Unwilling Heroine

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Ethan's POV   "Ouch" I jump out of my bed with a pain in my side like some wolf bit me. I look around me to see who has attacked me, but there is no one in my room. It is still early in the morning, and I am grumpy for waking so unexpectedly. "What de hell was that?' “I ask myself, “, Our mate was attached!" Hunter growls. I can feel his anger. "Who dares to attach our mate!!?” Hunter was angry, and I had to hold him back. "We. Don’t. Have. A. mate." I said to him, slowly emphasising every word. "I don't care if the so-called special wolf was hurt or even killed," I told him. "She is strong, and she will be okay" I feel him relax. "She. Is. Our. Mate. She. Is. mine." He says, emphasising his every word. I do not feel like fighting with Hunter right now, so I go into the bathroom to take a long hot shower. I can feel he is angry at me, and he pulls back. I feel our power being drained. What is it with me this morning? "I told you, we feel our mate!" Hunter growl. "Enough mutt!!" I had about enough about this she-wolf. I will kill her myself when I get my claws on her. "I won't let you", Hunter is getting on my nerves right now. I push him back, but I know he is angry at me. Hunter is an old soul, and they say old souls get together with their first mates every one thousand years or so and that they were designed to be together forever, but only every one thousand years they can play on earth with their mates. Or if the werewolf world was in danger and needed their help to become peaceful again and remind all werewolves where they came from and that they were meant to live in harmony with each other. Well, I do not care about old folk’s tales, and I do not need or wanted a mate. Most of the time, the stories I heard from the elders were a bunch of bullshit anyway. The elders were mostly there to make the werewolf world's rules and make sure everyone keeps to it. If someone disobeys any law of the werewolf world or kill humans, the Kingdom army was sent out to take care of it. Unless the treatment is significant, we usually recruit the kingdom's Alphas to fight alongside the army and me, their King. I know my uncle was one of those threats where we will need help for the other Alpha's.   "You want to go for a run, Hunter," I asked, knowing that a run normally calms down my wolf. No answer. Well, I guess he is furious at me. "She is beautiful, always was!" I heard Hunter speak. "Who? I asked in surprise. "Our mate!" he said, and I could hear the longing in his voice. I wanted to shout at him again but decided I pissed him off enough today. So instead, I sighed and said, "Let's go for a run".     Melania's POV   I look at Rose and the witch. "What is your name?" I ask the old witch. "My name is Alice Keystone, your Highness", she answers shyly. "Thank you for keeping Rose safe Alice" I look at her with kindness. "I am cunning folk, your Highness, I use my magic for good, but this rogue threatened my family, so I had no choice but to help him", she explains to me. "Do not worry, Alice, go back to your people and stay in peace also, please, will you help this pack when I have to leave?" I ask her, " Of cause I will give your Highness, but I wish to come with you for a few days. I can help you with your magic training," she said, bowing down. "Please do not bow. I am just a normal rogue and not the Queen as everyone believes. Please call me Melania. Thank you for wanting to train me; I will be happy to learn more about my powers ". I requested and thanked her at the same time. "I can not do that, your highness the King is a hard man to deal with, and I fear for my life if I do not honour his Queen. It is my pleasure to train a powerful magical wolf like you, your Highness", I give up I think to myself as the three of us walk down the mountain on the way to the village. This Queen bullshit will never end. When I move to a bigger city, I hope that if I am still alive after my first encounter with the king, no one will know who we are. I hope then Sapphire and I can live in peace. Or maybe I can find a small little pack like this to stay with, and I could tell them the king rejected me, and I had to run for my life. Well, at least I know if I were still alive after meeting him, I would have run for my life. Or maybe I used my magic to getaway. "Maybe that was why he looked like a statue to me in my dream", I laughed out loud when thinking about how I made the wolves froze. I wonder if I can do that trick on him. Maybe I will have to test it soon. "HAHAHA" I heard Sapphire laugh in my head. "Hunter will be so pissed off if we froze him", she laughed. "Is the King's name Hunter?" I asked her. "No, dear, but his wolf's name is Hunter?" she replied. "How do you know that?" I ask her, "Remember I told you I was an old soul?" "Yeah" "Well, Hunter is an old soul as well", she explained to me like I have to know what that means. "He is always my mate in this world, dear"  "Oooohhhh. What?! Wait, are you telling me you know the King's wolf and that he is your mate every time you come to this world. So that is why you are so sure he will not kill us. You tricked me!!!" I accused Sapphire. "No dear, it does not solely depend on Hunter. His human must accept us as his mate as well, or he will kill us." "OHHHH" I still do not trust her fully, but I will accept her story for now. "We are warriors of the Moon Goddess and comes to earth when there is a big threat to the werewolf world or every thousand years to make sure everything is still okay down here" Sapphire stay quiet, I believe there is more to this story than she is telling me right now, but I will figure it out with time.   