Chapter 2

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Isabelle Castillo had finally managed to convince her father to let her take a short vacation away from Madrid. He even offered for her to fly to one of their villas in Florence but she shook her head knowing that if her father was being generous, she would most likely be heavily guarded. She did not want that. In fact, she felt claustrophobic already. It did not help that her father, Iñigo Castillo, is one of the richest men in Madrid. Their family business was known for construction and steel as well as a real estate. Her mother, Isabella Castillo, owned a world-renowned fashion line. But of course, like all families, there were some secrets that had to be kept and responsibilities that had to be shouldered and carried out. Isabelle had grown up around cloak and dagger businesses his father was dealing with. She had been blind about the truth while she was a child but as she grew up, she had to be initiated into the real family business. Her two brothers, Alberto and Iago, had personally seen to her training.  At first, she felt pretty excited and tried her best to please her brothers and father. But finally, Isabelle has had enough and she wanted to leave. There was just one trouble. You could not just walk out and forget about your family, especially if you had the skillset that Isabelle had trained for all her life. It was either you are gone from the land of the living or mentally disabled before you can cut ties with anyone in the family. There was one rule that the Castillo clan have followed through the ages and that was: Loyalty Beyond Death. This was the reason why Isabelle had to make up a story about wanting to go on vacation. She was already 21 and never had a normal life. Yes, she had all the money in the world but still, she did not have girl friends and parties, except for the ones thrown by her mother and her brothers. Being the only female child, she was heavily protected.  But Isabelle wanted out and had a plan and it was working smoothly so far. She had told her father she was just going to be exploring romantic cities all over Spain. She did not want to be stuck in just one area and threatened to not help with their operation if he did not allow her this one time to take a break. Iñigo Castillo might look menacing and extremely strict but he was still a father and he loved Isabelle. If it were his sons who dared threaten him or use blackmail to get what they wanted, he would have punched them in the face. But he could never do that to Isabelle so despite his heavy heart, he had allowed her to go away for three days. Of course, if she wanted to escape and disappear forever without trouble, she had to go and follow the itinerary she gave to her father. She was not stupid. She knew she was being followed by one of their many men in employment. She let them trail her when she was in Barcelona but while she neared Granada, which was her planned escape route, she had to lose them. While standing by the famous monument, Alhambra, she pulled out her phone and called her father.  "You are having me followed?" She hissed into the phone, running her hands through her messy hair. She spotted one of the guys, she did not care for his name. She waved a finger at him to let him know she knew they were there. At that exact same moment, three more guys emerged from hiding. She gave each one of them a death glare. "I am simply looking out for you, hija!"  "Papa, I swear! I am not going to do the deal if you don't send these locos home!" She cried out scaring a couple of tourists who were taking photographs. "Fine, fine! Give the phone to Enrico."  She squinted at the four men standing a couple of feet from her.  "Who is Enrico?" She asked. The guy she was waving the finger at stepped forward and she handed him her phone, smiling smugly. She listened as the guy stammered and paled knowing he was speaking directly to the Castillo himself. Usually one of his brothers would speak for their father.  Isabelle watched as he nodded and then with shaky fingers gave the phone back to Isabelle. From the look on Enrico's face, he was in trouble for being spotted and caught. "We are to come home, Miss Castillo."  Isabelle almost felt sorry for these men. "Do not worry too much, Enrico. My father will go easy on you guys. You were following someone like me, after all. It is obvious I would know, right?"  Isabelle never really liked the way his father was so strict sometimes but she could understand the need for it. Still, she prayed that they would not be sent to Alberto to be reprimanded. Her second brother had quite a temper compared to the elder, Iago. "Adios!"  She called out to them and continued on her merry way, acting like she was really eager to explore Granda. She was not though. She had been to this city a couple of times and although it was charming and romantic, she did not actually have a guy to share it with. If her freedom was a sore topic in the Castillo family, her love life was worse.  You could not just date anybody if you were Isabell Castillo. After a couple of hours of backtracking, Isabelle finally realized that she was no longer being followed. She smiled broadly and felt her muscles relax. She could actually enjoy the place without being smothered by bodyguards or pestered by her brothers.  I think this calls for a celebration- a quick one! She thought, skipping over a cobble path. One last drink for Madrid! One last drink to say goodbye! Her cellphone beeped and she looked at it.  