Chapter 4

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Apollo I know Lisa  is not happy to be here but I  couldn't  be happier that she is here. Seeing her sleeping in our bed brought joy to me. Well I couldn't blame her for being mad at us but I have to break the news to her that time here on dragona  works differently then the human world. For every one day here it two weeks will have passed in the human realm.  I am currently watching her eat. She has pancakes and eggs on her plate and she is scarfing the food down. It is super cute watching her eat.  "Your making me uncomfortable Apollo." She said. "I'm  sorry love but you look so damn cute."  She growled at me and went back to eating.  -Flash back later the day Artimis brought Lisa to Dragona- After talking to Katherine I felt him. Artimis, He has returned.  'Where are you?' I demanded. I waited but he didn't say anything.  'Seriously Artimis I need you someone has taken Lisa.' Finally I hear him. 'I have her.' 'You took her why?' I said with anger lacing my tone. 'She is are mate and she belongs  with us.' 'Where are you taking her?' 'To the cottage 'On my way and don't  be stupid.' I felt my brother pull away. He is so stupid this will damage are relationship  with her.  -Lisa- Apollo handed me the phone.  "Katherine" I shouted through the phone.  "How are you? How are the babies? Are they treating you well?" She said.  "I've  only been here for a small amount of time but Apollo was telling me for every one day here two weeks pass for you." "No s**t. That's so weird." "Tell me how is my brother?" "He is a royal d**k. He kicked me out of the pack. I mean he doesn't remember me but still I am his mate." "What?" "Ya. The worst of it is he has been with other females. I feel it Lisa." I growled and I can hear her crying.  "I can't believe him." "Well he doesn't remember me." "But he feels the bond and he should have known you were his mate Kat. There is no excuses."  "I know." "I don't even want to talk to him." "That's up to you but he has a search party out going for you." "Don't tell him where I am. I'm so angry at him. ERR." I felt arms come around me and instantly felt at peace. I looked up and it was Apollo. I smiled at him.  "Honey don't stress to much it's not good for the babies." He whispered in my ear. I nodded.  "Kat can you tell my grandma I am ok. I'm not sure how many days will pass till Apollo can bring me home. He said he will bring me back today. Do you think Chase will let me stay there?" "I will ask him." "Thank you." "Not a problem but I will text Apollo's phone with the answer." "Thanks." And we hung up.  I felt tears coming down my face. I couldn't believe my own brother would do that to her. "Do you want to talk about it love." Apollo asked. "It's my brother he is a dick." He smirked. "Well what did he do?" "He kicked Kat out of there pack and is sleeping around. I mean he doesn't remember her but still he should feel the mate bond." "Yes he should and it doesn't excuse his behavior." I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.  "Where is Artimis?" "He left here awhile ago. I mind linked him and told him to go for a fly. Honey he is in a mood. One I have never seen before."  "Oh." "Ya nothing a good dragon fly won't take care of."  "Okay." "Do you still want to go back home?" "Ya I feel like I need to be there for Katherine and I'll have these babies much fast then being here. I feel like a whale."  He chuckled. "You are beautiful sweetheart." He kissed my head and placed his hand on my belly.  "Okay but I want to show you something first." "Okay."  He took my hand and we left the cottage. The cottage on the outside is absolutely stunning. It has two stories. The wood is dark, and not only does it have a wrap around porch but it has a upstairs balcony. The trees surrounding it bring it peace but the sky here is what makes the cottage appear to be homey. The sky is red with hints of orange, there are two suns and amazing blue clouds. It looks like I just stepped into a book.  "Do you like it?" "I love it."  He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "Then you will love this." We walked through the woods for what felt like forever but lets be honest I'm slow. At one point Apollo picked me up bridal style and we started moving much fast. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.  -Apollo- I'm taking Lisa to my favorite spot near the cottage. I've never walked there and didn't realize how far away it was since I've always flown by dragon. I felt her exhaustion through are link and decided to carry her. I picked her up and couldn't help but smile when she leaned into me and began to smell me. Wolves crave touch and smell just like dragons. I soon started to hear her snoring.  I walked for about another half hour and we were there. It is a meadow but in the distance you can see the falls of the sirens. If we are lucky a siren will bless us with there presence and sing us a wonderful song.  "Honey it's time to wake up." I said as I began to kiss her. Her eyes opened and she began to look around.  "Are we here?" "Yes." She gasped when she finally took in all the beauty of this place. "Apollo it's so beautiful here." "I know I love to come here and think. The falls our known to have sirens come and sing. If we are lucky one might show them selves to us."  She smiled at me.  I watched as she walked around the meadow smelling flowers and smiling. We laid down on the ground together and just talked. It was the perfect day and I was sad to see her go home. "Lisa our you ready to go back to the cottage for food and then I will take you home?" "I'd like that."  "I'll have to carry you."  "OK." Just as I was about to pick her up a siren began to sing. Lisa walked towards the lake and I followed her. The closer we got I noticed the sky around us got dark and Lisa was full on crying. She dashed towards the siren and before long she disappeared into the water.    
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