12. The Trial Agreement

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Staring at Mr Lionel’s expression, Hunter thought that the lawyer would think that he was insane and ungrateful for declining the massive inheritance. But there was not a trace of astonishment in his eyes. But you applied for an office job in Sommerbank, said a mocking voice in his mind, reminding him of the pitiful job interview. Hunter sighed. He was glad that reality slapped him hard, pulling his senses away from the shitty nightmare he had put himself in. He had not been himself for the last three years. Now that he was back to his roots, his hometown, he remembered who he was. He recalled the things he wanted and what mattered. “Your father has already told me about this. But he had pointed out in his will that the business must stay in your hands,” Mr Lionel spoke, his mouth arched in amusement. “I am sorry but I am not interested in his business.” The old man sighed and took another stapled document and pushed it in his direction. “What is this?” Hunter asked curiously. “Your father anticipated this kind of response from you. So, he made me draw up this agreement between you two.” Raising a brow, Hunter browsed the papers. With trembling hands, he couldn’t find the proper reaction upon reading the words. His father was prepared to leave him for the afterlife and had a foolproof arrangement. All he needed to do was dance to his tune! Just how far up ahead his old man has planned? “Can I ask you something?” he prompted, making the lawyer’s brows furrow. “Anything, son?” “How long have you known my dad?” Hunter knew it was a sudden inquiry. He, too, was appalled by it. But since Mr Lionel refers to his father by his first name, he thought that they were close and had a good relationship. He was unsure if he was intrigued by the person in front of him or if he wanted to hear stories about his dad. “Maybe twenty? Thirty years?” He nodded. “That is very long. I am not surprised.” The lawyer chuckled. “We have been friends since we were attending college and have stayed in contact all these years. We'd usually go out for a meal whenever he needed my services. Your father was a good business partner and comrade. He was a good sport, too.” Yes, that was about right. Old Mr Kingston was the kind of man who kept his friends close. Hunter may not have said anything about it before, but he admired how his father was able to build strong connections with people. This was something he never had in him. He had poor social skills. He liked doing things on his own because he was confident in his abilities. It was one of the many things people did not like about him. Even as a teenager, Iris always thought he was too cocky. Iris… Taken aback at his sudden recollection of the woman, Hunter blinked hard to focus on the issue at hand. He made a mental note to drop by her place later that day. “So, this document is a trial agreement,” Mr Lionel spoke again, pulling his senses back. He stared at Hunter under his eyeglasses before proceeding, making sure he got the latter’s attention. “Your father knew you too well, Hunter. He was a hundred and one percent sure that you would decline your inheritance and the responsibility of running his business. But this was his legacy. He built his business to give you a good life and he wanted you to continue what he had started that helped a lot of citizens in Walford.” “But I am no businessman like he was…” “Your father was just like you before he started this business. And he wants you to give it a shot. He believes in you. This agreement will be between you and him. The papers were signed by him.” He snorted before letting out a grin escape his mouth. “That old fart has always been so thorough.” Mr Lionel chuckled. “That, I have to agree with you. I had to draft these papers five times for him to be completely content. We both know how stubborn Alex was...” “Yeah, it was something I got from him. And I’m not very proud of it.” With his statement, chuckles echoed along the walls of the room. Hunter reached out for the fountain pen and signed the papers, acquiescing to his father’s final wishes. Agreeing to the trial agreement was the last favor he could give his dad. It did not mean he was accepting the inheritance. But at least, he could try and learn how to run the business. He could not let his old man down now, could he? He sighed, earning an inquisitive look from Mr Lionel. “This is a huge decision to make, Hunter.” “Yes, I know.” “You can contact me anytime. If, after six months, you still want to give up the company, I will be back to bring you the papers.” Mr Lionel left a copy of the documents as he kept his in his case before rising from his seat. “Remember that we are not talking about hundreds of thousands here, son. Your dad’s empire is worth billions. It’s a massive business supporting thousands of families, not only in Walford or Thayers, but throughout the country. This is all for you. I hope you pick a wise choice.” The old lawyer patted Hunter’s shoulder and he responded with a slight nod. Mr Lionel’s persuasion was right on point and was quite convincing. In fact, it would not be far-fetched if he said those were his father’s words. Ah, the old man was such a cunning businessman, pushing me into a corner like this. Hunter stared blankly at the documents when Mr Lionel took his leave. Attached to the last page of the trial agreement was a handwritten letter. You’ve got to be a man, Hunter. Bear the responsibility that was passed on to you. After all, all of these were built for your sake. Think of the well-being of the people who relied on the company all these years. Their lives depend on you now, son. Think of the legacy you would like your children to have. P.S. Name your first child after me. It was from old Mr Kingston. Hunter would recognize that penmanship anytime and anywhere. For some reason, Hunter felt like a joke. He wondered how old Mr. Kingston could still be so humorous and willful until the very end. It as if he was just chilling somewhere, watching his every move, preparing to cackle if he made another blunder. Well-played old man. Very well-played.
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