The Lycan Pups

1972 Words
*Amila* It's been a year since everything has happened. I work under the Moon Goddess as one of her servants. Apparently, there are more like me out there, but we serve all different for a purpose. My appearance has also changed that year, my hair turned white with pale eyes. And to go with it a crescent moon on my forehead, where the Moon Goddess had kissed me. With the kiss come more changes. I can summon shadow like wolves to my side. I thought my wolf would become stronger, but since the day I left SilverStone, I won't felt my wolf at all. I am the one that protects the oldest packs out there, making sure no one hurts the Alpha leading the land and protect all the wolves that live on that land. But at the moment the Moon Goddess has sent to look for some pups. These pups are a new breed the Moon Goddess is working on. There are supposed to be faster and stronger than a normal werewolf, but the main reason for them to be here is to help with the increasing numbers of rejected mates. More and more mates are being rejected over the last centuries. She made the Lycans so they can pick their own mates. The first two Lycans were born about eight years ago. A long time for her not to send someone to look for and protect them. But she was waiting for me. She once me to be that one to look after them. I have searched every pack except for SilverStone. That pack is the last one I need to check. I've been holding off on going for obvious reasons, but I need to face it and look. Those pups are my top priority. Plus I don't think they recognize me with changes I went under that faith day. But walking through the border was going to be difficult. This pack is known for its rouge attacks. I need to find an open space where they can see me easily, once they do, I should be able to roam around the pack freely, I hope. The Moon Goddess told me the pups should have already shifted. Normal at the age of sixteen is when you shift. But to tell the difference between a werewolf and a lycan, lycans need to shift at an early age so as they grow up and their wolves get more powerful, it won't hit them like a truck. I was halted to a stop when I hear growling. Turning around I notice a wolf behind, and by his size, I could tell they were a werewolf. I turned to face the werewolf completely. The wolf stopped in its tracks when I did, be it didn't stop for long. That was when the smell hit me, a rouge. I started to hum, two wolves appeared at my side. They were pitch black with red eyes. The rouge moved back to where it was blocked by trees, I quickly sent my wolves towards the rouge. But I stopped them when a group of werewolves blocked the way to the rouge. Three of those werewolves were in human form. "How dare you try and hurt our future Luna-" They stop talking when they saw me. Quickly they all bowed. "Future Luna?" "Yes, servant of the Moon Goddess, The Alpha had picked her after his son rejected his mate. But the Future Alpha refuses to accept her." "I see. Take me to your Alpha, I need to speak with him." They quickly nodded their heads and showed me the way. It's not like I needed to be shown the way, but is better to lay low while I'm here. The rouge from before was now in front of. I could tell she was looking me up and down.  For a moment I saw a sparkle and her eyes, but that quickly disappeared me. She then ran away somewhere. I expected to see some of the werewolves behind me to follow her. but they didn't. It didn't take us long to reach the Alpha, but instead of going to his office, they took me to his house. As I walked through the door, memories flooded in. I quickly suppressed them. They led me to a room off to the left, they opened the door and I went inside. The room was nice but there were no windows, which made me on high alert. The people from before closed the door, leaving me to be alone.  I stayed in that room for about 20 minutes, I was growing frustrated. I was about ready to walk out that door when they walked in. The Alpha, The Luna, Future Alpha, The Beta, The female Beta, and a girl I've never seen before. The Alpha looked angry until he saw me, then he grew scared. "Servant of the Moon Goddess, what can I do for you?" I just looked at them. I see they didn't change, The alpha still thought he was better than everyone. "The Moon Goddess sent me looking for two important pups. they should be around the age of eight and should have already shifted." The Alpha's eyes grow cold for a second but then went back to normal. "I'm sorry. but we don't have any pups like that." His eyes dilated. He was lying. "If you lie to me, you lying to the Moon Goddess." I stepped forwards humming, a group of shadow wolves surrounded them in the room. Soon they were backed into a corner. I hummed even louder, signaling for the wolves to attack. "They're here!" yelled the Alpha I stopped humming and smiled at the Alpha "See that wasn't so Har-" "Amila?" I looked to the Bate family with wide eyes. "It's you right, Amila? We could never forget that smile." The shadow wolves for growling