Chapter 1

513 Words
Zaylene's POV I woke up to the sound of my crackhead mom banging on my door. "Get your ass up and go to school, and quit locking my damn doors b***h" She yelled. "I'm up'' I said. I gathered up all the strength I had and got up. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and slightly touched my cheek trying to find way to cover up the bruises from the ''argument'' me and mom had the night before. I started to look for my thick sunglasses, and when I finally found them I put them on and went back into my room to put on the outfit I been wearing since I began to develop into a women. I grabbed my torn up bag and walked out the front door. I walked to the end of the road and waited for the bus. when the bus pulled up I got into it and walked to seat 18 right in the middle of the bus. A few stops later my best and only friend Javion got on and sat next to me. "b***h you always got those big ass glasses on, Imma start calling you Urkel" He said making me laugh. ''I like my glasses'' I said. ''More like have to wear them so nobody asks questions, come live with me my mom loves you'' He said ''I cannot leave my mom'' I said. ''do it look like she gon miss you'' He asked. ''She will'' I said ''More like miss beating you'' He said. He is right, my mom never loved me she just liking having somebody to control. That's why she hasn't sold me for her drugs yet. After School I got into my house and my mom was running her mouth already. "you are picking my stuff up today, or imma beat your ass until you cannot walk'' She said. ''o-okay'' I stuttered. I ran upstairs and went to the bathroom knowing that she was making me go now. I ran back downstairs and she handed me a paper with the address on it and her keys. ''Do not scratch my car you lil b***h'' She said. I did not reply I just got into the car and drove as fast as I could hoping I would crash so I could escape my horrible life. I pulled up to the building that was written on the paper it looked empty but I walked up anyway. I walked up to the doors and knocked. ''what'' a man said. ''umm I'm here to pick something up for Jessi Woods'' I said. The door opened and the man called for somebody named Tremaine. A really fine darkskinned man walked up. ''Damn ma, you ain the normal customer'' He said. ''I'm here for my mom.'' I said. ''Jessi gotta daughter'' he said I nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his office. ''I know she bets you she brags about it everytime she comes in here'' He said ''You are moving in with me'' He said. ''WHAT?'' I yelled.
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