10. A Kingston Thing

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Iris started getting anxious when Hunter remained quiet for a while. She was afraid that she might have uttered something that would upset him. “You think so?” he asked, a hint of optimism in his tone. She was unsure if her ears were playing tricks on her. But when she looked straight into his hazel-brown eyes, she was prompted to think deeply about what she had said. Was there really a time in her life when goodbyes weren’t t*****e? Of course, leaving something ugly and tormenting wasn’t that bad at all! She bit her lip as the tiny voice of her conviction resounded in her mind. True enough. Bidding farewell to her ex-husband and the failed marriage was the best thing she did for herself. “Yes,” Iris affirmed with a nod, then added, “We might not see it when we’re heartbroken. But once you move past it, you’ll see the bright side.” She wanted to comfort him even just a little. But she was not telling him empty words. Everything she had said came from the bottom of her heart and was based on her personal experiences. A few seconds later, she noticed Hunter staring at her with amusement in his eyes while his lips curled into a meaningful smirk. “I’ll take your word on that…” he murmured, his hands landing on top of the black casket. Iris pursed her lips, feeling a thorn stuck in her throat. The scene of a haggard Hunter, smiling sorrowfully in front of the coffin of his deceased father tore her into pieces. The two Kingston men were very dear to her – one was dead and the other grieving. She was crushed to see them like this. “Perhaps, the saying was true… that the good ones go first… leaving the rotten ones behind,” he mumbled. Hunter’s words left Iris choking as he tapped the silver edges. She was speechless. Then, he tilted his head and met her gaze. This time, his eyes expressed an inexplicable amount of grief and guilt. Gently, she reached out and squeezed his arm, hoping that the gesture would reassure him that he was not alone – and what he was feeling was normal. In silence, Iris uttered a prayer, wishing… hoping… that those who have passed have gone to a better place – away from the nasty and materialistic world. It’s normal if you want to cry – these were the words that she wanted to tell Hunter. But it refused to leave her mouth. Deep inside, she knew that her old friend was holding on to what his father had taught him – to be a man. So, he did. Hunter was a man of his words and actions. And that made him a very outstanding one. She was confident that he would endure and stand strong and proud amidst this calamity. Iris sighed. “Everything will be fine, Hunter. This will pass. Pops is in a better place now.” He chuckled softly, giving her goosebumps. “He better be…” She spent a few more moments of silence with Old Mr Kingston while Hunter stood next to her. She thanked him for being such a good godfather and apologized for being unfilial. She uttered a silent promise to remember the old man and continue to be good friends with Hunter. Furthermore, she promised she would try to mend the broken links between their families. Fifteen minutes later, Iris greeted and chatted a little with the mourners while Hunter remained quiet after shaking hands with a few. From time to time, she would nudge him on the side to prompt him of his duties. She found her friend’s somber figure akin to a lost and abandoned child – lonesome and helpless. At lunchtime, Hunter pulled Iris to a corner as Froy took their place to acknowledge the guests. She did not know the latter personally, but she knew that he used to be Old Mr Kingston’s beneficiary and assistant. So, she smiled politely and allowed herself to be dragged away. “Thank you for coming, little girl,” Hunter whispered gratefully as they took their plates from the counter. Food was provided as a buffet. All kinds of dishes and delicacies that were usually served on special occasions were present. One look at that spread, she could tell that it was from an expensive restaurant. It was more like a feast than a funeral because of the extravagance. There was even a cocktail tree that was very eye-catching. “This…” Iris could not help but grin at the sight of the chocolate fountain. “Well, it seems like he wanted to go with a bang,” Hunter grumbled, wincing. She looked around and scanned the entire place, only to realize that not a single trace of loneliness could be found in the decorations. As if having a light bulb moment, Iris gasped and shook her head, chuckling to herself. It seemed like her godfather had been planning his farewell party while waiting for his doom! It was indeed something old Mr Kingston would do. After all, he was a man who loved parties and lively atmospheres. Iris thought she wouldn’t be surprised if a musical ensemble were present when night fell. They brought their full plates to an inconspicuous corner where Bella and Morgan had settled behind a round table. The two were chatting happily as they indulged themselves with the appetizing food. “I appreciate you coming here, Irised,” Hunter spoke again, placing a glass of orange juice infront of her. “Don’t mention it. Your dad has been so good to me. He was like my father, too.” Hunter laughed softly. “Yeah. I remember he used to say that he wished you were his daughter whenever you’d beat me in a race.” Iris smiled as warmth enveloped her heart. She realized that it was the most flattering thing she had ever heard in her entire life. Indeed, one would only understand sincerity in words when the speaker was gone for good. “Duh! I’m like his dream child. He would have traded you for me, you know.” Hunter paused and arched a brow then broke