at them, I just sighed. "I was hoping I would be able to get out of here without any of you knowing who I am." They all had wide eyes, staring at me. But the Alpha just had to open his mouth. "Amila? What happens to you? How did you become a servant of the Moon Goddess?" I just rolled my eyes. "You said they are here. Where." "Amila, I am an Alpha you will answer me!" I started humming again, but this time the wolves went on the attack. The wolves a token down the Luna. They have her at all limbs and one at her neck. "The next time I hum, you can kiss your Luna goodbye." They looked at me shocked. The Beta female was shaking with fear, along with the girl I never met. "They're in the prison!" yelled the Alpha "The Prison! You put children of the Moon Goddess in the prison!" The wolves that had the Luna pinned now had the Alpha pinned.  "Everyone in this room, except for the Alpha, will show where the pups are." They quickly left the room, which left me with the Alpha. "I will tell your sins to the Moon Goddess. She'll be the one to decide your fate." I whistled and the wolves followed me. Once out of the room, the rest of the people showed me the way. I've never been down to the prison before, but I didn't think there be eight-year-old kids down there. "What will happen to my father?" asked Jay "That is for the Moon Goddess to decide." "What will you do with the pups?" "I'll take them home with me. The Moon Goddess wishes for me to be the one to take care of them." "You have a home?" asked The Beta I glared him down, making him feel small. "Yes, it was a gift from the table of Alphas. A thank you for protecting them and their people." "The Table of Alphas! That's the order filled with the oldest packs!" "I know, for I help protect their lands," I said In a cold voice I was getting tired of the questions they were flying at me. But the one that stayed quiet was the girl. We finally made it to the prison, they were all about to go in when I thought of something different. "You, the girl whose name I don't know." She looked at me with wide eyes, shaking a little. "My name is Claire. Servant of the Moon Goddess" "Do you know where the pups are?" She nodded her head. "Than you'll be the one to take me there." She nodded and led the way. I notice small bruises on her arm. So I started asking her questions "What brought you to this pack?" "The alpha. I was a peace offering." I nodded my head. I guess that is still a thing today. "What with the bruises on your arms." she stopped. She looked down, not wanting me to meet her gaze. "The alpha. He blames for his son not wanting me and hits me for it, but I have a mate, and I'm faithful to him a lone." I looked at her and smiled. I guess their still hope in the werewolf world. "What pack are you from?" "The DarkWood Pack. I wish to go back there an =d see my mate, but I know that won't happen." "Don't be too sure. I'll take you with me and help you find your mate." "Realy! But why?" "I'm the servant of the Moon Goddess. If I were to not help you, she'll be disappointed in me." "Thank you," said Claire smiling kindly at me "That where that pups are," she said Pointing to a cell. Walking over to the cell, I saw two small bodies, smaller than they needed to be. They were asleep, holding each other close, they were shaking. I frowned at the sight of them. Why would they do this to them? Claire handed me the key to the cell. Once unlocked I picked them up. They were where freezing. I hummed and the shadow wolves were by my side. I put each one on a wolf. This should keep them a little warmer. Walking out of the prison, I saw the Alpha was now with The Beta's, Luna, and The future Alpha. I glared him down, he backed away. "You disgust me. Claire will be coming with you as well." "You can't do that! She belongs to my Son!" "She belongs to someone else! Not your Son! She has a mate, and in case you have forgotten, mates are a blessing for the Moon Goddess. You only get one mate." I took Claire's hand and led her off the pack land. Jay was calling out to me "Amila wait! I have something to say!" I stopped and looked at him. "You right, mates are blessing from the Moon Goddess, and you'll only get one." "Get to the point" I said "Will you take me back as your mate?" I laughed, hard. This man rejected me for no real good reason, and now he's asking me back?  "No. Maybe you should think and use your head before rejecting someone." I grabbed Claire's hand again, but this time making off the pack land. "You said you have a home right?" "Yes." "Where?" "In the middle of the oldest packs. It's easier that way. Now were you willing given up or were you forcibly given up?" "Forced. My Mom and Dad didn't want to, but they would have killed everyone in the pack. So I volunteered. I didn't want my people to get hurt." I nodded my head. "First I'll get these two back to my home. You'll stay the night and in the morning I'll get you back to your pack" "Thank you." I just stayed quiet. Things after this go to change a lot. 

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