Two messages.  One was from Iago while the other was from her accomplice. Alberto wants me to remind you of the briefing tomorrow evening, Cielo. Isabelle bit her lip as she read her eldest brother's text. She was closer to Iago than Alberto and he often called her "my darling" or "my dear". Guilt tore at her heart and she almost wanted to turn around and go back to their mansion. But, the second message made her more determined. There's a cafe called Sofia. I will meet you there at midnight. You are so brave for doing this. Isabelle allowed her feet to take her around for a while to do some thinking. Was it really going to be worth all the trouble? Did she really want to leave her life of wealth and glamour? Was she really willing to break her parents' and brothers' hearts? What of her cousins? Will they come looking for her? It would not be easy to disappear, especially if your family was as famous as the Castillos but Isabelle was going to take the risk. She was willing to do everything to leave her life behind no matter how much it might break her heart. She was tired of being used. She held her sling bag closer to her body which had her fake passports, IDs and money to start an anonymous life in the states. She was thankful that the sun during her travels on the street of Barcelona had given her a good tan. Now, all she had to do was tame her unruly hair into a wig, wear different clothes and Isabelle Castillo will be no more. Isabelle decided to get to Sofia two hours earlier and right now, she was already regretting it. She did not mean to be so happy and excited that she was too close to the freedom she wanted. Plus, the cafe was pretty amazing with its mismatched yet perfectly in sync interior of old fashion and modern decor. She suddenly felt like she could really be someone else. In her daze and happiness, she did not notice the tall man walking in through the patio doors. She bumped into his solid frame and instantly, her 5'3 and 120 lbs frame bounced off. She would have been flat on her face if it were not for the pair of strong hands steadying her.  A couple of minutes later, she was trapped once again as the man introduced himself. "Delnard Savage." Isabelle's blood froze.  She had heard of his name before and if he was actually telling the truth, his company JSE and ELLIOT ENTERPRISES had dealings with her family. The world was going to be so small because they ran in the same circles.  Of course, she knew he would not recognize her face because she was never allowed in business meetings or to meet any foreign business partners unless they were a target. Still, it did not stop Isabelle from panicking. If there was one flaw that both her brothers hated about her was that she often seemed to lose focus and panic when caught unaware. Isabelle had managed to succeed in some of her assignments because she prepped hard for it. But in situations like this one, where she is nervously making her escape to New York happen, she was in a bit of a shaky position. "Dios Mio!" She heard herself squeak and instead of running away, she found her self ordering a drink but the bartender was occupied, though she gave her a look.  A couple of minutes later, Isabelle sat in front of Delnard Savage who seemed to have a death grip on her wrist. She felt anger and frustration building slowly inside of her but she knew she could not help but check him out as well. Delnard Savage, the news and magazines did not do him justice. He was more than just a blue-eyed charmer.  He is beautiful and strong. Yes, beautiful because the word handsome was just too mundane already for the likes of him.  She maintained her glare while taking in her fill of his features. Straight nose, blonde hair, lips that looked soft and hard at the same time. His face had this open and welcoming charm to it; the type where in you would want to keep a secret from but cannot.  There was also something in his blue eyes that made Isabelle think that he is actually a good guy. He seems not like just some ordinary gentleman but she knew that when he offered to help her if she was in trouble a while ago, he had meant every word he said. She actually felt protected. The sentiment felt weird since she literally just met the gorgeous man holding her captive at the moment. The sound of the cork being unscrewed made Isabelle realize that he was no longer holding on to her wrist. She was surprised his hand did not sear itself unto her limb from the heat she had felt the moment he had touched her. With a quick breath, she tried once more to bolt but was surprised at how quickly he managed to grab on to her once more. "Really, this got old very quickly." She muttered, twisting her wrist again. "Then stop trying to run." He replied, a cheeky grin on his face. "Come on, just one drink. If you do not like my company, I will let you run off into the dark night." Isabelle scrunched her nose at his attempt at drama. She hardly dated and her brothers were the best models of the male population she could base her girly emotions and attractions on. Iago was close to who Delnard was because of his warm disposition.  "Why do you insist that I stay?" "Are you pure Spanish? You have an accent but you speak quite good English." He asked, pouring the wine in the bottle.  "I like it... It's like I'm speaking to Catherine Zeta-Jones. Well, I've actually spoken to her on a couple of occasions." "Do you really think small talk about Hollywood is going to make me stay?