into a defeated smile and said, “Every single time.” This time his eyes twinkled, too. Iris clicked her tongue and they burst into a fit of soft laughter. She stole another glance at Hunter’s handsome face, feeling relieved that his expression had finally loosened up. She was glad that she was able to help lighten up his mood. They enjoyed their meal in silence as if there was a mutual understanding that talking was prohibited – which Bella miraculously understood. Unfortunately, Morgan was not on the same page. “Oh, sh*t!” cried the little girl, disturbing the peaceful atmosphere with the cacophony of breaking glass that echoed within the walls of the chapel. Iris froze in her seat as her spoon hovered near her ajar lips. Placing the cutlery back on her plate, she watched her daughter cover her mouth with her little hands. Clenching her jaws, she lowered her head and shot Morgan a warning glare. Bella let out a snort, stifling a laugh. In contrast to her, Hunter was unable to contain himself and guffawed. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it,” Morgan muttered pleadingly, her cheeks turning a shade of red. Then, she looked around and found that everybody was staring at her with judgment in their eyes. Shrinking in her seat, she bowed her head pitifully. “It’s fine. Don’t be scared. It’s just a glass,” Hunter responded with a smile – a much-needed smile – as a spark of delight registered in his beautiful eyes. Retracting his gaze, Hunter signaled for the staff to clean up the mess, eyeing Iris implicitly. She coughed. She was aware of what those looks meant. Scowling, she questioned, “What?” “Like mother, like daughter. Rash and rugged.” “Oh, please.” Rolling her eyes, she looked at Morgan and mouthed ‘We’ll talk later.’ The little girl remainedd silent the whole time as Bella enjoyed the situation like an audience in the front row watching a drama unfold. When Hunter finished his food, he got up and excused himself. He had to face business partners and acquaintances. Iris knew the next few days would be hectic for him. So, she did not try to occupy more of his time. “No problem. We’ll be leaving in a few.” “Thanks again.” “Stop being so formal. What are friends for?” Hunter paused, nodded, then said, “You have a lot of stories to tell me. Let’s catch up some other time. You have yet to introduce your husband.” Stunned, Iris blinked a few times to keep her composure. She never liked it whenever someone asked her about her marriage or ex-husband. In fact, she didn’t want to talk about that part of her life. It was a part of her past that she wished to forget entirely. But of course, Hunter did not have the faintest idea about that. So, all she could do was bob her head in agreement. “Go,” she nudged, waving at him. Staring at Hunter’s receding figure, Iris was pleased to see that he did not look as depressed when they arrived. She had no idea that it was all because of her and her daughter. “He is very nice,” Morgan purred. “And handsome,” Bella chirped. She chuckled. “Indeed. It’s a Kingston thing.” All of Walford would talk about them this way – nice, honest, rich, handsome, and good-natured. In fact, aside from being a little arrogant and cold, Iris could not find any other flaws in Hunter’s character. This was the reason why a lot of ladies fell for him. He was a smart and capable man with an outstanding background to boot. “I like him!” Morgan exclaimed excitedly. Iris’ forehead crumpled at the expression on her daughter’s small pretty face. Morgan’s eyes twinkled as if she had found something interesting and precious. Did Hunter have such a charm to even sweep her daughter off her feet, too? “What do you like about him?” “He’s so good-looking and he treats you nicely! He’s nice and patient with me too! Hehe!” She hooked her lips into a smirk. “Don’t be deceived by his looks. He can be mean sometimes.” On the other hand, Iris was not going to let the prior incident slip through her memory without reprimanding the little one. Stretching her hand, she reached out and pushed the errant locks away from the little girl’s face. Then, she pressed a finger on Morgan’s lips and lectured, “Watch your mouth, Morgan Turner. Swearing is not good. It will be a big problem if it becomes a habit. A lady does not use foul language.” “Y-Yes. Of course, Mommy. I-I will.” “Good. I’m watching you.” They got up from their seats and sneaked to the exit of the chapel. She took one last scan of the room and found Hunter’s familiar figure. When their eyes locked, she slightly tilted her head and gestured to leave. They were no VIPs. So, they left without making a scene. “How about you, Iris? Do you like him?” Bella blurted the moment she buckled her seatbelt. Slamming the door of the driver’s seat shut, Iris c****d a brow and glanced at Bella boringly. “Who?” “Who else? Hunter Kingston, of course!” “What are you saying? Of course, I do. He’s like a brother to me. We’ve known each other since we were young.” “That’s it?” Bella prodded teasingly. “Oh, stop it, woman. I honestly don’t understand what is going on in that mind of yours.” As she drove away, Iris made a mental note to take some time to catch up with her old friend. She wanted to know what happened to Hunter these past years. When was the last time they sat in the same room and chatted casually? Ah, it felt like an eternity. She thought it wouldn’t be so bad to have a get-together with some of the people she shared her younger years with. Maybe joining the high school reunion would be great, too! After all, it was the most memorable part of her life. Oh, well. It was not a bad idea to revisit those memories, right?
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