
1497 Words
Chapter 2 - Past - Callum Looking at them from afar in the bar, no one would ever imagine the relationship that existed between those three... They appeared to be just another group of friends, or more specifically a couple and their old friend, with whom they met that day to distract themselves a little from the family routine they lived. The couple had two children at the time, two boys better saying, which one had recently turned three and the other five, and both loved to play pranks together, especially when their aunt visited them. ... And it was precisely what happened that day... The woman, who had returned from Europe a few weeks ago, had traveled to the small town where she grew up to visit her nephews after so long, thus allowing their parents to take that time off to celebrate something important that only her knew with their old friend too... The couple had just found out that they were pregnant again, and they were more than happy with the news, in a way that many wouldn't even imagine, so they didn't think twice when the opportunity arose to share it. And the man, who hadn't met them for about a month due to a business trip, clearly looked shocked to find out about it before smiling, congratulating the couple, even if it wasn't what he truly felt at his heart. ... In his hazel eyes, there were much more feelings that he would prefer never allow the couple to know, including the terrible feelings that dominated him due to that happy news, after all... He had the misfortune to know that the other man was his Mate... Yes, the young blue-eyed man who was thrilled with the fact that he would be a father again was his other half, Richard's Soulmate. ... For years, the Werewolf knew about it, and on several occasions, he thought about telling the truth to his best friend that became the owner of his heart more and more as each day went by... Yet, he found himself unable to do it every time he witnessed the beautiful smile that dominated Callum's face when he mentioned his beloved Juliana... The couple was old high school sweethearts, who had met in their first year, and proved to the contrary to everyone when their relationship went well until their senior year...  Extending to their college years where they became engaged, and then to marriage after they found out about their first child's pregnancy. At that time, the Werewolf already knew who Callum was for about five years, and he was about to tell him about his feelings when the other man stopped him with that shocking surprise that changed the newly appointed Alpha's life in a way that he never expected. ... And at that very moment, Richard knew he would never have the courage to split the couple apart as they seemed to be more than perfect for each other, even though he knew that this wasn't true as the Human was linked to him and not the woman to whom he called the love of his life... * * * Pain...  That was the only sensation I felt while even opening my eyes was a challenge, and my head felt like it would burst at any moment like a bomb was inside it... A terrible malaise dominated my body, preventing me from doing anything, while I didn't seem to have any strength even to move a finger when I felt something warm touch my hand. ... Someone else was holding it, but I had no idea about who they should be... "... Hey... How are you doing, old man?" Slowly, the voice that seemed to belong to a young boy that shouldn't have more than twenty years old asked me with a particular affection strange to me... After all, he didn't sound like anyone I knew. ... Or better saying, I never heard his voice before... "Do you know? Da- I mean, uncle Ray still misses you a lot, even if he doesn't say anything like this to me and never shows anyone how hard these past years have been for him." Making me curious, the boy mentioned the name of my best friend as I tried to remember since when Ray could have a son of his age. ... As far as I remembered, my friend was yet single with no man or woman able to win him over, much less able to hook his heart to the point that he wanted to start a family with them like Juliana and me... "So... So, I would be thankful if you could give us a sign that you will return to us, dad, or if you will be joining Mom, Justin, and Caleb finally after all these years." He told me, with a sadness surrounding his words, mentioning two of my boys' names while I noticed how he had called my wife and me. ... His gentle way of speaking soon brought me back to the memory of my second son's image; however, that didn't make any sense... Liam had only twelve years old... That voice couldn't belong to him! "Honestly, I don't want to say goodbye to you either, but... Sometimes I end up thinking that maybe this is the best to everyone than seeing you like this..." Like this? Like what?! "I know that Uncle Ray is still hoping that will come a day that you'll wake up, yet at the same time, it hurts him so much as another day... Month... And years go by without any good news, which makes it seems like the only thing that keeps you here with us are those machines that trick us, even if your soul is no longer here." Wanting to understand what William meant by it all, I searched for any strength that might exist in me to ask him what he wanted to say with that while I didn't even notice the pressure that was building in my chest as the air seemed to disappear from my lungs. Strange noises soon joined his voice around me when I heard the sound of what appeared to be a falling chair as he continued to call out to me when other people joined him there. ... A hysterical agitation seeming to exist on all sides as I could no longer understand what they were saying, and the silence seemed to envelop me once more... "What are you so afraid of?" And suddenly breaking it all, I heard her familiar voice ask me... Opening my eyes in the endless darkness, I found myself lost between life and death without knowing which path I should take while my heart was beating fast in my chest. "We both know that you already know the right answer, silly. So, why do you keep lying to yourself?" Hearing her voice again, I quickly turned around before my eyes met the light green color that reminded me of emeralds. "JULIANA!" And without thinking twice, I called out her name, wanting to run to her, but my legs felt tied to the floor, not allowing me to wrap her in my embrace as I wished while she just smiled at me calmly as if she didn't miss me in the same way that I missed her. "You and your silly thoughts as always, Callum." Bringing my attention back to her, I heard her comment, realizing then how she looked like an angel in that white dress with her long wavy hair flowing down to her waist. "I miss you too, just like the boys do... But if you came here. If you touch me, there is no way back, Cal..." Shaking her head, she told me with tears in her eyes as I noticed the presence of my other two sons behind her... Both dressed in white like their mother while Justin held the young Caleb's hand. "You know that Liam still needs you... The hardest times in his life are yet to come, and he will need you just as much as he will need Richard and Jordan beside him to overcome that." Leaving me confused, she explained... And as much as I would like to deny it all, I knew she was right as always. "Besides, he's not the only one who needs you in his life..." "What are you talking about, Juliana?" Without even realizing what I was doing, I asked her just to see the sweetest smile grace her lips instead of the answer that I was looking for. "Stop being afraid, Cal... The answer is already in front of you, and you know it." And as simple as that, she said before approaching me, leaving a subtle space between us that wouldn't allow me to touch her, no matter how much I wanted to. "Give him a chance. He deserves it after waiting all these years for you."
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