Chapter 7 - Friends Forever

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Andrea     I woke up the next morning to my side aching. Having forgotten about that rogue kicking me, I wasn't sure why I was achy. Luckily, my wolf was able to heal me most of the way, or the pain would have been so much worse.     As I looked through my clothes, I remembered the plan I had recently made with Jada to go on a run together after breakfast. With that thought in mind, I decided to keep it simple with a light purple sundress that I could easily change in and out of. The dress was cute with its different sized yellow polka dots. After that, I threw on a pair of yellow flip-flops before I headed downstairs for breakfast.     When I reached the kitchen, Jada and Anton were both already sitting at the island, eating toaster waffles. Jada smirked at me, as she pushed a separate plate of waffles to me.     I grabbed a glass and poured myself some orange juice, before I joined them to eat. It remained oddly quiet while we all ate. Jada and Anton both finished eating before me, but instead of talking, they stood against the counter while I finished my food.     As soon as I put my plate in the sink, Jada linked one of her arms with me and the other with Anton, then she started dragging us towards the back door. The second we got outside, she skipped towards the tree line with me and Anton slowly following behind her. Once she reached the tree line, she turned around and glared at us.     "Hurry up, slowpokes! I am dying to see Andrea's wolf," she begged.     Her excitement fueled my own, and I quickened my pace followed by Anton. Once we joined her at the tree line, we all went behind a different tree. I took a quick glance around to make sure there weren't any other wolves around, then pulled my dress off and shifted to my wolf as fast as I could. I had always been modest when it came to my appearance and others seeing my body.     After adjusting to my heightened senses, I returned to my group. As soon as Jada caught sight of me, I heard her say through the mind link, 'Oh my Goddess, Rea you have the most beautiful silver fur and your eyes are even more vibrant.'     Anton joined the link, "Wow little sis. I can't believe how large your wolf is. How is this even possible?' I had no explanation to give him, so I replied, 'Thanks, and I do not know, big bro, but I am ready to run free.'     With that, Anton took off in a sprint while me and Jada followed close behind him. It felt incredible, the way the wind blew through my fur as I ran as fast as my paws would take me. It was amazing how Rea controlled my wolf's movements and agilely dodged trees and jumped over logs.     After a while, I mind linked Anton and asked, 'Can we go to the meadow?'     Right away, Anton linked back 'yes' before he shifted directions and headed to our favorite place. I knew this would make Jada happy and I wanted to visit our willow tree. That is where I first shifted, adding another memory to the many others. And I wanted to show them exactly where Rea took down that disgusting rogue.     As soon as we reached the meadow, Jada let out a howl in excitement. She started playfully snapping her jaws at both of us. It didn't take long for us to join her in the fun. We chased each other around for a while longer before I decided to walk to the willow tree.     Upon walking between the willow tree's leaves, I could still faintly smell the rogue from yesterday. It was so faint, it didn't bother me at all. I was able let myself relax before I laid down on the ground. It was strange how the willow tree always made me feel more energized and rejuvenated.     A minute later, Jada and Anton joined me, each laying beside me. Anton licked my ear and snuggled his wolf closer to me. After a few seconds, Anton mind linked, 'Now I see why you two always spend so much time here. There is such a wonderful sense of peace surrounding this tree. It's so surreal.'     It was great to hear my brother say nice things about my favorite place. I had been trying to drag him out here for years, but never made it happen until now. I mind linked back, 'Brother this place is far more special than you can imagine. Right here is where I shifted yesterday. I was getting ready to leave when I got pushed back by the rogue. He kicked me real hard after I had fallen to the ground, but Rea took over and shifted before killing him on the spot.'     I had also opened the mind link up to Jada, so she could hear what I was telling Anton. As soon as I finished telling them about my first shift, Jada responded, 'Thank the Moon Goddess for Rea being a bad ass wolf!'     After a few more minutes passed, we decided to head back to the pack house. We didn't run this time, allowing me the chance to admire my fur and enhanced senses. My hearing was so clear and I could see so much farther in my wolf form. My fur, it was so pretty with its light, almost illuminating silver that shined so beautifully when the sun rays hit it.     It didn't take us long to reach the pack house, since Anton showed us a really quick shortcut through the woods. It was fantastic to have this time not just with Jada, but also with Anton.     Ever since he took the title of Beta, he was always so busy helping Alpha Damien. I had decided I wanted to start searching for my mate, so this time with my brother meant a lot to me. Now I needed to figure out how I would break this news to both of them.     Once we reached the pack house, Anton split from us to check in with Alpha Damien. Jada and I went to her room to hang out.     I hadn't uttered a word since Anton split and simply followed Jada's lead. Startling me, she grabbed one of my hands and asked, "Are you okay? You are acting so distant and it's not normal around me. What's going on?"     I knew she wouldn't let up, so I thought to myself, I might as well just spill the beans. After I inhaled a deep breath of air, I stated with determination, "I have decided that since I finally shifted, it's time for me to search for my mate. Staying there and waiting is not an option, knowing that he is out there somewhere, and I will probably never meet him if I don't go."     At first, she looked completely heartbroken at the thought of me leaving. Suddenly, she ran into her closet and grabbed a suitcase, then she threw it on her bed. Next, Jada turned around with both of her hands resting on her hips and boldly insisted, "If you are going, I am going with you. I can not let you go traveling to who knows where without anybody else. We will be best friends forever, so I'm going with you."     It was clear that there would be no changing her mind. Plus, it warmed my heart that she cared so much about me. I pulled her into a hug, trying not to let the tears of happiness fall.     After that, we talked for hours about where we should go, what we should bring, when we should leave, and lastly how to tell Anton. We couldn't come up with any good way to tell him. So I decided I would have to spill the beans to him like I did with Jada, and hope it goes as well.
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