Job Offer

3500 Words
**Adaline's POV** Enar. I felt the shiver when our skin touched and I knew he felt it too, but I didn't let my guard down and I never will. He is the embodiment of everything I need to avoid, everything that draws me in. I am drawn to darkness because it is all I have ever known in my life. From the very beginning to now, pain and danger seem to find me. No matter how I try to lead a straight path, there is always something right around the corner trying to throw me off track. This time that something is a someone, and he is tall, gorgeous, and dangerously enticing. My body reacts to him, and that makes me severely uncomfortable. For the rest of the evening, I stayed with Mrs. Maye. Of course, overtime was not a thing here, but I didn't want to go home to an empty apartment with my nerves so on edge. I made myself comfortable on the recliner that sat opposite her bed, curled up, and eventually fell asleep, hoping for a peaceful night, but a peaceful night did not come. My nightmares knew no boundaries and still came to torment me no matter where I slept. It was always the same paralyzing fear, over and over, making me feel like I was drowning in my own suffocating tears. "Let her sleep." A soft whisper interrupted my torture. I was grateful for it. "She has had a rough night and now she is finally sleeping quietly." "Sir, this is highly unprofessional. Miss LaRue has crossed a boundary." Another familiar voice chimed in, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, I had been so drained. "No, what is unprofessional is how my grandmother was treated last night. Adaline stood up for my grandmother and you will not wake her." The harsh whisper was more threatening with their tone, as if daring the other to go against his wishes. "When she awakens I will have someone find you so we can better talk about the unfortunate events that played out last night." I heard nothing else except the sound of retreating footsteps. My mind grew heavy and soon I was drifting back to sleep, and for some unknown reason I felt secure and slept hard with no more nightmares haunting me. I felt eyes on me, a familiar feeling from unfortunate events in my life. I stirred and stretched my limbs, everything was tight and sore from sleeping on such a lumpy old recliner. My vision focused and I looked around to find Mrs. Maye's bed was empty, and her grandson sitting in the chair by the window, his brows furrowed as he stared out of the window. I knew someone was watching me, but I chose to ignore it. Going down that road was not an option. Clearing my throat and standing up awkwardly, I straightened out my clothes and refused to make eye contact with him. That was until I heard a slight chuckle. When I met his gaze, he pointed towards my hair, and I remembered how insane it can get in the mornings. After raking my fingers through it a little, attempting to tame it as much as possible, he gave me a slight nod. "Good morning, Adaline." Enar's husky voice did things to me that it shouldn't. "Morning," I whispered. I looked passed him out the window and saw that the sun had just started to rise. "Oh crap, what time is it?" Checking my phone, I saw that I had over ten missed calls from Mr. Bernard, five voicemails and eight text messages. "Well, I might be out of a job." "Not likely." Enar tilted his head to the side and looked as if he was assessing me. Trying to find my hidden secrets. "You talk in your sleep. Did you know that?" A lump formed in my throat, afraid of what I could have revealed to him while unconscious. "You cry too." He whispered. I opened my mouth to speak, but Mrs. Maye came out of her private bathroom with a cheerful smile. "Goodmorning dear!" She walked over to her bed and sat down as she reached for the brush on her nightstand. "Enar got here just before that rude manager of yours was going to wake you." "It is highly unprofessional of me to sleep in a guest's room, but I wanted to make sure you were not bothered through the night." I explained and started to gather my things. "I sincerely apologize." "No need to." Enar stood and walked closer. "Let's go straighten things out before we get the day started, shall we?" He outstretched his arm for me to go first. I promised Mrs. Maye I would be back soon, and headed for the door with Enar right behind me. Mr. Bernard's office was on the other side of the facility, and it made me nervous for some odd reason to be walking with Enar. He left hardly any space between us, and sometimes I would feel his hand brush mine. There was a current between us, and as much as I tried to ignore it, it was right there pulling me closer to him. It scared me, to want something I know would be another sword in my heart. Why am I like this? "Do you enjoy your work here?" Enar asked, breaking the silence. "I do." I smiled to myself and tucked the right side of my hair behind my ear. "I didn't grow up with much of a family. Never met my grandparents. In a pathetic sort of sad way, this is my way of trying to have something that resembles a family." What is it with me oversharing lately? First with Dalia and now Enar. But being around him makes me want to be open. I hate it. "Anyways, I enjoy my work because everyone deserves to be treated with respect and care. Especially those who have lived such long and fulfilling lives. Hearing their adventures and stories is like having someone read to you the best novels, but better because you see a light in them being turned on again after feeling alone for so long." His pale blue eyes watched me, and I saw in them fascination and curiosity. But to be curious about me is not a good thing, because the last thing I need is another person trying to figure me out. Thankfully, I saw Mr. Bernard coming down the hall just as Enar was about to open his mouth to speak or ask another question. I'd rather not know which. "Mr. Bernard." I called out to him. He turned with a most unpleasant look on his face, but fixed his composure immediately when he noticed I was not alone. We met half way down the hall. "I feel a