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CHAPTER 2 THE GENEIS The Return Of Lord Drag BUT SADLY for this little ancient town, it didn’t turn out the way they had thought. For the little baby Drag never disappeared with the darkness as they hoped. But rather, he resurfaced out from the darkness to become the greatest and fiercest nemesis ever, to befall humanity – evil Lord Drag. He returned no more to bite just the intestine of a mother, but he returned to bite the very intestine and essence of creation – mother Nature. As a result of his abnormal and unnatural birth thousands of years before, Lord Drag returned to the universe to destroy anything and everything that was normal and natural. Being cast into the darkness so that his memory would be buried in it for good; the darkness didn’t bury him, but rather, it brood him and groomed him into the most volatile force to ever be unleashed against humanity. He was cast away as a baby, but he returned as the commander and prince of darkness; who together with his strange giant armies would take the universe to the levels it had neither dreamt of, nor ever imagined before. There Was An Era! (THE BACKGROUND) RELIVE SOME of the gravest historical experiences that shaped the foundations of our present planet in the chronicles of generations to ever be told. Even though kings do come and go, and kingdoms after kingdoms fade away, but they leave behind the relics of the peculiarities that defined their unique dispensations. The year 14,000BC would ever be remembered for its perplexities and troubles that metamorphosised into the new millennium. The year heralded some of the dumbest fantasies of the human mind to ever be conceived. Those were the eras of betrayals and of conspiracies, in the aspirations and clamor for supremacy among superpowers and kingdoms, by which the earth was laid waste by battles and her soils drenched in blood. And the earth being often insufficient to contain all the warfare, had many warlords took their battles to the outer planets which soon became new battlefields of those eras. Chief and most interesting among them all was the spectacular and strange warfare ever to be conceived - the battle for the soul of mother Nature. FOR LORD Drag having had that strange and an unusual birth by which he was conceived and came out devouring the womb that bore him like a dragon, left his family and the community no choice than to cast him back to the darkness from where he came. But rather than going on to rest in the darkness, he turned it into his brooding ground. The evil seed that once existed in the heart of a newborn as a little dot, soon grew up into the monster, Lord Drag. As a result of his unnatural birth, he vowed to destroy and overturn the course of Nature as the code of existence, and to impose the rule of abnormality and darkness that would see men rear and eat babies like chicken, and also walk on their hands over their heads, upside down. His main vision and goal therefore was to replace light with darkness, and reality with illusions: To corrupt the essence of creation by recreating the universe after his new rule of abnormality. Lord Drag therefore, lifted up his sword from the outer darkness and brought it down upon the planet, as he successfully drove his campaign against the rule of nature, from post to post, and from pillar to pillar. Wherever he went, he supplanted nature with abnormality, light with darkness, and reality with obscurity. By establishing his reign of illusions and shadows over the universe and mankind, Lord Drag sought to ascend the highest seat of control and power. And he reveled in the ambition as nation after nation fell unto him, and kingdom after kingdom surrendered to his government. In the optimism of his glaring victory and the ultimate realization of his dream which before his eyes was becoming a reality, Lord Drag decided to change his name a bit to conform to his anticipated status as the ultimate master of the universe; rather than bear a name that was derived out of another name (He had been named Drag as a short form of dragon). He would not share even the glory of his name with any other creature. He therefore changed his name to Dregg instead of Drag(on); and became Lord Dregg the prince of darkness. Lord Dregg hence, empowered by the potency of his grand sorcery which he contracted from his dark world, together with the might of his strange single-eyed giant armies, had the world as a sweeping booty under his claws. Having therefore changed his name to conform to his anticipated status, Dregg began efforts to harmonize his gains across all the kingdoms of the planet. He successfully carried that through until he landed in the little kingdom of Mondrass. There, he was taken aback, for he met with his first and only true resistance – King Zein. The resistance of king Zein and the people of Mondrass to the evil reign and ideologies of Lord Dregg not only shocked the self acclaimed master of the universe, but it also excited a new flare of rage and fury that would sweep humanity like a tsunami, and turn Mondrass into his new battle-zone of the millennium. However, in spite of all, King Zein together with his people, would neither back down to obscurity nor ever allow the rule of nature to be overturned as far as Mondrass, their kingdom was concerned. The feud between Dregg and Zein would therefore go on to become the most popular phenomenon of the millennium, which would later play into plots upon plots, tears as well as joys, victories as well as loses, including comedies. They would in the later years to come become the stories which exemplified loyalty and patriotism, and reform our culture as they are relayed through various means such as music, films, books, poetries, etc including the epic seasons of the book – the Mask of Witness (1, 2, 3).
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