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at him and smirking. "Well, no," He replied mirroring her smirk. "I was banking on my charm actually and name dropping- surely you must know Catherine Zeta-Jones." "Arrogance will not do it either, guapo!" She retorted but smiling all the same.  Isabelle knew she really should try and get away from him as soon as possible but she was having a hard time fighting. He really is extremely handsome. She was surprised when he let go of her wrist and sighed heavily. She blinked when he hung his head and looked like he was in misery or about to cry.  Was this guy for real? She asked in her head, trying not to laugh as he started dabbing his eyes. "What are you doing? You don't expect me to believe you are actually sad that I insist on leaving?" Delnard sighed as if he was truly heartbroken. "I'm leaving for States tomorrow. I thought I could celebrate my despedida with a beautiful girl like you but, I guess... life just has a way of ... " Isabelle could not help it. She burst out laughing and soon, Delnard was laughing with her as well. She found his laugh appealing and it made her feel funny inside. When she managed to stop she turned to him, eyes twinkling and smiling. "Does that actually work on women?" She asked, catching her breath. "Well, it got you to stay for a couple of minutes, right?" He replied, winking. "Do I even get a name for my efforts?" Isabelle glared at him but only half-heartedly. Delnard Savage is an unusual guy and in that moment of silence, she realized she wanted to get to know more of him. "Isabelle Ca-" She stopped herself immediately before it was too late.  She had managed to almost expose herself. Why was she suddenly all blubbering and honest? She had to be extra careful. "Ca? That's an unusual family name! If I tell you I can get you to meet Catherine Zeta-Jones, would you tell me your full name?" He teased. Isabelle glared at him. "Okay, okay- I'm sorry-" He chided. "You can't actually blame a guy for trying. May I ask how old you are?" Isabelle laughed. "It is rude to ask women about their age, Mr. Savage." She heard him chuckle and found it extremely sexy. What was it about this guy that made her seem to catch her breath. She rarely got bothered by the opposite s*x.  It had been important that she was kept outside of the public eye so she really did not have much experience with people outside the family except when she was doing her chores. So basically, most men she hung out with was her cousins and her brothers. She had dated in high school but it did not develop into anything because she was heavily guarded and restricted. No guy could take the pressure and of course, the intimidating scenario of dating a Castillo.  Isabelle had sighed so many times and cried to her brother Iago. He and her cousin Alejandro were the only ones she could really be open about. In fact, Delnard reminded her of Iago. Her big brother had said that if a guy did not have the guts to stand by you in every way; if he was easily scared and deterred by simple rules, then they were not strong enough for a Castillo woman.  Since then, Isabelle had opted to concentrate on working for the family and doing her duties instead of keeping hopes that a man such as that would exist for her. Now, being free and talking to someone who did not have a clue who she was, it gave Isabelle a chance to relax and just start to enjoy the feeling of flirting without worrying too much.  She was not sure if she Delnard Savage was the right guy to do it with but hey, it was only for one night right? She was not going to see him tomorrow- or at least, after midnight. Besides, it was so refreshing to have a handsome man treat her like this without being scared or insecure because of who she truly was. "Hmm.. I'll take a stab at it and guess that you are 22? Although, your height could pass you up for 16." He interrupted her thoughts, giving her a dazzling smile that Isabelle momentarily forgot to breathe and think at the same time. "I resent that comment about my height," She managed to snap at him but before she could stop herself she blurted out the truth. "I'm 21 actually, turning 22 on September."  "That's two months away! Are you celebrating?" Isabelle wanted to bite her tongue. What was the matter with her? She was supposed to be keeping her identity secret and giving out pertinent information was a far cry from it.  Why don't you tell him who you really are as well, Isabelle? That will be a great idea! i***t! She thought to herself. She sighed and decided to change the subject. "What are you doing here in Spain, Mr. Savage? I know you are a pretty famous guy in America." She said, picking up the glass and finally drinking the wine.  It was heavenly. Expensive and exquisite. "So you've heard of me? How?" He asked. She shrugged. "Are you avoiding my question?" He grinned. "I live here, actually."  Isabelle raised her eyebrow. "Oh? Why did you say you were leaving?" "My best friend is getting married in September." He replied pouring more wine into her glass and his. "But that's two months away." She repeated his last statement. "Why are you leaving Granada so soon?" "I have a lot of business to finish." He replied. "But right now, you are making me rethink this decision to go, Isabelle” Isabelle felt her heart lurch in her chest when his voice dropped into a huskier tone. The way he said her name was also too sensual and appealing that Isabelle could not help but want to sigh and melt.  He was looking at her intensely with his clear beautiful blue eyes that Isabelle started to feel clammy, hot and she was starting to have difficulty breathing. Her heart was pounding so fast and there was a rushing in her ears.  