report should be made about last night's events." "In my office." His tone was cold and unfriendly, unlike his usual self. For the next half hour, Enar and I both told our truths. From calling to check in on Mrs. Maye to arriving and seeing her being handled far too roughly for no reason at all. Enar also explained that his grandmother has no health issues or mental deficits. He wishes to take her home, but of course that cannot happen right away. Enar or his grandmother do not ever recall Mrs. Maye assigning power of attorney to anyone. She has always been able to make decisions for herself. Mr. Bernard pulled her folder from his filing system and flipped through the papers. When he found the one he was looking for, he slid it across his desk to Enar. As Enar looked over it carefully, a slight smile twitched at the corner of his lips. "I will be back to collect my grandmother by the end of the day. I see the issue and will have it resolved immediately." He stood and as he was about to walk out of the office, he looked back to see Mr. Bernard eyeing me with contempt. "If I return and see Adaline upset in anyway, I will not hesitate to go through the proper channels to make sure you are held accountable for your employees' actions last night. Leave her be, or you'll regret it." I was left speechless, as was Mr. Bernard. He looked like he wanted to reprimand me, but instead he sighed heavily and dismissed me with the wave of his hand. With no hesitation, I jumped out of the chair and walked out of his office, trying to catch up with Enar's long determined strides. He was heading back to his grandmother's room, and once we were down her hall, with no one around, I grabbed his elbow and he turned to stand in front of me. "What was that?" I asked, pointing back the way we came. "What issue can be resolved and why would you threaten my manager? I could get fired." Enar's expression did not change as he looked down at me with a blank expression. "The issue is nothing for you to worry about, and as far as threatening your manager, I will look out for anyone who looks out for my family. I meant it. If he or anyone here gives you any s**t about going beyond your job duties for my grandmother, I'll take care of it immediately." "I don't need you to protect me." I snapped, feeling like he was trying somehow to assert dominance. His lips twitched in a smile, but he pursed his lips to keep himself from smiling any bigger. "I don't doubt that, but it doesn't mean I won't." Enar stepped closer and, for the first time, I didn't stand my ground. I stepped back. I felt vulnerable and small around him, but not in a bad way. Who is this man and what is he doing to me? "Adaline LaRue." He whispered my name like it was a silent prayer. "It was really nice meeting you." Then he turned on his heel and walked away, entering Mrs. Maye's room and shutting the door. I was left leaning against the wall, my breathing erratic. I still felt his presence so close to me, almost pinning me to my place. I regained my senses, and walked to Mrs. Maye's room as Enar was exiting. With what felt like a last glance, he was gone and so was my uneasiness. Again, I put on my best smile and entered the room. My smile immediately fell when I saw that Mrs. Maye was visibly upset. After closing the door, I sat by her side and grasped her hand in mine. "What's wrong?" I whispered. Her hand clutched mine tighter and a single tear slipped from her eyes. "I don't want to leave." She confessed to me. I was confused, but she further explained. "I've only been here for a day, and I know the entire time I was being sour about it, but now thinking about leaving is scaring me. Here, I have other people to talk to, I have a lovely caregiver," that made me smile. "and I'm not alone. If I go back, I'll have no one but a few maids who avoid me at every turn. Of course, I have given them plenty of reasons to." She chuckled. Then her face turned back to a determined look. "But I know if I stay, I am letting the little s**t that put me here win." "Doing what is best for you is never letting the other person win. He put you here to make you unhappy, but it backfired because you like it here. Mrs. Maye if you don't want to leave, then you don't have to. If Enar can fix the power of attorney issue and give you control of your life again, then not even he can make this decision for you." I reassured her, and her spirits seemed to be lifted. The rest of the day was a regular day. After freshening up in the locker room where I kept a spare toothbrush and toothpaste, I checked on my other guests and went through my normal routine. By the end of my shift, Enar had returned and was upset that Mrs. Maye was not leaving with him. As I passed her room, on my way out, I heard him shouting. "What do you mean you aren't coming home!" I peaked into the small crack and saw him throwing his hands in the air. "Nana, your place is not here." He was calmer now trying to convince her. "And where is my place? In that big house all by myself? With your tyrant of a brother to argue with while you are constantly away on business?" She countered. "Then Viggo can handle the meetings away from home and I will stay home with you." "You and I both know your brother is doing enough damage. There is no way we will stay in business if he is put in charge of getting new investors and clients." I heard him sigh in defeat and he slumped into the chair by the desk. "Nana, I can't leave you here. You know what father believed." "Yes I do know, but you are not abandoning me. You are letting me be cared for by a beautiful soul." His lips twitched up in a smile at the mention of me. "Tänk inte ens tanken. Hon går igenom något, och att lägga på vår skit kommer inte att vara bra för henne." (Do not even think about it. She is going through something, and adding on our s**t will not be good for her.) "I know. Men det är något med henne." (But there is something about her.) "Adaline LaRue." His deep voice whispering my name would be my undoing. I stepped back and headed for my exit. The bus would