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Bima has been fleeing away from us for 20 minutes straight. We still have to make another set of scribble for the next-day presentation, and he’s out of our sight for awhile now. It's obviously because of my order, so I could make a move to Tifanny a bit better on this day. On the other way around, Amanda would not laying her hands upon us, that’s what I would estimate from this assignment and how hard we have to work on it. We are just happened to be in a group together, accidentally mingled up for finishing our work, and having to co-op for the entire time of the trip. So no playing around for this one, right? (wink wink) On top of that, She also has her own business to complete. I saw her doing notes back before, forgetting about me who’s been only a meter off her at the same time. Amanda’s casual day of bugging me with her eyes is on halt for awhile. Kind of lonely for me, but comforting to my throbbing-heart as much. The two of them won’t have a clash, and my life will be spared for good. ‘Are you really sure it would be the “end” for you ,Yuda? The thread would not be complete until you’ve entered your death scenario, anyway, so make haste on whichever path you have chosen.’ Yeah, I figured, so please watch me down there, daddy. (Puk-Puk) “Hey, have you take note on these two? She’s speaking too fast.” She muttered to my ear, tapping on her notes’ blank parts to show me on the missing point.  “I’ll cover it with my tape. Don’t worry.” “Really? You have one? Amazing!” She said in return, clicking the tip of her ball-point repeatedly,” We’ll ace the presentation with these much data, you know.” “Yeah, maybe..” “Maybe what?” “Nuh-uh, nothing.” I quickly tapped to the hole I've made in a blitz. I’m so lucky she’s not asking of why I have this, and I don’t wish her to realize that. ‘Why, Yuda? I know you’ve saved money to purchase-‘ For our investigation, God-Pretender, duh. --- We’re finally reaching the peak of warfare's modern technology after walking around twice across the rainbow of the oldies. at last, thirty minutes of intense paper-writing and I’m feeling the flow of rest coming down to my vein.  Hm? I’ve somewhat feeling an intense pressure from the corner, but I don’t really know who’s stalking me from the back. As for Amanda... Hm, she’s out there somewhere. Is her eyes follows me out again? “Hey, Yuda, I wanna see the shackles downstairs! You must escort me there, okay?!” “err...” “No ripping-off the deal. You’re here until I satisfied, Capische!?” Ugh, the rock has coming to the stage. Might be awkward to think of why she’s so into the torture in some ways. --- Ah, Tifanny pulls my shirt again to seeing collections of pins and bars for binding hostages in the past. For now, We’re currently having 30-minutes tour break to take a look on the exhibition on our own before returning back home, and we’re checking the truth of the prisoner’s fate below the museum. What a wonderful second-date ever. (Dub-dub-dub) ‘I can feel your heart shaken. What’s wrong, Yuda? Is the prison scary enough for you?’ No, God-Pretender, I’m not fearing off the dark shadow of the prison, but my heart’s nearly exploding from how we’re looking like a couple. It’s beating so hard, it shrinks down because of the pressure. She’s not really mind on us doing all of these in pairs, anyway, dragging me around like a boyfriend from the beginning of our game. In a fluke, I’ve always been prepared to have something like this. Just a day before, I had researched on the topic of “how to look tough for speed-dating” as the main dish for an article. The bad-boy vibe is slowly blending in to my life, after all, with all of the girls I’ve interacted with. Nia Cassandra, Amanda Suyono and Tifanny Leona, the three of my life’s most outstanding girls has laid an interest upon me. A free cash from Nia’s father burdened the stakes a bit high for me to have her in the end, while Amanda’s stare putting me into stress of replying her love. And now, Tifanny’s two hot big juggs is not minding her “whoopsie” business to my elbow at all. (Boops-Boops) “Look at those prison bars, Yuda! It’s cute.” She cried in enjoyment, all while bashing the truck pillows against my arms,” And look at those racks! A mine of inspiration is here, before us, Yuda.” Yeah, yeah, kind of spacing out a bit by those ‘fantastic two’ of you more this time around. We’re now venturing to the second floor downstairs. As soon as we arrive, many forms of brutality from our colonist against the local heroes of the town were left bare for us to touch. Loads of gadgets for torment displayed just to remind people of how cruel people could ever be. For the starting device is a pillory, a pair of wooden block that has holes for hands and heads to enter into. It was meant to make fun of the offenders and showed the public of the fault the person has done. (Scribble-scribble) “What are you writing?” I asked. She doesn’t answer, still laying her curiosity to the pillory and its antique view. (scribble-scribble) Ah, she’s drawing the planks for the notes. Why’s there a naked man under the wood? “Ahem, this man is for a slightly-erotic scene. Who knows if my reader actually like to have a submissive man on the board?” Oh well, here comes her troublesome fantasy. To add more for the spice, I’m picking up a weird-looking iron-ish tool from the