What was going on? She thought as his face started to become blurry. Isabelle! Isabelle!  A voice rang out from far away, coaxing her to come back and try to resurface from the blackness around her. With a huge sigh and effort, Isabelle opened her eyes and realized she was already on the ground and in the arms of Delnard Savage. She gasped and sputtered, trying to sit up but his arms were holding her in place. "Are you all right? Isabelle?" There was imminent worry in his voice and Isabelle could not help but respond to it.  "What happened?" She managed to murmur, looking up at his concerned face. "You fainted." He replied, a wobbly grin on his face. "I- What?" Isabelle spat out, confused. She never fainted in all her life. She had seen worst things but she had never fainted. Her brothers would not let her live it down if she did.  But now, she could not understand why she fainted! All she could remember was the fact that Delnard Savage made her heart race and her breathing erratic. Did he actually cause her to fall down? She did not notice that she was nestled comfortably in his arms. She stiffened and quickly scrambled back unto the chair, willing her head to clear up. This was madness! What was wrong with the night? Did he drug her or something?  Panic started to boil inside her. "I have to go." Delnard once again clamped his hand on her wrist. "If you think I'm letting you walk out after that fall, you don't know me at all..."  She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment but decided to just ignore it and face him head on. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of actually making her feel sheepish. "That's ridiculous! I don't' really know you at all!" She retorted, snorting. Delnard wiggled his eyebrow at her. "Exactly! I was just checking to see if you remembered or if you suffered a concussion from that faint."  Isabelle knew she should be irritated or at least a bit annoyed at his teasing but she found herself laughing once more. He was such an easy guy to laugh with and Isabelle would rather die than admit it, Delnard Savage really had the charm. "You are something else, you know that?" She murmured accepting the glass from him and she took another sip.  She looked at her watch and sighed. She realized she could not actually leave the place yet. Her accomplice was meeting her here at midnight.  "So, you said you were celebrating your freedom?" Isabelle placed the glass down and looked at him with a sly smile. "I just came out of prison." Delnard laughed. "You are the last person I can imagine being locked behind bars, Isabelle." He murmured leaning forward "You're too beautiful for prison..." Isabelle had to remind herself to breathe the moment she felt the same feelings she had felt before blacking out. Fainting twice, she would have to kill herself out of sheer humiliation! Again, Isabelle managed to control her feelings and gave a nonchalant shrug changing the subject. "Why Granda?" She asked him instead. Delnard got this soft look on his face and then smiled like he was in some paradise, looking up at the sky filled with stars.  "There's just something about this city that drew me. It's nostalgic and romantic. It actually makes you believe in magic." He gave her another piercing look when he said the word magic. Isabelle wanted to sigh but then she remembered who she is and who her family is. Being a Castillo did not allow much room for whimsical or romance. It was not that she had been banned from girly notions. Far from it, she was treated as a princess. But, the minute she got initiated into the family business, there just was no room for nostalgia or romance or magic in her life. She had seen too much of reality. "I don't believe in magic..." She murmured before she could stop herself. "What? Why?" Delnard blurted out and she just shrugged, ignoring the look he was giving her. It made her skin tingle.  She might not be too experienced with men but the she was not stupid enough to realize that Delnard was giving her the same look her father would sometimes give her mother when he thought she was not looking. Was it lust? Like? Admiration? She did not know but part of her wanted to know. "I bet I can make you believe in magic." Delnard challenged, his blue eyes twinkling.  Isabelle found herself mesmerized and wanting to smile like a giddy teenager with the way he looked. Again, she marveled at how easy it was to banter and be comfortable around him. "Oh really? I doubt that..." She replied but unconsciously leaning forward. He grinned like an eager school boy and asked her to hold up her palm facing him, placing her elbow on the table. Isabelle frowned, wanting to say no but finding herself unwilling to deny him his sport. He was engaging and his positive energy was contagious. She had never allowed herself too much fun with a stranger like him before. "Now, hold still, this might get tricky." He added as soon as her palm was up, facing him. Isabelle watched with giddy curiosity as he began waving his own palm beside her hand, near but untouching.  He wiggled his fingers and asked "Do you feel that?" She giggled and shook her head. She did not have any idea where it was going but it was ridiculously funny and she could not help but laugh when he repeated the same procedure on the other side of her hand, still not touching her but asking if she felt something.  