not come for another twenty minutes, but I needed to get away from there, and away from him. The cool air smacked me in the face, awakening me from my daze and forcing me to focus on getting home. I sat at the bus stop, giving myself a speech about staying away from Enar Hellstrom. The speech was moot when I felt his stare on me once again. I turned towards my building and saw him standing on the sidewalk looking at me. When his eyes met mine, he huffed and stomped my way. The bus was early for once and I was thankful for it. As I stood to try and get on the bus before he could make it to me, I felt his hand gently clasp my elbow and pull me around the corner. I knew I should pull away and get on the bus, but his touch, though a little forceful, was comforting in some foreign way. So I let him lead me. When we were away from the crowd of people getting on and off the bus, he lightly pushed me against the wall and closed the distance between us. He was so close that if I leaned forward, I could brush my nose against his chest. His cologne was invading my senses, making me forget how to talk and even breathe. I watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath, too stunned to say anything. I'm rendered speechless and it is very unnerving. "What did you say to my grandmother?" He whispered harshly, a little agitated and on edge. When I didn't answer immediately, he grasped my chin and forced me to look up. "I do not like repeating myself, Adaline." "I don't know what you mean." I answered honestly, but I could see it was not the answer he wanted. His eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at me, his eyes getting darker with frustration. "I have only shown your grandmother kindness and respect. I treated her as a strong, capable person because that is exactly what she is. I didn't coddle her or treat her like she was weak. She hates weakness and to be treated as such would be an insult to her." His eyes widened and he stepped back. I wanted him close, and I mentally slapped myself for thinking such a thing. 'Get a grip! He is bad news and will only ruin everything you built here!' After my small inner struggle, I side stepped and put more distance between us. With him further away, I could think a little clearer, though my body still begged me to walk to him, I refused. "It's you." Enar whispered. He stepped closer again, and even though my body wanted him close, I reluctantly stepped back. The distance between us lets me breathe, it lets me think clearly. "My grandmother has done nothing but sing your praises and she is not a people person. Nana Maye does not want to leave because she has bonded with you, and that is really f*****g rare." "Or it could be that Mrs. Maye is happy where she is at because she is not alone." I countered. Enar stroked his chin in thought for a moment, and then he shook his head. "This is a horrible idea, but the only logical one I have." I said nothing, unsure if he was talking to me or himself. "Come work for me." Enar offered and I laughed. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and I knew then that he was serious. "Come work for me, Adaline. I am sure I can pay you better than this place, and you will not have such a heavy work load. Nana Maye told me how they keep just adding guests to your overly crowded plate. This way you only have one person to take care of." "But she does not need someone to take care of her. She is perfectly capable, so me being there is pointless." I shook my head and sighed. I could never work for him. Seeing him and talking to him for just one day has already done so much damage to my progress, I can't do this every day. "I reject your offer. I like where I am at." As I tried to step away, he did nothing to block my way or stop me, but instead just made a comment that stilled me. "You and I both know you are running from something." I turned around to face him once more, and tried my best to keep the mask in place. "I don't know what it is and I won't attempt to find out. I said I look out for people who look out for my family and I can do that for you. Promise." "I'm doing just fine on my own." I whispered, and walked the rest of the way to the bus stop, which was now empty. I sighed in annoyance and looked around for a cab. "Thanks for making me miss my bus." "I'll give you a ride." Enar offered, but I rejected that immediately. "I'm not going to stalk you, Adaline. I just want to make sure you get home safely. I'm looking out for you." "And though it is appreciated, it is unwelcome and unnecessary. Look, you don't seem like a bad guy, but everything in my head is screaming to stay away from you." He looked over me, scanning my body with no shame. "But your body tells you something else, doesn't it?" I swallowed hard and said nothing. I was already embarrassed that he could read my body so easily. "You are good at hiding emotions on your face, but your body gives you away each time. I feel it too, Adaline. The need to be next to you." "You'll never get close to me." I put a hand up as he started to walk forward. "This isn't what I want." He immediately stopped. Enar watched me for a minute before walking towards me again. "Enar, please. I have worked so hard to get where I'm at. You'll ruin everything." I could see that he was having an inner turmoil, but in the end he gave up and walked away. I could finally breathe again, and inside I was hurting that he walked away, but I also know that it is for the best. Enar Hellstrom wasn't like anyone I have ever met before and if I was not careful, my guard would come down and he would hate me for everything I really am. Being vulnerable with anyone is not an option. Being close to Enar would be the biggest mistake of my life. My fear and trauma have kept me safe for years, making me weary of others. Usually my body retreats from proximity to people, and this time I felt drawn to him. It was different, but completely terrifying. He isn't the man for me. I don't think I'll ever find someone I trust.
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