Chapter 5

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~Radagast~ I walk past the spot where our bedroom door was. Why did I have Willow close it all up? At least if it was still open, I would be able to go inside and lay on the bed, smelling her perfume on her pillow. Images of her falling backward, life draining from her eyes in slow motion haunting me each night when I fall asleep. This is not the way things were supposed to have happened. It’s only been a month… it’s been a long month. Touching the wall, I wonder if I will be able to feel the door still. How did they close up the entrance? Did they leave the door behind? I asked them to, I hope they did. After all, it was the only white door in the entire castle. Turning my back against the wall, I imagine what she would look like if she were still alive. I bet she would be absolutely radiant, pregnant. Making everyone around her fall in love with her, but fierce when it comes to the little one. She would be the best mother. Teaching their son values in life that would have made him an honorable man. I turn back to the wall, feeling the roughness of the wallpaper underneath my fingertips. Since her death, my magic was slowly draining out of me, almost as if it was leaking through the hole in my heart. Willow sustained me just enough to get through each day. But I would soon need more if I am to save what I have left. I have a company to get back on track and responsibilities in the council. I make my way to my rooms to clean up as Willow told me to do. I know tonight is an important part of what needs to get done for us to catch her sisters. I can’t frack this up! Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror I see someone I hate. Someone I will hate for as long as I live, but the same someone needs to pick myself up and be a man… even if it is just for a couple of hours tonight. Just so I can get my jewels. So, I may have them in my dungeons to feed off their energy each day. ~Willow~ Willow “Your Grace! I hope you had a lovely rest.” I hook my arm into his for a private little conversation I wish to share with him before dinner. Councillor “Yes, I did indeed. I was simply looking forward to seeing your lovely face again this evening.” Willow “Ah, you flatter me. Shall we take a walk to the terrace? Let me show you the beautiful garden.” I see Radagast walking into the dining room, but his attention is immediately distracted by one of the younger council members, as per my request. Willow “I mean no offense your Grace, but it seems you have taken a liking to me?” Councillor “Oh, is it that obvious? Ah, who am I kidding? You might think me silly and old man like me, yearning for a young woman like you, but I’m sure you will grant me some favors before I leave. After all, we are here for your master.” He smiles, turning his gaze from the gardens, inside to look in Radagast’s direction. Willow “Unfortunately your Grace, I fear, you may have been misinformed about my station. I am Mr. Silver-fox’s official mistress. I have been since before my sister’s death.” Councillor “Oh my!” He immediately let’s go of my hand, letting my arm slide out from his elbow. The two servant girls have been beautifully dressed up in evening gowns and were waiting nearby for me to call them. I waved my hand to show them to come closer. Willow “I do however have a surprise for you. I do hope you like it. I chose two of my best girls to be your companions while you stay here. They are both very excited to keep you company.” The Councillor blushes blood red, clearing his throat, while the girls are standing around, not sure what to do. Councilor “Dear miss Willow, I do appreciate your offer very much. I can see that you went to a lot of trouble. A lot of trouble indeed, to give me such fine gifts. But a man of my station cannot be seen partaking in such frivolity.” Ah, so it was okay to speak to me that way… Willow “Are you sure? I can have them come to your chambers later tonight. It will be very discreet. Nobody will even know.” I say, smiling at the other guests as if we are discussing the weather. He starts fidgeting, looking around his pockets for something. Finally, he clears his throat, mumbling something about looking for something to drink and quickly makes his escape. Willow “Now girls. Let me teach you a couple of life lessons. Number one, never insult the hand that feeds you. Number two, never ever let a man or woman make you feel like a piece of property to be bought, sold, or used like this! Number three, don’t ever cross me again.” I turn to look at both of them in the eyes. Willow “You are free to enjoy the evening. Who knows, you might even catch a proper husband.” I give them a wink and make my way inside. Yes, they insulted me… But I’m all for giving a girl a chance at a better life. Who knows, we might even become best friends one day and have our babies at the same time! As if! Working the room, greeting guests, and discussing everything from politics to color of the curtains, I make my way back to where Radagast is in a serious discussion about the influence our company has in the council. Willow “Surely our vote will swing it in favour of the council?” I ask when the question of separating the different species into their own separate councils, comes up. Radagast “May I remind you, Willow, that it is my company and my vote.” He almost growls at me as if I had overstepped my boundaries. Who does he think has been running the company the past month? Casting the votes, calming the damn board of directors!!! Willow “I do apologize everyone. I do so much love the man himself, that I sometimes forget my place.” I say smiling, but