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The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and beautiful of them all.                                                                                                                                  - The Emperor of China HIM     I've talked with the guys and we were all able to agree that I was being an ass. I decided to apologize to Alexandria when I got home. I pulled up in front of my house walking towards the door with an apology dinner in my hands (Chinese takeaway). I saw a strange car parked in the driveway and memories of that night came rushing back. I didn't love her like I loved Kimberly but I didn't like the idea of it. AT ALL.    I took two steps and found myself in front of my house. I took a deep breath and opened the door with my own set of keys and what I saw next made me see red. My so called 'girlfriend' tangled in the arms of some guy in a blanket on my couch.  'Technically her couch since she paid for it' my inner voice taunted 'But it's under my roof' I retorted   'Well your fathers paid for the building' it said   'Oh, eff off' I responded wondering why I was answering the voice in the first instance   I entered the living room and was behind them but they were to absorbed in the movie to notice my presence but Paxton Pierre is not one to go unnoticed.    "What is this?" I said my voice cold and my face emotionless. Both of them turned to face me but the guy first paused the movie.   Alexandria was about to say something but I butted in first. "In fact, I don't give a flying s**t, I want both of you out of my house, NOW!!!!" I shouted at them.         HER   I grabbed his hand before he could go and said "But what about the contract?"   He pulled his arm away from my grasp and shouted "You know, I rather be married to a dog than to be married to you" while looking me straight in the eye.   I lone tear ran down my cheek the he laughed and said "Actually it seems I am getting married to a dog" before leaving me with tears streaming down my cheeks .   Tristan tried to comfort my but I just told him to leave that I'll be okay. After much convincing he left but I had to promise to call him everyday for a week so that he knows I'm alright.   I made a beeline for the kitchen and packed as many fruits and snacks and bottled water and soda's that I could and went to my room. There was a mini fridge and a Microwave oven in it so I kept all the drinkables and fruits in the fridge and the snacks in a cupboard and locked the door. I calmed myself down then called my immediate younger brother Xander and told him I wasn't feeling to well so he said he'll take an early leave and help me attend the meeting  i had the following for me because I was feeling under the weather.   I hated lying to people I care about but I didn't want to worry them with my issues    I had half the mind to lock myself in my room but then I remembered that Ava was still in her room and decided that it won't be fair on her. If he wants to be a butt then I'll treat him like a butt.      Game on!!!     I woke up the next morning very early 'cause Ava and I were going to look for a nice school she could go to. She was meant to be in her second year of elementary school (primary2) but the orphanage warden said she was intelligent enough to skip 2 years since their program focused on their education and she has always been a bibliophile which gave her a more expansive vocabulary than other 7year old, she wanted to skip a grade and not two though so she was going to take an exam so they could be sure that she reached the standard of their curriculum. I had my bathe and went to wake the little angel but when I got to her room she was already getting out of the shower. Such an angel. I know I wasn’t bathing myself at her age.   I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead before heading down to make breakfast. I made a plate of pancakes and whipped cream with strawberries with orange juice at the side for Ava and 2 plates of an English breakfast for Myself and Mr Grumpy pants.           As soon as I finished serving the food, Ava came down and OMG she knows how to rock it. While I was wearing black high waist jeans with a white camisole and a red, black and white checkered top and black boots she was earring a blue top with a bite skirt and a pair of sandals. She packed her hair in a ponytail, I was gonna offer to braid it for her but then decided against it.           She sat down quietly eating her breakfast and the silence was terribly deafening so I decided to break it   "Do you like your room?"   She nodded in response   "Are you ready to see your new school? I'm sure you'll make lots of friends"   She nodded again   "After school we can go and get ice cream from uncle Tristan's shop, would you like that?"   Nod again but more vigorously    I chuckled at that.   I  was enjoying my breakfast when I caught a whiff of male perfume.     Ava had finished her food and was placing her plate in the dish washer when Mr grumpy pants came down in his Armani suit.           When he saw me, his face grew colder and more emotionless even though I didn't think that  was possible. "What are you still doing here?" he said before eyeing me up and down and adding " Is that what you are wearing to work?"   I rolled my eyes and said " This is my house too and unless I have violated any of the conditions of the contract that you can prove, you have to right to send me out of this house and you remember those weekly dates we have to go on, yeah, we are going on one this evening and if you don't come expect all the newspaper headlines to say and I quote "Paxton Pierre stood up his girlfriend" and if I'm not mistaken that is a violation of the contract and all the newspaper headlines will be my proof. Now if you don't mind I'll like to go to the amusement park and pick me up at 7 sharp" I leaned in giving him a peck on the cheek before leaving to get Ava from the kitchen and before I headed out I said " And what I wear to MY company doesn't concern YOU"
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