Finally, much to her surprise, he entwined his fingers between the spaces of her dainty hand. Isabelle gasped in time to hear him ask if she felt that.  She blinked and felt electricity shoot out through her entire body and her arm seemed to have been seized by a hundred little bundles of energy, buzzing through her skin. It was delicious, exciting and a totally new feeling for her.  Her eyes met Delnard's and she knew he was just as shocked as she was. Could it be that he felt the same electric surge when their hands clasped together? No, it could not be! But, still… "Do you feel that, Isabelle?" He asked once more, a little breathless this time. She swallowed, unable to take her eyes off his. "What is that?" He smiled a slow, knowing and teasing smile and simply said. "That's magic."  At first Isabelle was taken by the intensity of their gazes and the almost too impossible reality that what she felt was magic. Then, her brain finally caught up and she realized the gist of the whole thing. So, despite the romantic setting and the thrill of it all, Isabelle could not help but burst out laughing. "Oooh... I get it! Nicely played!" She managed to choke out between fits of giggles.  Soon, Delnard joined her and both of them were lost in the humor of the situation. Finally, Isabelle felt all laughed out and she realized that they were still holding hands and Delnard had gone completely quiet. She chanced a glance back up to his face and her breath caught once again in her throat. His eyes had changed from crystal blue skies to almost a deeper shade of blue- almost indigo in the semi-darkness of the patio.  He was looking at her intently, like it was the first time he had seen her and that he was trying to sear the memory of her face in his mind. She suddenly felt exposed yet gloriously beautiful.  "Why are you looking at me like that?" She managed to breathe, unable to fight this new sensation of his energy pulling her towards him.  "Like what?" He asked and his sweet breath fanned her face.  Isabelle realized that both of them had leaned towards the middle of the table, their noses only a millimeters apart. If she moved a little bit forward, her nose would touch his.  She took a shaky breath, unable to move away and realizing that she did not want to at all. What was going on? Isabell was hyper aware that he was now clutching her hand tighter. She sighed when she smelled his after shave. He smelled deliciously manly. "Like you want to kiss me..." She croaked out.  Isabelle knew she was treading deep waters, trying to stay afloat and not allowing herself to drown in his deep, gorgeous eyes. "It's because…” He breathed, touching his nose against hers. "I do want to kiss you Isabelle." She almost fainted again but she managed to stay afloat. Did she want to kiss him as well?  Hell yes!  She heard her brain scream along with her heart. She knew this was going to be a huge mistake, she could feel it in her bones. But, Isabelle was also aware she was losing the battle. There was just something about Delnard and the way he looked at her; the way he made her feel all of a sudden. It was as if they had known each other long before they met. "Are you asking or are you telling?" She sighed, starting to close her eyes and just as she completely managed to close them, Delnard's lips pressed against hers.  Isabelle was lost. The kiss was almost too hot and consuming for their first time. Delnard's lips were soft yet a bit hard against her, dominating the kiss. He was not taking it slow. It was as if he needed to consume her with his kiss or else he would die.  Isabelle sighed, unable to keep herself form moaning at the deliciousness of it all. Her lips were tingling- no, they were on fire! Stars seemed to burst behind her eyelids echoing the exploding of fireworks inside her. She could not understand anything except the fact that this was the first mind blowing kiss she had ever experienced in her life.  She felt his hand tighten, clasping her other hand, bringing her closer to him as his free hand delicately cupped her face. He slanted their head to deepen the kiss and both of them heard each other groan with pleasure.  Isabelle whimpered, not wanting to let go but Delnard sensed they were out of breath. He pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers, his breathing ragged.  Isabelle wanted to pull away, run and never look back. What was she doing? There could be no future for her and this guy. It would mean too much trouble and she did not want to drag Delnard Savage into the middle of a messy family affair.  She could not allow him to be on the list. Her family had kept JSE and ELLIOT Enterprises out of their target range and she was not going to change that. But right now, here and in this very moment, Isabelle wanted to not think of anything else but the feelings he had evoked from her. Yes, she could allow herself this one piece of heaven. It would be another prison cell she would willingly close herself into even for just one night before she would accept the key to ultimate freedom at midnight. "Isabelle- that was..." He gasped, touching his nose against hers once more. He sounded like he was trying hard to breathe and Isabelle was in awe of the thought that she had made him just as breathless and delirious. This gave her a new sense of boldness and wit her free hand, she managed to trail it up his neck, grazing his ear and then letting it run through the hair at his nape. She tugged him closer and with a groan, Delnard smashed his lips against hers once again. Isabelle glorified in the feeling.  