14. Unexpected Guest

1656 Words
Baffled, Bella dragged a stool across the counter and sat on it, staring intently at Iris. An expression of disbelief was sitting on her face, as if she had heard the most preposterous thing on earth. She does not want to and will not believe that Iris and Hunter could never be a thing. Moreover, she refused to give up on the idea of pairing her best friend with a hunk and a capable man like Hunter Kingston. Truthfully, she thought that Iris would only be happy with a person who knows her like the back of his palm – someone who was able to learn and appreciate her beauty and embrace her flaws at the same time. In Isabella’s eyes, there was no better candidate than a childhood friend. And in Iris’ case, that was Hunter. Period. Feeling Bella’s inquisitive eyes, Iris felt her cheeks burn. She never liked it when the woman stared at her that way. It was like she was tossed in hot water, forced to admit something she did not do. Moreover, she did not want her best friend to pry into her inner thoughts - for she, too, was unsure what lies deep within her mind. Truth be told, Iris strongly believed that, regardless of her relationship with Hunter in her younger years, they were technically strangers now. Even though they have enough knowledge and awareness of each other’s character, it would be presumptuous to say that they have a deep understanding now. “Mom, I’m sleepy. Please wake me up later. I want to join the countdown,” Morgan’s lazy voice broke Iris’ wandering thoughts. Flustered, Iris bobbed her head in agreement and reminded, “Yes, darling. Go wash up and brush your teeth. We’ll wake you later.” “Okay. Good night.” With that, Morgan planted a kiss on the adults’ cheeks before heading back to her room. She was an independent child and had already learned to take care of her hygiene – something that made Iris’ life as a single mother easier. As the women watched the little girl retreating, Morgan looked back, blinked profusely, frowned, and said, “I’ll grow up faster so I can understand what you adults are talking about.” Iris chortled at Morgan’s frustrated look. Advancing around the hall, she reached out and gave the little girl’s head a pat on the head. “No need to rush, baby. You will understand it in time.” Defeatedly, Morgan nodded and went straight to her room, leaving Iris under Bella’s questioning. “So?” Bella prodded. “I’ll invite him for dinner.” “That’s it?” “What else do you expect me to do?” she asked grimly, grabbing the telephone on the wall. Bella rolled her eyes as she sprinkled grated cheese over the lasagna. After hours of staying in the kitchen, they were only waiting for the roasted turkey to be done. She gathered the utensils and kitchen wares they used and started washing them over the sink. “Tell me honestly Irised Turner, you never had any plans to call him if I did not bother you, wouldn’t you?” Iris winced in guilt. “Look, listen to me Isabella Jane Matthews, I know what is going on in that head of yours. Just give it up. Hunter and I may have shared good memories back when we were younger, but that was all in the past. We haven’t seen each other for almost a decade. We are two different people from whom we used to be.” Bella arched her brow, looking completely unconvinced. “Why do I hear a tinge of fear in your tone?” Gripping the telephone, Iris grabbed the phone directory and scoffed. “You’re just imagining things.” “I am not. I know you well enough, Iris. I know that you are afraid that Hunter will turn out to be someone who will not be able to accept who you are now – you in the present. You are scared to get in touch with the person who has seen you in all beautiful light when you were young and innocent. You may not want to admit it, but you want to preserve that image in Hunter’s mind. After all, he’s one of the few people whom you allow yourself to get close with.” Choking, Iris’ expression turned sullen. What the heck is wrong with Isabella tonight? She did not have to point out the obvious! Not wanting to drag the subject, Iris bit her tongue. She had no words to counter Bella because, deep down, she knew it was true. She was indeed scared and embarrassed. For the first time, she worried about what someone would think of her after the mess her life had become. And it was all because of Hunter – a man she holds dearly in her heart. “I-I just thought that he did not mean it when he said he wanted to catch up. So, I’ve been… contemplating if it’s okay to invite him over.” “Oh, shut up. Walford may have a lot of petty people, but I don’t believe Hunter Kingston would be one. What if he meant it and was just waiting for your call? What if he, too, just like you, was thinking the same? Are you going to let a person in the middle of mourning take the first step?” Gobsmacked, Iris shrugged. “Well, that would be wonderful. It would be great to get in touch with him again.” “Really? You think so, too?” “Of course. We’re like family, after all.” “Geez! Stop getting my hopes up, Iris!” Bella sneered, turning around to continue with her chore, not wanting to hear her best friend’s trivial reasoning anymore. Iris opened her mouth to change the subject of their exchange when her attention was caught by the rumbling sound of an engine outside. Confused, Bella shot her a look and then shrugged innocently. “It’s not me. Me, coming here today, was unplanned. I did not have the time to invite someone over. And I know you don’t like people barging.” Iris’ face crumpled. “But I am not expecting anyone.” Quietly, she briskly walked toward the cupboard where her father stored an old shotgun that she had kept in pristine condition over the years. In Walford, there were a few families who were given licenses to keep firearms in their household as a form of security and self-defense and the Turners happened to be one of them – thanks to her father’s wide network of friends. The last time Iris heard a gunshot was when she was eighteen and she did not even want to recall why her father fired it. It was an ugly memory. “Ughh. I don’t think we need that now, Iris,” Bella pointed, scowling at the weapon in her best friend’s arms. She was not the softest kind of girl, but she was a league below Iris’ guts. “Who knows? Two women, one child versus an unknown guest. What are the odds?” Looking out the window, Iris watched the silhouette of a pick-up truck pulling over in front of the bungalow. When a tall figure came out of the driver’s seat, she did a quick check to see if the g*n was loaded. On the other hand, Bella could feel her a*s sweating as she frowned, following Iris, then stopped by Morgan’s door. She knew Iris would not think twice about pulling the trigger if they were in any kind of trouble. Iris carried the shotgun with one hand and turned the knob with another after standing quietly for three seconds behind the main door. Quickly, she held it in position when the door swung open, but she was stunned when the dim lights coming from the living room revealed the familiar face of their guest. “What the hell, Iris?” It was Hunter. Both his hands were in the air, declaring innocence. The shock on his face immediately disappeared as a playful smirk tugged the corner of his lips. There was a glint of helplessness in his eyes as he eyed the shotgun in Iris’ hands. “I mean no harm, Ms Turner. Please don’t shoot me,” he spoke calmly in a low voice. “s**t! It’s just you!” Iris breathed in relief and pulled the g*n down, wondering why the man was in front of her doorstep. She hasn’t called him yet. Hunter chuckled heartily and, for a moment there, Iris found herself lost in his deep hazel eyes. The smugness on his face was evident as his mouth curled into a genuine smile. She pinched herself and blinked a few times to make sure that her eyes weren’t lying to her. The man was indeed cackling happily as if he had heard the funniest joke of the century. “Why? Were you expecting someone else?” She winced, feeling a wave of heat crawling on her cheeks, glancing at her shotgun embarrassingly. “I wouldn’t be pointing this at you if I was.” Turning on her heels, Iris motioned him to enter her humble abode. She was afraid that he’d catch her ogling him as he looked effortlessly gorgeous in his black leather jacket, dark jeans, and boots. His brushed-up dark hair gave him a suave appearance that tickled her insides. She thought that if someone claimed he was a renowned international actor, she wouldn’t dare argue. For Iris, Hunter was not only beautifully gorgeous but sinfully hot as well. And for the first time in a long time, her heart – the organ she thought was already dead – had started to race hard against her chest. What the heck? Why am I suddenly acting like an abashed teenager?
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