Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 I’ll Be Your Guide You know that feeling when you take cheat papers to an exam you didn’t well for? At first, everything seemed fine...until the Principal decided to make an appearance, and in spite of the fact that he was standing in the front of the class, about to catch you, you couldn't seem to drop the paper from your hand because you're frozen shitless. Well... that was exactly what I was feeling right now as Mr. Whitmore stood gaping at my diary. “Oh, wow! I didn't know you were a fan of Miss OG, Ms. Sanders,”he said turning the pages and reading my oh-so-difficulty collected data. I sighed in relief. Good, he hadn't figured it out yet. So I decided to play along. “Yes, Sir. I'm a really big fan of hers. Well, you know hormonal teenagers and all that...” I trailed off, laughing nervously. He frowned, thinking. I debated grabbing a hold of my diary and making a run for it. Deciding to try my luck, I snatched the diary from his hands and turned tail. But considering how my luck has been today, I had hardly taken two steps when a hand roughly grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me back. “Do you really think I'm that stupid?” And there was that annoying cocky smirk. “A little too young to be writing pornography, aren't we?” “A little too old to be f*****g high school students, aren't we?” I shot back without thinking and only realized my mistake when his expressions darkened. “I wouldn't say that if I were you Ms. Sanders. After all, you're biggest secret is in my hands.”He waved my diary in front of my face for emphasis. I gulped, my mouth suddenly getting dry. When did he get that? Then without warning, he dragged me by the elbow and went inside a random empty classroom and slammed the door shut behind us. “Now we can discuss this with some peace and quiet, don't you think so? Have a seat, Miss OG.” My penname suddenly felt like a threat. Deciding to be rational, I went and sat on a bench farthest from him. “How do you know it's me?” I tried to keep my voice neutral but the fear was clearly evident. God, if he didn’t stop, that smirk was going to be permanently plastered on that gorgeous face. And wouldn’t that be a disaster? Didn’t want to see such a fineexample of the male species go to waste now, do we? “Well, let me see...”He pretended to think while leaning back against the closed classroom door, snapping me out of my sarcastic conversation with my conscience.“Maybe it was your handwriting, since you are in myclass, or was it the signature at the beginning of the page? Ah! I got it!”He pretended to be excited, “It was the fact that half the things in there have already been published!” My mouth dropped open. “You're an OGasmer?!” And if you people were wondering what the hell an OGasmer was, then let me explain. It was what my fans call themselves. Just like 1D fans called themselves Directioners, mine were OGasmers. “Don’t call me that.”He winced. “And wipe that smile off your face. I’m a fan, true, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take this to the Principal’s office and let the school know about your little secret.” “Oh, yeah? And then what? I’m a writer, it’s not like I’m doing something wrong. And since when is writing illegal?” I finally snapped. He may be hot, but he was messing with the wrong person here! “Alright then,” he answered after some thought. “If that’s what you think, then you won’t mind if I tell everyone that we have a brand new talent in school. I’m sure everyone will be delighted to know that their favorite erotica is none other than a fellow student. I’m sure you have plenty of followers here who’d want some personal experience from the author.” I gulped. Oh, hell no! I couldn’t let that happen. People wouldn’t mind reading an erotica but if they found out I was the author? Especially horny teenage boys from my school…or worse, if my family or neighbors found out about my talent…? I didn’t even want to think about what could happen next. The thought itself made a chill run down my spine. Imphal was a small enough town, everybody knew everybody here. And ninety percent of people here were too conservative to think past the “erotica” genre of my books. I would become the topic of discussion for the entire town and not in a good way either. “What the hell do you want?” I snapped, beyond annoyed at the bastard. “Now, now. The louder you talk, the faster people know your true identity.” He raised my diary in his hand and waved it in front of his face, like this whole situation wasn’t threatening enough. “I'm not the only one here with secrets to hide, Mr. Whitmore.” I pointed out, scowling. “You've done your fair share of sleeping around. Or did you forget that you're a teacher here? That could put you behind bars.” Any s****l conduct with minors was a crime in Idaho. “Don't lecture me, dear.” That endearment felt like a declaration of war. “You don't have any proofof what I did or did not do. You, however...” I had never hated my diary more. “Then will you kindly tell me what the fu—,” I caught myself and cleared my throat as he raised an eyebrow. Then started speaking again. “What do you want then… sir?” “There! Much better. Why were you snooping around in the washroom?” he asked curiously. Completely disregarding my use of sir as an insult. I sighed. Might as well get it all out. “I have a deadline in two weeks and I still haven't gotten any inspiration on the climax scene. It's supposed to be the most mind blowing scene I’ve ever written, but I seem to have drained out every brain cell right before the deadline.“ “Ah!” He nodded and ran his hand through that gorgeous blonde hair. Damn, I was obsessed! “I got it!” I was startled out of my drooling session by him slamming his first down on a nearby desk. “I'll be your guide.” “Excuse me?” I asked incredulously. Sexy-perverted-chemistry teacher says what? “Well, since you're a virgin…” “How the hell did you know that?!” I yelled, not being able to control my shocked fury. “Oh, come on! Any girl your age would be thrilled with the idea of being famous in school. They would love the attention and lovers the fame brings, but instead, you shrink back into your chair like it’s the worst possible outcome. And you’re one of my students, I know you well enough,”he said smugly. “Stalker much?” I glared at him. But he skirted around that topic entirely. “As I was saying, since you're a virgin, you haven't experienced anything that you write about. It prevents you from going in depth with the scenes. So I'll be your guide and teach you how things are really done. In a way I’ll be helping you built a brighter future!” I wanted to scratch that smirk off his face. Who did he think he was…?Bill Gates? “And why would I give you my virginity?” I raised an eyebrow. He raised my diary again. “Right! As if that's enough.” I glared. “It's not. But think about what's going to happen when people find out who you are. They may read pornography affectionately, but the affection they'll showering you with, will be very different.”Damn it! He had a very valid point. If this got out, my life would be ruined. That was the reason why erotica writers used pen names—to protect their identity. God, what had I just gotten myself into? He simply took my lack of an answer as a yes. “Well then, student, things are about to get really crazy,” he said coming closer, using my tactic at me. No kidding.
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