This second kiss was even more mind blowing than the first. She did not want it to end. It was doing things to her thoughts; her heart and her body. She felt his tongue brush her lower lip and she sighed, almost fainting at the rush of electricity that shot through her entire body. She realized she wanted to taste his lips as well and she shyly let her tongue dart out and run slowly across his bottom lip. Isabelle gasped as his free hand pulled her chin softly and when her mouth opened, Delnard's tongue invaded hers. She felt fire consume her from the inside as his tongue danced with hers.  Isabelle could swear she heard her soul crying in triumph. This was passion and fire. Isabelle did not want it to stop or end. She clutched at his nape, bringing him closer just as he cupped her face once again, angling their head to deepen their kiss more. She moaned with him but then she realized he was no longer kissing her back. In fact, Delnard's head was slipping away fro her grasp. She blinked, angry and sad at the same time because the magic had stopped but then she realized Delnard was knocked out.  "Isabelle Castillo! What the hell are you doing?" She glanced up and gasped, quickly untangling her hand from Delnard. She heard his head thud loudly on the table and she was glad the glasses were far away and he was unscathed. "Alejandro! What have you done?" She hissed, standing up and glaring at her cousin and accomplice.  He was holding an empty bottle of rum and he managed to knock Delnard Savage with a blow on the head. Isabelle gasped and ran her hand through the back of Delnard's head, thankful that there was no cut and found only a small bump that was going to swell soon. "What? I saw you making out with this random guy!" He hissed back, dropping the bottle on the Bermuda covered ground.  "What did you expect? I am a Castillo! Besides, you had no business kissing him, Cielo!" Isabelle growled at him, hands on her hips. "Bobo, Alejandro! You could have seriously injured him!"  "Oh no! I thought, you were injuring him. I mean, you were eating his face, cousin!" He teased. She glared at him and he sobered up. "Whatever. Are you pushing through or are you going to stay here and make out with this guy?" Whatever magic and passion Isabelle was feeling a while ago while kissing Delnard seemed to have been suddenly vacuumed out of her.  What was she thinking? Did she actually believe that this one mind blowing magical kiss was going to help her gain freedom? Should she abandon this chance- this solid, concrete and tangible chance at disappearing and becoming a Castillo no more? If yes- for what? She thought. A dalliance with Delnard Savage? She was not entirely blind to his affairs in the United States.  Magazines and media news have sported him going out with different women -all glamorous and beautiful. There were no reports of him having a steady, long, lasting relationship! Could she be foolish enough that the magnitude of that kiss was enough for him to offer her his heart? Romance that would equal lifetime protection from his family?  Yes, he had been sincere in offering her help but Isabelle doubted Delnard was going to declare undying love and promises of a future with him. No, Isabelle was too much of a realist to even allow that silly notion to take root in her head although, in her heart, she knew a part of her wanted it to be true.  She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. No, she could not sacrifice this chance at freedom when it is already in the palm of her hand. She would take this experience, keep it in her heart forever and hope that when she was completely immersed in freedom and finally allowed to have a life she wanted on her terms, she could meet a guy like Delnard Savage and share the same magic she had with him. Isabelle was not sure why the thought of kissing someone other than the poor guy, knocked out in front of her, made her want to cry. Her heart clenched in sorrow but before she could delve deeper, Alejandro spoke up. "Here, catch!" She looked up in time to catch a wallet in her hands. She frowned and flipped it open. It was Delnard's. "Alejandro!" She hissed. "Why are you getting his wallet? I don't need his cash!"  He grinned. "You look so torn and sad- Like you are going to miss him, Cielo. That's for remembering. Unless you change your mind and decide to stay."  He raised his eyebrow at her and smirked. "I'm going." She replied, with less conviction than she thought she would have. "Let's go then!" He muttered. “For someone who is trying to disappear, you seem so careless, Isabelle. We have to leave now or might as well kill each other to save your brothers from doing us in!”  She was about to place his wallet beside his head but a groan and the sound of voices near the door made her jump. Alejandro quickly seized her arm and yanked her into the dark part of the patio, climbing over the short wall and landing quietly on the street. They made their way silently to Alejandro's waiting rented car and as Isabelle fumbled with the seatbelt, she could not help but turn back and gaze at the cafe called Sofia.  She clutched his wallet in her hands and sat in silence as Alejandro drove off into the night. Isabelle knew she was feeling excited and scared at the same time but she also noticed how suddenly, she felt like she wanted to burst out crying. Oddly though, it was not because she was leaving her family behind but rather the fact that she might never have another chance to be with Delnard Savage again.
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