballs, bungee jumping, sky-bridge, and a flying fox. For the group...” He shared a small bit of paper to all students. As he finished, He continues with a bit of smile on his face,  ”We’re having a cross-classroom activity today, so please open your paper now.” 
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