When we reach the village, the wolves look stunned as they came running to us. The Alpha, still in his wolf form, looks upset and happy at the same time a tear form in his eye as he sees his beloved daughter Rose, but he looks worried and upset as he sees the dry blood on my fur. "Your Highness are you hurt?" he asked after hugging and kissing Rose. “I have already healed, and it was just a scratch. The blood is mostly from the wolves I fought, Alpha, do not worry," I answered and reassured him. He looks relieved but still a bit worried. "The king will be mad if he knew you were in danger and may take it out on my pack, but I am so grateful to you for bringing my Rose home safely,"  he said, looking strangely at Alice that was standing next to me. "Witch!!!" I will kill you," he growls, but I stop him in his tracks as he was about to attack Alice. "You should thank Alice over here, Alpha. She kept Rose safe with her magic all the time. She was in the hands of the rogues, and she is going to help me with my magic. No one is to harm her. She is a good witch that the rogues threatened into helping them" He moves back and looks at Alice. "Thank you, Alice. I am sorry I did not know you helped my daughter as well,” he said with gratitude. "I am glad I could be of help, Alpha", she smiled. “You are welcome to stay as long as you wish, Alice, as you as a friend to us now",,, he replied. We walk to the packhouse. "Rose, my baby", Adriana comes running out, grabbing Rose and hugging her, planting kisses all over her face, "Are you okay? Did they hurt you" Adriana was looking Rose over, making sure she was okay? "I am fine, mom, thanks to our Queen and Alice, my witch friend," she assured her mother. "How can I ever thank you, your Highness," she said with tears in her eyes. "Thank Alice, and she kept Rose safe all the time while she was with the rogues. They never touched her. All thanks to Alice's magic." I said with a grin and went upstairs to shower and left the other to explain and tell the other pack members what happened and how Rose was saved. This being a hero thing is not for me. I needed a shower and a rest; I was drained. When I reach my room, I shift back to my human form and take a long hot show, and I got into some pj's Adriana borrowed me and fell asleep.  After two hours, I woke up, got up and got dressed in jeans and a red crop top. I need to get myself some clothes, I fought. As I went downstairs, I saw the pack have prepared a feast for Alice and me, and they all bow down as I walk in. I wished they would stop doing it. I am just a standard rogue and not a Queen as they all think I am. "Long live our Queen", they all shouted. "Please stand up and please for just for one night, let's all celebrate together and forget that I am a so-called Queen," I said. They all stood up, and we all enjoyed the feast together. Rose walked up to me and thanks me once again for saving her. I smile at her and say, " We are friends forever, Rose," she smiles back and says softly ", Best friends forever". "So please, when we are alone, call me Melania. I am so tired of being called a queen or your highness I can scream," I whispered to her. She giggled and nodded her head, looking at me as if we were sharing the biggest secret in the world. I had a friend for the first time in my life. "Want to go shopping tomorrow?" I ask her. "Oh yes, I love shopping" I still had the money in my bank my mother left me when she died, so I will go to the bank and draw some tomorrow as I left all my belongings in the pickup the night I fled. At least I had grabbed my wallet. Little did I know my half-brother found out about the bank account and used it to track me down? I enjoyed the night with the pack, and we had fun dancing and having a well-deserved drink. I am not used to drinking and feel a bit drunk, so I decided to go to my room and sleep it off. Well, luckily, wolves heal fast and never get a hangover. I was not afraid that anyone would come to this pack again fast, but starting tomorrow after my shopping trip with Rose, I will begin to my magic training with Alice, just if I need to be ready for another attack from the rogues. I was not sure letting the others go was such a great idea, but it was too late for any regrets now, I thought as I fell asleep.            
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