by now, he knows the venom in my voice. Excusing myself from the conversation, I request the staff that dinner be served. I have had enough of playing hostess when he makes it so clear that I am NOT. ~Glinda~ Glinda “Did it hurt?” Tabatha “Did what hurt?” Glinda “You know… when you fell from heaven… duh… when Willow betrayed us? Did it hurt?” I am standing by the window in her room, looking out at the stars. Just a couple of months ago there were five of us living in these rooms and it was always too busy to breathe. Now it feels so cold and empty that it’s just the three of us. Tabatha “Yes, it did.” Glinda “When?” Tabatha “What do you mean when? You are talking in riddles tonight?” Glinda “I mean when did you feel her betrayal? Was it before Isobel died? Before the attack? When?” Tabatha “What’s with all the questions?” She asks looking a bit irritated. I join her sitting on the floor, working on her beaded carpet. She is really good at making things out of nothing. I follow her lead, weaving the beads into the string and tying it up and around to form a circle, growing bigger in size. Glinda “I’m just curious. I wasn’t allowed to be there. I’m never allowed to be anywhere.” I sigh and she sits still looking at me, her hands no longer weaving. Tabatha “You know that is for your own good. Mommy and daddy would not live with themselves if anything happened to you!” Glinda “Yes, yes, I heard it all this afternoon already… now answer my question.” Tabatha “It happened the moment she fled with him. I guess it was the moment she chose him over us.” She shrugs. Glinda “And now? Does it still hurt?” Tabatha “Not as much anymore. I did an unlinking spell. Because we are magical twins, we are connected in ways no other twins are. I was hoping the unlinking spell would… disconnect us in a way, and things are better now, but it’s not all gone.” Glinda “Oh… I wish I had a twin.” Tabatha “What?! Have two of you running around the house? I would rather die you brat!!” I drop the string I was working on and stomp out of her room back to mine. Circe “Hey! Less noise please! I’m trying to study here!!” Just for special effects… and because she tried to tell me what to do… I slammed my door extra hard, making the wood around me shudder. Melissa “GIRLS!! DON’T BREAK DOWN MY HOUSE!!” Whoops… maybe that was a bit much. Flopping down on my bed I open my laptop and carry on reading. Being a wolf is easy. I can literally do that in my sleep. It’s the being a spirit witch part that is tricky. Mom spent time training me, but she believes that each of us should be trained to the limit of our magic at that particular time. Melissa “Practice sweetie, practice makes perfect.” That is mom’s motto. Yes, as a witch you may have natural talent, but if you don’t know how, mom believes it doesn’t help you much. So here I am, reading up about being a spirit witch because my mother doesn’t want me doing big spells. There is so much more I can do, if she will just let me! A soft knock on my door makes me slam my laptop shut. Glinda “Come in.” I moan, pretending to be just lounging around on my bed. Completely bored out of my mind. Melissa “Sweetie, I know you are upset with your father and me, but you can’t go around screaming at your sisters and breaking down our home.” Glinda “I know, I’m sorry mom.” I pout. Glinda “I’m just soooo bored. It’s such a beautiful night outside. With the moonlight, I would have gotten such perfect pictures, but now I’m stuck here. Inside like those two old maids next door!” Rolling my eyes at them. Tabatha “I heard that!” Glinda “You were supposed to!” Melissa “Girls!!” I sigh. Glinda “Sorry mom.” She pats my back and leaves the room, softly closing the door behind her. ~Frank~ Melissa “She is still in her room, thank the goddess!” Frank “Now that’s a first!” I laugh. Frank “I thought for sure she would be out of the house by now.” Melissa “Didn’t the screaming and door slamming tell you anything? They are your daughters after all?” I get poked in the ribs, squirming under the pressure. Frank “Yes, yes, how can I forget when you remind me each time they get into trouble as if witches never do anything wrong.” I pretend to pout then laugh. We sit outside on the porch, on our favorite swing, looking at the stars. Frank “What a beautiful night.” I breathe in the fresh mountain air. Melissa “Yes, it is. Stunning enough for Glinda to mention photography. Wait a minute… Check your phone please.” I pull out my phone and sure as Santa… there is a message from Gareth. Glinda must have slipped out the window as soon as Melissa left the room. He is with her while she just absolutely had to take some pictures of some or other butterfly that is only out tonight and it’s the only chance she will have in her lifetime… I think he got tired of typing the rest… I know I wouldn’t have read any further. Frank “Damn that girl! I am going to have to chain her to the floor!!” Melissa laughing at me. Melissa “Thank goodness for your mistrust!! Can you imagine if you didn’t tell Gareth to hang around outside her window?!” Frank “Yes… I’m going to have to speak to some of the men and advise them of the situation. Just so that the pack doesn’t think he is a peeping tom or something worse!! Why does that girl have to be so damn headstrong?!” Melissa “Because she takes after her father. Didn’t you notice that she is the only one who doesn’t listen… even when you use your Alpha tone?” I look at her, then at the stars, then back at my wife… she is right… I noticed… I was just pretending not to notice, hoping it wasn’t true. Frank “I still say we chain her to the floor.”
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