Chapter 1 "Memories Of Past"

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This is a story of mourn, people with scattered memories, broken hearts . This is a story of a woman who returned for her " revenge ". Revenge from that cold-hearted beast who ruined her whole world who turn her beautiful life into dark, frizzy, and aimless nightmare. Who snatch her everything from her and almost kill her, but when God took mercy on someone, no one can change his or her luck. Name "Amaya " a newborn girl with new strength,, and desideratum of revenge. Her whole life turn into an extreme malevolent of vengefulness. A little sweet girl has changed her self into a cold, dark and ruthless woman. Amaya is a beautiful billionaires, a writer. She was beautiful too before, but due to some severe injuries doctors do plastic surgery to fix them. Her face is little bit changed, but she is beautiful and gorgeous like before she has a face of gorgeous actress a beautiful goddess men die for her. Her prominent sharp jawline which is broken by that incident and her cheek bones are high like models with V-shaped face her eyes are big doe like and lips are plumped her cheeks are so beautiful her face is full of gorgeousness with long thick brown hairs. Her eyes are deep blue like sea if someone stares into her eyes he can drove deep down into them, her body is perfect because of very hard workout in gym her curves are beautiful her height is about 5.4. A beautiful charming woman who rule over every man heart, but what is she hiding her fear for man and distant clearly shows a disgust for men. Why she felt so much abhorrence from men. Men want her, but they also know her arrogance and sick behavior against men, but how can a beautiful rich girl live alone without a man. No one believes this reality, but that was fact a fascinating woman like her live alone by her self with his partner which she called her brother, and best friend name Erwin Smith. In her whole world Amaya has just one and only male in her life name Erwin her best friend, and her one and only family member. One of the most illiterate person have said this," that" Everything is fair in love and war". If this statement is right, so don't you think that every crime is fair whom it is war or r**e. This statement is wrong to me, but that cruel man ruin my life this much brutally as his act make me love with this statement. God have given me new life and now he has given me strength power and cruelness. I'll destroy him as much brutally as much he did. He'll beg me to die, but death will refuse to him. His misery should be harsh and brutal as like mine. He'll feel the same pain same fire that I have felt, and surviving still now. Gold can cut gold. Iron can cut iron, so then the cruelty will cuts and debris cruelty. The fire of revenge is burning inside me, and it's getting higher and higher with every passing day. If you were not with me, I have get died. I love you Alaric. You're my life, my everything, and you'll see that baseborn bastart will get regret what he has done to you to us. Amaya said to her self while clutching her stomach. Her eyes are filled with tear. Little pearls are oozing through her eyes. She was talking to someone, but whom. Amaya has a secret she imagined a man Alaric who was her husband, but now he is dead, but she can feel him she talks to him, she can hug him she sleeps with him, the incident was alive in her eyes. She can't forget how her life her everything gets ruined she tries to combine her every scattered memory with her husband love of her life Alaric, she wants him alive true love never dies. After many years of her husband death she never tries to get close to any man don't even think about a man she always runs away from men beside she is beautiful young lady no one know about her past about her husband everybody knows her like a successful book and scriptwriter in past she was not like that she was not alone. Amaya, whom you're talking no one is here? Erwin entered her room and questioned her. I was talking to Alaric. Amaya said while wiping her tears away with her ting little hands. Amaya, don't worry we'll get your revenge from that bastard. He said, and clutches Amaya shoulders. Amaya place her one hand on his hand and said we will. Don't cry, he'll get what he deserves. What next Amaya you have worked hard, and you have made your place in world's successful writers, but what is your plan. You know Erwin. I have passed my 3 years of life in coma, and till I have learned many things nothing is left inside me, only a blaze of revenge. I was not like that I was happy I was living in a fairy tale, but now when I look back I have only remember my pain, torture, but believe me past is going to repeat his history not this time for me, but for my enemies on those people who made my life a living hell. Why always the word revenge suits a man? This word should have no boundaries, this word should be eligible for a tiny little woman. Why always man, not a woman? I want to change this concept. My culprits should be pay for what they have done. I'll snatch everything from them which belongs to them. Their family love one's everything until they beg for dying. In the past I was weak. I was like a pesky little child, but now I'm new I'm strong, mature, intelligent, but you know what the best thing is I have you. You're being the great support of my living. If you were not here with me, no one will realize that what happened to me, with my baby, my husband. Amaya, I'll always be by your sight whenever you want. Alaric has done a lot for me. I was nothing, he did everything for me, and I want my revenge too from that hell person. He killed my brother not from blood, but trust me he is my brother by heart. I know Erwin that hell person is really strong justice will always be in his side, so I decided to take my revenge from my own. Amaya showed Erwin a board where she pasted pictures of her enemies. On the last she has a picture of Erlik William brother of Elijah William owner of William groups of industries. Above there are two pictures one is Seth Rollin and second is Merck Oliver, and on top of the board there were a picture of Elijah William. When she looked at Elijah's picture, an amused smirk appears on Amaya lips. Elijah darling, I'm back. I remember you want me, so desperately, you have ruined everything to get me. See I'm here now, I'm coming to see you. Look Alaric the smile on their faces I'll snatch these smiles from their faces and the only thing they are going to do is mourn. I promise I'll ! Erwin tell me about his brother. Which kind of man he is? My dear Amaya what you gonna do with him I think he is innocent. Erwin I have heard that he loves his little brother so extremely. I want him to dead. I have nothing to do with his pesky little brother, but he loves him like his little baby. When he see his little baby's dead body, so I bet this is gonna be so painful for him. But Amaya! Erwin, please I don't like but's. I'll do just what I have said. Erwin makes a very long face, and Amaya can't bother his long face because he is the only person in his life which she cares about. Okay okay why this long face? If you're not agree so we'll make them enemies. We'll make them to stand against each other, but if this plan will not work I'll kill them both deal? Erwin long face drawn out a cute smile, he places his hand on Amaya hand and said yes deal is clear.
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