shelf,“ It’s like something familiar to me, have you seen this?” I uttered, clasping the crane-looking tool on my hand a few times. “Hahahaha! This is for the a-hole. It would be expanded just to make you scream.” She barked in such a tone,” Look, if you insert it to the-“ “Don’t need details. Ever, please.” “If you say so, baby. I’ll just put it on my list.” Here she goes, drawing things like this to the board once more. I’m more like a spectator to her madness, it seems. Who would dare to learn that an erotic scenario from their paid books were made from a cold-feet fantasy of 12 year-olds? As I have read from the atmosphere, she’s gotten more happy for the many findings we have. Ugh, this woman is one of my weirdest interest I’ve been working on so far, but I’ve longed to put a ring on her fingers, too. What’s on your mind, God-pretender? Any hiccups? ‘Nope. It’s all yours.’ Well, then, I’ll choose to progress. Thank you. “Hey, Have you noticed, Yuda? Where the heck’s Bima?” She finally does the homework for us. I’ve been wondering of that one for some time now as much as you do.... (tap-tap-tap) Huh? Someone’s following us. When I supposed that we’re off-limits, there’s somebody who’s learning of our location. “Quick, hide!” I pulled her away from the light. She’s abiding my command and sticking close to me for the escape. Hmmm.. where should we..... ah, the empty iron maiden might be a good place. (krieek) The management of this museum has stripped the sharp nails off the inside. There’s no lock, as much, because a crazy person would actually try to replay the horrific scene of the torture device with themselves as the victim. And we’re the next-in-line to be the lab-rat of the trap. “Ugh, so cramped up in here.” I whispered, speaking to Tifanny in low and dimmed voice. We’re tying our bodies upon each other, since there’s no other space for us to wriggle into otherwise. I can smell her perfume now, thanks to how our front-side of the body collide. My cold-nectar, namely a cool one for sweat in my opinion, has also flowing down my thigh for the pressure of her bags. Yes. Damn, why she’s so quiet, though? “Did you say Yuda and Tifanny are here? where’re they?” A crisp voice of a woman is just a click-away to the entrance of our hidden points. From my direct experience with certain female, she’s the one I’ve known so well. Amanda Suyono has closing in to mess around against our will. And for the others... “They told me that, but I’ve no other information to speak for you, Amanda. They could be out there, now.” The man answered. Ah, it’s definitely Bima. That’s why he never regrouped with us in the last hour of the tour. I had him to fix half of our time, yet he snitched on us and sold us out to the devil in exchange. “Ugh..” Tifanny’s suddenly moans. “Something hurt, Tifanny? If so, please hold it for-“ “No, it’s nothing of me.” What is that? A code, or truly speaking of the meaning word per word? (Tap-tap-tap) “We’ll be waiting for them upstairs. You have to inform me if they’re approaching you, okay?!” “Yes, ma’am.” the slightly-shrieking voice of a teenager answered. I can sense a guilt on Bima's way to speak, since it suddenly shallowed in the tail of his reply.  “....” Tifanny’s shutting her eyes, with no reason for me to comply. “Hey, we better go for now.” “Argh!” Why’s so wet down my waist? My sweat must be leaking out... “Sorry, got a wee bit of a mess down my legs.” She finally returned to the real world. I don’t know what she’s talking about, but there’s no time to argue about it. (krieek) Alright, they’re getting out of here. We have to be aware of our surroundings, or else the snitch might be informing of us again. Two stairs from here, we can sneak away from them by moving to the north-eastern gateway. They wouldn’t be so cautious to carry themselves together on guarding both, would they? (tip-toe, tip-toe) Tifanny and I have to slow down once we entered the surface of the museum. The north-eastern gateway and the south-western one are the remaining paths for us to get out. Prison’s door on the left is opened slightly, fitting for the two of us to plant a decoy if they’re actually fixing themselves to either of those exit. “I have an idea. Follow me, Tifanny.” She’s obeying my order without asking of the reason. For this one to run as perfect as my imagination was, I have to carry something heavy to the play. Yes, the clamping device is my first-choice to do this, and I snatched it for the run for the time being. (Krieek) The rusty door of this prison is quite immovable, but still a clean-match to either of us to make a way in. The damp air has filling our lungs, making a short-movie of the past in our mind as soon as I ordered her to crouch within the corner-side of the prison with me. (Clang!Clang!) Gotcha! Landed safely to the stairs and falling down in some ways.  “What’s that? I’ve heard something, Amanda!” Bima yelled at once, hearing of the loud noise from inside. Yes, as expected, the two intruders immediately barged in and flying down the stairs. (tap-tap-tap) Yup, they reached the second. Time to slip away... “Come on!” I tugged her hand across the corridor, leaving the scene before anyone witnessing our visit to the forbidden palace. Luckily, no one’s actually out there. We’re safe and sound to the bottom of our beating-heart., 
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